HOLIDAY HOMEWORK CLASS – X SUBJECT – ENGLISH 1. Article writing on waste management. 2. PPT on any 3 poets. 3. Speech on water crisis. SUBJECT – COMPUTER 1. Prepare a note on “Auto Desk 3D max”. SUBJECT – SCIENCE 1. What is atomicity? Based on atomicity how molecules are caligorised. 2. Write the names of any lin compounds along with their chemical formula. SUBJECT – MATHEMATICS 1. Exercise 1.2 2. Write about the contributions of Bhaskaracharya. SUBJECT – SST 1. Map work – Soils, Rivers and Dams, distribution of rice, wheat, cotton and jute. 2. Assignment – Different types of soils in India. 3. Album – Pictures or photos of national leaders of india. SUBJECT – SANSKRIT 1. दै �नक� लेखनम ् | 2. सभ ु ा�षतानाम चयनम ् | CLASS – IX SUBJECT – SCIENCE 1. Make a short report on following – I) Hearing Aids (Its basic construction, principal and use ) ii) Ultrasonography (Its basic construction, principal and use) 2. Power point presentation – cell organell. SUBJECT – MATHEMATICS 1. Constructing square root spiral – √2 𝑇𝑂 √15 SUBJECT – COMPUTER 1. Discuss on ‘Social Networking Ethics.’ SUBJECT – SOCIAL STUDIES 1. Mp’s and their constituencies in Kerala. 2. Countries and their capitals – world. SUBJECT – ENGLISH 1. Article writing on waste management. 2. PPT on any 3 poets. 3. Speech on water crisis. SUBJECT – SANSKRIT 1. अस्मद् – युष्मद् सवर्नामशब्दरुपा�ण | 2. �कन्ह� पञ्चधातोः लट̖ , लड़̖ , लट ृ ̖ , लोट̖ , �व�ध�लंग रुपा�ण | SUBJECT – HINDI 1. “इस ज़माने म� स्त्री �श�ा का महत्व” इस �वषय पर अपना �वचार प्रकट क�िजये | 2. सं�ा, सवर्नाम, �वशेषण, �क्रया, �क्रया�वशेषण आ�द क� प�रभाषा �लखकर भेद स�हत �लखकर उदाहरण दे कर व्यक्त क�िजये| 3. प्रेमचंद और ह�रशंकर परसाई, इनमे से �कसी एक क� रचनाएँ पढ़कर उनक� लेखन शैल� पर अपना �वचार प्रकट क�िजये| CLASS – VIII SUBJECT – HINDI 1. “�व�ान एक वरदान है या अ�भशाप” इस �वषय पर प्रद्�कायर् �ल�खए| 2. सवर्नाम के साथ करक �चन्ह जोड़कर �ल�खये और उनसे एक – एक वाक्य बनाइये| 3. सं�ा क� प�रभाषा �लखकर भेद स�हत �लखकर �ल�खए| “लाख क� चू�डयाँ” नामक पाठ से इनके �लए उदाहरण ढूंढ़कर ता�लका म� �ल�खए| SUBJECT – SCIENCE 1. Make a project on Green revolution along with pictures. 2. List the main hydroelectric and nuclear power plants in India. Obtain information about their region they serve. SUBJECT – MATHEMATICS 1. Write 10 pair of rational number. Prove closure property, commutative property, associative property for addition and multiplication for these numbers. 2. Draw number line for any 10 rational numbers. SUBJECT – SOCIAL STUDIES 1. Collect pictures and information about the Rani of Jhansi, Tipu Sultan, Robert Clive and Lord Dalhoussie. 2. Prepare an assignment on Champaran movement and Mahatma Gandhi’s role in it. SUBJECT – COMPUTER 1. Write about various types of Box used in flow chart and their use. SUBJECT – ENGLISH 1. Speech on “Wars are a good way to end conflicts between countries.” 2. Collection of information with pictures and illustrations on Christmas celebration in India. 3. Collection of Christmas cards with presentation in the class. 4. Collection of words have same pronunciation but different spelling. (son-sun) 5. What kind of presents do you like and why? What was the birthday gift that you got recently? SUBJECT – SANSKRIT 1. ‘तत̖’ सवर्नामशब्दरूपम ् �त्रषु �लंगेष|ु 2. �कन्ह� पञ्चधातोः लट̖ , लड़̖ , लट ृ ̖ , लोट̖ , �व�ध�लंग रुपा�ण | CLASS – VII SUBJECT – COMPUTER 1. Explain about ‘different types of virus’. SUBJECT – ENGLISH 1. Preparation of Quiz on Ants. 2. Crossword puzzle exclusively on animals. 3. Collection of rhyming words. (Any 15) 4. Prepare a PPT/ Write – ups on Ants. 5. Biography of any poet you like the most. SUBJECT – MATHEMATICS 1. Pictorial representation of multiplication of decimals. I) 0.3 × 0.5 II) 0.7 × 0.6 2. Representing the following on number line. I) 8 × (-2) II) 5 × (-3) III) 3 × (-5) SUBJECT – SST 1. India – States and capitals. 2. India – Union Territories. SUBJECT – SCIENCE 1. Make a picture album related to modes of Nutrition. SUBJECT – HINDI 1. हम पंछ� उन्मुक्त गगन के पाठ को कंठस्थ कर उसको अपनी पुिस्तका म� शद् ु ध-शद् ु ध �लख कर उसका अथर् �लखे| 2. सं�ा, सवर्नाम, �वशेषण, �क्रया क� प�रभाषा एंव उदाहरण को �लख�| 3. 10 मह ु ावर� तथा 10 लोकोिक्तय� को �लखकर याद कर� | 4. इन्टरनेट मानव के �लए उपयोगी �कस प्रकार से है ? इस �वषय पर एक प�रयोजना तैयार कर� | 5. प्रधानाचायर् को तीन �दन� क� छुट्ट� हे तु एक प्राथर्ना पत्र �लख�| SUBJECT – SANSKRIT 1. अकारांतपुिल्लंग बालशब्दः, व� ृ शब्दः | 2. अकारांतस्त्री�लंग लताशब्दः, मालाशब्दः | 3. नपंस ु क�लंग वनशब्दः, फलशब्दः | 4. ‘पठ̖’ ‘हं स̖’ धातोः ‘लट̖’ ‘लड̖’ ‘लट ृ ̖’ रुपा�ण| CLASS – VI SUBJECT – SCIENCE 1. List of the names of food items eating by the people of different states of India. ( If available paste the pictures also.) SUBJECT – ENGLISH 1. Diary Entry 2. Story Writing 3. Article Writing SUBJECT – MATHEMATICS 1. Arrange in ascending order and descending order – i. 5656, 5650, 6666, 6161 ii. 23540, 25340, 23504, 24530 iii. 7777, 6666, 6268, 5253 2. Write the number names – i. 2345 iv. 5235 vii. 5232 ii. 21780 v. 2935 viii. 5130 iii. 5465 vi. 13567 ix. 1652 x. 1999 3. Write about an Indian Mathematician. SUBJECT – SST 1. Prepare a model of solar system. 2. Write about the planets in the solar system. SUBJECT – SANSKRIT 1. स्वरा�र: व्यंजना�र: च | SUBJECT – HINDI 1. आपके जीवन म� हुई �कसी एक यादगार घटना का वणर्न क�िजये जो आप अभी तक भूल न सके | 2. सं�ा, सवर्नाम, �वशेषण क� प�रभाषाओं को भेद स�हत �लखे | 3. ‘वह �च�ड़या जो’ क�वता को याद कर� तथा उसका अथर् �लख� | 4. 10 मुहावर� , पयार्यवाची तथा �वलोम शब्द� को याद कर पन ु ः पिु स्तका म� �लख� | 5. प्रधानाचायर् के पास तीन �दन� के अवकाश के �लए एक प्राथर्ना पत्र �लख� | SUBJECT – COMPUTER 1. Define software and its types. SUBJECT – ENGLISH 1. Prepare a one minute speech on ‘Homework’. (JAM) 2. “Should homework be abolished”. What in your view on it. 3. Collection of rhyming words. ( Any 15 ) 4. Collection of Quotations. ( Any 10 ) CLASS – V SUBJECT – ENGLISH 1. Ingredients are the things that are used to make a dish. Write down the ingredients used to make your favourite dish. 2. Proverbs are short, wise sayings. Collect ten proverbs and write its meaning in A4 sheet paper. SUBJECT – MATHEMATICS 1. Use some shapes to draw the different sea animals shown in Math-Magic Book-5 (Text book for Maths) page no. 4&5. 2. Prepare a news report about the dangers faced by the fishes in our rivers and seas. And also prepare a news album of the same by pasting such news & pictures from daily newspapers. SUBJECT – EVS 1. Find out the animals around you which have ears bigger than you. ( draw/paste) 2. Find out which animal sleeps longest. 3. Ask your friends about how they feel when they are hungry. ( Atleast 10 friends) 4. Plant a seed observe it growing and draw the stages. SUBJECT – ENGLISH 1. List the noun words from first three chapters of Marigold. 2. Write a paragraph on trees. 3. Learn the poem from unit third. SUBJECT – HINDI 1. राख क� रस्सी, द�ु नया क� छत, फसल� के त्यौहार तीनो पाठ� को पढो उनके अभ्यास कायर् को अपनी �हंद� क� कॉपी म� करो | 2. �नबंध �लखो और याद करो: (10 पंिक्त) (क) कोई भी एक त्यौहार पर (ख) पेड़� पर (ग) आपका �वद्यालय 3. सं�ा �कसे कहते ह�? याद करो और �लखो| 4. �वलोम शब्द� को �लखो | कोई 7 5. पयार्यवाची शब्द� को �लखो | कोई 7 SUBJECT – COMPUTER 1. Write about ‘MS Office’ and its features. CLASS- IV SUBJECT – MATHS 1. Write tables from 1 to 15 and learn also. 2. To draw a triangle, a rectangle, a square on A4 sheet paper and colour it. 3. To solve any 15 sums of addition. 4. To solve any 15 sums of subtraction. 5. To solve any 15 sums of multiplication. SUBJECT – ENGLISH 1. Find the rhyming words in the poem wake up? 2. After wake up what you do every day? Write ten sentences. 3. Write an application for sick leave. 4. Write an application for urgent piece of work. SUBJECT – EVS 1. Write 10 living things and non- living things and also collect some pictures and paste them. 2. Write a paragraph on following topics – 10 lines i. School ii. Home iii. Railway station iv. Police station v. Class room SUBJECT – HINDI 1. अपने दै �नक काय� से संब�धत कोई पांच पंिक्तयाँ रोज �लख� | 2. द�पावल� पर एक �नबंध �लख� | 3. हमारा �वद्यालय �वषय पर 10 पंिक्तयाँ �लख� | SUBJECT – COMPUTER 1. Explain about computer history. CLASS – III SUBJECT – COMPUTER 1. Write a note on features of the computer. SUBJECT – ENGLISH 1. Observe the sky in the morning and at night and write the differences that you can find. ( A4 size paper ) 2. Make a flower scrap book. 3. Write the rhyming words of the following – (a) Bees _____ (b) Day_______ (c) Too _________ (d) Day______ (e) Think______ (f) Sing_________ SUBJECT – EVS 1. Write five sentences about your home activities everyday. 2. Write the name of any five vehicles which can move on road and draw their pictures. 3. Make a model of train. SUBJECT – MATHS 1. Write the multiplication table 1 to 15 and learn also. 2. Do the addition – i. 452 ii. 320 +212 +211 iii. 214 iv. 230 +202 +119 3. Do the subtraction – i. 24 ii. 20 iii. 34 iv. 12 -21 -10 -21 -10 SUBJECT – HINDI 1. ‘मेरा �वद्यालय’ के बारे म� पांच वाक्य �लखो | 2. पांच पेज सुलेख �लखो | 3. पांच वन्य जीव� के नाम �लखो | 4. पांच घरे लू जानवर� के नाम �लखो | CLASS – II SUBJECT – HINDI 1. ऊँट का �चत्र बनाकर उस पर पांच वाक्य �लखो | 2. �हंद� क� रोज एक पेज सुलेख �लखो | 3. अ – � तक याद करो |
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