What Must I Do to Be Saved? Condolences - Condolences to Bro. Henry Shelton in the loss of his niece Tina Fenton. Married Ministry - “A Couples of Forever”, will have a devotion in the Fellowship Hall on Friday, May 22nd from 7-9pm. The topic will be Financial Stewardship. A sign-up sheet will be in the foyer for all those that desire to attend. Please see the Bateman’s, Shelton’s, or Napper’s for additional information. Celebration - The Recovery group will celebrate three years as a group on June 2nd from 7pm-8:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. All are welcome. Gospel Meeting - Bro. J.K. Hamilton will return to host our Gospel meeting, Sunday, June 7th–Wednesday, June 11th. 7pm weeknights. Single’s Road Trip - The Single’s trip to Sweetie Pie’s has been postponed to Saturday, June 13th to St. Louis. The bus will be leaving at 6am. If you’d like to attend please see Bro. Thomas James or call him at 696-8808. Youth News - Attention all youth ages 12 thru 19 years old, June 26th–29th the Midwest Youth Conference will be held in Harvey, IL. If you are interested in attending please see Bro. Ryan Lawson or Sis. Angie Moore. Hiring - Harvey and Kia Harrington are looking for part-time employees for their Commercial Cleaning company. Information on how to contact them will be on the tables in the foyer. Hiring - Foster Transportation is hiring! Full and part time driving positions are available. Flexible work schedule. Weekly income ranging from $400-$1000 a week depending on driver availability. Needing a full time Intake Specialist and a part or full time Billing & Claims Specialist. Please call 966-7287 to set up an interview today!! Celebrating 20 Years - You are cordially invited to celebrate with Bro. Lamar Davis and Sis. Sheila Davis as they celebrate 20 years in ministry. The celebration will be Sunday, June 14th at the Eagle Creek Church of Christ. Additional information is available in the foyer. “TODAY IF YOU HEAR HIS VOICE, DO NOT HARDEN YOUR HEARTS.” HEBREWS 4:7 HEAR THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST ROMANS 10:17 BELIEVE IN CHRIST HEBREWS 11:6, MARK 16:16 REPENT OF PAST SINS LUKE 13:3, 5 ACTS 2:38 CONFESS FAITH IN CHRIST ROMANS 10:8-10 BE BAPTIZED FOR REMISSION OF PAST SINS ROMANS 6:3, GALATIANS 3:27 LIVE FAITHFULLY UNTIL DEATH 1 CORINTHIANS 15:58 Ladies News Meeting - The Decorating Committee will be meeting on May 16, 2015 at 11:00 AM to discuss decorating needs for the Ladies Inspiration Day, which is on June 6, 2015. Please bring examples of centerpieces and flower arrangements. Also, if you are interested in becoming a member of the decorating committee, please plan to attend this meeting. Thanks, Sister Vanessa Mitchell and The Decorating Committee. Ladies Inspiration Day - Our annual Ladies Inspiration day will be held June 6th featuring Sis. Carole Hamilton the wife of Bro. J.K. Hamilton. Help Needed Brooklyn Cantrell - Brooklyn is in Christian Debutante Cotillion. She is in need of your support. You can either sponsor an ad or purchase a $10 fashion show ticket. The Fashion show will be May 30th at 7pm. It will be held at New Spiritual Life Church @ 6062 East 46th Street 46226. If you want to purchase a business ad they range from $25-$100. Please see Brooklyn for further info. Sponsors Needed - Thank you to everyone who has donated towards my performing arts trip to Disneyworld! I love you all. You can now donate online at gofundme.com/disney4preciousc. Prayer Requests Carolyn Gordon Spells Delores Chambers Dovey Hatchett Eric Powell and Nita Lovie Smith Quanii Williams Peggy Bell Brittany Collins and family Quintin Hatchett Kibi Pryor Will Vancleave Willa Dean Booker James Cunningham Lena Heffner and Dre'Shon Tawanna Searcy Tawana Ware Brooklyn Cantrell Jean Harris Carol Karnes Mary and Michael Shelton Sabrina White and Jermaine Sick & Shut - In Margeree Barringer Helen Bratton Rosie Bryant Dorothy Hutcherson Shirley Murphy Norma Smith John Greer Carl Booker Pauline Brown Greg Fletcher Charles Martin Johnanna Price Arrettia Stott Bettye Greer Carlett Booth William Brown William Hudson Eunice Martin Sallie Pulse Carrie Trice Kevin Fleming Sharon Bowling Linda Bryant Joan Hunter Barbara Monger Bridgette Reid Irene Walters Betty Tooley *If you or someone you know needs to be added or removed from the Sick & Shut-in list please advise the church office. We extend a warm hand of fellowship to those visiting with us. Please fill out a yellow visitors card so that we can welcome and acknowledge you at the appropriate time. For your children we have an infant and toddler nursery available to the rear of the sanctuary. We offer a junior worship service which provides an age appropriate lesson for your older children. Feel free to join us as we lift praises to God. If you have any questions or concerns please contact one of our friendly ushers or members. If you need a ride on the church bus please contact Sis. Sylvia Echols at 317-560-8207. ANTHEM INSURANCE ALERT A data breach has occurred at Anthem Health Insurance Co. (Blue Cross - Blue Shield). Indiana Attorney General, Greg Zeller, suggests protecting your credit and your ID by contacting or visiting: Indianaconsumer.com and initiating a credit freeze. This credit freeze may be lifted only by you at any time and at no cost, should the need arise. MEN TO SERVE —— MAY 10, 2015 7:30 A.M. 10:00 A.M. CALL TO WORSHIP PRAISE LEADER SCRIPTURE R’SP READING PRAYER COMMUNION OFFERING SERMON RESPONSE TEAM CALL TO WORSHIP PRAISE LEADER SCRIPTURE R’SP READING PRAYER SERMON RESPONSE TEAM ANN/VISITORS COMMUNION OFFERING ANN/VISITORS BENEDICTION BENEDICTION 5:00 P.M. C. O’BANION S. PRICE T. BONNER D. HUDSON W. VANCLEAVE S. HUBBARD D. HUDSON/ S. BATEMAN E. HARRIS S. WARREN C. O’BANION/ S. HUBBARD G. LAURIE CALL TO WORSHIP PRAISE LEADER SCRIPTURE R’SP READING PRAYER SERMON RESPONSE TEAM COMMUNION OFFERING ANN/VISITORS Where God is Glorified, Saints are Sanctified, and Lives are Changed! Kingsley Terrace Church of Christ 2031 E. 30th Street Indianapolis, IN 46218 317.924.9055 * Fax: 317.924.9172 * www.ktcoc.com OUR LEADERSHIP TEAM BENEDICTION 1 Corinthians 15:55-58 Leader Vs. 55: “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” Congregation Vs. 56: The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. Leader Vs. 57: But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Congregation Vs. 58: Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. May May 20th - Annual Spring Revival, featuring Bro. Thomas Fitzgerald, Jr. from Forney, Texas, Hovey Street May 22nd - Married Couple’s Devotion, 7-9pm May 31st - Unity Service, Kingsley Terrace, 5pm June June 2nd - Recovery Group 3 year Celebration June 6th - Ladies Inspiration Day featuring Sis. Carole Hamilton June 7th - 11th - Gospel Meeting featuring Bro. J.K. Hamilton June 13th - Single’s Trip to St. Louis, Departing 6am June 14th - Father's Day Breakfast June 20th - Annual ABC’s of Manhood Conference June 26th - 29th - Midwest Youth Conference, Harvey, IL July July 9th-18th - Guatemala Mission Trip July 18th - Riverside Cookout July 31st - August 1st - Youth Christian Classic Weekly Bible Reading Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Philippians 4:6-7 1 John 1:7 Isaiah 59:15-16 Luke 10:19-20 Romans 8:17 Colossians 1:22-23 Psalm 31:23-24 SUNDAY, MAY 10, 2015 The Church God's Design Hebrews 10:23-25 When you hear the word "church," do you picture a little white building full of smiling people in fancy clothes? As lovely as that image may be, God's design for church is unrelated to it. He created the church to be a unified fellowship of believers who encourage each other and carry out His ministry to the world. RESPONSIVE READING 2015 Calendar Events Welcome! SENIOR MINISTER STANLEY J. HUBBARD 317.849.4268 ELDERS DWAINE HIMES STEPHEN WARREN STEVE TORAIN 317.923.2104 317.542.9616 317.299.8786 Clean Humor SENIORS MINISTRY & OUTREACH MINISTER WILLIE PARHAM 317.268.6798 DEACONS THOMAS WILLIAMS, SR. ERIC HARRIS, SR. STERLING MOORE, SR. 317. 842.8556 317.897.9467 317.340.0573 The Bible clearly defines the following as ministries of the church: worshiping the living God, instructing and edifying believers, making disciples of all nations, and serving the needy. Unless the leadership is careful, however, these purposes can all too easily get out of balance, with the unfortunate result that the body ends up malnourished. For example, a church with too heavy an emphasis on praise might become introverted. Congregations that overemphasize teaching could lose their joy, and those that evangelize to the neglect of the other areas could miss out on great faith. Because of sin and human imperfection, we do not experience church as it was originally intended. Instead, there's a tendency to overstress certain ministry areas. What's more, divisive arguments--many of which concern minor issues, such as music preferences--too often destroy unity. Greed, pride, selfishness, and gossip can also tear a congregation apart. Since they're composed of imperfect people, churches will be imperfect too. Though expecting anything else leads to disappointment, we should nonetheless strive for God's original design, continually measuring ourselves against Scripture and correcting course to realign with His purpose. Selected WEEKLY SCHEDULE SUNDAY: SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:00A.M. MORNING SERVICES 7:30 A.M. *except last Sunday of the month or otherwise noted & 10:00 A.M. EVENING SERVICE 5:00 P.M. WEEKLY BIBLE CLASSES MONDAY: KERUX CLASS 6:30 P.M. LADIES BIBLE CLASS 7:00 P.M. TUESDAY: BIBLE CLASS 10:00 A.M. WEDNESDAY: BIBLE CLASS 7:00 P.M. FIRST PRIN’PLS 7:00 P.M. THURSDAY: MEN’S BIBLE CLASS 6:30 P.M. ERNIE MOORE: OFFICE MANAGER erniemoore@ktcoc.com M-F 8:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M.
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