View the Kiosk press release for more information

5432 56th Avenue
Lacombe, AB T4L 1E9
(403) 782-6666
Mary C. Moore Public Library opens temporary kiosk
at LMC
Lacombe, April 10, 2015 – The Mary C. Moore Public Library is establishing base library service at a
temporary kiosk at the Lacombe Memorial Centre (LMC) beginning on Monday, April 13, and it will stay
open until the library reopens in its permanent location.
The temporary library kiosk will be located under the staircase in the LMC foyer, and its hours of
operation are as follows:
Monday, Wednesday and Friday – 11 am – 4 pm
Tuesday and Thursday – 4 pm – 8 pm
“The kiosk will allow library members to speak with staff, have us place holds, and pick up their library
materials,” said Head Librarian Christina Petrisor. “We look forward to serving our members at this
temporary location while the library is undergoing repairs and renovations.”
“On behalf of staff and the Library Board, I want to thank everyone in the community for their
continued support during this difficult period,” said Petrisor.
The kiosk has no phone at the present time, and there is no public computer access. For library related
inquiries, please contact Christina Petrisor at (403) 598-2495.
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For additional information, contact:
Christina Petrisor
Mary C. Moore Public Library
(403) 598-2495 cell
Deven Kumar,
Communications Coordinator
(403)782-1236 office
(403)782-5655 fax