complete details and Registration Information

April 18, 2015 (9:00 A.M. till 4:00 P.M.)
Camp Powhatan
For Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Venturers
This one-day program serves as an all-around introduction to the thrill of outdoor sports
and the importance of conservation. The Trailblazer Adventure Day features a variety of
activities, demonstrations and orientation sessions designed to show Scouts and leaders
what the outdoor lifestyle is all about. All activities are conducted under the supervision of
experienced Trail Guides with an emphasis on safety. This event will have an open format
where participants move between stations at their leisure (some stations will be Cub Scout
or Boy Scout specific).
Information and Rules:
Ÿ The cost per person attending is $12 for those registering by April 11. After
this date the cost per person attending is $15.
Ÿ Check in begins at 9:00 P.M. Friday night and 8:00 A.M. Saturday morning. Maps to
activity locations and more information will be given at this time.
Ÿ Those wishing to camp overrnight must complete a facility use form—Boy Scouts
will be camping in the hill sites and Maxes while Cub Scouts will be in the sites
surrounding the lake (excluding Pinetree). Quiet hours begin at 10 P.M. Water and
flush toilets will be available.
Ÿ Fires must be attended at all times and are allowed only between 4 P.M. and 6 A.M.,
please only build in existing fire rings.
Ÿ No pets, alcohol, or fireworks are allowed.
Ÿ Parking is limited, so please carpool. No parking in campsites is permitted!
Ÿ For safety, fishing may only occur between 8:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. An adult should
accompany youth at all times while fishing! There is a catch limit of 3 trout per
person. Due to the fragile nature of trout, catch and release is not allowed. If you do
not want your fish, please give it to someone who does. Please clean the fish only
in designated areas. Bring your own rod and bait.
Ÿ Housing: If you are new to Scouting and not prepared to tent camp, Camp
Powhatan has a limited number of Adirondacks (8 person open shelters) available.
These structures will be assigned based on order in which registration is received.
Tr ai l B l azer
First Name
Possible activities include:
Ÿ Archery
Ÿ Casting programs
Ÿ Conservation education
Ÿ Fishing for Rainbow Trout
Ÿ Game calling
Ÿ Hunting dogs/obedience
Ÿ Cooking demonstration
Ÿ Craft station
Ÿ Hunting skills/safety
Ÿ Living history
Ÿ Shooting sports
Ÿ Taxidermy
Ÿ Trapping
Registration Includes:
Ÿ Craft and Program Materials
Ÿ Fishing for Rainbow Trout
Ÿ Lunch on Saturday
Ÿ Patches and Recognition Items
Ÿ Ammunition for Shooting Sports
2015 Registration (attach a separate piece of paper if necessary)
Last Name
Adult Youth Grade Pack /Troop Unit # Camping
Total Attending _____ X $12.00 (includes lunch) = $_________ Add $3 per person after pre-registration deadline of 4/11
mCheck Enclosed mVisa mMasterCard mDiscover Account #_______________________________________ Exp.________
Total Amount: $___________Name as it appears on card (please print): ________________________________________________
Refund Policy: We prepare for participants to have a high quality experience by ordering supplies based on pre-registration numbers. After April 12, refunds of fees will
be approved only in the case of death in the immediate family, serious illness, or military obligation.
Email completed form to: | Fax (540) 265-0659
Mail to : Blue Ridge Mountains Council | Trailblazer | P.O. Box 7606 | Roanoke, VA 24019