roundup e-folder flyer - Indian Prairie School District 204

Come Join Us!
Kendall Elementary
Cub Scout Pack 988
Pack meeting and information night
Friday, April 17 at 6:30 p.m.
Kendall Elementary multi-purpose room
All boys entering grades 1-5 are welcome.
Dens will be formed for grades 1 and 2.
Each year, our Cub Scouts participate in great activities like:
Pinewood Derby
overnight camp outs
service projects
overnight trips to Chicago museums
packing meals at Feed My Starving Children
Raingutter Regatta boat races
STEM and nature programs
marching in Naperville parades
family picnics
summer day camps or overnight camps
... and much more!
Come and see all there is to do in Cub Scouts.
For more information, contact Mary Lynn Leland at 630 887-7268
* Distribution of information and materials through the school district does not imply
District 204 endorsement.*