KITIGAN ZIBI ANISHINABEG P.O. Box 309, Maniwaki, QC J9E 3B1 Tel: (819) 449-5270 Fax: (819) 449-5673 SORT YOUR ITEMS LARGE GARBAGE PICKUP STARTING IN MAY Don’t forget to sort your large garbage pick up items into different piles. Wood – TV’s – Tires – Metal – all other items Place these items near the road as the pickup will be starting in May, a future flyer will confirm the dates. News from your Community Services Director KIT TIGAN N ZIB BI WALK/R RUN – TO FIGH HT CA ANCE ER Date: Friday F Ma ay 1st, 201 015 Time: 4:00 4 p.m.. – Openin ing Cerem mony & W Walk/Run n Locatio on: Kitigann Zibi Schoool to the Cultural C Ceenter & Back to o the Schoo ol (Shorterr walks can be arranged for fo seniors, younger yo child dren and mullti-challenged ed walkers.) Who Can Walk? Everyo one is invitted to colleect pledgess and walkk/run. Stude dents young ger than graade 3 are aske ed to have an a adult acccompany th hem on thee walk for saafety. All C Community y membe ers are welccome to pa articipate and a collectt pledges. Please pickk-up your pledge forms f at the he school. Wherre Doess the Money M Go? G We are raising fun nds to supp port the Maniwaki M C Cancer Unitt (Oncologyy Unit) and Cancer Research. Then What?? 1. Hand d in Your Money M to Julie/Rache J hel at the Scchool in an n envelope, ziplock bag or conta ainer – so a grand tota al will be created for th his activity. 2. Then n join us att the schoo ol at 3:45 p.m. p on Frid day May 1sst to particip pate in the cerem mony and walk. w That means m you need your o own transp portation to o the schooll. 3. Be prepared p to o walk with h proper walking/run w nning shoees and cloth thing. EPIC KITIGAN K N ZIBI - WE FIG GHT CA ANCER CHALLLENGE THE KITIGA AN ZIBI ME E to WE CLU UB STUDENT TS ARE CHA ALLENGING ALL & WE MEAN N ALL KITIGA AN ZIBI COMMUNITY MEMBERS T TO STEP UP P & DO YOU UR PART - Let’s Get Creative in Fundraising g for this GREAT CAUS SE! WE CAN N make a Diffference & that starts w with us Working Togetther! PRESENTATION FOR KITIGAN ZIBI COMMUNITY MEMBERS 16 YEARS + THE RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL EXPERIENCE AND ITS IMPACT ON FIRST NATION PEOPLE PRESENTER Dr. Brda Rte Clinical Psychologist and consultant MAY 4, 2015 - 6:30PM KITIGAN ZIBI CULTURAL CENTER Dr. Restoule (Waub Zhe kwens) is from Dokis First Nation (Ojibwa) and from the Eagle Clan. She is a registered Clinical psychologist who received her undergraduate training from Western University and her graduate training from Queen’s University. Dr. Restoule is the co-chair of the Native Mental Health Association of Canada where she has been an active member for almost 20 years. She served as a committee member to the Resolution Health Support Program for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and co-chair with the Assembly of First Nations on the development of a Mental Wellness Continuum Framework. Kitigan Zibi Seniors Your invited Senior’s Talking Circle DATE : Sun. May 3, 2015 TIME : 1:00 P.M. n i m e R R e d LOCATION : KZ Cultural Center For more information If you have any questions please contact Pauline Decontie. Phone: 819-449-1838 Email: Talking Circle everyone welcomed. "The Circle has healing power. In the Circle, we are all equal. When in the Circle, no one is in front of you. No one is behind you. No one is above you. No one is below you. The Sacred Circle is designed to create unity." Afternoon snack will be available. Please contribute if you can. ~Dave Chief, Oglala Lakota~ The renaming of lakes in Papineau County.
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