Advertise on Downtown Geneva`s new Kiosk!

Advertise on Downtown Geneva’s new Kiosk!
Here’s the breakdown!
The kiosk has 3 boards.
Slides on the boards are set to a 4second rotation schedule.
This equals 15 slides per minute.
Every other slide is dedicated
advertising for the Smith Center for
the Arts.
Which means (depending on
availability) you could get up to 60
exposures per hour, or 1,440
exposures per day, per board!*
BID/Non- Chamber All Other
6 Month
Full payment must be collected in
advance. Advertisements are
subject to approval based on
content. All advertisements must be
in good taste and may not advertise
on the basis of opinion. Messages
may advertise upcoming events,
store/restaurant specials, birthdays
and anniversaries, sporting events,
and programs.
Contact the BID today!
(315) 789-0102 or
Geneva BID
One Franklin Square, Suite 211
Geneva, NY 14456
How do I design a slide?
The Geneva BID can do it for you!
All of the kiosk advertisements
can be done in-house, if you
prefer. We encourage it! We’ll
create your slide for you, send you
a proof, and reserve your slot on
our calendar.
Availability may be limited– please
give us a call if you are interested
and we will work with you to
design your slide and get it up and