circular No. To All the State Secretaries, State Associations of The Bharat Scouts and Guides' INDIAN UNION. Dated SUB.: WORLD EARTH DAY ON 22ND , 6FA lzots : 'lgtn Apiil,2ols APRIL 2015. Dear Sir/Magam, World.Earth Day-2O15 lt's our' lurn to We are happy to inform you that the celebrating of year in environmental lristory' +s" nnniu"r""w -1oria o" tt'-" ro"t r""u "xciting join nanos The year in which world lPaders The vear in which economic grouuth a;;'"r.iain"uitity it'" v'"iin'*i'i"1,:9"1"^::i orsanizations divePtbutrrom iL5,'ii'1"1 iii-,n* we ""n""g" "ii'"i" Into renewable-energy solutions Th€se are tough issues money fossil fuels "and put thelr and t-hl survival of life on earth, on.Earth P.ay,w€ tut,i," i" lt's our turn to tn"t togtGi' we can show the world a new direction need vou to take a stand "o iead. So leaders can follow by example and members to observe this We reouest to all our state, district association' units as per the details mentioned below iits"-i"ii'6"y. i;tv i;";;;;;i.-;ii;ii t" "i;;;;;";i Details as rollows: W-RLDEARTH DAY ON APRIL 2015 April 2015 WednesdaY lfs our turn to lead oay tetvvort - Green cities ea-rtn t For more details Demand Renewable E www.eafhdav.orq PhotograPh rc inforabsoindia.oro and pro@bsqindia olg by 3u- Aprlr zu @ through face book' what s up etc' Please give more publicity for this programme Thanking You, Yours :'61q.\ (K.s KUMARA) CTOR DI Copv foMarded for information to:National Headquaners' omce bearers of the Bharat scouts & Guides' - "-" "lriG DIFvYP/19.04.2015
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