Application for Natural Resources and Wildlife Department

April 13, 2015
P.O. Box 309, Maniwaki, QC J9E 3C9 Tel: (819) 449-5170 Fax: (819) 449-5673
Application for Natural Resources and Wildlife Department
Technical Positions in Forestry and Wildlife
(The amount and duration of positions are subject to funding, amount of contracts
acquired and are renewable only if work is available.)
The Natural R esources and W ildlife Departm ent; under the
Com m unity Services Sector (Band Office); during different tim es
throughout the year; require the staffing of the follow ing technical
positions: W ildlife Field Technicians, P roduction Brush Cutting Forem en,
and Forestry Technical W orkers. I f you are interested in being
considered for these renew able seasonal positions, please com plete this
application form and subm it it to Janet Brascoupe at the Band Office
(819) 449-5170 or
Selection: Interviews will be held to select for the listed positions. The following
criteria will be taken into account:
1. mandatory requirements
2. preferred requirements
3. prior work performance
4. attendance record on previous jobs
5. general health (selected workers must sign an attestation that they are
physically fit to carry out labour intensive work)
6. All KZA employees are obligated to sign a Work Code of Ethics form.
Deadline to Apply:
April 29, 2015 at 4:00 p.m .
M andatory for all positions:
Valid Driver’s license required. (please provide a photocopy)
Wildlife Field Technicians (2-3 positions)
Preferred Requirements:
Experience in use of GPS and navigation
Experience with map and compass orienteering
Experience in radio-telemetry
Organized, able to keep clear and detailed log book
Be physically fit
Must be able to maintain confidential data
Must be comfortable working with community members, specifically
Must be able to take direction (daily task, log book formatting)
Must be comfortable handing wildlife species
Able to work in poor weather conditions
Able to work independently and exhibit creative problem solving
Must be flexible with work hours (long hours and some night work)
Experience operating small boats
Able to use Microsoft Excel and Word
Familiar with Species at Risk within Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg territory
Must be reliable (work is in pairs)
Must have mechanical skills, mathematics, reading and writing
Must have own transportation to job site, 4x4 preferred.
Production Brush Cutting Foreman – 2 Positions
Preferred Requirements:
Must have own transportation to job site, 4x4 preferred
Strong communication and leadership skills
GPS training and extensive experience
Experience with map and compass orienteering
Silviculture experience
Knowledge of quality requirements for brush cutting on public land
Knowledge of safety and environmental requirements for brush cutting on
public land
Knowledge of tree and plant species and their habitat requirements
Organized, able to keep clear and detailed log book
Be physically fit
Able to work in poor weather conditions
Able to work independently
CSST First-Aid training
Knowledge of ISO certification
Knowledge of BNQ certification
Forestry Technical Workers
(which could include, ribboning of blocks, tree marking, inventory, field
monitoring, logging supervisor etc.
Preferred Requirements:
Forest technician diploma (or related in-field experience)
Forest technician training-certificates
Knowledge of tree species and plant and their habitat requirements
Able to use Microsoft Excel and Word
Knowledge of ArcGIS is a plus
Organized, able to keep clear and detailed log book
Be physically fit
Able to work in poor weather conditions
Able to work independently
Must have own transportation to job site, 4x4 preferred
CSST First-Aid training
Knowledge of ISO certification
Knowledge of BNQ certification
Ribboning (contract dependant)
• GPS training and extensive experience
• Experience with map and compass orienteering
• Silviculture experience
• Ability to work independently
Tree-marking (contract dependant)
• GPS training and extensive experience
• Experience with map and compass orienteering
• Tree-marking training and experience
• Knowledge of MSCR defect classification system
• Logging experience
Inventory (contract dependant)
• GPS training and extensive experience
• Experience with map and compass orienteering
• Forest inventory experience
• Knowledge of MSCR defect classification system
• Knowledge and training with the following forestry tools: Basal area prism,
tree increment borer, sunto, soil auger, caliper/diameter tape
Compliance Officer (funding dependant – 2 positions)
• GPS training and extensive experience
• Experience with map and compass orienteering
• Experience using computer
• Logging experience
• Knowledge and experience of road construction
• Culvert and road inspection training and experience
• Knowledge of forestry-related safety requirements
• Knowledge of regulation respecting standards of forest management in
public forests (RNI)
• Strong communication skills
Employment Application
Natural Resources and Wildlife Department Technical
Positions in Forestry and Wildlife
DEADLINE TO APPLY: April 29, 2015
Home Permanent Address: ______________________________
Mailing Address:
(if different from home address)
Cell/2nd Number to leave messages:
Resume Attached
□ Yes
Copy of Quebec Driver’s Licence □ Yes □ No
Quebec Medical Card
□ Yes
□ No
Note: Mark each position you wish to apply for and
indicate all relevant experience, specifically addressing
the mandatory requirements. A resume should be
attached detailing all your relevant experience.
If you do not have a resume: please provide all
supporting documents and further information on a
separate sheet of paper such as previous employers and
year of employment.
________(date received)
Employment Application
Natural Resources and Wildlife Department
Technical Positions in Forestry and Wildlife
Wildlife Field Technicians
(YES) (NO)
Production Brush Cutting Foreman
(YES) (NO)
Forestry Technical Workers
(YES) (NO)
(YES) (NO)
(YES) (NO)
Compliance Officer
(YES) (NO)
*it is important to update your information when there are any changes to
the information you provide on this application.
The Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg practices a preferential hiring policy. Please
see our website and go to photos/policies then policies
Applicant’s Name
Date Received KZA_____________
Applicant’s Signature
Dr. Brda Rte
Clinical Psychologist
and consultant
MAY 4, 2015 - 6:30PM
Dr. Restoule (Waub Zhe kwens) is from Dokis First Nation (Ojibwa) and from
the Eagle Clan. She is a registered Clinical psychologist who received her
undergraduate training from Western University and her graduate training
from Queen’s University. Dr. Restoule is the co-chair of the Native Mental
Health Association of Canada where she has been an active member for
almost 20 years. She served as a committee member to the Resolution Health
Support Program for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and co-chair
with the Assembly of First Nations on the development of a Mental Wellness
Continuum Framework.