OUR LADY OF HOPE CATHOLIC CHURCH Fr. Christopher A. Hoffmann, Pastor Fr. Bernard Kiratu, Associate Pastor Fr. Raymond O’Leary, Pastor Emeritus PA L M S U N D AY S U N D AY, M A R C H 2 9 , 2 0 1 5 Christ Jesus humbled himself, becoming obedient to the Point of death, even death on a cross. ~Philippians 2:8. Website: www.ladyofhope.org E-Mail– Fr. Chris frchris.oloh@cfl.rr.com Parish Office Hours 9:00am-4:00pm (Closed from Noon-1:00pm) Fax 761-8840 MASS SCHEDULE Vigil 4:00pm & 6:00pm Sunday 7:30am, 9:00am & 11:00am Weekdays (Monday-Friday) 8:30am CONFESSIONS ND TH 2 & 4 Saturdays 10:30AM-11:30AM 4675 S. CLYDE MORRIS BLVD. , PORT ORANGE, FL 32129 Mailing address: P.O. Box 290216, Port Orange, FL 32129 Office 788-6144 EMERGENCY (after hours) 788-9485 Mission Statement: “Our Lady of Hope Catholic Church is a worshipping and welcoming parish community serving the Kingdom of God. We celebrate and live our faith in Jesus Christ through the Sacraments, and by our words and actions.” Dear Friends, This week we enter into the most important time of our Church year. Holy Week has a different pace than the rest of the Lent and the rest of the year. Certainly the world around us continues with its own rhythm. But we are on a different clock this week. We are on sacred time. Wednesday evening our bishop will celebrate the Chrism Mass at the Cathedral. That Mass will begin at 6:30pm. It is at this liturgy that the holy oils used in every parish will be blessed and the priests of Diocese renew our promise to serve Christ and the Church. Holy Thursday celebrates the Lord’s Supper and the beginning of the Easter Triduum. When Mass begins that night at 7pm, in a sense, it doesn’t end until Easter Sunday evening. There is no final blessing or dismissal at the end of Mass, but a solemn procession with the Eucharist where we will sit in prayer and vigil till midnight. It is at this Mass that we have the washing of feet, a sign of humble service that Christ did for us and now he beckons us to do to each other. Good Friday is a very solemn day. No Mass is celebrated. In fact, usually no sacraments are celebrated on that day. Instead it is a day to reflect in quiet upon the passion and death of Christ. Yet, even in that reflection we are aware of our salvation and partake in Communion consecrated the night before. The Eucharist has meaning only because of Jesus’ death and resurrection. If Jesus had not been raised we could not proclaim that the Eucharist was the real presence of Christ. Our parish will celebrate two services on that day at 3pm and 7pm. The Church recommends that the fasting that began on Good Friday continue on Holy Saturday until the Vigil. If you are able to continue that fast, especially from the flurry of activity that is sure to happen on any Friday in Central Florida that would be especially good. The Easter Vigil is the most important Mass of the entire year. Yes, it is longer and it must occur at night, but it happens but once a year. Our celebration begins at 8pm outdoors with the lighting of the fire. At that celebration we reflect first how the darkness of sin and death has tried to destroy goodness and life. Yet, Christ has conquered the night and the darkness. Our Easter candle, now lit anew and burning for the next 50 days, will draw us into the mystery of our salvation. The singing of the Exultet and the reading of scripture from our tradition will remind us that God’s plan for us is so much better than what we could imagine. Then, our joy is so full because we get to initiate new members through the waters of baptism and the anointing of the Holy Spirit. This year we have one young person, Yolanda who will be confirmed and share in the Eucharist with us for the first time. What a grand celebration. Sunday is filled with the smells and sounds of joy. The Alleluia is sung again after fasting from doing so throughout Lent. Lilies and mums adorning the altar and gold and white vestments signal that God has given us another chance once again. How great is our God! We will continue the tradition of offering the 9am Mass at the Port Orange Amphitheatre. Park at OLOH and then walk through the woods to where Mass will be celebrated. We also add a 12:30pm Mass on Easter. My hope is that you can attend all of the celebrations this week. But, if for some reason you cannot, come as often as you can. Holy Week puts the rest of the year in context. Everything we do this week is copied in miniature each week the rest of the year. May God grant you a Holy Week of joy Peace, Fr. Chris Question to Ponder What do you think Paul meant by the phrase that Jesus “did not regard equality with God something to be grasped”? OUR CATHOLIC APPEAL Our Catholic Appeal for 2015 is entering the seventh week. So far we have pledges from 492 parishioners totaling $122,664. Last year at this time we had $123,015 pledged. We still have $59,740 remaining to meet our assessment of $182,404. If you have not yet made your pledge for 2015 we ask that you pray about it and help your parish meet its obligation. Remember every gift brings us closer to our parish goal of $182,404. More importantly, your gift prepares our deacons for a lifetime of service, it helps to bring the Gospel alive through Religious Education and Faith Formation; the spiritual development of our clergy, compassionate care for those in need; and advocacy for all people from conception to natural death. If you are unable to pledge, please consider a onetime gift, or an envelope stating your intentions so we won’t unnecessarily contact you individually. Lenten Penance Service We will have our Lenten Penance Service on Tuesday, March 31st at 10:00am & 7:00pm here at Our Lady of Hope Church. HOLY WEEK SERVICES On Holy Thursday, April 2nd, we will have only one mass at 7:00pm. There will be no 8:30am Mass. On Good Friday, April 3rd, there will be services at 3:00pm & 7:00pm. No 8:30am morning Mass, however we will have a 7:30am prayer service. On Holy Saturday, we will have blessing of the food Baskets at noon in the chapel. There will be only one mass at 8:00pm. On Easter Sunday Morning, we will have 7:30am Mass, 9:00am (in the Amphitheater to the east of our North Parking Lot), 11:00am and 12:30pm. HAPPY EASTER FROM OUR LADY OF HOPE STAFF Our Lady of Hope Parish Staff pray that each of you have a safe and blessed Easter Holiday with your family and friends. Parish office closes at noon on Thursday and will reopen on Tuesday, April 7th. Sunday, April 12, 2015 at 3:00pm Sunday, April 12th is Divine Mercy Sunday. John Paul II was instrumental in promoting the Divine Mercy devotion and designating the First Sunday after Easter as Divine Mercy Sunday in the Catholic Church. There will be Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament and the singing of the Divine Mercy Chaplet in the main church at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, April 12th. Please plan to join us in this celebration at Our Lady of Hope. Deacon Michael will lead the prayer service and preside at Benediction. DAN’S CORNER –HOLY WEEK & PALM SUNDAY Holy Week The last week of Lent is known as Holy Week. It is when Christians remember the last week of Jesus' life and is the most important time in the Christian year. There are many church services and processions. Palm Sunday Palm Sunday marks the start of Holy Week. It reminds Christians of the journey Jesus made into Jerusalem, on a donkey, to celebrate the Jewish festival of Passover (Pesach). Jesus chose a donkey to show that he had come in peace. Many people welcomed Jesus by shouting, waving palm branches and throwing branches down in the path of the donkey. They hoped that Jesus was the Savior who the Bible had promised. Palm Sunday is both a happy and sad day. Christians are happy because they are singing praises to Jesus but also sad because they know Jesus died less than a week after his arrival in Jerusalem. In churches on Palm Sunday Christians are given small palm crosses made from palm leaves. Left over palm crosses are kept for a special church service on the first day of Lent, the following year, when they are burnt (Ash Wednesday). This ash is put on people's foreheads. PLEASE REMEMBER OUR LADY OF HOPE IN YOUR WILL. 2 Welcome to everyone in attendance today! Whether you are traveling from across the street or country, thank you for choosing to spend part of your weekend with our Christian community of believers. If you would like to register as a member of Our Lady of Hope, you may pick up a Registration Form at the Newcomers Table in the entrance to the church on Saturday or the Newcomers Table in the Parish Center on Sundays. Readings for the week of March 29TH MASS INTENTIONS Monday: Is 42:1-7; Ps 27:1-3, 13-14; Jn 12:1-11 FOR THE WEEK OF SUNDAY MARCH 29TH 7:30am 9:00am 11:00am † People of the Parish † Peggy Kull † Renato Sia MONDAY march 30TH 8:30am † W.Beverly Davis TUESDAY march 31ST 8:30am † SPECIAL INTENTIOn WEDNESDAY APRIL 1ST 8:30am † IRA E. DAVIS THURSDAY April 2ND 8:30am † NO MORNING MASS 7:OOPM † People of the Parish FRIDAY April 3RD Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion 3:00pm 7:00pm Saturday 8:00pm SUNDAY 7:30am 9:00am 11:00am 12:30pm Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion TH APRIL 4 † people of the parish April 5TH † Frank Palumbo † vida Ziner † Bill Cardillo † Margaret haught COFFEE & DONUTS HELP NEEDED We are looking for volunteers to help the Donut Holes Team work Coffee & Donuts on Easter Sunday. If you are available to be part of this group, please contact Chiquita at the office 788-6144. Easter Sunday is a great way to show your Easter Cheer with parishioners and visitors. If you can only volunteer for one mass let me know. Tuesday: Is 49:1-6; Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17; Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 Wednesday: Is 50:4-9a; Ps 69:8-10, 21-22, 31, 33-34; Mt 26:1425 Thursday: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14; Ps 116:12-13, 15-16bc, 17-18; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Jn 13:1-15 Friday: Is 52:13 -- 53:12; Ps 31:2, 6, 12-13, 15-17, 25; Heb 4:1416; 5:7-9; Jn 18:1 -- 19:42 Saturday: a) Gn 1:1 -- 2:2 [1:1, 26-31a]; Ps 104:1-2, 5-6, 10, 12, 1314, 24, 35; or Ps 33:4-7, 12-13, 20-22; b) Gn 22:1-18 [1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18]; Ps 16: 5, 8-11; c) Ex 14:15 -- 15:1; Ex 15:1-6, 17-18; d) Is 54:5-14; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13; e) Is 55:1-11; Is 12:2-6; f) Bar 3:9-15, 32 -- 4:4; Ps 19:8-11; g) Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28; Ps 42:3, 5; 43:3-4 or Is 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6 or Ps 51:12-15, 18-19; h) Rom 6:3-11; i) Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23; Mk 16:1-7 Sunday: Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23; Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8; Jn 20:1-9 or Mk 16:1-7 or (at an afternoon or evening Mass) Lk 24:13-35 OUR LADY OF HOPE The love of our neighbors is a safe and accurate measure of our love of God. Easter Joy to our membership, their families and most of all to our parishioners who week after week thru their donations allow us to help our neighbors. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINOUS SUPPORT. OLOH Outreach Ministry, Inc. CONTRIBUTION REPORTS If you need a Contribution Report for your taxes, please complete the attached box and drop in collection basket or call the parish office at 788-6144. Name:_________________________________ Envelope Number _______________________ THE WEEKEND OF MARCH 22, 2015 Stewardship (First Collection) $ unavailable Building/Maintenance $ unavailable Total $ unavailable IF YOU WISH TO HAVE AN ACCURATE ACCOUNTING OF YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS, PLEASE USE YOUR ENVELOPES. THANK YOU! DO YOU WISH TO CANCEL YOUR ENVELOPES? If you are contributing on line; you will continue to receive your weekly envelopes unless you notify the office that you do not wish to receive them. You may cancel your envelopes by calling the office or returning one to the collection basket with a note to discontinue envelopes. Thank You for your continued support to Our Lady of Hope Catholic Church. May God bless each of you. 3 Funeral Notification and Planning The death of a loved one is always painful, yet requires timely decisions for scheduling funeral rites. At Our Lady of Hope Parish, Dan Weimer, our Funeral Coordinator is the point of contact with the families and funeral providers. Dan can be reached at his cell phone number (386) 846-7375 or through the following e-mail address: funerals.oloh@cfl.rr.com to arrange an appointment. Catholic funeral policies and procedures that are practiced at Our Lady of Hope are under the direction of the Catholic Diocese of Orlando, Florida. Funeral Masses may be scheduled with the decedent in a casket or with cremated remains when the remains become available. It is not permitted in the Diocese of Orlando to schedule a Memorial Mass, that is, a Funeral Mass without a body or the cremated remains of a body present (General Instructions of the Roman Missal #384). The focus of our Funeral Ministry at Our Lady of Hope is to help families cope with their loss at a very difficult time and to assist the Presider, specifically with Funeral Masses. Our Funeral Ministers greet families as they arrive at church, give directions and answer questions as needed. As ushers, they may assist with seating before and during the Liturgy. Sacristans assist the Presider in the preparation for the Liturgy. Altar servers, Lectors and Communion ministers all help to make the Liturgy flow smoothly. An important element of this ministry is compassion. We offer support to those who grieve. Funeral Masses at our Lady of Hope are scheduled at the 8:30 AM Mass primarily on Tuesdays & Thursday, with Wednesdays, & Fridays available when needed. A date for a Funeral Mass cannot be chosen without contacting Dan as this policy is in place to avoid scheduling conflicts. EASTER EGG CANDY Have you ever visited our Parish Library? It is a beautiful room filled with beautiful books. We are fortunate to have such a treasure! Stop in and see for yourself. Or select a book to read in our reading corner while your children are in class. We are open the Second and Fourth Sundays of each month from 8:30am-12:30pm. The library has been reorganized into categories making it easier to find specific books, such as Jesus, Mary or the Saints. Find the Saint that shares your birthday. The Youth Group is in need of Candy to fill 1000’s of plastic eggs for their Easter Egg Hunt. Your donation of individually wrapped candy (No Chocolate please) and as always cash donations are also acceptable. Donations may be dropped in the parish office or in the bins in the church. If any man would like information about the Knights, please contact SK Tim Mell at 322-0083 or timmell1@att.net HAVE YOU HEARD? We have a Softball Team called “Our Lady of Hope Knights”. They play every Tuesday and Thursday at Coraci Fields which are off Williamson Blvd, in Port Orange, FL. Their next games are Tuesday, March 31 at 7:30pm Field 3 (Visitors); Thursday, April 2 at 8:30pm field 3 (Visitors). They need our support; try and go to a game and cheer them on. EASTER EGG HUNT On Saturday, April 4th at 9:00am, the OLOH Youth Ministry will host the Annual Easter Egg Hunt for the children of the parish on the grounds of the church. Come and join the fun. Any questions, call Carrie or Maureen at 788-6144. 4 COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN BAKE SALE: Today, after all the Masses, “Just in time for Easter”. Home baked breads, cakes, cookies, pies, etc. There will also be a raffle of an “Easter Dinner Basket” and tickets will be available for the handmade quilt to be raffled off in May. EASTER CELEBRATION Card Party/Luncheon: April 15, 2015 in the Parish Center 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. Donation $8.00. Games of your choice. “Share the Wealth” and a delicious lunch. Tickets available after Masses March 29th, at the General Meeting April 8th and after Masses April 12th. For information call Dot at 304-8535. PLEASE NOTE: the April General Meeting will be on April 8, 2015 because of Holy Week. DEANERY SPRING GENERAL MEETING: Saturday, April 18, 2015 at St. Ann’s Church, DeBary. Registration at 9:00 am followed by the business meeting. Mass at 11:00 am and lunch at Noon. Charge is $7.00. Sign up at our General Meeting, April 8th or contact Bea at 322-5978. Deadline, April 13, 2015. FAITH FORMATION MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL ♦ No youth group until April 12! ♦ Help with Holy Thursday Service, April 2 at 6:30 PM ♦ Help with Easter Egg Hunt, Saturday, April 4 at 8:00 AM ♦ All HOLLYWOOD STUDIOS money is due WEDNESDAY APRIL 1! MIDDLE SCHOOL ♦ Youth Group Wednesday April 1 at 5:30—movie night!! ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NO Sessions March 22nd—April 5th. Easter and School Break. Sessions will resume April 8 and April 12 SCOUT SUNDAY Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) APRIL 19th, 9am Mass. No CLOW during the school and Easter All Scouts, children and adults, please wear Break. your uniforms to mass. We will greet parishioners as they arrive to church. Flag Middle and High School ceremony at 8:55am. If you would like to be a BROOM BALL SOCIAL! part of the ceremony, please contact Maureen Saturday, April 11 at 788-6144. Those who have earned religious 4—5:30 PM medals will received them after the homily. Meet at Ice Arena; cost is $7 Regulations for Fast & Abstinence Fridays of Lent are also days of abstinence. Fasting is to be observed by all 18 years and older, who have not yet celebrated their 59th birthday. On a fast day one full meal is allowed. Two other meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to each one’s needs, but together they should not equal one full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted, but liquids including milk, and juices are allowed. Abstinence is observed by all 14 years and older. On days of abstinences no meat is allowed. Note that when health or ability to work would be seriously affected, the law does not oblige. When in doubt concerning fasting and abstinence, the parish priest should be consulted. Fasting, almsgiving and prayer are the three traditional disciplines of Lent. The faithful and catechumens should undertake these practices seriously in a spirit of penance and or preparation for baptism or renewals of baptism at Easter. IRELAND TRIP Father Ray O’Leary will be leading a tour to Ireland beginning September 3, 2015 for 11 nights and 12 days. Information available from Father Ray or Ellen at Discovery Travel, 661 Beville Road #614 phone 788-8201 or the parish office. Tour limited to 30 to 35 parishioners. DEADLINE APRIL 20TH. 5 WALKER BAGS: CCW has available bags as a gift to put on Adult Walkers to assist in carrying personal belongings. Stop by the office to obtain your bag, or, if unable to do so, call788-6144 and we can send you one. The central task of the church and the lay faithful is to discover, and make others rediscover, the inviolable dignity of every human person. ~USCCB~ “Our Lady of Hope Respect Life Ministry welcomes new members. Our ministry upholds the teachings of the Catholic Church that all life is sacred from conception until natural death. R Pro-life is an important part of our faith journey, E S and if you would like to know more about our minisP E try and how you can participate in its activities, C T please call Paul or Patti Gloekler, 386-310-4094 or email:pegloek@gmail.com L I FE CORNER CCTN CATHOLIC NETWORK Can be viewed on: Brighthouse Channel 19 (Mass Sunday– 2:00pm-3:00pm) (other Catholic Programs until 4:30pm) Direct TV– Channel 45 EWTN CATHOLIC NETWORK Can be viewed on: ATT U-verse Channel 562 Brighthouse Channel 169, Direct TV– Chan. 370, Dish Network– Chan. 261 ADULT FAITH FORMATION WELCOME TO YOLANDA FERNANDES Our Lady of Hope Parishioners welcome “Yolanda Fernandez” who will be celebrating her Baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation at the Easter Vigil on April 4th. May God continue to bless her and her family on their journey. INACTIVE CATHOLICS RE-MEMBERING CHURCH If you left the church for any reason, and now want to come back to Church, it doesn’t matter how long you have been away or for what reason. There is a support group for those inactive Catholics who wish to return. It is an opportunity for them to tell their story for their hurt to be healed; their questions answered, and to belong again. YOUR DESIRE IS THE FIRST STEP Informal groups meetings are set up once a week. Bring your stories. Bring your concerns. Bring your questions. For more information on any of the above, please call Joan at 788-6144, Ext. 316. Wednesday, April 1ST Chrism Mass 6:30pm Cathedral of St. James Orlando Holy Thursday, April 2nd No 8:30am Mass 7:00pm Mass Good Friday, April 3RD 7:30am Prayer ServiceNo 8:30am Mass 3:00pm & 7:00pm Saturday, April 4TH Noon-Blessing of Food Baskets Vigil Mass at 8:00pm Sunday, April 5Th 7:30am 9:00am (Amphitheater) 11:00am 12:30pm Sociable Seniors Luncheon Thursday, April 16, 2015 Following 11:00am Mass Catered by: “Carefree Catering” $10.00 per person Menu: Home style Lasanga with Marina, Homemade Meatball, Crispy Caesar Salad, Bread & Butter Tres Leche Cake Tickets available after Masses On March 29th & April 10th or in the office during until April 10th. For info, call Louise at 788-2759. WOULD YOU LIKE TO BRING UP THE GIFTS AT MASS? It is important that you reserve the date if you would like to present the gifts at any Mass on the weekends. The reservation book is located in the entrance to the church. Please contact the head usher for that Mass if you need help locating the book. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE and expect to get your date. Reservations are on a first come basis. If you are scheduled to bring up the gifts, it is important to contact the head usher at the Mass and let him know you are there so he will not replace you. Thanks. 6 PARISH COUNCIL PRESIDENT-DAVID BUBB– 788-8145 STAFF MINISTRIES AA-Mary B 562-2513 or Craig E. 316-8139 AIDS Ministry Coordinator—Pat Quigley, 788-5606 Altar Rosary Society—Suzanne Bernat 756-8936 or Marcie Boyd 763-5002 Altar Server Coordinator– Jerry Wojciechowski-304-0511 Bereavement Comfort & Care Ministry-Pamela Flesch-788-1316 Bingo—Joan -756-7970; Chiquita - 788-6144 or Lucy-322-8037 Council of Catholic Women- Annya Koszas, President– 756-9703 Cursillo– Greg & Liz Lilly-760-6722 Family Life Ministry-Mike Rosolino-304-8675 Holy Communion– Patsy Pardon 788-2934 Knights of Columbus Council 8086-David Dollieslager, G.K. 299-1268 (meets second Thur. 7:00pm) Assembly 2794-Bob St Amand, F.N. 322-5978(meets fourth Thur. 7:00pm) Lawrence Whelan Library—Abbie Jansen– 322-8529 Lectors—Jane Weimer 788-6144, Ext. 314 Ministry of the Sick-Jerry Wojciechowski-304-0511 Newcomers Table—788-6144 Our Lady of Hope Prayer Ministry—Theresa Franzo 761-7416 OLOH Outreach Ministry —Joe Valley, President –767-0572 Respect Life Ministry-Deacon Michael Pettit 767-0043 Religious Articles Store — Victor Fonseca 756-3301 Sociable Seniors—Louise Anthony, President 788-2759 Thrift Store— Pat Yoest –767-0571 Ushers– Tony Manzolillo 882-5412 or email: ushers.oloh@cfl.rr.com Counseling Ministry-Phyllis A LaVigna, MSW,LCSW-Call 788-5021 for a Associate Pastor Father Bernard Kiratu 788-6144, Ext. 310 E:Mail: frbernard.oloh@cfl.rr.com Director of Liturgy\Minister of Music Funeral Coordinator Daniel V. Weimer, M. A., M. P. S. 788-6144, ext. 314 E-Mail: music.oloh@cfl.rr.com funerals.oloh@cfl.rr.com 386-846-7375 Administrative Coordinator/Secretary Chiquita Rodgers 788-6144, ext 301 E-Mail: chiquita.oloh@cfl.rr.com Manager/Parish Center John Rodgers 788-6144 Business Manager Vincent LaVigna 788-6144, Ext. 306 Finance.oloh@cfl.rr.com FACILITIES MANAGER Jerry MacKenzie 788-6144, Ext. 318 E-Mail: jmack.oloh@cfl.rr.com confidential intake by a Licensed Clinical Social Worker Pastoral Life Ministry Joan Lilly 788-6144, Ext. 316 E-Mail: joanrcia.oloh@cfl.rr.com BAPTISMS—Call the Parish Office to schedule an appointment with Father Chris, 788-6144. Preparation Class 12:30pm see schedule. (Register at: ladyofhope.org) by Michael & Carrie Rosolino & Richard & Joanne Cavallari. MARRIAGES: Call Fr. Christopher or Fr. Bernard at 788-6144 to set an initial meeting to begin the Marriage Preparation process. As required by the Diocese of Orlando, no date may be set for the marriage before this appointment. One party must be a registered member of the Parish. Respect Life Ministry Deacon Michael Pettit, R. N. CCM 767-0043 Religious Education Office Maureen Kealhofer. B. S. 788-6747 E-Mail: cff.oloh@cfl.rr.com Carrie Rosolino, B.A. 788-6144 Ext. 304 E-Mail: crosolino.oloh@cfl.rr.com PREPARATION FOR ADULT SACRAMENTS (Christian Initiation) Joan Lilly, 788-6144, ext. 316 E-mail: joanrcia.oloh@cfl.rr.com RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES (SEPTEMBER-MAY) Call Parish Office at 788-6747 E-mail: cff.oloh@cfl.rr.com SPIRITUAL ADVISOR ***ATTENTION-CURSILLISTAS*** If you have made a Cursillo and need information regarding grouping and/or Ultreya, please call Liz or Greg at 760-6722. Ultreyas are held the third Thursday of each month at Our Lady of Hope Parish Center, Rooms 6 & 8 at 7:00pm. Deacon Dave Sekel 453-3532 E-Mail:deacondave.oloh@cfl.rr.com IMPORTANT NOTICE: Advertisements in this bulletin are purchased through the bulletin publisher. Our Lady of Hope Parish does not recommend for or against any advertiser. We appreciate their support, of course, but everyone should take appropriate steps to check the references of any advertiser before doing business with them. PRAYER FOR SOULS IN PURGATORY We are all joined together, the saints in heaven, all of us on earth and the souls in purgatory in the mystical body of Christ. Join us in prayer that the souls in purgatory will be our saints in heaven. Thursdays at 9:30am-10:30am in the chapel. 7 GOING INTO HOSPITAL\NURSING HOME We need your help. So many changes are going on at the hospitals due to the confidentiality laws. Please keep this in mind and remember to call the parish office at 788-6144 with the following information: Patient’s Name, Hospital, Room Number, etc. Please note if you wish to be anointed, there is anointing after the 8:30am Mass on Tuesday morning. Also note if you go into the hospital with an emergency, you may ask the nurse to call the Hospital Chaplain and a Priest will be called, if you wish to be anointed. 2440 S. NOVA RD, SOUTH DAYTONA 767-0571 MONDAY-SATURDAY 9:00AM-3:00PM WE ARE STILL HERE. WE HAVE MISSED YOU. When you do your spring cleaning don’t forget to donate to the Thrift Store. WE ALWLAYS NEED YOUR DONATIONS OF ANY RESALEABLE ITEMS. All donations are tax deductible. THANKS FOR YOUR COOPERATION. Join us on Facebook to see our new items for sale. Just scan Our Lady of Hope Thrift Store’s QR Code to the Right . COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN EASTER CELEBRATION CARD PARTY LUNCHEON APRIL, 15, 2015 Parish Center 11:00am-3:00pm $8.00 Advance Tickets Only Tickets available after Masses On March 29th & April 12th In the office during the week Games, Prizes, Share the Wealth More Information: Dot Decker-304-8535 Annya Koszas 756-9703 SUNDAY 6:00-8:00pm Lent Series 12:30pm OLOH Prayer GroupRm. 9 CFF 10:30 am MS YM 10”30 am HS YM 12pm 12 NO CFF or YM EASTER SUNDAY MASSES 7:30AM 9:00AM (Amph) 11:00am 12:30pm 5 12:30pm OLOH Prayer GroupRm. 9 NO CFF or YM SPRING BREAK 29 m a rc h , 2 0 1 5 13 6 30 MONDAY 3—6 Youth Room Open 14 6:00pm Bible Study Rm 5 & 7 7:00pm Epic Journey Rms. 6 & 8 3—6 PM Youth Room Open 7 Elem CFF 3:30-5pm 5:30—7PM MS Youth Ministry 9:30am Prayer Group Fr. George Room 9:30am CCW General Meeting Adoration at 7:30 15 5:30—7PM MS Youth Ministry 6:30pm Choir Rehearsal 9:30 CCW General Meeting 9:30am Prayer Group Fr. George Room Elem CFF 3:30-5pm Adoration at 7:30 8 9:30am Bible Study 7:30am Adoration 17 5:30pm Last Hope AA-Fr. George Rm 7:30am Adoration 10 7:00pm Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion 5:30pm Last Hope AA-Fr. George Rm 7:30am Prayer service (no 8:30Mass) 3:00pm Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion 3 FRIDAY (Doors open at 4:00pm) 7:00pm Bingo (1) 5:30pm Last Hope AA-Fr. George Rm 6:30—8 CCW Wine and 7:00pm Cursillo Meeting Rm. 6 cheese social &8 9:30am Prayer for Souls 3—6 youth room open 16 7:00pm Knights of Columbus Council Meeting- Rms. 6 & 8 (Doors open at 4:00pm) 7:00pm Bingo (3) 1:00pm Pilgrims Sharing the Journey-OLOH Room 3—6 PM Youth Room Open 9:30am Prayer for Souls 9 7 PM Mass of the Lord’s Passion No Morning Mass 3—6 PM Youth Room Open 7:30am Adoration 10:00am & 7:00pm Penance Service 3—6 PM Youth Room Open 2 THURSDAY 1 WEDNESDAY 31 TUESDAY 7AM—7PM Youth ministry trip to Hollywood Studios 18 4—5:30 MS/HS Broom ball social—meet at ice rink—$7 11 8:00PM EASTER VIGIL MASS NOON-BLESSING OF FOOD BASKETS 9:00AM EASTER EGG HUNT 4 SATURDAY NOTE: CALENDAR COLOR CODED: BLUE-PARISH CENTER—RED– OFFICE BUILDING GREEN-CHURCH PURPLE-YOUTH MINISTRY RM.—PINK-GROUNDS Pa r i s h C a l e n d a r –
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