
Our Lady of Knock Church, Lackagh Parish
Fr. Des
Lackagh, Athenry, Co. Galway
17 May, 2015
The Ascension of the
Parish Radio : 106.8 fm
Tel:( 091) 797 114
Saturday Vigil Mass - 7:30pm. Sunday Mass - 11:30am
087 2255 740
Legion of Mary: Friday mornings after Mass.
Fr . Des
087 2255 740
Parish Office: 091 797114
Parish Secretary – Mary Duddy.
Adoration: Mondays: 2pm -10pm and Wednesdays 10am -10pm. Sacristan – Imelda Hussey.
Baptisms take place on the First and Third Sunday of each month at 12:15 sharp.
Parish Office Opening Hours: 2:30pm – 4:30 pm
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Parish E-mail Address:
A minimum of two weeks’ notice is required
May is the month of Our Lady.
Something very beautiful for Jesus - On the
Pentecost weekend: The diocesan-wide Adoration Feast of st Faustina
33 hours in memory of our Lord's years.
It is on in Tuam Cathedral starting after 10am Mass
Sunday 17th
11:00am RTE Live Broadcast Mass .
NEXT Saturday 23rd and ending on Sunday 24th with
Private intention
Mass at 7 pm. The Adoration itself will be in St.
Kitty Morris McCadden. 6th Anniversary (formerly Lackaghmore).
Jarlath's chapel for which we are deeply grateful to
Private intention
all in the college.
Private intention
Everyone in the Archdiocese is welcome , our
Tommy Burke, Bawnmore.
solidarity is precious.
Saturday 23rd
Johnny Cloherty, Cregmore. MONTH’S MIND
If Lackagh parishioners are not assigned a particular
Sunday 24th
Gerry Crehan, Cregmore. 24th Anniversary.
hour on the timetable, they are kindly invited to take
Michael and Anne Morris, Rathfee also Tomas and Delia Conboy.
any hour they like and, of course, anyone who would
Tom Walsh, Coolarne. 4th Anniversary.
like to come is welcome.
Last weekends Collection for the upkeep of the church and parish: €1,760. Thank you.
Saturday 16
Paddy Conneely, Cregmore. 2nd Anniversary
Noel Nally, Ballinvoher.
2nd Anniversary.
Padraic McDonagh, Monroe. 31st Anniversary.
Please Pray for: Kate Collins, Lisheenavalla whose funeral took place on Tuesday. Nellie Greaney, Cahernashelleeney whose funeral
took place on Friday. Jimmy Rooney, Carnmore brother of Mary Murphy, Ballyglass. May their souls rest in Heavenly peace.
Rosary in Cregg Cemetery at 3pm every Sunday for the month of May After the RTE broadcast Mass has aired, it will be available on line
( by it's broadcast date 17th May 2015) on
Congratulations to the Cregmore N.S. First Holy Communion Class : Clodagh Crowley, Realtin Stara, Eabha Woods,
Conor Veerasingam, David McCallig, Roisín Joyce, Rebecca Daly, James Costello, Liam Connolly, Lauren McCahill,
Emma Flaherty, Cora Cowap, Emily Lally, Jack Heffernan, Dara Scanlon, Igor Cygan, Nathan Dolor, Tomas McGrath,
Ben O’Hara, Alex O’Halloran, John Devaney, Kate McGarry, Nina Bujak, Ciara Morgan, Sarah Kelly, Dara Kavanagh, Karl Murphy, Ciara Kelly,
Ella Hannon, Riona Forde, Daniel Fitzmaurice, Oisin Grealish, Matthew Collins, Rian O’Connor and Kian Kenny.
Trócaire Donations: Thank you to all who have returned their Trócaire Boxes or Trócaire envelopes. We ask people who have not yet returned
theirs to do so at their earliest convenience as the money must be forwarded to Trócaire HQ this week.
Blood Donor Clinic:
will be in attendance at
Team A Eucharistic Ministers:
Readers of the Word and
Church Care
Readers of the Word: 23 William Aherne.
24 Clare O’Neachtain. The Claregalway Hotel
Mary Coppinger
Ann Kearney
Jackie Burke
Tom Kearney
THIS coming Tuesday
30 Nancy Varden. 31 Frances Molloy. 6 June Monica Hession.
Mary Forde
Breda McDonagh
Jody Murphy
Padraig Mannion 7th Bertie O’Rourke 13th Mary Tarpey. 14th Sarah Burke.
19th from 5.00pm P.J. Murphy
Bertie O’Rourke
John Joe O’Kane
Bertie O’Rourke Church Care Group Mary Burke, Kathleen Burke, Kathleen Forde, Mairead
8.30pm. New Donors
J.J. Frawley
Maureen Graham
Padraig Kenny
David Burke
Morris, Bernie Costello, Fiona Jackson, Mary Qualter, Frances Molloy,
are always needed.
John Joe O’Kane
Evelyn Mannion
Anne Hession-Fahy, Assumpta Gallagher.
The Poor Clares in Galway are hosting Monastic Experience Day NEXT Saturday ( 23rd) from 10am- 5pm The days are designed to help young women
between the ages of 21 and 40years to find out more about the Poor Clare way of life. To book contact:
Collections outside our Church: Thanks to all the organisations who give of their time to collect money for various charities. Permits are issued for Church
Gate collections. As we have no gates to our church collections are to be taken up at the entrance to the car park area and NOT on church grounds which of
course is only in accordance with the Church Gate permit granted.
Saturday evening Mass intentions: Please note that Saturday evening Mass intentions are kept strictly for the recently deceased – Month’s mind and
First Anniversary. Unless a Saturday is free on the upcoming week of the Mass then and only then can intentions for other than the above be taken.
Counselling available if you are anxious, depressed, sad ,or in addiction . Contact Patricia in a confidential safe environment. Accredited by the
Addiction Counsel of Ireland and also the British Association of counselling.  087 77 900 75.
Computer Training : BenefIT 4 is a Government grant scheme providing funding to third sector organisations for the provision of computer and
iPad training. Lackagh IT Computer Centre will be rolling out this training in the coming weeks for beginners and all levels of computers.
 Geraldine 087 815 37 62 for times and dates of this training or e/mail
The Mother/Parent and Toddler Group - Thursdays at 11 am in the Parish Centre. Young parents are encouraged to come along to "Meet and Greet" with a
cuppa and chat and a fun morning with your child to learn, play and make new friends.
Turloughmore GAA Club Lotto No Jackpot Winner. Numbers drawn: 4-8-15-27. 5 Match 3 winners €40 each: Dara O’Connor, Marguerite Duffy, M & M
Rooney, Jerome Reynolds, Kelly Morgan. Seller’s Prize: Noel Duffy. Next weeks jackpot will be €20,000 .
Country Dance in Social Centre NEXT Saturday 23rd from 10 to 1. Music by Blue Ridge Country. Admission is free. Dance preceded by
Presentation of 2014 Minor hurling medals from 9 to 10.
Notices for the Lackagh Parish Newsletter: must be emailed or submitted in writing for inclusion. No notices will be taken over the phone. Please read over your notice and have notices free from incorrect spelling and not in poster style, plain text only please. The cut off time for notices is strictly Thursday at
3:00pm to be included in the weekend newsletter. Notices arriving after this time cannot be included. The primary purpose of the Lackagh Parish Newsletter is to inform parishioners of the times of Church Services and parish related and organised events. When possible, notices about events run in the new
parishcentre, events run by community based charities and organisations are publicised. Notices for private enterprise are not printed. However, due to constraints of space there is no guarantee that all notices can be published on any given week. We do not guarantee the accuracy of statements made by any of
our contributors or other organisations or accept responsibility for any statement which they may express. The parish Newsletter can be viewed on Email
‘Marriage is important - Reflect before you change it.’
Next week the people of Ireland will be asked to vote in a referendum that will change the meaning of marriage in
the Constitution of Ireland.
Marriage is of fundamental importance for children, mothers and fathers, and society - all of us need to reflect
deeply before changing it. We ask the people of Ireland to consider very carefully the profound implications
which this constitutional amendment would have on the family environment and on our understanding of parenthood.
We respect the views of people who think differently to us, trusting that our sincerely held views, grounded in faith,
will also be heard and respected.
We come to this debate believing that the union of a man and a woman in marriage, open to the procreation of children,
is a gift from God who created us 'male and female'. Reason also points to the truth about human sexuality that makes the
relationship between a man and a woman unique. Mothers and fathers bring different, yet complementary gifts and
strengths into a child's life.
We cannot support an amendment to the Constitution which redefines marriage and effectively places the union of
two men, or two women, on a par with the marriage relationship between a husband and wife which is open to the
procreation of children.
We are concerned that, should the amendment be passed, it will become increasingly difficult to speak any longer in public
about marriage as being between a man and a woman. What will we be expected to teach children in school about
Will those who sincerely continue to believe that marriage is between a man and a woman be forced to act
against their conscience? Can a way be found to protect the civil rights of gay people without undermining the fundamental
meaning of marriage as commonly understood across cultures, faiths and down the ages?
Already, in The Children and Family Relationships Bill, it is proposed to remove mention of mothers and fathers from a whole
raft of previous legislation. We encourage everyone to think about these issues and to vote next Friday.
The effects of this proposed amendment will be far-reaching for this and for future generations.
We say to all voters: Marriage is important - Reflect before you change it.
We invite people of faith to bring this decision to prayer and we call for prayer for Marriage and the Family.
Statement of the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference