yUUper Newsletter Keweenaw Unitarian Universalist Fellowship “We affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every person.” Sunday Mornings at 10:30 July 2015; Vol. 30, #7 BHK Building (700 Park Ave., Houghton). Enter on North Side, off Waterworks Drive Rev. Gabi Bids Farewell July Event Schedule July 5: “Patriotism and Religion.” Rhianna Williams will explore the history and similarities between patriotism and religion; two powerful ideas that bring people together while also dividing them. July 12 “Advanced Underwater Sensing at the Great Lakes Research Center,” New underwater sensing capabilities at Michigan Tech's, Great Lakes Research Center (GLRC) have created new research opportunities never before possible. We are now able to "see with clarity" approximately a football field on either side of our vessels with advanced sonar systems. July 19: Michaux Moore and Jack Jobst will continue a discussion on Building Your Own Theology. Potluck and Book Sale Today. Adopt-A-Highway Sets July Pickup Dates July 26: “Leadership: What does leadership mean in the context of our faith tradition and in its practice?” Will Cantrell, former Board President and a member of the Ministerial Search Committee, will share pivotal questions (and, maybe, answers) on leadership that have occurred to him in the recent past. Board meeting today in the KUUF Office at 12:30. Everyone welcome. Keweenaw UU Fellowship Reverend Gabi Parks ends her interim duties to applause and thanks from all. She now prepares for her move to State College, Pennsylvania and a new Interim position. “I was intimidated at first by the Copper Country winter weather, but everyone in KUUF has been wonderful,” she told the well-wishers on Sunday, June 21st, at her last service with us. July 2015 The KUUF Picker-UUpers missed the first Adopt-A-Highway date of 2015, but we have another opportunity from July 11-19. Susan Hooker has graciously volunteered to be coordinator, and she will distribute bags and vests on Saturday, July 11th at 10 am—SE corner of Econo parking lot in Houghton. Those wishing to pick up on their own should call Susan (370-3181) so she can assign a highway section. Vol. 30, #7 Page 2 ‘There is Work to be Done’ Linda Belote Begins her Presidency Thank you for electing me your KUUF president for the next two years. I am looking forward to working with everyone to make the coming year one of our best ever. We have learned a lot from Rev. Gabi, and she has given us some challenges to address. Our new minister, Chris Rothbauer, will begin his service with us in midAugust. In the meantime, Rhianna Williams has already made plans for the regular services, and Horst Schmidt has set up the forums during July and early August. We are indeed, as Will Cantrell, my predecessor is so fond of saying, “the church that runs itself.” In order to continue doing this well we will need volunteers for three ad hoc committees: 1) a 30th anniversary committee to plan the celebration of this event in September; 2) A Music Director evaluation committee to have their work completed by the end of October; and 3) An Installation/ Ordination Committee to work with Chris in planning for this major event. Chris has asked Amlan Mukherjee to chair this committee, and Amlan has agreed to do so. If you are willing to serve on any of these committees, let me know: lsbelote@mtu.edu _ Linda Poetry Book Now Available Writer and KUUF member, Tom Hoornstra, has announced that his recent book of poetry, Song of Ascents, is now available through Amazon. Keweenaw UU Fellowship Annual KUUF Potluck Picnic Set for August 30 Mark your calendars for the KUUF Annual Potluck Picnic, Sunday August 30th, at the Marsin Nature Retreat Center (on Red Brick Road, West of Houghton). Fellowship Members, friends, and newcomers are welcome to join us for an afternoon of food, friendship, games, and music. Contact Rhianna Williams at mistressoflarry@gmail.com for more information or to volunteer with setup. Deadline Set for August Newsletter Tuesday, July 21st, is the final day to submit material for the next newsletter. The staff, however, appreciates material submitted earlier, if possible. Marine Life Researcher to Speak at July Forum Guy Meadows, PhD Purdue, will speak on “Advanced Underwater Sensing at the Great Lakes Research Center” for our July forum on the 12th. Dr. Meadows’ teaching reaches beyond the University setting to less formal environments, and includes five nationally televised documentaries for the History and Discovery Channels. Green Book Group Seeks Titles Please submit to Linda Belote by July 15th your nominations for Fall books to be read by Green Sanctuary Book Group. lsbelote@mtu.edu . July 2015 Vol. 30, #7 Page 3 Remember to Collect a Summer Water Sample program. The book will be ready for check-out in July Bob Fiandt Rev. Chris has asked everyone to save a small amount of water for a fall service. If possible, save a sample that has meaning for you, such as salt water from a wave you caught at the beach, the well water from your summer cottage, or a few drops from a California tap. KUUF Library News Recently Rev. Gabi led a series of classes on “Building Your Own Theology,” which is offered occasionally. Are you interested in learning more about the program, to see if it is worth your time when offered again? If so, then our ibrary has the book for you: Richard Gilbert’s Building Your Own Theology. Build Your Own Theology (BYOT) is a workbook, with eight worksheets, so if you want to actually use them, you would need to photocopy the pages. The goal of BYOT is to develop a personal credo that you write for yourself, as opposed to a creed, which is written by someone else. Ideally, the book is designed to be used in a group setting, but it could be used by an individual, with the understanding that the person will not get the critical feedback that he or she would otherwise receive. The book offers many creative writing activities designed to help you realize your credo. Participants write in a notebook or journal, and keep adding to it, revising over the course of the Keweenaw UU Fellowship Rev. Gabi welcomes back KUUF member, Pete Ekstrom, who has been ill. KUUF Annual Meeting Election Results KUUF members met on Sunday, June 7th for the election of new officers. President: Linda Belote Vice President: Janeen Stephenson (Note: The secretary has been elected to a one year term to re-sync election of Secretary and Treasurer in even years): Secretary: Jenn Donovan Board of Trustees: Shirley Galbraith and Amlan Mukherjee Nominating Committee for the 2016 Annual meeting: Harriet King Melanie Watkins July 2015 Vol. 30, #7 Page 4 “Ode to Rev. Gabi” To honor our interim minister, Linda Belote, Nanno Rose, Cindy Enderby, and Carol Ekstrom wrote lyrics based on the early 20th century pop tune, “Ka-ka-kaKaty.” At the end of the June 21st service, the final one Dr. Parks would lead for us, with Alex playing the piano to keep everyone in time, all in attendance sang the song to her. O Reverend Gabi, Dear Doctor Gabi, You’re the m-m-m-minister whom we adore. When you came to us, Your spirit came through us. We became UUs for eh-eh-eh-evermore. O Reverend Gabi, dear Dr. Gabi, O Reverend Gabi, dear Doctor Gabi, Fun and wisdom mixed each Wa-Wa-WaWednesday morn. Roy’s was your favorite, Pastry, a big hit. It’s where UU Kaffee-ka-ka-ka-latch was born. O Reverend Gabi, dear Doctor Gabi, Seven principles exemplified in you. You do remind us, Of social justice, And to our fa-fa-fa-fellowship be ever true. O Reverend Gabi, dear Doctor Gabi, K U U will long re-meh-eh-eh-ember you. Our chalice lighter, Narrative writer, Please come to visit every ye-eh-eh-eh-ear or two. You taught us to ba-ba-ba-build theology. We have no creed, so We each wrote a credo, Focused on our personal reality. Keweenaw Unitarian Universalist Fellowship PO Box 276 Houghton, MI 49931 Keweenaw UU Fellowship July 2015 Vol. 30, #7
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