1 Spells Rank I Fog of War (12) Goblet Game (12) Hallowed Ground (12) Magic Lock (12) Scorching Ray (12) Rank II Dew Berries (12) Enchant Steel (12) Fire Scratch (12) Foe to Friend (12) Hallowed Circle (12) Horn of Helmheim (12) Magic Shield (12) Magic Trap (12) Moon Doom (12) Dew Berries ( II ) Spell Points: 12 Mana: 1 Cast Time: Major Duration: Instant Range: Touch Defense: None This spell creates 1d4 “Dew Berries.” The berries are small, light green, and have a thick skin. They taste bitter at first, and then sweet. Up to 4 berries may be consumed at one time and per day. Up to 16 berries may exist at one time. Each berry heals 2 hits. The berries last 24 hours, and then decompose quickly into a thin ash. If casting this spell ever triggers a Magic Maelstrom, any berries pop and are worthless and the spell may not be cast for another 24 hours. Fire Scratch ( II ) Spell Points: 12 Mana: 1 Cast Time: Major Duration: Instant, 3 rounds Range: Short Defense: None This spell creates a line of flames within a Short distance from the caster that is approximately 10 to 20 feet long. The flames blaze from 3 to 6 feet high along the line in a churning fire. The line is approximately one foot thick. The line of flames lasts for 3 rounds and has three benefits. 1) Anyone adjacent to the flames takes 1d4 fire damage. 2) Anyone stepping through the flames takes 2d4 fire damage and CD 4 fire damage. Ending the CD requires one Full-round action. 3) Any ranged attacks made through the flames fail (burst into flames) on a 1-3 on 1d6. The flames will set normal, combustible material on fire on a 1 or 6 on 1d6. The spell may not be “aimed” at a target, but may be cast adjacent to a target. Enchant Steel ( II ) Spell Points: 12 Mana: 1 Cast Time: Major Duration: Instant, 1 battle or 5 minutes Range: Touch Defense: None This spell enchants any one piece of steel, such as a sword or shield, for a short duration. The enchanted item deals damage as a magical weapon if it is a weapon, or uses its DR or protection against magical attacks and damage if it is armor. Only one item may have this spell cast on it at any one time. Casting it on another item ends the effect on any previously enchanted item. Foe to Friend ( II ) Spell Points: 12 Mana: 1 Cast Time: Interrupt Duration: Instant Range: Close Defense: Will avoids This spell may be cast as an Interrupt action. If successful, a single foe withholds any attacks, spells, grabs, etc. for 1 round on its next turn. The target may make a Will check to avoid the effect. If successful, the target is still Stunned. The target will still defend itself, and the benefit works for the caster or any one ally within range. If the target succeeds at the Will check, it is no longer vulnerable to the spell. 2 Fog of War ( I ) Spell Points: 12 Mana: 1 Cast Time: Major Duration: Instant Range: Close Defense: Will avoids This spell sends out a shuddering sonic wave up to a Close radius centered on the caster. Every enemy within that radius must make a Will Check or it will 1d6 (1-2) Stand confused and uncertain on its next turn (3-4) Move to find cover to otherwise unengaged on its next turn (5-6) Accidentally make an attack against a comrade within Close range. Any creature that makes the Will Check is immune from this spell for 24 hours. Hallowed Circle ( II ) Requisites: Hallowed Ground Spell Points: 12 Mana: 1 Cast Time: Move Duration: Instant, lasts for 3 rounds Range: Close Defense: None This spell creates a Close range radius centered on the caster that does not move. Any undead within this radius take 1d4 damage automatically when the spell is cast and at the beginning of the caster’s turn. This damage ignores Armor DR. This spell may be cast the same round as the Hallowed Ground spell. Horn of Helmheim ( II ) Spell Points: 12 Mana: 1 (+1 per cast per battle) Cast Time: Major Duration: Instant Range: Long Defense: Will avoids damage Casting this spell releases a loud, horn bellow across a battlefield or in a chamber effective up to Long range. All allies of the caster receive an immediate free Major action that may not lead to any additional attacks or actions. Allies act in the order of their distance from the caster, closest going first. The enemies of the spell caster must make a Will check or take 1d4 psychic trauma from the blast. The damage ignores Armor DR, and effects enemies in same order, closest first. Each additional time this spell is cast per battle, the Mana cost goes up by 1 and the Magic Maelstrom odds go up by 1. So, 2nd time a Magic Maelstrom occurs on a Magic Check of 2-3, 3rd time on a Check from 2-4, a 4th time on a Check from 2-5, etc. Goblet Game ( I ) Spell Points: 12 Mana: 1 Cast Time: Major Duration: Instant, lasts for 3 rounds Range: Touch Defense: Toughness avoids This spell transforms a single glass, goblet, tankard, or cup of any liquid into one that causes a deep sleep. Whoever drinks it must make a Toughness Check or drop off into a deep slumber in 1+1d4 rounds. If the Toughness Check is successful, the person is still groggy and considered Weakened for 1+1d4 rounds. The sleep is not magical, and will last for 1d4 hours. Once cast, the liquid will work for the next 3 rounds, but then loses its potency. Hallowed Ground ( I ) Spell Points: 12 Mana: 1 Cast Time: Major Duration: Instant, lasts for 3 rounds Range: Close Defense: None This spell creates a Close range radius centered on the caster that does not move. Anyone within this radius has the following benefits against Undead: +1 Armor DR and +1 Weapon damage. This damage ignores Armor DR. Magic Lock ( I ) Spell Points: 12 Mana: 1 Cast Time: Major Duration: Instant Range: Touch Defense: None This spell sets a Magic lock on a single, normal lock that will not open by natural means for 12 hours. The lock may be broken, or opened with spells, but any normal means will fail. If a door or gate does not have a lock, the Magic Lock acts as if it were locked and holds the door or gate shut. 3 statuette.” It may not be cast on any time in contact with a living creature, such as a backpack or pouch. If not triggered after 24 hours, the trap disappears. Magic Shield ( II ) Spell Points: 12 Mana: 1 Cast Time: Minor Duration: Instant, 6 rounds Range: Self Defense: None This spell creates translucent, round shield of magical energy. The shield functions similar to a normal shield, but also defends against magical damage. Shield bonus is Magic +2, and Armor DR bonus is the caster’s Magic Bonus (minimum of 1). The caster must not be holding anything in the shield hand or arm, and must make a “Shield” defense to use. The Armor DR is automatic. Moon Doom ( II ) Spell Points: 12 Mana: 1 Cast Time: Major Duration: Instant Range: Close Defense: Will avoids When cast at night outside with at least a half moon visible, the caster may call down a mighty blinding flash of moon light that encircles one human sized target and any human or smaller targets adjacent to it, or a single large creature. The flash deals 1d4+1d6 (open) damage to the primary target, and 1d4 damage to any additional targets. Unless each target makes a Will Check they cannot leave the circle for 3 rounds. Those within the circle suffer a -1 to attacks and defenses. Magic Trap ( II ) Spell Points: 12 Mana: 1 Cast Time: 1 minute Duration: Instant, 24 hours Range: Touch Defense: Agility for 50% damage This spell places a “Magic Trap” on a door, chest, box, lock, or any inanimate object that may be moved or manipulated. The trap may be detected as a normal trap, and disarmed accordingly. If it is triggered, the trap deals 1d8 + 1d6 (open) damage in the form of fire, acid, cold, or poison depending on the caster’s choice. The trap originates from the item the spell was cast on, and deals damage to the creature that triggered it and up to 2 creatures adjacent to it. The caster sets the conditions of the trap triggering, such as “When the door is opened,” “When the sword is taken from the wall,” or “When someone lifts this Scorching Ray ( I ) Spell Points: 12 Mana: 1 Cast Time: Major Duration: Instant Range: Adjacent Defense: Agility avoids This spell extends a thin, sudden flash of burning light from the caster’s fingertip. The ray deals 2d4 damage, but the damage does not ignore Armor DR. If the Armor stops all of the damage, however, the Armor loses 1 DR. The ray is too fast to catch anything on fire. 4
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