Kyranthia Live Action Role Playing Spell Grimoire Supplement The spells in this book must be learned in-game and cannot be started with, except for the spells already listed in the core rulebook. Path of Arcane (Air) The Path of Air draws from the elemental forces of wind and lightning. Its elemental opposite is Earth. Spells from the Paths of Arcane cannot be cast while wearing armor, unless you have a skill or ability that allows you to. Elemental Shield - Air Mana Cost: 4 The recipient may call “Shield” to negate the first attack with Air/Lightning in the verbal. This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “I call upon air to make me one with the sky. imbue Shield vs. Air.” Enhance Grip Air Armor Mana Cost: 2 This spell grants the recipient two magical points of Protection. These will be the first points lost in combat, and they cannot be reset. This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “I grant you the protection of Air. Imbue 2 Protection by Air.” Chain Lightning Mana Cost: 10 This spell allows you to throw five consecutive “5 lightning” packets. Incant: “With the power of Air I call forth chain lightning. 5 lightning. 5 lightning. 5 lightning. 5 lightning. 5 lightning.” Claws Mana Cost: 4 This spell allows you to grow claws which can be used in combat for 5 minutes. They cannot be Disarmed but a Maim or Shatter effect will render that limb useless for five minutes. The claws can be no longer than 24 inches. You must provide the phys. reps. This spell cannot be cast on others. Incant: “By the power of Air I cause claws to grow from my hands. Imbue by Air.” Disarm Shield Mana Cost: 6 This spell allows you to Disarm an enemy's shield with a gust of wind. You may throw a packet to call the Disarm Shield effect. Incant: “I disarm you of your shield with wind. Disarm Shield by Air.” Disarm Weapon Mana Cost: 4 This spell allows you to Disarm an enemy's weapon with a gust of wind. You may throw a packet to call the Disarm Weapon effect. Incant: “I disarm you of your weapon with wind. Disarm <weapon> by Air.” Mana Cost: 5 This spell allows the recipient to call “Resist” to one Disarm effect. This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “By the power of Air I enhance your grip. Imbue Resist Disarm by Air.” Greater Air Armor Mana Cost: 4 This spell grants the recipient five magical points of Protection. These will be the first points lost in combat, and they cannot be reset. This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “I grant you the greater protection of Air. Imbue 5 Protection by Air.” Greater Lightning Blade Mana Cost: 10 This spell enchants a blade with lightning that you or another target may wield for 5 minutes. The recipient would call out “Lightning” with each swing. The spell ends if the target drops the weapon, or if the weapon is successfully Shattered. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “With the power of Air I charge your blade with Lightning. Imbue by Lightning.” Light Mana Cost: 1 This spell creates a magical source of light. When this spell is cast you may use a yellow or green glow stick that you may hand off to others. This spell will last until the glow stick dies. Incant: “With the power of air I create a magical light. Imbue by Air.” Lightning Ball Mana Cost: 3 You may throw a packet that causes five points of Lightning damage. Incant: “I call forth a Ball of Lightning. 5 Lightning.” Lightning Blade Mana Cost: 7 This spell creates a sword of lightning that only you may wield for 5 minutes. The spell may not be cast on any other person. You call out “Lightning” with each swing. The spell ends if you drop the weapon. You do not need a weapon skill to be able to use this spell. You must provide your own phys. rep. Incant: “With elemental force I create a blade of Lightning. Imbue by Lightning.” tired that they cannot run. You may throw a packet that causes the Slow effect. Incant: “I call a gust of wind to slow you down. Slow by Air.” Squall Mana Cost: 5 You may throw a packet that causes ten points of Lightning damage. Incant: “I call forth a lightning bolt. 10 Lightning.” Mana Cost: 25 This spell allows you to throw five consecutive “Knockdown” packets. Incant: “With the power of wind I call forth a squall. Knockdown by Air. Knockdown by Air. Knockdown by Air. Knockdown by Air. Knockdown by Air.” Lightning Dart Tornado Mana Cost: 1 You may throw a packet that causes 2 points of Lightning damage. Incant: “I call forth a Lightning Dart. 2 Lightning.” Mana Cost: 8 This spell causes the target to be engulfed in a small tornado, knocking them off their feet. You may throw a packet that causes the Knockdown effect. Incant: “I call forth a tornado. Knockdown by Air.” Lightning Bolt Lightning Storm Mana Cost: 10 You may throw a packet that causes twenty points of Lightning damage. Incant: “I call forth a lightning storm. 20 Lightning.” Open Door Mana Cost: 15+ This spell summons a gust of wind to open a closed door. This base mana cost of this spell is fifteen. If there is a lock there is an additional cost of one mana point per ten seconds of pick time listed on the lock. Incant: “I call upon the Air to blow this doorway open. Imbue by Air.” Repel Mana Cost: 8 You may throw a packet that causes the Repel effect. Incant: “I call forth a gust of wind to repel you from me. Repel by Air.” Shock Mana Cost: 5 You may throw a packet that causes Agony. Incant: “With the power of Lightning I shock you. Agony by Lightning.” Silence Mana Cost: 8 You may throw a packet that causes the Silence effect. Incant: “I call the wind to steal your voice. Silence by Air.” Slow Mana Cost: 3 This spell causes the target's legs to become so heavy and Wall of Air Mana Cost: 7 This spell allows you to create a wall of air that stops all archery and thrown weapons for 5 minutes. If you're hit with any missile weapons, call “Resist.” This spell cannot be cast on others. Incant: “I create a wall of air to protect myself. Imbue by Air.” Path of Arcane (Chaos) Disease effect. Incant: “I call upon chaos to cause disease. Disease by chaos.” The Path of Chaos draws upon the power of destruction and imbalance, and is the primary instrument of the Shadow Binders. Many believe that Chaos magic gives power to the Shadow Lord, so the use of Chaos is outlawed in Kyranthia and may be punishable by death. Chaos is an unnatural force that disrupts the cycles of nature. Those who wield Chaos are known as Enthromancers. Enthromancers have the wicked ability to change some of their incants to mimic those of other schools of magic, in order to hide what they are. Such are the deceitful ways of the Enthromancer. Spells from the Paths of Arcane cannot be cast while wearing armor, unless you have a skill or ability that allows you to. Cause/Cure Wounds Mana Cost: 1+ This spell will allow you to throw a packet that causes one point of Chaos damage per mana spent. If any undead is hit with this spell they are healed. You may touch-cast this spell on undead. It can also be reversed to heal. This spell will then cure one point of damage per mana spent. You must touchcast this version. Incant: “I call upon chaos to cause wounds. X Chaos.” or “I call upon light to cure wounds. X Light.” Cause Weakness Mana Cost: 12 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the Weakness effect. Incant: “I call upon dark forces to cause weakness. Weakness by chaos.” Chaos Lightning Mana Cost: 20 This spell allows you to throw three consecutive “10 Chaos and Lesser Paralyze” packets. Incant: “I call forth chaos lightning. 10 Chaos and Lesser Paralyze, 10 Chaos and Lesser Paralyze, 10 Chaos and Lesser Paralyze.” Agony Mana Cost: 5 This spell allows you to throw one “Agony” packet. Incant: “The Shadow Lord’s grip twists your soul with malice. Agony by Chaos.” Charm Mana Cost: 8 This spell causes the target to treat the caster as if they are best friends. The target does not have to do as you say, but may be more inclined to than normal. This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the Charm effect. Incant: “By chaotic force I charm you. Charm by chaos.” Animate Dead Mana Cost: 10 This spell animates a fresh dead body under the control of the caster. The animated corpse will have body points equal to the maximum body points it had before dying. The corpse cannot talk or use any skills other than weapons. The corpse is immune to Berserk, Charm, Death, Disease, Forget, Heal, Poison, Sleep, Trance, and Waylay. When the animated corpse hits 0 BP it is dead and needs to resurrect. The corpse lasts for 5 minutes or until destroyed. Turn undead lvl 1 will destroy the corpse. Incant: “I call upon dark forces to animate this body. Animate by Chaos.” Choke Mana Cost: 7 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the Lesser Silence and Agony effect. Incant: “I call forth maggots in your throat. Lesser Silence and Agony by Chaos.” Circle of Darkness Berserk Mana Cost: 10 This spell creates a circle of darkness that no living creature except you may enter. The circle can be no larger than ten feet in diameter and must be marked with a black rope provided by you. You may use other skills and abilities but must keep both feet on the ground and stay rooted to that spot. You must call “By my voice, Repel to Living by Chaos” as often as needed until the spell ends. You may not cast this spell on others. The spell lasts until you moves either foot. A Mana Cost: 15 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the Berserk effect. Incant: “By dark forces I cause you to go berserk. Berserk by Chaos.” Cause Disease Mana Cost: 20 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the 0 Desecrate Remove Magic cast on you will end this spell. Incant: “I call upon chaos to create a circle of darkness. Repel to Living by Chaos.” Mana Cost: 15 This spell enables you to repel living creatures from you. You must cross your hands on your chest. You may not use any other spells, skills, or abilities while this spell is in effect. The spell ends when you move your arms or use any game ability. You may call “By my voice, Repel to Living by Chaos” as often as needed until the spell ends. You may not cast this spell on others. Incant: “I call upon dark forces to desecrate my form. By my voice, Repel to Living by Chaos.” Control Lesser Undead Mana Cost: 5 This spell allows the caster to control any lesser undead. They may only follow simple phrases and one word commands. You may throw a packet that causes the Dominate to Undead effect. Incant: “I call upon chaos to control this lesser undead. Dominate to Undead by Chaos.” Destroy All Items Create Lesser Undead Mana Cost: 30 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the “Shatter All” effect. Incant: “Through shadow and darkness I destroy all items on you. Shatter All by Chaos.” Mana Cost: 12 This effect animates a fresh dead body under the control of the caster. The animated corpse will have body points equal to the maximum body points it had before dying. The corpse cannot talk but may use any unused skills it previously had. The corpse is immune to Berserk, Charm, Death, Disease, Forget, Heal, Poison, Sleep, Trance, and Waylay. When the animated corpse hits 0 BP it is dead and needs to resurrect. It will last until destroyed. Incant: “I call upon chaos to create a lesser undead. Animate and Inflict by Chaos.” Destroy Item Mana Cost: 15 This spell allows you to throw a packet that Shatters a specified weapon, shield, or IG item on the target. You must call either “Shatter Weapon,” “Shatter Shield,” or “Shatter <specified item>.” Incant: “Through shadow and darkness I shatter your <specified item> by Chaos.” Create Greater Undead Mana Cost: 20 This effect animates a fresh dead body under the control of the caster. The animated corpse will have body points equal to the maximum body points it had before dying. The corpse can talk, run and may use any unused skills it previously had. The corpse is immune to Berserk, Charm, Death, Disease, Forget, Heal, Poison, Sleep, Trance, and Waylay. When the animated corpse hits 0 BP it is dead and needs to resurrect.. It will last until destroyed. Incant: “I call upon chaos to create a greater undead. Animate and Inflict by Chaos.” Dispel Light Mana Cost: 2 This spell will dispel a magical light on the target. To use the light again the target must cast a new spell. This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the Remove Light effect. Incant: “By dark forces I dispel your light. Remove Light by Chaos.” Dispel Magic Mana Cost: 20 This spell will negate any active magical effects on the target. Magic items and artifacts will retain their effects unless otherwise noted on the tag. You may throw a packet or touchcast the Remove Magic effect. Incant: “By dark forces I dispel all magic. Remove Magic by Chaos.” Curse Mana Cost: 15 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the Curse effect. Incant: “I call upon chaos to curse your spirit. Curse by Chaos.” Dominate Death Mana Cost: 25 This spell causes the target to be completely obedient to the caster, doing whatever is commanded of them. The only commands that will not be followed are if they are told to kill themselves or do anything that makes them uncomfortable OOG. You may throw a packet that causes the Dominate effect. Incant: “With dark forces I dominate your mind. Dominate by Chaos.” Mana Cost: 30 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the Death effect. Incant: “I call upon chaos to rend this soul of it's form. Death by Chaos.” 1 strike when you wish, and it used up when you hit an opponent's legal target area. Incant: “Shadow Lord, make this weapon strike true!” Fear Mana Cost: 10 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the Repel by Fear effect. Incant: “By the dark forces of chaos, I inflict you with fear. Repel by Fear.” Light Mana Cost: 2 This spell creates a magical source of light. When this spell is cast you may use a yellow or green glow stick that you may hand off to others. This spell will last until the glow stick dies. Incant: “With dark arts I create a magical light. Imbue by Chaos.” Feign Death Mana Cost: 5 You are able to slow the target's heartbeat and delay their breathing enough to appear dead. They may negate one Killing Blow. For the next five minutes, when anyone tries to check their vitals, they would respond “Dead”. This can only be touch-cast on an unconscious and stable body. Incant: “By dark forces I inflict you with rigor mortis to appear dead. Imbue by Chaos.” Maim Mana Cost: 7 Duration: Instant This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the Maim effect. Incant: “I call upon chaos to maim you. Maim (right/left) (arm/leg) by Chaos.” Free Undead Mana Cost: 2 This spell allows you to touch-cast or throw a packet that causes the Remove Pin to Undead effect. Incant: “With the dark arts of chaos, I free this undead. Remove Pin to Undead.” Maim All Limbs Mana Cost: 15 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the “Maim All” effect. Incant: “I call upon the Shadow Lord to twist your body in anguish. Maim All by Chaos.” Hide in Shadows Mana Cost: 5 This spell allows you to step into a dark area and blend in. With no one looking, you may step into the shadow and speak the incant. You call “No Effect” to any weapon strikes, spells or other game effects that physically hit you while under this effect. If you move or speak, the spell will end. Any light shone directly on you or within arm's reach will end this spell. If anyone tries to interact with you, you state “Spirit." Any verbal that ends in “ Spirit” or “ Shadow” will end this spell. A “Speak to Spirit” effect will only end this spell if you speak back to them (it does not compel you to speak). A “Detect Spirit” or “Detect Shadow” effect will end this spell as you must call out. You must be wearing a dark cloak to use this spell. Incant: “I call upon the shadow to shroud me in its dark embrace. Imbue by Chaos.” Maim Both Arms Mana Cost: 12 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the Maim effect. Incant: “I call upon chaos to twist your arms and rip them to shreds. Maim both Arms by Chaos.” Maim Both Legs Mana Cost: 12 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the Maim effect. Incant: “I command you to bow before the Shadow Lord and take in all his glory. Maim both Legs by Chaos.” Nausea Leach Body Mana Cost: 5 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the Agony by Nausea effect. Incant: “I summon worms of chaos to sour your stomach. Agony by Nausea.” Mana Cost: 3 This spell will allow you to throw a packet that causes one point of damage to the target. If the target takes the effect successfully (without calling a defense against it), you may immediately after call “Heal 1 to Self.” Incant: “With dark arts I leach one vitality. 1 Chaos.” Paralyze Mana Cost: 12 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the Paralyze effect. Incant: “I call upon chaos to confine you where you stand. Paralyze by Chaos.” Lethal Strike Mana Cost: 10 When this spell is cast on a weapon it allows the wielder to swing for “lethal” for one successful strike. You may use this 2 Puppet Zombie Spell Mimic Mana Cost: 40 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the Death and Animate effects. Incant: “By the Shadow Lords wrath, I destroy your spirit and breathe his essence into your carcass. Death and Animate by Chaos.” Mana Cost: * This spell mimics a spell from another Path of magic. The duration and incant are the same as the spell being mimicked. Mana cost is the same numerically as the original spell as well. This spell will only mimic one spell. To mimic another you would need to learn a new spell mimic. To learn this spell you need an empty spell slot and a spell scroll of the spell you wish to learn. Incant: Special: see above Scream Mana Cost: 2 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes your victim to scream. Incant: “By fear of the Shadow Lord, Lesser Dominate by Chaos: I command you to scream.” Torment Living Mana Cost: 25 This spell allows you to use the “By my Voice, Agony to Living” effect. Incant: “I call upon the Shadow Lord to torment the living. By my Voice, Agony to Living.” Shadow Lord’s Mark Mana Cost: 5 This spell will temporarily mark the soul of a living creature, drawing all spirits and undead to it for 5 minutes. You must provide a red glow stick which the target must wear. The glowstick cannot be removed by any means short of a Remove Magic effect, for 5 minutes. The target must be unconscious or immobile, and you may only touch-cast this spell. Incant: “The Shadow Lord burns his mark on you. Inflict by Chaos.” Trauma Mana Cost: 20 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the Trauma effect. Incant: “I call upon dark forces to shock your body into a critical state. Trauma by Chaos.” Weapon of Chaos Mana Cost: 15 This spell creates a weapon that allows you to swing “Chaos” for five minutes. You may not cast this spell on others. The spell ends if you drop the weapon or it receives a successful Shatter effect. You do not need a weapon skill to be able to use this spell. You must provide your own phys. rep. Incant: “Shadow Lord, grant me a weapon in your name! Imbue by Chaos.” Shatter Mana Cost: 7 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the “Shatter <weapon>” effect. Incant: “With dark arts I Shatter your (weapon) by Chaos.” Silence Mana Cost: 8 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the Silence effect. Incant: “With dark arts I steal your voice. Silence by Chaos.” Slow Mana Cost: 3 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the Slow effect. Incant: “I curse you with grave rot. Slow by Chaos.” Speak with Dead Mana Cost: 3 This spell allows you to communicate with any corpse or undead creature using the Speak effect. The target must be a dead creature. You may throw a packet or touch-cast a willing or helpless target to use this spell. Incant: “I cross the void between life and death to bring your voice forward. Speak to (Dead or Undead) by Chaos.” 3 Path of Arcane (Earth) Disarm Weapon Mana Cost: 4 You may throw a packet to call the Disarm effect. You may not disarm a shield or other item. Incant: “I disarm you of your weapon. Disarm <weapon> by Earth.” The Path of Earth draws from the elemental strength of stone and earth. Its elemental opposite is Air. Spells from the Paths of Arcane cannot be cast while wearing armor, unless you have a skill or ability that allows you to. Earth Armor Mana Cost: 2 This spell grants the recipient two magical points of Protection. These will be the first points lost in combat, and they cannot be reset. This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “I grant you two points of Earth armor. Imbue 2 Protection by Earth.” Avalanche Mana Cost: 10 This spell allows you to throw five consecutive “Five Earth” packets. Incant: “With the power of Earth I call forth an Avalanche. 5 Earth. 5 Earth. 5 Earth. 5 Earth. 5 Earth.” Earth Ball Mana Cost: 3 You may throw a packet that causes five points of Earth damage. Incant: “I call forth a Ball of Earth. 5 Earth.” Bind Mana Cost: 8 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the Bind effect. Incant: “With vines from the ground I bind your arms. Bind by Earth.” Earth Blade Mana Cost: 7 This spell creates a sword of earth that only you may wield for 5 minutes. This spell may not be cast on any other person. You call out “Earth” with each swing. The spell ends if you drop the weapon or it receives a successful Shatter effect. You do not need a weapon skill to be able to use this spell. You must provide your own phys. rep. Incant: “With the power of Earth I create a blade of stone. Imbue by Earth.” Block Door Mana Cost: 15 This spell summons a large stone to block a closed door. If anyone attempts to open the door you would inform them it is “Blocked with Earth.” A sign you provide must be put on the other side that states “This door is blocked from the other side with a magical rock. A Remove Magic effect or Open Door spell will remove the effect.” The caster may end this spell at any time. Incant: “I call upon the Earth to block this doorway with stone. Imbue by Stone.” Earth Bolt Mana Cost: 5 You may throw a packet that causes ten points of Earth damage. Incant: “I call forth bolt of Earth. 10 Earth.” Claws Earth Dart Mana Cost: 4 This spell causes you to grow claws which can be used in combat. They cannot be disarmed but a Maim or Shatter effect will render that limb useless for five minutes. The claws can be no longer than 24 inches. You must provide the phys. reps. This spell cannot be cast on others. Incant: “By the Earth I cause claws to grow from my hands. Imbue by Earth.” Mana Cost: 1 You may throw a packet that causes two points of Earth damage. Incant: “I call forth an Earth Dart. 2 Earth.” Earth Storm Mana Cost: 10 You may throw a packet that causes twenty points of Earth damage. Incant: “I call forth a storm of Earth. 20 Earth.” Confine Mana Cost: 12 You may throw a packet to call the Paralyze effect. Incant: “With earth and plant I confine your body where you stand. Paralyze by Earth.” 4 Elemental Shield - Earth Light Mana Cost: 4 The recipient may call “Shield” to negate the first attack with Earth/Stone in the verbal. This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “I create an elemental shield of stone. Imbue Shield vs. Earth.” Mana Cost: 1 This spell creates a magical source of light. When this spell is cast you may use a yellow or green glow stick that you may hand off to others. This spell will last until the glow stick dies. Incant: “With the power of earth I create a magical light. Imbue by Earth.” Endow Mudslide Mana Cost: 10 This skill grants the recipient a use of the Burst of Strength skill. This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “By the Earth I grant you an endowment of strength. Imbue by Earth.” Mana Cost: 25 This spell allows you to throw five consecutive “Knockdown” packets. Incant: “With the power of Earth I call forth a mudslide. Knockdown by Earth. Knockdown by Earth. Knockdown by Earth. Knockdown by Earth. Knockdown by Earth.” Enhance Grip Pin Mana Cost: 5 This spell allows the recipient to call “Resist” to one Disarm effect. This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “By the power of Earth I enhance your grip. Imbue Resist Disarm by Earth.” Mana Cost: 4 You may throw a packet that causes the Pin effect. Incant: “I pin you to the very earth. Pin by Earth.” Sandstorm Mana Cost: 5 This spell calls forth sand to choke the caster’s target so they cannot speak or fight. Incant: “I call forth a sandstorm to strangle you. Lesser Silence and Agony by Earth.” Fist of Stone Mana Cost: 10 You may throw a packet to call “Knockdown and 5 Stone.” Incant: “I call forth a fist of stone. Knockdown and 5 Stone.” Shatter Greater Earth Armor Mana Cost: 8 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the “Shatter <weapon or shield>” effect. Incant: “With the might of Earth force I shatter your (weapon or shield) by Earth.” Mana Cost: 4 This spell grants the recipient five magical points of Protection. These will be the first points lost in combat, and they cannot be reset. This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “I grant you the greater protection of Earth. Imbue 5 Protection by Earth.” Slow Mana Cost: 3 This spell causes the target's legs to become so heavy and tired that they cannot run. You may throw a packet that causes the Slow effect. Incant: “I call upon earth and stone to slow you down. Slow by Earth.” Greater Earth Blade Mana Cost: 10 This spell enchants a sword with earth that you or another target may wield for 5 minutes. The recipient would call out “Earth” with each swing. The spell ends if the target drops the weapon. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “With the power of stone I charge your blade with Earth. Imbue by Earth.” Smithing Mana Cost: 8 This spell reduces the resources for any smithing components by half (rounded up) for the creation or repair of one item. Incant: “I call upon earth to aid my smithing. Imbue by Earth.” Knockdown Mana Cost: 8 You may throw a packet that causes the Knockdown effect. Incant: “By the power of Earth, I cause you to fall. Knockdown by Earth.” Statue Form Mana Cost: 10 This spell turns you into a statue. While in this state you call 5 “No Effect” to any melee, missile, and packet attacks that hit you except Shatter, which will cause you ten points of damage and ends this spell. The spell ends if you move, speak, or use any game ability. You cannot cast this on others. Incant: “I call upon the earth to make me one with stone. Imbue by Stone.” Stone Skin Mana Cost: 4 The first melee weapon attack that causes more than one point of damage will be Reduced to one. The call for this is “Reduce to 1.” This spell cannot be stacked. You may touchcast this spell. Incant: “I call upon earth to encase your skin with stone. Imbue by Stone.” Strengthen Shield Mana Cost: 10 This spell creates a magical barrier on a shield, allowing it to Resist one Shatter effect. This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “With the power of Earth I protect this shield from breaking. Imbue Resist Shatter by Earth.” Strengthen Weapon Mana Cost: 10 This spell creates magical barrier on a weapon, allowing it to Resist one Shatter effect. This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “With the power of Earth I protect this weapon from breaking. Imbue Resist Shatter by Earth.” 6 Path of Arcane (Fire) Destroy All Items Mana Cost: 40 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the “Shatter All” effect. Incant: “With flame as hot as dragon’s breath I destroy all you have. Shatter All by Fire.” The Path of Fire draws from the elemental essence of flame. Its elemental opposite is Water. Spells from the Paths of Arcane cannot be cast while wearing armor, unless you have a skill or ability that allows you to. Disarm Weapon Mana Cost: 8 You may throw a packet to call the Disarm and Agony effect. Incant: “I heat your weapon to burning. Disarm <weapon> and Agony by Fire.” Dragon’s Fire Mana Cost: 50 You may throw a packet that causes one hundred points of damage. Incant: “I call forth a dragon’s fire to burn you to ashes. 100 Fire.” Agony Mana Cost: 5 This spell allows you to throw one “Agony” packet. Incant: “I wrap you in flame to cause Agony. Agony by Fire.” Elemental Shield - Fire Mana Cost: 3 This spell will Remove a Sleep effect and cause 1 Damage by Fire. This spell must be touch-cast. Incant: “I call upon burning flames to awaken you. Remove Sleep and 1 Fire. Mana Cost: 4 The recipient may call “Shield” to negate the first attack with Fire/Flame in the verbal. This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “I create an elemental shield of flame. Imbue Shield vs. Fire.” Balefire Enhance Grip Awaken Mana Cost: 15 This spell allows you to throw five consecutive “Agony” packets. Incant: “With the power of Fire I call forth Balefire. Agony by Fire. Agony by Fire. Agony by Fire. Agony by Fire. Agony by Fire.” Mana Cost: 5 This spell allows the recipient to call “Resist” to one Disarm effect. This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “By the power of Fire I enhance your grip. Imbue Resist Disarm by Fire.” Cauterize Fire Armor Mana Cost: 2 This spell grants the recipient two magical points of Protection. These will be the first points lost in combat, and they cannot be reset. This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “I grant you two points of Fire armor. Imbue 2 Protection by Fire.” Mana Cost: 2 This spell will instantly stop a player from bleeding out and grant the Stabilize effect. This spell must be touch-cast. Incant: “With searing flame I cauterize your wounds. Stabilize by Fire.” Claws Mana Cost: 4 This spell causes you to grow claws which can be used in combat. They cannot be disarmed but a Maim or Shatter effect will render that limb useless for five minutes. The claws can be no longer than 24 inches. You must provide the phys. reps. This spell cannot be cast on others. Incant: “By Fire I cause claws to grow from my hands. Imbue by Fire.” Fireball Mana Cost: 3 You may throw a packet that causes five points of Fire damage. Incant: “I call forth a fireball. 5 Fire.” Fire Blade Mana Cost: 7 This spell creates a sword of fire that only you may wield for 7 5 minutes. The spell may not be cast on any other person. You call out “Fire” with each swing. The spell ends if you drop the weapon or it receives a successful Shatter effect. You do not need a weapon skill to be able to use this spell. You must provide your own phys. rep. Incant: “With the power of flame I create a blade of Fire. Imbue by Fire.” Incant: “I call forth an inferno to burn you to cinders. 50 Fire.” Lava Burst Mana Cost: 15 You may throw a packet that causes twenty points of Lethal Fire damage. Incant: “I call forth lava to burn you. 20 Lethal Fire.” Fire Bolt Light Mana Cost: 5 You may throw a packet that causes ten points of Fire damage. Incant: “I call forth a Fire bolt. 10 Fire.” Mana Cost: 0 This spell creates a magical source of light. When this spell is cast you may use a yellow or green glow stick that you may hand off to others. This spell will last until the glow stick dies. Incant: “With the power of fire I create a magical light. Imbue by Fire.” Fire Storm Mana Cost: 10 You may throw a packet that causes twenty points of Fire damage. Incant: “I call forth a Fire storm. 20 Fire.” Maim Mana Cost: 7 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the “Maim” effect. Incant: “I call upon fire to maim you. Maim (right/left) (arm/leg) by Fire.” Flame Dart Mana Cost: 1 You may throw a packet that causes two points of Fire damage. Incant: “I call forth a Flame Dart. 2 Fire.” Melt Lock Flame Kiss Mana Cost: 3+ This spell allows you to melt a lock without the use of a key. The mana cost is three mana for every ten seconds of pick time. The lock is destroyed in the process. This spell will not work on magical locks. Incant: “With fire I melt this lock. Shatter Lock by Fire.” Mana Cost: 20 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes five points of Fire damage and Shatters a specified weapon, shield, or IG item on the target. You must call either “Shatter Weapon,” “Shatter Shield,” or “Shatter <specified item>.” Incant: “I call forth flames to engulf you. 5 Fire and Shatter <specified item>.” Melt Weapon Mana Cost: 10 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the “Shatter Weapon” effect. Incant: “I call forth fire to melt your weapon. Shatter <weapon> by Fire.” Forge Mana Cost: 5 This spell will reduce the time of smithing by half (rounded up) for one item. Incant: “I call forth flame to shape this metal. Imbue by Fire” Red Hot Blade Mana Cost: 3 With this spell you are able to heat up a weapon so that it swings 5 Fire on its next swing. It is used up when you hit your target. You may not cast this on others. Incant: “I heat this weapon with fire and flame. Imbue by Fire.” Greater Fire Blade Mana Cost: 10 This spell enchants a sword with fire that you or another target may wield for 5 minutes. The recipient would call out “Fire” with each swing. The spell ends if the target drops the weapon. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “With the power of Fire I charge your blade with flame. Imbue by Fire.” Remove Bonds Mana Cost: 6 This spell allows you to destroy any non-magical bonds that hold a person. The target also takes two points of fire damage. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “With fire I destroy these bonds. Remove Bindings and 2 Fire.” Inferno Mana Cost: 25 You may throw a packet that causes fifty points of Fire damage. 8 archery and thrown weapons for 5 minutes. If you're hit with any missile weapons, call “Resist.” This spell cannot be cast on others. Incant: “I create a wall of fire to protect myself. Imbue by Fire.” Reveal Mana Cost: 8 This spell allows you to light an area enough to reveal someone hiding in shadows. In a conversational tone, you may cast this spell and call out “By my Voice, Detect Shadow by Fire.” Incant: “With fire I search you out. By my Voice, Detect Shadow by Fire.” Weld Mana Cost: 2+ This spell will repair a suit or damaged metal armor. The cost is two mana per point of armor. You must touch-cast this spell. Incant: “With searing heat I weld this armor. Imbue by Fire.” Ring of Fire Mana Cost: 20 This spell enables you to repel living creatures from you. You must cross your hands on your chest. You may not use any other spells, skills, or abilities while this spell is in effect. The spell ends when you move your arms or use any game ability. You may call “By my voice, Repel to Living by Fire” as often as needed until the spell ends. You may not cast this spell on anyone else. Incant: “I call upon flames to create a ring of fire. By my Voice, Repel to living by Fire.” Wildfire Mana Cost: 10 This spell allows the caster to throw five consecutive “Five Fire” packets. Incant: “With the power of Fire I call forth Wildfire. 5 Fire. 5 Fire. 5 Fire. 5 Fire. 5 Fire.” Shield Burn Mana Cost: 12 This spell heats the target's shield and delivers one point of fire damage every second they keep it on their arm. This spell will last for one minute. Incant: “I heat your shield. One fire every second for the next minute while it’s still on you arm.” Silence Mana Cost: 8 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the Silence effect. Incant: “I burn your throat to silence you. Silence by Fire.” Slow Mana Cost: 3 This spell causes the target's legs to become so heavy and tired that they cannot run. You may throw a packet that causes the Slow effect. Incant: “I call forth flames to burn your legs. Slow by Fire.” Trauma Mana Cost: 20 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the Trauma effect. Incant: “I call upon searing flame to shock your body into a critical state. Trauma by Fire.” Wall of Fire Mana Cost: 7 This spell allows you to create a wall of fire that stops all 9 Path of Arcane (Mystic) Claws Mana Cost: 4 This spell causes you to grow claws which can be used in combat. They cannot be disarmed but a Maim or Shatter effect will render that limb useless for five minutes. The claws can be no longer than 24 inches. You must provide the phys. reps. This spell cannot be cast on others. Incant: “By mystic force I cause claws to grow from my hands. Imbue by Mystic.” Legends state that Mystic force is actually derived from the discarded essence of a long-dead race known as the Grigori, or more commonly, “The Watchers”. It is said that they evolved past the need for physical existence, so they took their place in the Sky and their discarded forms is what powers the Path of Mystic. The stars are thought to be these Watchers looking down at us from afar. Spells from the Paths of Arcane cannot be cast while wearing armor, unless you have a skill or ability that allows you to. Communicate Mana Cost: 4 This spell allows you to use the Speak effect to communicate with creatures that normally would not be able to speak. This does not guarantee the target will speak, though. The target must be a living creature. This spell may be packet-delivered or touch-cast. Incant: “By mystic force I enable you to communicate freely. Speak to Living by Mystic.” Confine Acid Mana Cost: 3 You may throw a packet that causes one point of Acid damage. Incant: “I call forth an orb of acid. 1 acid.” Mana Cost: 12 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the Paralyze effect. Incant: “With mystic force I confine your body where you stand. Paralyze by Mystic.” Anti Magic Shield Detect Magic Mana Cost: 10 This spell creates an invisible shield that protects you from all spells for five minutes. You must keep both feet on the ground and cannot use any skills or abilities while this spell is in effect. If you move a foot, use a weapon or shield, or perform any other game ability the spell ends. While the spell is active you call “No Effect” to any packet delivered attacks. Only a Remove Magic effect will dispel this. You cannot cast this on others. Incant: “I call upon mystic force to create an Anti Magic Shield. Imbue by Mystic.” Mana Cost: 6 This spell can be used to detect the presence of magical items, or magical effects that are active on any target, such as defenses granted by magic. In a conversational tone, you may call out “By my Voice, Detect Magic. Incant: “By mystic force I detect magic in this area. By my Voice, Detect Magic.” Disarm Weapon Mana Cost: 4 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the “Disarm <weapon>” effect. Incant: “I disarm you of your weapon. Disarm <weapon> by Mystic.” Bind Mana Cost: 8 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the “Bind” effect. Incant: “With mystic force I bind your arms to your sides. Bind by Mystic.” Dispel Magic Mana Cost: 15 This spell will negate any active magical effects on the target. Magic items and artifacts will retain their effects unless otherwise noted on the tag. You may throw a packet or touchcast the Remove Magic effect. Incant: “By mystic force I dispel all magic. Remove Magic.” Charm Mana Cost: 8 This spell causes the recipient to treat the caster as if they are best friends. The target does not have to do as you say, but may be more inclined to than normal. This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the Charm effect. Incant: “By mystic force I charm you. Charm by Mystic.” Elemental Shield Mana Cost: 7 The recipient may call “Shield” to negate the first attack with 10 either Air/Lightning, Earth/Stone, Fire/Flame, or Water/Ice in the verbal. This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “I create an elemental shield. Imbue Shield vs. Elemental by Mystic.” guard my back. Imbue by Mystic.” Forget Mana Cost: 15 This spell causes the target to forget the last hour of their life. You may throw a packet and call “Forget by Mystic.” Incant: “Through mystic force I cause you to forget the last hour. Forget by Mystic.” Enchant Weapon Mana Cost: 7 This spell creates a sword of magic that only you may wield for 5 minutes. The spell may not be cast on any other person. You call out “Mystic” with each swing. The spell ends if you drop the weapon or it receives a successful Shatter effect. You do not need a weapon skill to be able to use this spell. You must provide your own phys. rep. Incant: “With mystic force I enchant this weapon. Imbue by Mystic.” Gate Message Mana Cost: 5 This spell allows you to magically send a note or scroll to a specific location. Bring the note to Monster Camp. You may not get any immediate reply. Incant: “Through the gates of magic I send this message to X. Imbue by Mystic.” Endow Greater Enchant Weapon Mana Cost: 10 This skill grants the recipient a use of the Burst of Strength skill. This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “By mystic force I grant you an endowment of strength. Imbue by Mystic.” Mana Cost: 10 This spell enchants a sword with magic that you or another target may wield for 5 minutes. The recipient would call out “Mystic” with each swing. The spell ends if the target drops the weapon. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “With Mystic Force I charge your blade with magic. Imbue by Mystic.” Enhance Grip Mana Cost: 5 This spell allows the recipient to call “Resist” to one Disarm effect. This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “By mystic force I enhance your grip. Imbue Resist Disarm by Mystic.” Greater Sleep Eyes I Light Mana Cost: 20 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the Greater Sleep effect. Incant: “By mystic force I force you into a deep sleep. Greater Sleep by Mystic.” Mana Cost: 3 This spell will allow you to call “Guard” to negate the first attack you receive with the Waylay trait. This spell cannot be stacked or cast on anyone else. Incant: “Through mystic force I create a set of eyes to watch my back. Imbue by Mystic.” Mana Cost: 0 This spell creates a magical source of light. When this spell is cast you may use a yellow or green glow stick that you may hand off to others. This spell will last until the glow stick dies. Incant: “With mystic force I create a magical light. Imbue by Mystic.” Eyes II Magic Armor Mana Cost: 5 This spell will allow you to call “Guard” to negate the first melee Damage attack you receive from behind. This spell cannot be stacked or cast on anyone else. Incant: “Through mystic force I create a set of eyes to protect my back. Imbue by Mystic” Mana Cost: 3 This spell creates a magical barrier around the target that will allow them to call “Guard” to negate the first melee weapon attack they receive. This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “I grant you a Magic Armor. Imbue Guard vs. Melee by Mystic.” Eyes III Mana Cost: 15 This spell will allow you to call “Guard” to negate the first melee Death attack you receive from behind. This spell cannot be stacked or cast on anyone else. Incant: “Through mystic force I create a set of eyes to Magic Missile Mana Cost: 1 You may throw a packet that causes two points of Mystic damage. 11 Incant: “I call forth a magic missile. 2 Mystic.” components. Incant: “With mystic force I mend this item. Imbue by Mystic.” Mystic Armor Mana Cost: 2 This spell grants the recipient two magical points of Protection. These will be the first points lost in combat, and they cannot be reset. This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “I grant you two points of mystic armor. Imbue 2 Protection by Mystic.” Resist Shatter Mana Cost: 10 This spell allows the recipient to call Shield against the next Shatter effect they receive. This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “I protect you from the next shatter. Imbue Shield vs. Shatter by Mystic.” Open Lock Mana Cost: 1+ This spell allows caster to open a lock without the use of a key. The mana cost is 1 for every ten seconds of pick time (rounded up). Incant: “With mystic force I open this lock. Imbue by Mystic.” Shatter Pin Silence Mana Cost: 4 You may throw a packet that causes the Pin effect. Incant: “With mystic force I pin you to the very earth. Pin by Mystic.” Mana Cost: 8 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the Silence effect. Incant: “With mystic force I steal your voice. Silence by Mystic.” Mana Cost: 15 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the “Shatter <specified item>” effect. Incant: “With magical force I shatter your <specified item> by Mystic.” Polymorph Other Sleep Mana Cost: 20 This spell allows you to disguise your target’s appearance. The caster may be required to supply their own costuming change materials. This spell must be touch-cast on a willing target. Incant: “With mystic force I alter your appearance. Imbue by Mystic.” Mana Cost: 10 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the Sleep effect. Incant: “By mystic force I cause you to sleep. Sleep by Mystic.” Slow Polymorph Self Mana Cost: 3 You may throw a packet that causes the Slow effect. Incant: “By mystic force I weaken your legs. Slow by Mystic.” Mana Cost: 15 This spell allows you to disguise your appearance. You may be required to supply your own costuming change materials. You may not cast this spell on others. Incant: “With mystic force I alter my appearance. Imbue by Mystic.” Slumber Blade Mana Cost: 7 This spell allows the caster to enchant a blade to swing “Sleep” for the next swing. The spell may not be cast on any other person. The spell lasts until you hit your target. The spell ends if you drop the weapon. Incant: “I grant this blade the power to put my enemy to sleep. Imbue by Mystic.” Reflect Mana Cost: 15 This spell will allow the target to reflect a spell back at the attacker. If you are hit by a packet attack, you may call “Reflect.” This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “By mystic force I grant you a reflection. Imbue Reflect by Mystic.” Spell Shield Mana Cost: 8 This recipient may call “Shield” to negate the first packet attack they receive. This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “With mystic force I grant you a spell shield. Imbue Shield vs. Packet by Mystic.” Repair Item Mana Cost: 5 This spell will repair one Shattered non-magical item. It will not work on armor, magic items, or used potions, poisons, or 12 Sure Shot Mana Cost: 2 This spell allows you to cast the Aim skill on a Missile weapon. That weapon can now strike for 5 Damage on the first shot. Incant: “With mystic force I guide this weapon true. Imbue by Mystic.” Trance Mana Cost: 10 This spell allows the caster to throw a packet that causes the “Paralyze by Trance” effect. Incant: “With mystic force I place you into a trance. Paralyze by Trance.” Trip Mana Cost: 8 You may throw a packet that causes the Knockdown effect. Incant: “By mystic force I cause you to trip. Knockdown by Mystic.” Web Mana Cost: 10 You may throw a packet that causes the “Paralyze by Web” effect. Incant: “With mystic force I trap you in a magical web. Paralyze by Web.” Willpower Mana Cost: 10 The recipient may call “Resist” to one Charm, Dominate, Forget, or Sleep effect, or one attack with Fear or Trance traits. This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “By mystic force I grant you Willpower. Imbue by Mystic.” 13 Path of Arcane (Water) Disarm Weapon Mana Cost: 4 You may throw a packet to call the Disarm effect. You may not disarm a shield or other items. Incant: “I disarm you of your weapon. Disarm <weapon> by Water.” The Path of Water draws from the elemental flow of water and ice. Its elemental opposite is Fire. Spells from the Paths of Arcane cannot be cast while wearing armor, unless you have a skill or ability that allows you to. Elemental Shield - Water Mana Cost: 4 The recipient may call “Shield” to negate the first attack with Water/Ice in the verbal. This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “I create an elemental shield of ice. Imbue Shield vs. Water.” Black Ice Armor Endow Mana Cost: 4 This spell grants the recipient ice armor. The first melee weapon attack that causes the recipient more than one point of damage will be Reduced to one. The call for this is “Reduce to 1.” This spell cannot be stacked. You may touchcast this spell. Incant: “I create a suit of ice armor to protect you. Imbue Reduce by Ice.” Mana Cost: 10 This skill grants the recipient a use of the Burst of Strength skill. This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “By water I grant you an endowment of strength. Imbue by Water.” Feign Death Mana Cost: 4 You are able to slow the target's heartbeat and delay their breathing enough to appear dead. They may negate one Killing Blow. For the next five minutes, when anyone tries to check their vitals, they would respond “Dead”. This can only be touch-cast on an unconscious and stable body. Incant: “By bitter cold I freeze your body to make you appear dead. Imbue by Ice.” Bind Mana Cost: 8 You may throw a packet that causes the Bind effect. Incant: “With ice I bind your arms to your sides. Bind by Ice.” Claws Mana Cost: 4 This spell causes you to grow claws which can be used in combat. They cannot be disarmed but a Maim or Shatter effect will render that limb useless for five minutes. The claws can be no longer than 24 inches. You must provide the phys. reps. This spell cannot be cast on others. Incant: “By Water I cause claws to grow from my hands. Imbue by Water.” Freeze Blood Mana Cost: 12 You may throw a packet to call the Paralyze effect. Incant: “I call forth ice to freeze your blood solid. Paralyze by Ice.” Frostbite Mana Cost: 7 You may throw a packet to call the Maim effect on a selected arm or leg. Incant: “I call upon ice to give you frostbite. Maim (right/left) (arm/leg) by Ice.” Dilute Potion Mana Cost: 10 This spell will double the dose of a potion. It cannot be used in conjunction with any other dilute potion spells or items. A potion can only be diluted once. You cannot then use that spell or an item on the diluted potion to dilute it again. You cannot use a combination of spells and items to further dilute potions. Also, the potion will only remain diluted for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes all doses of the potion are destroyed. Poisons, salves, and other alchemical substances are not affected by this spell. Incant: “I call forth water to dilute this potion. Imbue by Water.” Greater Ice Blade Mana Cost: 10 This spell enchants a sword of ice that you or another target may wield for 5 minutes. The recipient would call out “Ice” with each swing. The spell ends if the target drops the weapon or it receives a successful Shatter effect. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “With the power of water I charge your blade with ice. Imbue by Ice.” 14 Ice Shield Greater Ice Grip Mana Cost: 7 This spell creates a shield of ice that only you may wield for 5 minutes. The spell may not be cast on any other person. The spell ends if you drop the shield or it receives a successful Shatter effect. You do not need the shield skill to be able to use this spell. You must provide your own phys. rep. Incant: “I create a shield of ice to protect myself. Imbue by Ice.” Mana Cost: 8 This spell allows you to call “No Effect” to all Disarm effects for five minutes. You may not cast this on anyone else. Incant: “I freeze my weapon to my hand. Imbue by Ice.” Ice Armor Mana Cost: 2 This spell grants the recipient two magical points of Protection. These will be the first points lost in combat, and they cannot be reset. This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “I grant you two points of Ice armor. Imbue 2 Protection by Ice.” Ice Storm Mana Cost: 10 You may throw a packet that causes twenty points of Ice damage. Incant: “I call forth an Ice storm. 20 Ice.” Ice Blade Ice Touch Mana Cost: 7 This spell creates a sword of ice that only you may wield for 5 minutes. The spell may not be cast on any other person. You call out “Ice” with each swing. The spell ends if you drop the weapon or it receives a successful Shatter effect. You do not need a weapon skill to be able to use this spell. You must provide your own phys. rep. Incant: “With the power of water I create a blade of ice. Imbue by Ice.” Mana Cost: 3 This spell enables you to extend the bleed out time of a target to 5 minutes instead of one. The target must be bleeding out unstable for the spell to have any effect. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “With freezing cold I prolong your chance to survive. imbue by ice.” Icicle Mana Cost: 3 You may throw a packet that causes five points of Ice damage. Incant: “I call forth an icicle. 5 Ice.” Ice Block Mana Cost: 4 This spell creates a block of ice that pins the target to the ground. You may throw a packet to call the Pin effect. Incant: “I encase your foot in a block of ice. Pin by Ice.” Light Mana Cost: 1 This spell creates a magical source of light. When this spell is cast you may use a yellow or green glow stick that you may hand off to others. This spell will last until the glow stick dies. Incant: “With the power of water I create a magical light. Imbue by Water.” Ice Bolt Mana Cost: 5 You may throw a packet that causes ten points of Ice damage. Incant: “I call forth an ice bolt. 10 Ice.” Ice Grip Mana Cost: 5 This spell allows the recipient to call “Resist” to one Disarm effect. This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “By the power of ice I enhance your grip. Imbue Resist Disarm by Ice.” Purify Drink Mana Cost: 2 This spell will remove any ingested poisons from a drink. Incant: “I call forth water to purify this drink. Imbue by water.” Ice Lock Reflect Mana Cost: 10 This spell creates a lock of ice with one key. The lock is considered to have a pick time of 30 seconds. A Shatter effect will destroy the lock. Incant: “I call forth ice to protect that which is mine. Imbue by Ice.” Mana Cost: 15 This spell will allow the target to reflect a spell back at the attacker. If you are hit by a packet attack, you may call “Reflect.” This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “By water I grant you a reflection. Imbue Reflect by Water.” 15 Remove Nausea Stream of Life Mana Cost: 3 This spell will Remove the Nausea trait. Incant: “With fresh water I settle your nausea. Remove Nausea by Water.” Mana Cost: 2+ This spell will heal you one body point for every two mana spent. This spell cannot be cast on others. Incant: “May the streams of life heal my body. Heal X to Self by Water.” Remove Poison Thin Blood Mana Cost: 4 This spell will remove any effects with the Poison trait from a recipient. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: I call forth fresh water to cleanse your body. Remove Poison by Water.” Mana Cost: 10 This spell allows the target to fight until they reach negative five body points. When they hit negative five they will become unconscious and start their bleed out process. Incant: “I thin your blood so that you may fight longer. Imbue by Water.” Shatter Mana Cost: 15 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the “Shatter <specified item>” effect. Incant: “With the freezing cold force of ice I shatter your <specified item> by Ice.” Tidal Wave Mana Cost: 20 This spell allows the caster to throw five consecutive “Knockdown” packets. Incant: “With the power of water I call forth a tidal wave. Knockdown by Water. Knockdown by Water. Knockdown by Water. Knockdown by Water. Knockdown by Water.” Silence Mana Cost: 8 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the Silence effect. Incant: “I freeze your voice to silence you. Silence by Ice.” Wall of Ice Mana Cost: 8 You may throw a packet that causes the Knockdown effect. Incant: “By the power of ice I cause you to slip. Knockdown by Ice.” Mana Cost: 7 This spell allows you to create a wall of ice that stops all archery and thrown weapons for 5 minutes. If you're hit with any missile weapons, call “Resist.” This spell cannot be cast on others. Incant: “I create a wall of ice to protect myself. Imbue by Ice.” Slow Water Barrier Slip Mana Cost: 3 This spell causes the target's legs to become so cold that they cannot run. You may throw a packet that causes the Slow effect. Incant: “I numb your legs with ice. Slow by Ice.” Mana Cost: 3 This spell allows you to Resist one Acid attack. You may not cast this spell on others. Incant: “I create a barrier of water to protect myself. Imbue by Water.” Snowball Web Mana Cost: 10 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the Paralyze by Web effect. Incant: “With the power of water I trap you in a magical web of ice. Paralyze by Web.” Mana Cost: 1 You may throw a packet that causes two points of Ice damage. Incant: “I call forth a snowball. 2 Ice.” Soothing Waters Mana Cost: 5 This spell will Remove the Berserk effect from the recipient. You may touch-cast this spell, but it may be better to throw a packet. Incant: “May soothing waters wash away your madness.” 16 Path of Harmony spell is in effect. When cast, you must strum a chord, keep a beat, hum a song, or otherwise perform continuously. The spell ends when you stop your performance for more than 5 seconds or use any game ability. You may call “By my voice, Repel to Living by Harmony” as often as needed until the spell ends. You may make this call a part of your performance so it does not interfere. Incant Length: 60 syllables. Out of Game Verbal: “By my voice, Repel to Living by Harmony.” The Path of Harmony calls upon the spirits of the ancient Bards, those who had a natural ability to draw forth magical power from their instruments and songs. Those who cast the magic of Harmony create their own songs and performances for each spell. You must write an in-game incant for each spell that follows the listed minimum syllable length. You can write incants that exceed the syllable length, but they can't be any shorter. To cast a bard spell you must sing the incant, or act it out in some dramatic way while you recite; each spell is a performance, after all. You may instead play a song on an instrument and count notes as syllables, or even give an appropriately thematic inspiring speech or poem. The incant cannot be mimed, and must be an obvious performance. The out-of-game verbal listed must be added at the end of the incant. Bards cannot run while casting but can walk slowly or dance. During the out-of-game verbal you plant your feet. Charm Chorus Mana Cost: 7 This spell causes the target to treat you as if you are their best friend. The target does not have to do as you say, but may be more inclined to than normal. You may point at your target and state “By my Gesture, Charm by Harmony.” Incant Length: 50 syllables. Out of Game Verbal: “By my Gesture, Charm by Harmony.” Dance of Blades 1 Mana Cost: 4 This song allows you to grant the recipient two uses of the Guard vs. Melee defense. This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant Length: 36 syllables. Out of Game Verbal: “Imbue 2 Guards vs. Melee by Harmony.” Dance of Blades 2 Anthem of Agony Mana Cost: 5 This song allows you to grant the recipient three uses of the Guard vs. Weapon defense. This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant Length: 60 syllables. Out of Game Verbal: “Imbue 3 Guards vs. Melee by Harmony.” Mana Cost: 5 This spell allows you to point at your target and state “By my Gesture, Agony by Harmony.” Incant Length: 36 syllables. Out of Game Verbal: “By my Gesture, Agony by Harmony.” Awaken Aria Dance of Blades 3 Mana Cost: 3 This spell will awaken any player who is under a Sleep effect. This spell may be touch-cast. Incant Length: 36 syllables. Out of Game Verbal: “Remove Sleep by Harmony.” Mana Cost: 8 This song allows you to grant the recipient one use of the Parry vs. Weapon defense. This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant Length: 80 syllables. Out of Game Verbal: “Imbue Parry vs. Melee by Harmony.” Ballad of Berserking Mana Cost: 10 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the Berserk effect. Incant Length: 60 syllables. Out of Game Verbal: “Berserk by Harmony.” Ditty of Donation Mana Cost: 5 This song helps ensure you will make some money for your art. When this song is cast the target is compelled to give you one of their coins. Incant Length: 36 syllables. Out of Game Verbal: “By my Gesture, Lesser Dominate by Harmony: Give me one copper or silver coin.” Canticle of Corruption Mana Cost: 10 This spell enables you to repel living creatures from you. You may not use any other spells, skills, or abilities while this 17 Endurance Melody Incant Length: 50 syllables. Out of Game Verbal: “Imbue by Harmony.” Mana Cost: 2 This spell will grant the recipient two extra body points. These body points are magical in nature and cannot be healed. They are the first body points lost in battle. This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant Length: 48 syllables. Out of Game Verbal: “Imbue by Harmony.” Notes on the Wind Mana Cost: 4 This song allows you to magically send a note or scroll to a specified location. After this song is cast you can bring the note to Monster Camp. You may not receive a requested reply right away. Incant Length: 48 syllables. Out of Game Verbal: “Imbue by Harmony.” Fear Finale Mana Cost: 10 This spell allows you to point at your target and state “By my Gesture, Repel by Fear.” Incant Length: 48 syllables. Out of Game Verbal: “By my Gesture, Repel by Fear.” Prelude of Protection Mana Cost: 5 This spell creates a musical barrier around the targets to grant them 2 points of Protection. This must be done within a room or tavern hall. This spell cannot be stacked. Incant Length: 36 syllables. Out of Game Verbal: “In this Room, Imbue 2 Protection by Harmony.” Fugue of Freedom Mana Cost: 5 This spell will Remove a Bind, Paralyze, or Pin effect from the recipient. This spell may be touch-cast. Incant Length: 40 syllables. Out of Game Verbal: “Remove <Bind, Paralyze, or Pin> by Harmony.” Requiem of Repulsion Mana Cost: 10 This spell enables you to repel undead creatures from you. You may not use any other spells, skills, or abilities while this spell is in effect. When cast, you must strum a chord, keep a beat, hum a song, or otherwise perform continuously. The spell ends when you stop your performance for more than 5 seconds or use any game ability. You may call “By my voice, Repel to Undead by Harmony” as often as needed until the spell ends. You may make this call a part of your performance so it does not interfere. Incant Length: 60 syllables. Out of Game Verbal: “By my voice, Repel to Undead by Harmony.” Hymn of Healing Mana Cost: 1+ This spell will Heal one body point of damage per mana spent. You must touch-cast this spell. Incant Length: 50 syllables. Out of Game Verbal: “Heal X by Harmony.” Medley of Mental Fortitude Mana Cost: 8 The recipient may call “Resist” to one Charm, Dominate, Forget, or Sleep effect, or one attack with Fear or Trance traits. This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant Length: 60 syllables. Out of Game Verbal: “Imbue by Harmony.” Serenade of Strength Mana Cost: 8 This skill grants the recipient a use of the Burst of Strength skill. This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant Length: 40 syllables. Out of Game Verbal: “Imbue by Harmony.” Music in the Air Mana Cost: 0 Sometimes you need background music to accompany some sort of performance or add some ambiance to a space. You may place a hidden or disguised CD or MP3 player in the background somewhere, or in your cabin. You can only play music that uses no obviously out-of-period instruments or musical styles (most medieval, symphonic, and renaissance music is okay); the music should be instrumental without vocals. If you aren’t sure whether the music might jar people’s immersion in the game, you can check with staff. Keep the volume low and in the background, so that people can easily speak in conversational tones without having to speak louder. If someone asks you to turn it down, you must oblige. Sonata of Slow Mana Cost: 3 This spell allows you to point at your target and state “By my Gesture, Slow by Harmony.” Incant Length: 40 syllables. Out of Game Verbal: “By my Gesture, Slow by Harmony.” Sonnet of Slumber Mana Cost: 8 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the Sleep effect. 18 Incant Length: 55 syllables. Out of Game Verbal: “Sleep by Harmony.” Sound Burst Mana Cost: 6 You must strum a chord or sing an off key note. Then you may point at your target and state “By my gesture, Knockdown by Harmony!” Incant Length: 1 syllable. Out of Game Verbal: “By my gesture, Knockdown by Harmony!” Suite of Silence Mana Cost: 5 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the Silence effect. Incant Length: 40 syllables. Out of Game Verbal: “Silence by Harmony.” Trance Tune Mana Cost: 10 This spell allows you to mesmerize your target. After the incant, you make eye contact with a target for three seconds and state “By my gaze, Paralyze by Trance.” Incant Length: 50 syllables. Out of Game Verbal: “By my gaze, Paralyze by Trance.” Weakness Waltz Mana Cost: 10 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the Weakness effect. Incant Length: 60 syllables. Out of Game Verbal: “Weakness by Trance.” 19 Chaos Shield Path of Light Mana Cost: 4 This spell creates an anti-chaos barrier around the recipient. This recipient may call “Shield” to negate the first attack with Chaos in the verbal. This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “I call upon the light to shield you from chaos. Imbue Shield vs. Chaos by Light.” The Path of Light gathers its power from the essence of Light, the Sun, and the day. Light is seen as the icon of healing and creation. To many, it also gives life and hope. Light can be a powerful tool against undead creatures. Circle of Light Mana Cost: 10 This spell creates a circle of light that no undead creature may enter. The circle can be no larger than ten feet in diameter and must be marked with a white rope provided by you. You may use other skills and abilities but must keep both feet on the ground and stay rooted to that spot. You must call “By my voice, Repel to Undead by Light” as often as needed until the spell ends. You may not cast this spell on others. The spell lasts until you moves either foot. A Remove Magic cast on you will end this spell. Incant: “I call upon the light to create a circle of light. Repel to Undead by Light.” Awaken Mana Cost: 4 This spell will awaken any player who is under a Sleep effect. This spell may be touch-cast. Incant: “I call upon the light to awaken you. Remove Sleep by Light.” Bind Undead Mana Cost: 4 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the “Bind” effect to any Undead being. Incant: “I call upon the light to bind this undead. Bind to Undead by Light.” Circle of Protection Mana Cost: 15 This spell creates a circle of protection that makes you immune to weapon and packet attacks. You call “No Effect” to all attacks.The circle can be no larger than ten feet in diameter and must be marked with a rope provided by you. If you leave the circle the spell ends. You may not cast this spell on others. A Remove Magic cast on you will end this spell. Incant: “With this circle I now create, I protect myself with the power of the Light. Imbue by Light.” Bless Weapon Mana Cost: 4 This spell blesses a weapon that only you may wield for 5 minutes. The spell may not be cast on any other person. You call out “Light” with each swing. The spell ends if you drop the weapon. Incant: “By the Light I bless this weapon. Imbue by Light.” Clarity Mana Cost: 8 This spell will remove all mind effects and traits (Charm, Dominate, Fear and Trance). This spell may be touch-cast. Incant: “I call the Light to flow through you, bringing clarity with its warm embrace. Remove (Charm, Dominate, Fear and Trance) by Light.” Bless Weapon, Greater Mana Cost: 7 This spell blesses a weapon that you or another target may wield for 5 minutes. The recipient would call out “Light” with each swing. The spell ends if the target drops the weapon. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “By the Light I bless this weapon. Imbue by Light.” Confine Undead Mana Cost: 7 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the Paralyze effect to an Undead being. Incant: “I call upon the light to confine this undead creature. Paralyze to Undead by Light.” Body Stabilization Mana Cost: 10 This spell grants the recipient an ability to silently “Reduce to Sleep” one Death effect or Killing Blow. They will negate the Death effect and fall under a Sleep. This spell may be touchcast. Incant: “I call upon the light to favor your spirit. Imbue by Light.” Cure Disease Mana Cost: 15 This spell will remove the Disease effect from a recipient. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “I call upon the Light to cure your disease. Remove Disease by Light.” 20 Incant: “I call upon the light to restore life to this person. Remove Death by Light. Cure Maim Mana Cost: 3 This spell will Remove the Maim effect from one limb. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “I call upon the Light to heal this maimed limb. Remove Maim by Light.” Light Mana Cost: 0 This spell creates a magical source of light. When this spell is cast you may use a yellow or green glow stick that you may hand off to others. This spell will last until the glow stick dies. Incant: “With spiritual power I create a magical light. Imbue by Light.” Cure Weakness Mana Cost: 5 This spell will Remove the Weakness effect from the recipient. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “I call upon the Light to cure the weakness that plagues your body. Remove Weakness by Light. Light Blast Mana Cost: 3 You may throw a packet that causes five points of Light damage. Incant: “I call forth a light blast. 5 Light.” Destroy Lesser Undead Mana Cost: 15 This spell will instantly destroy a lesser undead creature. Incant: “I call forth the Light to smite this evil creature. Death to Lesser Undead.” Light Blast II Mana Cost: 5 You may throw a packet that causes ten points of Light damage. Incant: “I call forth a light blast. 10 Light.” Dispel Silence Mana Cost: 4 This spell will Remove the Silence effect from the recipient. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “By the light I restore your voice. Remove Silence by Light.” Light Blast III Mana Cost: 10 You may throw a packet that causes twenty points of Light damage. Incant: “I call forth a light blast. 20 Light.” Freedom Mana Cost: 8 This spell will Remove a Bind, Paralyze, or Pin effect from the recipient. This spell may be touch-cast. Incant: “By the light I free you from your bindings. Remove <Bind, Paralyze, or Pin> by Light.” Pin Undead Mana Cost: 2 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the Pin effect to an Undead being. Incant: “I pin this undead to the very earth. Pin to Undead by Light.” Harm Undead Mana Cost: 1+ You may throw a packet that causes two points of Light damage to Undead per mana spent. Incant: “I call upon the Light to harm undead. X Light to Undead.” Poison Resist Mana Cost: 4 This spell will allow the recipient to Resist one Poison attack of their choosing. This spell may be touch-cast. Incant: “May the Light protect you from poison. Imbue Resist vs Poison by Light.” Heal Wounds Mana Cost: 1+ This spell will Heal two body points of damage per mana spent. You must touch-cast this spell. Incant: “I call upon the Light to heal wounds. Heal X by Light.” Poison Shield Mana Cost: 2 This spell will allow the recipient to Shield the next Poison attack they are hit with. This spell may be touch-cast. Incant: “May the Light shield you from poison. Imbue Shield vs Poison by Light.” Life Mana Cost: 50 This spell will restore life to a dead character, as long as they have not become a spirit of the dead. You may touch-cast this spell. Remove Berserk Mana Cost: 5 This spell will Remove the Berserk effect from the recipient. 21 Remove Shadow Lord’s Mark You may touch-cast this spell, but it may be better to throw a packet. Incant: “I call upon the light to remove the madness that plagues you. Remove Berserk by Light.” Mana Cost: 2 This spell will remove the Shadow Lord's Mark spell from the target. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “I call upon the Light to remove the Shadow Lord’s Mark from your soul. Imbue by Light.” Remove Curse Mana Cost: 15 This spell will remove the Curse effect from a recipient. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “I call upon the light to remove the curse that plagues you. Remove Curse by Light.” Remove Slow Mana Cost: 2 This spell will remove the Slow effect from a recipient. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “With the power of the Light I quicken your pace. Remove Slow by Light.” Remove Dominate Mana Cost: 4 This spell will remove the Dominate effect from a recipient. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “I call upon the light to remove the domination that plagues you. Remove Dominate by Light.” Sanctuary Mana Cost: 3 This spell will remove the Fear trait from a recipient. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “I call upon the light to grant you courage. Remove Fear by Light.” Mana Cost: 15 This spell enables you to repel undead creatures from you. You must clasp your hands above your head. You may not use any other spells, skills, or abilities while this spell is in effect. The spell ends when you move your arms or use any game ability. You may call “By my voice, Repel to Undead by Light” as often as needed until the spell ends. You may not cast this spell on others. Incant: “I call upon the light to create a sanctuary for myself. Repel to Undead by Light.” Remove Forget Toughness Mana Cost: 3 This spell will remove the Forget effect from a recipient. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “I call upon the light to restore your memory. Remove Forget by Light.” Mana Cost: 2 This spell will grant the recipient two extra body points. These body points are magical in nature and cannot be healed. They are the first body points lost in battle. This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “May the light give you the strength to fight on. Imbue by Light.” Remove Fear Remove Paralysis Mana Cost: 4 This spell will remove the Paralyze effect from a recipient. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “I call upon the light to restore the movement in your body. Remove Paralyze by Light.” Turn Undead Level. 1 Mana Cost: 2 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes some undead to leave the sight of battle. Incant: “I call upon the Light to turn this undead, level one.” Remove Poison Mana Cost: 4 This spell will remove the Poison trait from a recipient. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “I call forth the light to cleanse your body. Remove Poison by Light.” Turn Undead Level. 2 Mana Cost: 5 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes some undead to leave the sight of battle, and may destroy some undead. Incant: “I call upon the Light to turn this undead, level two.” Remove Repel Mana Cost: 4 This spell will remove the Repel effect from a recipient. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “I call upon the light to grant you courage against your foe. Remove Repel by Light.” Turn Undead Level. 3 Mana Cost: 15 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes some undead to leave the sight of battle, and may destroy some undead. 22 Incant: “I call upon the Light to turn this undead, level three.” Turn Undead Level. 4 Mana Cost: 25 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes some undead to leave the sight of battle, and may destroy some undead. Incant: “I call upon the Light to turn this undead, level four.” Turn Undead Level. 5 Mana Cost: 40 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes some undead to leave the sight of battle, and may destroy some undead. Incant: “I call upon the Light to turn this undead, level five.” 23 Cure Disease Path of Nature Mana Cost: 15 This spell will remove the Disease effect from a recipient. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “I call upon nature to cure your disease. Remove Disease by Nature." The Path of Nature draws upon the essence of growth, change, rebirth, and the cycles of the natural world. Nature can be a destructive or healing force, and it does not take sides in the balance of Life and Death, or of Light and Shadow. Decomposition Mana Cost: 15 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the “Shatter <specified item>” effect. Incant: “With jungle rot I Shatter your <specified item> by nature.” Disarm Weapon Mana Cost: 4 You may throw a packet to call the Disarm effect. You may only disarm a weapon, not a shield or other items. Incant: “I disarm you of your weapon. Disarm <weapon> by nature.” Awaken Mana Cost: 4 This spell will awaken any player who is under a Sleep effect. This spell may be touch-cast. Incant: “I call upon nature to awaken you. Remove Sleep by Nature.” Dispel Silence Mana Cost: 4 This spell will Remove the Silence effect from the recipient. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “By nature I restore your voice. Remove Silence by Nature.” Bark Armor Mana Cost: 2 This spell grants the recipient two magical points of Protection. These will be the first points lost in combat, and they cannot be reset. This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “I grant you two points of nature armor. Imbue 2 Protection by Nature.” Freedom Mana Cost: 6 This spell will Remove a Bind, Paralyze, or Pin effect from the recipient. This spell may be touch-cast. Incant: “By the wind through the trees, I free you from your bindings. Remove <Bind, Paralyze, or Pin> by Nature.” Bark Skin Mana Cost: 3 This spell will grant the recipient a bark skin. The first melee weapon attack that causes more than two points of damage will be Reduced to two. The call for this is “Reduce to 2.” This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “I call upon nature to harden your skin like bark. Imbue Reduce by Nature.” Greater Nature Armor Mana Cost: 4 This spell grants the recipient five magical points of Protection. These will be the first points lost in combat, and they cannot be reset. This spell cannot be stacked. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: “I grant you the greater protection of Nature. Imbue 5 Protection by Nature.” Bind Mana Cost: 8 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the “Bind” effect. Incant: “I call forth branches to bind your arms. Bind by Nature.” Heal Others Mana Cost: 1+ This spell will Heal one body point of damage per mana spent. You must touch-cast this spell. Incant: “May the power of nature heal your body. Heal X by Nature.” Clarity Mana Cost: 7 This spell will Remove a Charm, Dominate, or Fear effect from the recipient. This spell may be touch-cast. Incant: “I call forth nature to flow through you, bringing clarity. Remove <Charm, Dominate, or Fear> by Nature.” Heal Wounds, self Mana Cost: 1+ This spell will Heal you two body points of damage per mana 24 spent. This spell cannot be cast on others. Incant: “I call upon nature to heal my wounds. Heal X to Self by Nature.” for 5 minutes. The spell may not be cast on any other person. The spell ends if you drop the weapon, or it receives a Shatter effect. You do not need a weapon skill to be able to use this spell. You must provide your own phys. rep. Incant: “With the power of nature I create a weapon of wood. Imbue by Nature.” Identify Alchemy Mana cost: 1 This spell allows you to instantly identify any potion, poison, oil, or other alchemical substance. After casting you may open the canister and read the tag, or see if a poison has been placed in food or drink and identify it. Incant: “I call upon nature to identify alchemy. Imbue by Nature.” Pin Mana Cost: 4 This spell allows you to throw a packet that causes the “Pin” effect. Incant: “With branch and vine I pin you to the earth. Pin by Nature.” Knockdown Purify Blood Mana Cost: 8 You may throw a packet that causes the Knockdown effect. Incant: “By the power of nature, I cause you to fall. Knockdown by Nature.” Mana Cost: 3 This spell will remove any effects with the Poison trait from a recipient. You may touch-cast this spell. Incant: I call forth nature's purity to cleanse your body. Remove Poison by Nature.” Light Mana Cost: 0 This spell creates a magical source of light. When this spell is cast you may use a yellow or green glow stick that you may hand off to others. This spell will last until the glow stick dies. Incant: “With the power of nature I create a magical light. Imbue by Nature.” Purify Meal Mana Cost: 3 This spell will Remove any ingested poisons from one plate of food or one drink. Incant: “I call forth nature's purity to cleanse this meal. Imbue by Nature.” Nature's Caress Tree Punch Mana Cost: 4 This spell will Remove the Berserk effect from the recipient. You may touch-cast this spell, but it may be better to throw a packet. Incant: “May nature's caress wash away your madness. Remove Berserk by Nature.” Mana Cost: 10 You may throw a packet to call “5 Damage and Knockdown.” Incant: “I call forth a tree to punch you. 5 Damage and Knockdown by Nature.” Unbreakable Wood Mana Cost: 7 This spell strengthens a wooden staff (or other wooden blunt weapon) as long as it's in your hand or until 5 minutes have passed. You may call “Resist” to any Disarm or Shatter effects that target either your weapon or the hand it's in. This spell cannot be stacked or cast on anyone else. If you drop the weapon, the spell ends. Incant: “I strengthen my weapon with nature. Imbue by Nature.” Nature's Embrace Mana Cost: 1 This spell will allow you to instantly Stabilize a target that is bleeding out, as long as they are outside and on ground or stone, or within a cave or underground. Incant: “By nature's embrace I patch your wounds. Stabilize by Nature.” Nature's Roots Wall of Leaves Mana Cost: 10 This spell allows you to throw five consecutive “Pin” packets. Incant: “With many branches and vines I pin you to the earth. Pin by Nature. Pin by Nature. Pin by Nature. Pin by Nature. Pin by Nature.” Mana Cost: 7 This spell allows you to create a wall of air that stops all archery and thrown weapons for 5 minutes. If you're hit with any missile weapons, call “Resist.” This spell cannot be cast on others. Incant: “I create a wall of leaves to protect myself. Imbue by Nature.” Nature's Weapon Mana Cost: 2 This spell creates a weapon of wood that only you may wield 25
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