Los Angeles Institute of Architecture and Design West Los Angeles College Course Syllabus – Spring Semester 2014 Arch 211A/311A, Elements of Architecture: Equivalent WLAC Course: ENV 102: Environmental Design II (3units) / ARCH 201: Design 3 (3-units) - CSU Lecture 32 hours, Laboratory 32 hours PRE-REQUISITE / CO-REQUISITE Co-requisite: Architecture 211B / 311B SCHEDULE / LOCATION 8:00 pm – 9:45 pm M, Th at LAIAD, 3807 Wilshire Bl. Suite 330 FACULTY Carl Smith, AIA 213 422 6991 CSmith@LAIAD.com OFFICE HOURS By Appointment. The instructor is available during business hours for consultation outside of class. Students are encouraged to seek help and bring concerns to the instructor during this time. Please don’t hesitate to ask for help or assistance if you need it, or to discuss any concerns you have regarding the class. COURSE DESCRIPTION Arch 211A / 311A, Elements of Architecture: This course further extends the theories of space, form, order, and vision, and applies them to architectural problems solving. The development of personal architectural language is stressed. Computer application to design is also studied. REQUIRED READING Flatland – Edwin A Abbott Try Amazon.com or other online book sellers for the best prices on this titles. LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Ability to define a design problem 2. Ability to analyze and research projects 3. Ability to formulate architectural design concepts 4. Beginning knowledge of: Spatial Transitions, Scale, Plan-Section Relationships, Form Language. 5. Introduction to Program / User: 6. Introduction to Site: Topography 7. 3-D Modeling: Woodshop and finishing skills, Materials Studies, Painting and Finishes. 8. Verbal and Writing Presentation skills Using Space, Programmatic Relationships COURSE CONTENT Architecture 211A / 311A and 211B / 311B are taught concurrently, and with inter-related projects. In general, Architecture 211B / 311B deals with the drawing and presentation aspects of an assigned project, and Architecture 211A / 311A deals with the theoretical, conceptual and design aspects of the same problem. No studio project assignments will be accepted late or unfinished. JOURNALS Each student is required to bring to all lectures a hardbound journal (sketchbook). reviewed at the end of the Semester. These journals will be EVALUATION GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES: 1. You will be expected to employ the ideas and procedures outlined in the book listed above. 2. Students are evaluated for individual progress using the following criteria: A. Attendance and contribution to studio, lectures, and field trips. B. Evidence of motivation / perseverance. C. Development of skills and abilities listed under learning objectives. D. Willingness to explore alternatives and take risks. E. Willingness to accept criticism. In terms of the criteria listed above the design studio activities are weighted approximately as follows: (3) Studio projects (tbd) 25% each 75% Attendance and Participation 15% Instructor Discretion 10% TOTAL 100% 3. Grades given on LAIAD transcripts will be traditional A,B,C F grading. 4. Grades given on West Los Angeles College Transcripts will be for credit / no credit. apply with a “General professionals. Petition” to WLAC for “Credit by Exam”, No grades of D will be given. and will be Students need to evaluated by peer At the end of semester, a guest jury will make evaluation recommendations for each student on a credit / no credit basis. These evaluations may be used by WLAC to determine credit / no credit. Students must be enrolled at, and have completed a minimum of 12 units directly at WLAC college or other LACCD college before petitioning for LAIAD course credit. 5. Attendance is mandatory. Students missing 25% of classes will be subject to dismissal. SCHEDULE See individual design assignments for particular schedule. Homework will be assigned on a daily basis. Ontime Attendance is mandatory. Week Day Date Subject Matter 0 1 Thur Mon Thur Mon Thur Mon Thur Mon Thur Mon Thur Mon Thur Mon Thur Mon Thur Mon Thur Mon Thur Mon Thur Mon Thur Mon Thur Mon Thur Mon Thur Mon Thur Sat Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr May May May May May May May May May May Introduction: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 6 10 13 17 20 24 27 3 6 10 13 17 20 24 27 31 3 7 10 14 17 21 24 28 1 5 8 12 15 19 22 26 29 31 Atom V3 – phase I Project Assigned School Lecture (no class meeting) Atom – phase I model due – Assign phase II Mass (digital only) Atom – phase I drawings + 3D views due 11 x 17 (turn in) MOTA project assignment Spring Break – No Class Spring Break – No Class Mass – phase II drawings + 3D views due 11 x 17 (turn in) MOTA site adaptation Complete design and begin final presentation … Presentation … Presentation … Presentation … Presentation Memorial Day – No Class … Presentation FINAL JURY – All Work Due (Saturday, 10am)
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