MOST IMMEDIATE No. C-3 l0I5 17 120 14-Vig. Government of India/Bharat Sarkar Ministry of Labour and Employment/Shram Aur Rozgar Mantralaya :f * t<:F * Neu' Delhi, dated 5ta.rratY, 2015. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Declaration of Assets and Liabilities by public servants under section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayauktas Act, 2013 - extension of last date for filing of revised ieturns by public servants who have filed property returns under the existing service rules - regarding. This is to inform that O.purt-rnt of Personnel & Training vide their o.M.No. 4071L212014-AVD-IV(B) dated 25.12.2014 (copy enclosed) have informed that the Government has since amended the Public Servants (Furnishing of Information and Annual Return of Assets and Liabilities and the Limits for Exemption of Assets in filing Retums) Rules, 2014 vide Notification dated 08.092014, in terms of which, the last date for filing returns of assets and liabilities by all public servants has been revised from 31*t December. 2014 to 30th April- 2015. Z. It is therefore requested that all officers and staff of MoL &8, including its Attached offices, Subordinate offices and Autonomous Bodies should ensure compliance with the Revised Rules and filing of returns within the prescribed time limit i.e. 30th April. 2015 (.Annexure-I). The Annual Immovable Property Return (AIPR) is also required to be filed separately by all Group'A' and Group'B' officers/staff of MoL&E by 31't January. 2015 for the year 2014. as per past practice (Arurexure-Il). 3. (K.M.S. Khalsa) Under Secretary(Vig.) Telefax No. 23711582 DGE&T, CLC(C), DGFASLI, DGLB, CBWE, DGMS for necessary action. Director (cLS-u)/ DS(ISH)/ DS(ESA)/ us(Lw) office of DGLW for 3. necessary action in respect of the Cadres under their Administrative Control. Adm.I /CLS-il Sectior/ ESA Section/ W-I Section (LWy ISH-II SectiorV 4. VFTA Section (DGET)/ Vig.Section [CLC(C)]. All Officers/Staff (Group A, B and C) in the Ministry of Labour & Employment (MS). 5. NIC - MoL&E. It is requested that this O.M. and DoP&T's O.M. dated ZS.l1.20l4 referred above, may be uploaded on the web-site of the Ministry. S y.',tx(rt; h o.,tOr / tZ/Z{} L.t_A V}_IV(ts) #ha r$ t sa rria r/Govern ment of tntria '\'IinistrT of Persanne!, Public Grievarces an,cl pensions Depirrtmenf ar personner anci rraining New Dt lhi, the 25th Decernber, 2014 Qf$q,g Menroranctupg subject: Declaration of Assefs *nd L.iabilities brv public servanfs under secfion .{"r of the Lokpar and Lokayuktas Act. z01B _ extension of last date for filing of revised returns by public { ::ffi:?J*1 iffi ,ffiiproperqv retu rns under the existing Ihe undersigned is rJirected to refbr to uliis Departrnenr,s D.O. leiter even ltlo' ciated 8rh september, 20I 4 r:egarding the furnis6ing of information relating to asset$ au,c liabilities by public $enanrs u*der secrion of 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 *o of the central Go'emmenr's notificaiions dated g;; therewith copies fdil;;; , zal4 containing - to rhe Lokpal & L.okayuktas {R.em,rval of Difftcujties } order, 201'1, ft'r the iiufpose of extenciing the tim- ii*i, *"r.**"g out necessal-a changes in tire relevant rules relating to clifferent serv'ices fronr o'rwo hundred and sevenr-v da-lrs" to .'three hu'dred and slxry days", from rhe date on nrhi6h the gcic.ame into force, l,;; rc; Januaqv, ZAl4; and (a) amendment (b)the Public serv'ants (Furnistiing of Infcrrmation and Annua] Re,turn of Assets and Liabilities and tt e Limits fbr Exempdon of Assers in Retums) Amendrnent Rules2014, **rg"aing the rime li.rnit for liling filing of reviseci returns by all public seian" rril-ijtrd-pren:ber, zArc to 3 l " December, 2014 . 2. In this regard. the under:signed *l" o"."fu"'.,2q i,s ended bv djrected to convey rhat rlre last d4e ated in :.lUt_ il.T*'*il,t*il:,T,.#il;;J:*l*i,','*.m?.l*i'i:iiir,UiTlffi i;ffi"ffi:%""1."; ; Liabilities ff f; and the Linriis ror Exernprion r" rii.ld ?014 and to the Lokpat & Lokaiuhas " (R.n,ou=,t of OitficLrldes)Order. /- ...,.cont*d ,I .' -:. i'.Ji-'.'v't, :i }Y t , i. " ",*$ gt^t" 1; -2 't'he fori:rats fbr submission of ?011 are being notiflrecl separatell.,'. (Forr:n-ll) aiid fcrr subrnissian ol smtemenrs regarding psvahle properries (Form-lV; under the said mle-s are smreinenrr r*jurding clebts,rnd iiabilities amendments to 1he also being relrised and rvill be notified as pafi of the website of this aforesaid rules. They rvill arso be uploaded on the Depzutment. i-e., bgg/persirrir:-;.}lS'in ' are requesied to 3. All Ministries/Dep&rtments and cadre authorities with the revised Rules by kindl,v issu,e orders towards ensuring compliance all offrceru and staff in rhe respective Ministry/Departrnentl Organisations/pSUs under their control, within the revised tirne-li:mit mentioned thereln. '"Jb*F^"#" .r''" (.lishnu Barua) Jcrint Secretar)' to the Gort- of India Tele: 23'093591 { To F? Ail Secretaries to the Gart. of- Inciia (as per stanctard rnailing ?. All Chief Secretaries of St$te Covernntents 3. All Administrators of the Union Tenitories l. !. List) fctwarded to: Copy for infon:ration and with a request for similar action, (i) (ii) iiiit (iv) Secretaq'General' Lok Sabha Secretary General.' Rajya Sabl:a Comptroller and Auditor General of India secretary, Eiection commission of lndia C*py also to( Secretary (S&V) rvith a request actiorr for an:endments/modification Rules and their irnplernen tation. I ) Additional necessar,Y to take irnrnediate of AIS (Conduct) (2)Joint Secretarv (Esn.) with a request [o take irnrnediate nec'essar]' action for arnendmentslmt:dification of CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 and their implementation. {frs; d*^' -:""4;':"'q-'{s---'- " i.lisJinu Barua) .foini lieuretarl to the Govt. of [nCja Tele: 23093591 0 ur n d,. q-re- [PmT ll-._strc.3(i)] TI{E GMBTTE O}. INDIA : EXTMORDINARY zif,rr( ffifu YFq {w qrEn' aT*Ih t't'.'' (q') srsq' d. z h ramr 3. pMi* qFf{'rsd :,i,. '!rcq ''. qTqT^ fiTfr rT{fi 3i fl{. (q"i, qfr qT d. z i0:.....,.,....,r...".; q,fi dT qTFffi 5r.tq; Elniqi l' qqGqflT dTr{T {iqfr 6r Bq.{ur R Tqqi qftd qFr r*tr q}-) ffirqt, it-.#{A'sqRB o*ffiaic, qftd€ d' : qd'fi qrqtr 10 Trq qfds .3i& ft Er*o t00 TT q rrEm cf +qI sr crq qrtqrfr stlq enffiih dtit (m)w{t+< 1e1ffis{ 0D si*'{rt1q F) tq.R-a $fdtl) Hffi+sq-€f-t (4 qq (q'*h' 6qqrt efr sq-<Ffre at IrR ss nrerq s-c"i if#*n *.t +, Erq-{ t" 'F--fr" Ffr tfh* .sf,tq{, ft-ff.qr, {qqtft* Y"Tt TB t fr qrs h qrtr6q qr 1'0o mrq H;G.# q*; "*RoR, rr Fq tl rqq' ":-] | iilqTrfr+6fitEqssqtRqwqfr .\ :^ **2 qfl*. {rq t qflf{ h frRqrfr: qfur*sq fr fi*t ftq ''q+ ftddft?rr qTg{ilt r .Rtqft+{ *rr:tqq6;ft Eq h (+oot) ffi *ffd c sr{f,itf, qsq fr qqqro-+ff ftffiffi a lI{ d * me ilq Ti{+( qq 3Tffin *q*Tn{ t w6i 'ro gitffi t R"*{ qqf'd6r ftq"Rr {s fuq't rlq-r s l"; ii gilftferr ff "o " Fhcr*r g{ r1," flq rrs -* }rfr sq -,, k)r RRqm r z qrq {wq J- tqTTr (€") II*qc tIR" a(i)l ysq'd. tv + rcrra^'rt, ftE.frfr-r!.6q{w til lIqTf, qrarr-r, : 3ffiil{f{ut qt{t( i- '{aqti' 4 dftq.. fry ;..i......-..-....' i : ssnt fi qlk E"qt 6t ql <t qw 4 {q effiI fr i{ftr+€ fr 6{F{qffiT qfr t t \, -s ----:-33, nn $ll( qrq q{tlttll +l l.UU t (q-e (,!ltl{1, uffia ftT qr..i' q'Tfirg$srT ffffi'1-q fr *r €qMi fr Rrq rrq RfSq fccqq 2 : frqqur i ffit, 4qffit, ffiTq {erri}if, anfiq E"ir slr q'Rff4i (wai*1, fr v6p* 6q Qrn qfq a"qt {, t lqr. ri. 407I 12201 lt{T 4-gftff-lv (fi)l qe'qt, {if+T sR{ inftq 14 gq-rt' 2014 ft-w qr<il h qrqs'a, etfi'Tr<alfr qflq{q-{T {itrm'sr's-r'ft' 50:l(3T)' 2014 fr srf,rrerd ftdq{, $rcrrtlT{s[, drfrq B arn ,.f,rfl* frq .1g t st( s-{mr qrcfl h'<r"rq-q ftFq,rr : Ter ' m'.nr'fr'. 638(3T) arn {qfrerq fr'qt rqr en' r "fBWqT€. AND PENSIONS MINISTRY OF PERSONNEI,, PTIBLIC GRIEVANCES (Department of Personnel and Trrining) NOTIFICA.TION New Delhi, rhe26th Decernber' 2014' G.s.R 9lg(E).*In with clause (k) and clause (l) of subLokayuktas Act, 2013 (1 of 2014)' the central (1) read exercise of the powers conferred by sub,section 45 of the Lokpal ancl seotion (2) of seotion 59, section 44 and section of Information ancl .Government hereby makes the tbllowing rules further to amend the Publio servants $rurnishing 2074' namelyiRules' rr-eturns) Filing in the Lirnits for Exemption of Assets Annual Return of Ass"ts anct Liabiliti.s "io pubfic servants (Funrishing of Information and Annual Return of Assets and These rules maY be called the -second Amendrnent Rules' 2014' Retums) tiabiiitie; and the Limirs for Excmption of Assets in Filing offlcial Gazette', the in publication (2) They shall come into force on thedate of their of Assets and Liabilities and the Limits for Return Annual In the public servdnts (Furnishing of Information'and rules), in ntle 3' in the Returns) I{ules,2014 (hereinafter referred to as the'principal 1. . (l) 2, Exemption of Assets in Filipe ,.on or before the 31st day of Decembet, 2a{4", the.wortls "on or befole the proviso to sub-rule (2), for the words 30th day of April, 2015'shatl be substituted n Hnnexa vL- L [Panr II-Se.c.3(i)J TFIE OAZHITE OF INDIA ; EXTRAORDINARY 3. In the principal rules, in Appendix II, (a) for - Form No. II, the fbllowing Form shall be substituted, "FORIVI No. namely:- II Statcrnent of movable proqerE gJ first appointment .gT ?s-gn.fhe il't-ryIarch.20... (Llse separate sheets for self; spouse and cach dependent child-) Naroe of public servant/spouse/depen<ient child: .- Rcmarks, if rny Cash and bank balancc: Insurance (prernia paid) : Fixed /Recurring Deposi(s) MutualFund(s) : ; Pension Scherne/Provident Fund Other investments, if anY : e$onal loans/advance given to any person or entitY inciuding firrn, ctmrpany, lrust P :. ^+^ .l rrrrr ^rL^- +arairrakl^. lvyv! l a+ulyrt 1i.^!tv. ^-A otu vuru debtors and the amouilt (exceeding two months basic pay or Rupees one lakh, a.s (iui the cas€ may be): Motor Vehicles (Details of lvlake, re gistration n:rr-!-.rrre...w v- t i_,ee:' r.rf nt lrChi!,<g and arnount paid): Jewellery lGive details of approximate weight (plus or'minus l0 gms, in respect of ' gold and precious stones; plus or minus 100 gms. in respect of silvcr).1 Silver: Precious metals and precious stones: Cornposite items: (indicate approxirnate value)* t * @detailsofmovableassetsnotcoveredin(i)to(v)above.| (a) Furniture (b) Fixtures , (c) Antiques (d) Paintings (c) $ectronic equiPrnents (0 Others particttlar asset in any flndicate the details of aD asset, only if the totel currcut vaiue of any particular category (e.g. furniture, fixhrres, eiectronic oquipments, etc.) excor:ds fwo mcnths' basic pay or Rs. 1.00lakh, as the case mav be.l Date . Signature. . * Details of defosits in the foreign Bank(s) to be given separately' , ** Investments above Rs,2 lali:hs to be reported indiviclually. Investmcnts below Rs. 2 lakhs may be reporled together' **+ Value 'rndicated in the first return need not be rovised in subsequent returns as long as no new solnposite item been acquired or no existing items had been disposed of, during the relevant year."; had [qfi tl-tso's qKd ifiT llEtw{ 3 (a) Signature. Dace. l'00 lakh in other two months basio pay (where applicablc) and Rs' Note 1: Individual items of loans not exceeding cases need not be included. 1) taken from banks, and'advances (exceeding the value in Note Note 2. The statement should include various'loans ,*** t"r;;; ilir;;"t, Ce ntral/State Govern ment and fr orn indiVi duals' "' I F. No. 407 I 1 2t?0 r4-Avn-Iv(B)l JISI{NU BARUA, .lt. SecY' of Inclia, Extraordinary,, vidc notification nurnber G's'R' Note.-The principal rules were published in the oazettn in the Gazette of vide notification No' G.s.R. 638(E) published 501(E), dated the l4th July, L0l4 andamended ' 2014' India, Bxtraordinaryo'dated Sth September' s ltlr 6r)l\ -}., ttrinted by the Manager, Government oI mot w Oettri-t tO80q Delhi-110054' and puifisftra by the Controller of Publications, l n /],hnrcl.rq1r. Statement of lmmovable property Return for the year 2Ol4 (as on 31.12.2014) Service: Central Secretariat Service/CSSS Name of Officer (in full): M i n istry/Depa rtment/Office me district of and village in Na subdivision, Taluk which property is Name details of and of construction/ *Present lf not in own state in How acquired - whether by Annual Value whose name held and his/her relationship to Government acquirement housing, lands and other buildings Present Pay: CSL No: : property the including land case of in house and year servant. when purchased situated L Date of Birth: Designation: 2 3 purchase, lease**, mortgage, inheritance gift or from Income t Remarks the property othenrvise with date of acquisition and name with details of persons from whom acquired 4 5 6 7 8 Signature: Date: Notes: * In case where it is not possible to assess the value accurately the approximately value in relation to present conditions may be indicated. 2l ** lncludes short term lease also. 3) The declaration form is required to be filled in and submitted by every member of Class I and Class ll (Group A and Group B) services under rule 15(3) of the Central Services (Conduct) Rules, 1955, [now rule 18(1) of CCS (Conduct] Rules, 19641 on the first appointment to the service and thereafter at the interval of every twelve montht giving particulars of all immovable property owned, acquired or inherited by him or held on lease or mortgage, either in his own name or in the name of any members of his family or in the name of any other person dependent on Government Servant. 4) The wording'no change'or "no addition" or'as in the previous year should be avoided and full details provided. 5) The columns should be filled up neatly in capital letten. 1.) tt
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