MOST IMMEDIATE No. C-3 101 5 17 1201 4-Vig. Government of India/Bharat Sarkar Ministry of Labour and Employment/Shram Aur Rozgar Mantralaya ***{<* New Delhi, dated e/f4urch, 201 5. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Declaration of Assets and Liabilities by public servants under section 44 ofthe Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 - Clarification regarding formats to be used for filling returns under the Act. This is to inform that Department of Personnel &, Training vide their O.M.No-40711212014-AVD-IV-B dated 18.03 .2015 (copy enclosed) regar,Cing furnishing of Information relating to assets and liabilities by public servants under section 44 of the Lolpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013, have issued following clarifications : (i) The first return (as on I't August, 2014) under the Lokpal Act should filed on or before the 30th April, 2015; (ii) The next annual return under the Lokp al & Loayuktas Act, 2013 for the year ending 3 1 't Mar ch 201 5 should be filed on or before 3 1't July , 2015; and (iii) The annual return for subsequent years as on or before 3 I't July, 2015. 3 I't March every year should be filed on 2. It is therefore requested that all officers and staff (Group'A','B' &'C') of MoL&E, including its Attached offices, Subordinate offices and Autonomous Bodies may file the said declarations/returns within the prescribed time limits, in the form prescribed by DoP&T vide their O.M. dated 18.03 .2015 (available on*Fr:ornjCIS.asp and also Employment's website under 'What's New' section). DoP&T's website in Ministry of Labour & (K.Tf,.S. Khalsa) Under Secretaryffig.) Telefax No. 23711582 l. DGE&T, CLC(C), DGFASLI, DGLB, CBWE, DGMS for necessary action. 2. Director (CLS-il)/ Dir(ES A) I DS(ISH) / US(LW) Office of DGLW for necessary action in respect of the Cadres under their Administrative Control. a1 Adm.III /CLS-II Section/ ESA Section/ W-I Section (LW)/ ISH-II Section/ VFTA Section (DGET)/ Vig. Section [CLC(C)]. 4. All Officers/Staff (Group 'A', 'B' and 'C') in the Ministry of Labour & Employment (MS). 5. NIC - MoL&E. It is requested that this O.M. may be uploaded on the web-site under 'What's New' section. ,/ No, AT fi 2 t 20 1 4-AVD - lV-B Govemment of India Pensions Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances,& bepartment of Personnel and Training North Block, New Delhi:110001' Dated the 18'03"2015' Otfice lUemqra0Cum by,public e*ervants undsr section 44 subiect : Declaratlon of Assets and Liabilitiee20i3- Clarification r*garding Act, Lo*ayuktag of the foxpaianO the Act' formats to [e u""A for iitlng t::-ti:Oer this Department's DO letter of evsn No' The undersigned is direc{ed to refer to of even No' dated 13h January' 2015 o.M. the dated Zgh December, 2fi4 end pubfic $ervants relating to assets and liabilities by regarding furnishing of Information copies of therewith forwarding 2013, Lokayukias Act, under section 44 of the Lokpal and - dated 26n December, ?014 containing the centralGovernment's notifrcotions (Removal gf Difiicu|ties) order, 2014. for (a) Arnendment to the Lokpa| & Lokayuktas for carrying out necessary changes in the the purpose of extending the time lirnit re|evantru|esre|atingtodifferentserv{cesfrom.threehundredandsix$iavs"to 16s .eighteen *ontn,' ,-f,o* the date on which the Ac{ came into force. i.e.' January,2014; and and of Informaiion and Annual Return of Assets (b) The public servants (Furnishing Arnendment Returns) Filing in Assets of Liabilities and the Limits for Exemption proviso for filing of revised returns ( pl see Rules, 2014, extending the time limit 31*t from public servants all uy principal rulo) under sur rule 2 of rule 3 of the 2015' December, 2014 to 304 APril' 2. :In this regard, it is clarified that (i)Thefirstreturn(ason1dAugust,2014)undertheLokpalActshouldbe filed on or before the 30n APril' 2015; (ii)Thenextannua|returnunderthetheLokpa|andLokayuktasAct,2013for or before 31'| Ju|y, should be filed on the year ending 31d March, 2015 2015; and (ii0 years as on 31't March every year should The annual retum for subsequent year' of that July 31" be filed on or before U 3. The following Assets & Liabilities Return forms (both enclosed herewith as indicated below:' A. F, in English and Hindi) are Declaration to be filed with Return of Assets and Liabitities on First Appointment or as on the 31't March, 20... ... (Under $ec 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013.) fAppendix-l of the notification dated 14.07 '2A1q. (a) FORM No. | - Details of Public Servant, his/ her spouse and dependent children [Appen d ix-ll of the notification dated 1 4 -07 .201 4l (b) Modified FORM No. ll - $tatement of movable property on ftrst appointment or as on the 31st March, 2S...lAppendixll of the notification dated 14.07.2014 as modified vide notificatlon dated 25.1 2-201 4J. (c) FORM HO. llt * $tatement of immovable property on frrst appointment or as on the 31stMarch,20.... (e.g. Lands, House, $hops, Other Buildings, etc.) [Held by Public Seryanl, his/her spouse and dependent children] lAppendix-ll of the notification dated 1 4.07. 201 41. (d) Modlfied FORIU No. IV - Statement of Debts and Other Liabilities on first appointrnent or as on 31$t March, 20..".....[Appendlx{l of the notification dated 14.07.2014 a8 modlfied vide notification dated 26.12.20141. in all officers and staff that en$ure Your requested Ministry/DepartmenVorganizations file the said declarations/returns within the prescribed time-limits, in the afore-mentioned fonns lt is 4. Enc:- As above. to (rj Joint S 1. Secretary All Ministries/Departments of the Governrrent of India (as Per standard mailing list) 2. The Chief SecretarY All $tate Governments/Adrninistrators, UTs (as per standard rnailing list) Copy , with a request for similar action, {orwarded to : Secretary General, Lok Sabha (ii) $ewetary General, RaiYa Sabha (iii) Cornptroller and Auditor General of India (iv) Secretary, Election Commission of India (i) iqtvl* hu Barua) s"PPpNplx-r I Rule 3(l)l Rcturn of A,ssets snd Liatrililies on liirst Appoinfment or rs on the 3l'tltfarch, 20......* (Under Sec 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayukras Acr,20l3.) l. Nanre of the Public servant in (in block lensrs) 2.(a) PresEnt public position held (Designation, rarns and address of organisation) (b) Ssn'ice to whicb belongs (if applicable) Declaration: I hereby declare that thc return enclosed nanrely, Forms l to IV are complete, true and correct to the best of rny knowledge and beliefl in respect of infonnarion due to be furnishcd by nre under the provisions of section 44 of tbe Lokpal and LokaluLtas Act. ?013. * Lr cnse of first appoinfrncnt please indjcate date o{ appointment. Note L This return shall contain paniculars of ell asssts ancl liabiliries of the public serranr either in his{rcr own trame or in the name of any otirer per$on. 'llhe retum should include details in respect of assets/ liabilities oispouse and dependent children as provided in Section 44 Q, of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Acr" 20i3. (Section aaQ):A puhlic servart shall, within a period of thirty days from the date on which he makes and subscdbes an oath or affinnation to enter upon his officc, furnish to the competent authority the informarion relating (a) the assets of vrhich he, his spouse and his dependent children are, jointly or severally. owners or beneficiarics: (6) iris liabilities and that of his spouse and his dependenr children.) to- If a public sen'anl is a member of Hindu Undivided Family wirh e>parcsnary righrs in the properties of the family either as a 'Karla' or as a member, he should indicare jn rhe retur in Form No. III the valuc of his share in such property and where it is nor possible to indicate the Note 2. exact value of such share, its approximate vatue. Suitable explanatory notes may be added wherqver nece$sary. Note 3:* "dependent children" means sons and daughters who have no separate rneans of earning and are dependent on the public servant for their livelihood. (Etplanation ltelov, Section aa(g of I-okpal and Lakaltrktas Act, ?013) UI APPET{DtX:!J IRule 3{l}l FORM No. I Details of Public servant, hisl her spouse and dependent chililrcn Puhlic Position * Add morc rorvs, Date............ if necessary. lrcl{ if any Whuther rerurn bcing filed hy @a "FORlYf No. II $tatenlent of movable pronertl' o#.Sfrt Sp,pciatmqnt of gt on the 3I'r Marqfib 1S.,. (tlse separate sheets for self, spouse and each dependeur child.) -lt of public sen'anvspouseidepentleut chi|d: p Remarks. if nnr Descriptiou \IO C.ssh dnd bank balancer l*t Insurancc (prcmia paid) : Fixcd lRecurring Deposit(s) : SharcslEonds: Muoal Fund(s) : Pcosion SchcmcJProvidclil Fu$d Othcr invcstnrents. if any: (iii) I Pc,rsonal : i loan#advance given to iury pcrson or mlig' including firm, corpany. trust. etc. and othcr rcccivrbles from dcbtors End tlre atuosnt (crceeding two months basic pay or Rupees onc lnkh, (D*ails of lv{ake, regisradon numbcr, year of purchasc [Givc daails of appro.timate weight (plus or minus I0 grns^ in rcspcct of gold and precious stones; plus sr minus 100 cDLs. in respcct ofsil,rer Precious mctals and precirxrs etonel: of movohle ssscls not covaed in ti) ts {v) (a) Fumiturc (b) Fixture; (c) Antiques (d) Paintings (e) Elccronic equipmcnrs (fl Othcrs findicatc thc details of an assct only if the total currcnr value of any particular a*set in any particular c0rcgory (e.g. frrninfc, fixturcs, eloctronic cquipmcnts, ctc.) cxcccds two months' basic ply or Rs. 1"00 ' Details of&pooiu ia thc nodp S,rnk(s) tc bc givcr rcp*rnrcly. qnrtod irdiri.ltral.b" !6vc$tmcots bclow Rr3 la]lu nry hc reprrtcd togctbcr. ...Vahriudicdcdiltbcfurtn.turuueedaotbcrcviscdia$bf{qrrnt!t|u$sask'ngosnoo**rr.rmprrsittirsuhadbgtrrecgurndoruoexirtingirfqcbrdbccn 'o l.ovcst&clts lbovc rturing thc R^s. 2 lrkhs to bc mbvgt .,*; t'' FORMNO.Iil statemont of inqovablc pr-ogwy on Srp"t aoppinmcnt"or *s$n thp*l t 1 Marsh. {ag. La*ds, Housg $hcpq $therFuildings, ctc.) {ublic Servant, lf not in of his/he.r *pmuse and oomc puhlic Dsle of ruquisition nt childrcn] Ilow acquirnd (*hdha by purchax; mortgag€, .scrv8nl. s[!lc leasa $kf,itsncc, gift in whmc namc or othcnviec) urd name hsld and hiVhcr rclationship, if tny to tlrc public rervont lJ*, with deraik of persory'figrsein* frtmr whorr (iddrc8s o.ronGrtirln acquirad antl ths of Gcveinment grvrnt. ony, with if ------*T Pres€nt | 'frxnl vsluo of thc annucl pfopffiy I lncft$c (lf orrct II fvnm thc vrloc not I nrofutl known, rpprox I I At* '*y I indicatedl rlrc ps$ofl/pqr$orrt rxwoemed) (Plcose sse Note I belorr,) and cost ofucquisition. *f- -^--^ --".-f*-----* tt tt rt I0t"(u|o'paprcofCofirrn9.thG|Gnn*b$..mrrHrurr"rhrrc.ofirmrrrvebhFwc|ty|}omyt1|oF{rtfrrmyrcrrnexccodiqo$c}t!'orreccrr inuvsh9rpQbobnixdfnorporror|rrirgofch|du|i4r*isrthcor,tnrrFfrsr{'x'ruclrt|eacpdxxr|r|bcrh*wniniri+fo|olriirriFoctivcofrq ton ltd tha paiSbity of dn prymtut of nnr, ' U' ,' ,/e) "FORM No. IV / / Sjgtement ofDebtq and OthE&iabilities on first appointment or as on 31s March. ?0** Naturuofdcbt/ lirbility and arnsutt Signature. Notc l: tndividual itoos of loans aot excecding two months hasic pay (where applicablc) and Rs. 1.00 cases uoed not be includcd. lalfi b dher Note 2. Thc statomcnt shodd includc vsrious loaas €nd advanccs (cxcceding the value in Note ben*s, coupanies, financial institutiong Ccnrrl/$trtc Governmt and from individuals.". fom l) rakcn cRftrE - r mrrl[]m crs r. rho' tcr @, cy qr s1 qd', 20.....6t qqrftqqn .nfud et{ Fifovra stly dirrSn qBfrsq. zors qfi qnr 44 W rrq (we mr omtt qlfust frt * M 0r*{) {) e. (o) ffi1,T g enkr a,tm Rift i,r-ecTc, 'rFc ,3ih {s) fu-s *sl * Srrvq sil qiil) * iiijtirn i?rfr iflrl A) @: zrt ttqqT i ry&Tr fu dsqm alwgm ait* rq-d !b1 qr+ infr qu-n of qrcf, *nrq ST, Avrrs S rgm vcq e,+{ do * r s Grftfrqq, zorg at rrrc 44 d w?isJi *lrftc, nt wulq y-sc r wq + {? r'qr+q srq sil{ rc* * ffifi-'g...." ','o*61 ftgft of syrr {, prol FpJft d nr{fts wef*jl en.t r frqq r. Sfl k{r'fr d aI d ssd $r{j t nq qr frr-S s{'s qft S nq d}6 *d-6 e1 w?fi 3fit Efui eft r{fuRqi offiiry t}'S r frsrun q d}ficra *{ dnnT.Sw alFrfr?pq, 2q13 3TIRtr{fr sff qrtl 44 (2) * qft m usr-qq?ift'fl vftft-a rtn (r"m +q(a) ahn *q-s EFfi oi|.{ eTrffd qrito,f a1 $Tfr?fir&s* &t aK€ rdlt I cfrTm e;".tt (qi) qT t, s{ ryffrdl d Ytlq'-f,: r-er{t rII ({r) 3r{t qal't ttn w nr'flTc *M q€ ${qil q*qngur s-q} s frq -- dtff Rq En s-qft 6 :fi-tr{sgrq. nftair.€ 6} .}i1-{ frti'J { ftm?Fl aF v{r6.r cniqryffi ffqi qft qfr q,r srcu *rn.g ry qr* atq ,.Jq.S iirfirfi $; a'r c-cfr ifl-r c{q"'n s{rfun a-sfrJ $ ERrcq} d ct,is qrii-m SqR;a, { i fu *--T?F, si ill "eF-d', q"r ffi wss d w tt frt i,iqfui r{ wr wq1vft * wq k{ y-Ea 6r w<;-tu t a} qs tt qtqfb { sirri qrq 6-r fhT{t {Fq q-€q {r r 61 "r-ttA ft{tofi fj ir,r+ crf€q altT i{-6r tS rnrr or #o ':q{ffi-d Xra waftrc mri.1 {T{ q-a$ t a-di fuur a. qR Ebtt .{fffi] F-'Prry X'ctl s. ..s'flir tl-'Cta 51, wrrtwro frllftrrJ} iB1 "ii tr#,Tr, !r-dr ?r{l s{mp,yfi.Tr Fr I -"y^ tr t$^gE t Fut offtf{ * fu'r* qrs sqrd.l ol s5t-f ?er?F rrru=r 'rfi t 3ltr t uq-4 *frftT ib ftq qfa, 6,1-6-*{oF, q-{ srrfBrd t r ({t ' ifr6q,a ** ei-*lg* 'l irft,Tf{"H, aorr ol rrrqr a*{s) mr clr*fi-iur frccq e q'RRr€ I - z (m_3!ffi) trurt tqtqr ffi{o,, *sft dffu m$, lrfr il*'€ . , ..... ?,r-w{rrrr t 1 ss-S cfr sr cfrfr sllr aflf4f, srilal d qR US , ,. l' I v7 I , I t I .t I O qr* nrefrr o{.g[ u,r{r{ ,?0. '.T :.,: * imtfftrffi-shr iqF fr*?r ', fsri, cft rn qctf 3ik fiffr lritf, mrf, *' fts grr $e GI eril?T Tt) ;r6fr 3lR t'o * vfritq : I J ilrtqr 1t,fra fifr,ltr) finrat:rffi ;rln :'laq RFmird, : qfr dtii fr : fuS zaFa zrT 3IfuF ffi Jif4a q,*, *Tfr, -sns 3IIfr lfr f sir Arfi rrqr Eqfffrfr Iiuil$fiffiq (\rfrrfr) 3ll-{ {ffi S srcil 3rd;q' mfrrsi sltr renrr guF:ft, qT anr r,r {il trq qr (mF 6IrGr w(t t llfrm} : rff,{ qrd 1ffirr, ffi"rst d@T, fi?r srce or s* 3{h {eia raq *'adt} : 3il?1rrl t3r1wrfia HR (dilar Tql"c rla Sr Erqil to fiq 3{mm {r F'$r l qi{i fi ilira 1oo znn gfro qr 6rTil agryq'qr$'3it{ TqFq liid : rrffi5r'd 6t")"' +t$ :rq vrR : Fqt|?rd {i} * 3fl* Er* rirre 3fl66q1 *, €dlt 61 dFen (s) ftir*nEr m Erfd {Tg(r (tr) (s) tltrr 1{frdT) ileflfrm (q) grq Jrrenr (Y) tl t' :iota a 0|o FffiI rc?t *r qrm Frlt mfr rtrCiil st qfr tmftq rfifrfrsq, ffiiR. * sfrqfra trdr $rrr:r 3TrR) Effifi Fnrq .rrfFr or gn T*qta qrv, annFlF, ul ars * qF fda qr 1.oo flrcr rqv t lrfum 6t) r{r frft€ g{{ artrs....... Etril!ffi...........,........'... *ert dr, (f6I f sqnf t alt Ttm rc t ffi wqtr *! grs qc('* 3tftrr * Bffif arfrmmrrq * Rtt frts Hrs* r 2 Hnr +$r t qin * BBsfir $F'snr ft{r€'ffrqr Gr rrfr-dr t *++q5f[ ffiI * rqqfilfl * yTttfrd sfitt *t $rq?q$r{r ryv *t crs|?rfdf ffi ilfr t ;rrr ro g{itrr r* * a4trn 6lt aS TiEqffi ryE rfita a$ fr 16 Ft ur tufr t I ffq-{rna rsT m frrsrr ;rff RrqI zrqr E} r'; '/ (t7r -\,<_*. sFq fio 3 qm fir& $ 91e1 qr{, 20....r.. *,,.,,.*.,.,,...",S, _ffirn iqB_!]lft q,r ftnq (frta, dnrr,,$rt qfr q cFfr d$ s{rf*fr ryffFT w wfu} ftFlrrl sfi&fr srR) frq;fi vfl lrrr trt qFt tnt qR Fq, ttrm, q-gf,Rrngfl, qrjf qt s1''{E1 EFr e} trar,gfR!rrr. q*eEswsHFtn vs qftl qffi d qtt nlkil .rfi lW sth fu{,f dfi aRRrfr * dlr rsnff gFFq crffiil d t (wt dlr 'r{Srd qrl wftf{rfffi {fffir* *{6 * ffis. rigt q|R r{rs^ ftt{ t} g'*w {rn frqq r &f €tk ndq d gpn ilrfiq Rcq q€t - r. dq e qfrt t{l t rdw d frc fr Erf,dftE !'l {t aftnfur i t d rv d d bri vo d * efr6 q!ft al ed! {| 4ffT tu{q i frq qred s{F t fr rsF{ ffi ar Rdtt*tqhl * nia irdr t &{r{s Fs.t *i6 S srq uns!*q *ie t tQ qqt{,1 qc& rl !*c t f€q !n 6|hli v{ qrn &R fr{r Rltqr qm wBc Fqq,rrd' qliar{{ftft dlcfrRc 5l vFr I e I I !, l? , I Trc d0 I frr{gr {ofr (rritr qR qr crd qr Jilfff, {rsFF} r1 I EiFirqfi....... qga tfit * 3tft*, atr t twi atq il) ilrt fir srE1qnmr aft t t d 1.00 flts $rt k $Fqfta frt sttr:rq frsq 2 : Ecrsr 6 $df. Sqffi, ffifq tit{ffill, *fidf{ $Fsnf{rfrr s{sn * rft Eqfr:ql * fr(' enr Eft;a {"f llt{ sffamt {trdaiql} m} sfrxftra wat etn t frsq 1 I sunt f,r qerpit Eql lnt ql ql lrrs *, qc
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