Art and Design An Introduction to S 1&2 Curriculum for Excellence In S1/2 there is a strong focus on, and an understanding of, the Visual Elements and how this can be applied to the practical tasks set throughout the 2 year course. Pupils work with a variety of media and reflect on personal choice and interest. Staff involve their areas of expertise to motivate, artistically stimulate and challenge pupils to perform to the best of their ability. Pupils are introduced to evaluation and reflective practise at the end of each activity, to communicate thoughts and understanding with each other, using appropriate artisic terms and language. Home learning tasks are used to encourage parental responsibility and involvement and to let individual pupils become independant through personal research. Pupils are encouraged to become aware of the world around through being inspired by Design and Designers, Painters and Paintings from different periods of Art History. Pupils are encouraged to visit galleries and web-sites of galleries to broaden their appreciation of the world of Art and Design.This re-inforces the four capacities that are promoted within the Curriculum for Excellence. Art and Design The S1 Course A Curriculum for Excellence . The S1 course aims to be an enjoyable experience for pupils and one that is a foundation for other levels of education within the school, The course provides opportunities to work on cross-curricular projects and to give pupils the experience of working in conjunction with other departments on exciting and innovative projects from fashion to animation to stage production. S1, along with S2, provides a breadth and range of activities for pupils to undertake, allowing them to gain confidence in themselves and their work. The Art & Design staff encourage a high standard of work and strive to support pupils in a learning and teaching environment which encourages individual responses to units of work. The department promotes a positive ethos and provides the pupils with a stimulating and resourceful place in which to work. Pupils are encouraged to work mainly from first hand sources and experiences to build up an understanding of artistic terms, to work on sketchbook techniques at home and to take responsibility and pride in the art work they produce. Expressive Unit. This will mainly be a Drawing and Painting unit with a teacher negotiated theme. This unit builds on previous experience of the elements LINE, TONE, TEXTURE and COLOUR. Pupils are encouraged to work from first hand sources and the unit centres around the subject matter, methods and materials of the artist. Pupils are encouraged in self-expression with a range of media, using a variety of drawing and painting techniques, and produce individual expressive pieces of work. The main paint experience within this unit is poster paint, with colour mixing/colour theory a focus. For Evaluating & Appreciating, pupils are given the opportunity to view and comment on the work of a specific painter or painters. 3-D Unit. This short unit focuses specifically on clay handling techniques, considering the elements FORM, SHAPE and TEXTURE. This unit is aimed at introducing pupils to basic clay processes, and the safety issues related to working with this media. The specific clay handling techniques tackled are PINCH, COIL and SLAB this could lead on to a development in model-making, mask- making or decorative panel-making. Evaluation is an important part of all our S1 units as it allows pupils to reflect on what they have learnt and identify strengths and development needs. Design Unit. The main Design unit will focus on the Design Process and consider the elements SHAPE, COLOUR and PATTERN, working from both first and second hand sources. Pupils will gain an understanding of the importance of a Design Brief and learn about the restrictions of working to this brief. Awareness of target markets and design issues will also be a focus, with Evaluating & Appreciating forming an integral part of this unit. All three units will run continually throughout the year and are open to interpretation by all art staff, building on areas of interest and expertise. This flexibility will give teachers a freedom to explore their own artistic interests and develop their own creativity which will be beneficial to all the pupils in class
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