Wanaki Center P.O. Box 37 Maniwaki (Quebec) J9E 3B3 Telephone: (819) 449-7000 Toll free: 1-800-745-4205 Fax: (819) 449-7832 email: reception@wanakicentre.com Wanaki Center - Request for Proposal Strategic Plan 2015-2020 The Wanaki Center is a federally funded residential alcohol and drug rehabilitation treatment facility established in 1991. Our services are offered to adult First Nation People primarily from Quebec but also from across Canada. The Center is governed by the nine Algonquin First Nations located in the province of Quebec. The Center is a 12 bed residential treatment facility that provides holistic substance abuse treatment services in both English and French on a rotational basis. The present governing body of the Wanaki Center consists of nine Board members, five of whom serve as Chiefs in their respective communities. The Board of Directors is seeking an individual or entity to prepare and guide the Wanaki Center through a comprehensive five year strategic planning process. Project description: The Wanaki Center is seeking bids to carry out the development of a detailed five year strategic plan 2015-2020 in order to set out a modernization and visionary approach. The work to be completed shall include a review of the Wanaki’s mission and vision statements, a thorough SWOT analysis, gap analysis, environmental analysis, initiatives and organisational structure. Other strategic requirements are: - Meeting and involving the Wanaki’s key stakeholders to discuss/gather the community members treatment needs. Collect data from Wanaki staff, Board of directors, Algonquin community members and the NNADAP network Identify and evaluate external factors that may impact the Wanaki Center; Evaluate the relevancy of the five week program and its impacts according to activity reports, program evaluations and surveys. Provide 30 bound copies of the final report In addition to creating a detailed final document (Strategic Plan 2015-2020) for approval and deliverable no later than September 1st, 2015, the chosen individual/firm will be expected to present a draft report August 5th, 2015 at the Annual General Assembly. RFP mandatory requirements Work on the project is expected to begin April 20, 2015 with completion not later than September 15, 2015. Individuals or entities interested in pursuing this project are to send a detailed proposal, including but not limited to: - - - Name and contact information Demonstrate experience within First Nation communities and alcohol and substance abuse and treatment/recovery. Experience and qualifications, and including roles responsibilities of all project workers. A detailed price quote and work schedule including travel/lodging etc... Proposal shall include a list of three references including names, position, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses for which the bidder has performed similar work. These references might be contacted during the proposal evaluation phase to determine their satisfaction with the work carried out. Preference will be given to Algonquin owned registered business/ individual who can demonstrate that they have met all the mandatory requirements and have the professional experience to carry out the work. The candidate should have a thorough knowledge of financial accounting and business management practices to be able to recommend financial projections. Functional Requirements The candidate should demonstrate within the bid proposal that they have met all of the mandatory requirements or their proposal will be screened out of the evaluation process. Questions regarding this project may be directed to Angela Miljour, Wanaki Interim Executive Director at 819-449-7000, angela.miljour@wanakicentre.com bids may be sent electronically, by mail or by Fax to: Angela Miljour Interim Executive Director, Wanaki Center P.O. Box 37 Maniwaki, Quebec J9E 3B3 FAX: 819-449-7832 The deadline for submitting a proposal is April 10, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. PRESENTATION FOR KITIGAN ZIBI COMMUNITY MEMBERS DEBT FREE FOREVER Ga Vaz-Oxlade BOOKS ... a financial superstar coming to Kitigan Zibi to give financial advice and answer questions! Book signing will follow. The first 20 community members to arrive will get a FREE copy of one of Gail’s books. April 18, 2015 TV SHOW WS Community Hall 11:30 am BROUGHT TO YOU BY: K.Z.H.S.S. - Òde Wìdòkazowin. REGALIA BELT MAKING WORKSHOP wo rk fu sh ll op for KZ Community Women with Beverly Anger p o sh k r o w l l u f April 9th — 10am-4pm — Youth Center 15 women maximum. To register call Shilo Cote 819-441-7239 Se a av ts s ai la till bl e BELT MAKING WORKSHOP for KZ Community Men with Beverly Anger ill t s s le at lab e S ai av April 10th — 10am-4pm — Youth Center 15 men maximum. To register call Billy Tenasco at 819-449-5456 or Shilo Cote 819-441-7239 BROUGHT TO YOU BY: K.Z.H.S.S. - Òde Wìdòkazowin. Saturday, April 4, 2015 FIRE CREEK BRIDGE COUNTRY / ROCK • BLUES Royal Canadian Legion 136, rue du Souvenir, Maniwaki, QC 8 pm $5 COVER
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