LKG Syllabus 2015-2016 Period Order 1 English Reading/Recognition/Writing – Capital and small letters -Ll, Tt, Hh, Ii, Ee, & Ff. Grammar- Nouns- names of objects. Hindi Swar- v ls v: rd - oral . Grammar- Nouns- names of fruits- oral. Maths Pre-Math skills (Concepts- big/small, tall/short, fat/thin, similar/different, heavy/light, near/far, before/after, slow/fast, in/out, odd one out, sequencing, long/short, up/down objects in pairs, more/less/equal, on/under, front/behind). Shapes- Recognition of square, rectangle, triangle, circle, diamond; describing the shapes in the environment. EVS My School. Managing my time. My Family. My Neighbourhood. Period Order 2 English Reading/Recognition/Writing- Capital and small letters –Aa, Vv, Ww, Nn, Mm, Yy, Kk, Zz & Xx. Grammar- Verbs- Action words. Hindi Vyanjan- d oxZ ls r rd – oral. Grammar- Counting (1-10) oral. Maths Recognition and writing of numbers 1-10 with quantity. Recognition and writing of numbers 1-20 with quantity; missing numbers. Patterns. Myself. My needs- food, clothing and shelter. EVS
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