UUFLG Mid-Week Update January 21st, 2015 ***** Sunday Service: January 25th, 2015 10:30 AM Overcoming Change Immunity Rev. Fa Jun, UUFLG Minister Katie Rall ~ Worship Associate Dave Coldren ~ Musician What holds you back from the necessary changes in your life? What holds back the people closest to you, the organizations you work with? The country you live in? Are there places where we have grown immune to change? Imagine being able to find the deep blocks that keep you immune to changing, they may not be what you think! Announcements Guided Meditation With Rev. Fa Jun Sunday, January 25th 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM ~~~~~ Farmigo Food Pick Up Wednesdays 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Order Food Online and pick it up at Our Fellowship Building. All of the food comes from local farmers and benefits our fellowship. Tim Connelly is the organizer. If you are interested in more information, please call Tim at 408-608-7497 or write to trconnelly@sbcglobal.net). You can also sign-up at www.farmigo.com/uuflg ~~~~~ Retired UU Men’s Lunch Thursday, January 22 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Retired Unitarian Universalist Men get together for lunch and talk about a wide variety of topics: one’s latest trip, politics, UUFLG issues, favorite jokes etc. There is no program and there is no leader. Bring a bag lunch and something to drink. Contact: Harry Campbell, harryrcampbell@gmail.com ~~~~~ Rev. Fa Jun’s Office Hours (By Appt) Take the opportunity to meet with our minister, Rev. Fa Jun, during regular office hours in the afternoons of those Sundays that he is giving a sermon, and on the third Thursday of the month from 1 PM to 4 PM. ~~~~~ Book Exchange for Adults Sundays UUFLG now has a book exchange for adults. Deposit your books in the bookcase in the office. Take a book, or a few books, in return. Books should be in good condition and no magazines, please. All books are free. ~~~ Compassionate Communication (for friends, family, and couples) Friday, Jan. 23, 7:15 PM-9:15 PM All of us have learned to speak, but have we learned to speak kindly? Can we express our needs that empower others to help us meet them? Do you wish for strategies to effectively communicate with those who can't seem to effectively communicate with you? In this short, evening workshop we will explore essential communication tools that can help a partnership, your work-life, talking with the kids, and more. Our first 40 minutes will discuss some practical details of effective communication strategies, and then, after a break, we'll have time to work with specific issues that are coming up for people in their lives. Come work out your issues with kindness, and learn some of the most powerful methods for creating peace with our speech. ~~~~~ Help Turn an Old House into a New Home for a Young Family! UUFLG will be teaming with Holy Cross Lutheran on Saturday, Jan. 24 and Saturday, March 21 to help Habitat for Humanity renovate a house on Palm Street, near downtown San Jose, for a family of four. Sign-up sheet and volunteer information are in the UUFLG lobby. Sign up for one or both days! ~~~~~ All Ages Potluck Saturday, January 24th 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM Please come to the Fellowship for our Winter All Ages Potluck. Bring a dish to share and enjoy friendly conversation while the kids play. We'll have a children's movie and winter related art project. To RSVP, please contact Katie Stubstad at katiep@pacbell.net or 377-1606. Or just show up!! ~~~~~ UU Principles In Practice - The Interconnected Web - Sunday, Jan 25, 12:30 PM-2:00 PM Whether New to UU-"ism", or a long-time fellowship member, come and explore our fundamental affirmations together. This month we will explore the idea of an interconnected web of life, and ways that we can honor it. Strategies will be discussed for truly honoring our connections in our real lives, taking care of the planet we live on, and having the felt experience of Union. Come prepared for learning, discussing, and connecting together! ~~~~~ SOUP SUPPER and SOCIAL ACTION EVENT, Friday, February 6, 5:30 PM - 9:00 PM Sign up at church, contact Maggi Benson, 408-559-5229 or maggibe@gmail.com, or just show up. 5:30 Snacks, wine and fellowship in the West Room 6:00 Presentation of climate change information and opportunity for action by Rev. Fa Jun 6:30 Soup, salad, French bread, ice cream and sherbet Choice of Apple/Butternut Squash Soup or Chicken Tortellini Soup Adults $8.00 each; Children 4-12 yrs, $4:00 each; infants-4 yrs, free. Wine, $1.00 glass ~~~~~ Use the Feedback Box on the table in the foyer to let us hear from you: What can we do for you? Is there something we should fix? What is new that we could try? ~~~~~ Girl Scout Troop 62301 and Cub Scout Pack 301 Girl Scout Troop 62301 is recruiting girls in grades K-4 and Cub Scout Pack 301 is recruiting boys in grades 1-5. Scouts meet here at the UUFLG. Contact Trisha Bergthold about Girl Scouting at trishabergthold@rocketmail.com. Contact Louis Tieu about Cub Scouting at ltieu@sbayoms.com.
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