“DO YOUR BEST” - Pine Tree Council

Durham Cub Scout Pack 145 invites all Cub
Scouts, Cub Scout Families and friends to the
Sunday, February 8th, 2015
Time: 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM (CHECK IN begins @ 7:30)
Panther Pond, Camp Hinds in Raymond
Prizes will be awarded in multiple categories.
Additional scouting activities are planned.
Scouts will be given a participation patch.
Refreshments will be available with a minimal donation requested.
Early Registration (By 1/31/2015): $5/Scout, $5/Adult
Register day of event: $8/Scout, $8/Adult
Dress for the weather!!!
Extra layers can be removed.
Bait will be provided. However, you may bring your own
bait as well.
Registered participants will have two drilled holes to fish.
Registered participants should bring their own ice fishing
equipment, (traps, jigging poles, buckets…etc.).
Please wear boots on the ice
Parking is at the Camp Hinds parking area. Equipment may be dropped off
at the water’s edge, but parking is in designated parking area.
No unauthorized automobiles on the ice at any time during the event.
Create a banner for your Pack and win a prize. Banners will be judged on
three criteria; Visibility, Design Creativity and Construction.
Name : ______________________________________ Pack # : __________
Phone Number : ___________________
City/Town ___________________________
Email: ___________________________
State: _____
Zip : _______
Total Attending: _______ Youths @ $5/ea = $________
________ Adults @ $5/ea = $________
Total Amount Enclosed : $__________
Make checks payable to the Pine Tree Council (mail/deliver) to :
Pine Tree Council
146 Plains Road
Raymond, Maine 04071
Please direct questions to:
Tucker Adams @ tucker.adams@scouting.org
Mike Chamberland @ 145cubmaster@gmail.com