May 2015 Our Church Final

Our Church
May 2015
A monthly publication of Lake Park Lutheran Church, an ELCA Congregation located on the East Side of Milwaukee,
“called to proclaim the Gospel, advocate for justice, and serve others in our diverse parish.”
Photos thanks to Cheryl Walker and Kendra Stea
El Salvador
Lake Park members, along with members from Grace
Lutheran in Theinsville and Ascension Lutheran in
Waukesha, traveled to El Salvador on a partnership
delegation in April. Highlights included visiting and
worshiping with our sister church in Llano el Coyol,
visiting El Mazote, the site of a civil war massacre, and
meeting with OIKOS Solidaridad.
An Evening
with Eddie Lacy
Eddie Lacy of the Green Bay Packers
will join us for a special Synod
Assembly event on Friday evening,
May 29th, at Carthage College. A
reduced ticket price will be offered
to Synod Assembly voting members
and full time attendees. Tickets are
Photo thanks to
also available to members of our
Mayfield Sports
congregation, our synod and the
general public. Only 1400 tickets
are available. Every ticket holder in
attendance on Friday evening will have a chance to
be randomly selected to have a picture taken with
Mr. Lacy. Tickets are available to the general public at
Eventbrite: Evening with Eddie Lacy.
You might be wondering, “Why a football
player?” Because . . .
Eddie has a great faith story. He grew up in New
Orleans. He was a young teen during Hurricane
Sharing this amazing trip: Pastor David and his son,
Luke; Wes Albinger and his daughter, Mollee; David
and Cheryl Walker; Seth Kiefer; Chris Hanson; and
Kendra Stea.
Read first hand accounts by Pastor David on page 2,
Kendra Stea on page 5, and Luke Dragseth on page 6.
Katrina ten years ago when he lost his home. His family
bounced around from place to place until they rented a
single-wide trailer outside of Baton Rouge where he
lived until college. After starting at Alabama and being
drafted by the Packers, Lacy built a new home for his
Football, whether we like it or not, rules in Southeastern
Wisconsin. Wouldn’t it be nice to see how this crazy
sport intersects with our lives of faith?
Eddie Lacy understands that there is more to life than
football. Family, Faith, etc…
Christ in Culture. The Two Kingdoms. The Spirit and
the Flesh. We are all, as Lutherans, about finding the
holy in very worldly places. Let’s mix it up and maybe
the mixing will help us all! In, with, and under!
We will raise some great money for community
ministries. Two-thirds of every ticket goes to ministry
support through Outreach for Hope.
Eddie, like all of us, is a child of God. Can’t we listen to
one another?
A Message From Pastor David
Mission Trip no more
I wish you could have seen us in El Salvador. Nine of us from Lake Park waited
at the airport for our bus driver Cesar to show up. He arrived with a “Coaster”
bus. In Argentina they call them Colectivos; tricked out privately owned community buses. Ours came complete with shark fins, LED flashing lights, spoiler,
massive chrome bumpers, a huge picture of a flaming angel in the side, and the
words, in Spanish, Jesus is my co-pilot and “in God’s hands.”
We raced through streets with banana carrying farmers, loads of sugar cane, kids
on bikes, cows sauntering, military convoys, souped up race cars, men with machetes or pistol grip shot-guns, kids in soccer uniforms, ladies selling cashews
and mangos. We drove by Pollo Campero, KFC, Starbucks, Pupusaria Roxy and
Don Miguel’s home with the iguana. Chris played guitar in the back, Seth joked,
Cheryl snapped pictures, Kendra chatted with Isabel, Mollee and Luke (high
school kids) made friends with Cesar and Carlos.
Photos thanks to Cheryl Walker
Above it all was a smoking volcano, blowing around it all was dust (dry season),
swirling in it all were tears and laughter and baptisms and worship.
We loved it. And it was hard. Our friends are filled with joy, like us. But
they are also filled with sorrow, like us too.
So many ask why we go to El Salvador. Many used to think we
went on a mission trip, as if we
were going down simply to help
the poor or spread a truth that
we have and the poor need. But
El Salvador is not simply poverty
or struggle any more than Milwaukee is poverty and struggle.
After three trips, I now say that we go to El Salvador for friendship. In
friendship we are changed. Americans drop our idolatrous notion that
we are the fixers of the world. Salvadorans drop their illusory teaching
that America is all prosperity. Salvadorans teach us great strategy for
youth ministry. Americans teach blues songs which resonate in the soul
of a country yearning to change. Salvadorans teach water stewardship,
Americans teach the benefit of a buffet line.
Where there is profound difference we help
one another. At times this involves money,
but it is never simply that. Americans have
too often seen money as a solution for El Salvador (taking or giving). We start with relationship and humility and then talk
money. It is frankly the same way we
approach stewardship here.
I encourage you all to talk to our members who went, and I encourage
you to travel some year. There is a great deal of room on a “Coaster
Bus.” But whether you travel or not, know that God’s spirit is changing
Lake Park through our love of Llano el Cuyol. And, in that change, we
are more like the resurrected Christ.
Lake Park Lutheran Church
2647 N. Stowell Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53211
Mission: “We are called to proclaim the
Gospel, advocate for justice, and serve
others in our diverse parish.”
Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs.- 9AM-4PM
Phone: 414/962-9190
Sunday Schedule
Worship at 8am & 10am
Education for all ages at 9am
Coffee and Conversation at 11am
Mid-week Prayer Service
Wednesdays at 6:30pm
Saturday Meditations 10:45am
Church Council
Bill Hutchinson, President
Ian Elfe, Vice-President
Jennifer Doering, Secretary
Mary Jo Heim, Treasurer
Linda Gaalaas
Chris Gross
Dave Schneider
Rachel Roller
Colin Atkinson
Robert Roos
Church Staff
The Rev. David Dragseth, Pastor
The Rev. Kerstin Hedlund,
Dir. Of Cross+ Generational Ministry
Jennifer Jacobson, Office Coordinator
Jeff Bray, Choir Director
Laurie Rappa, Organist
Chris Hanson, Music Coordinator
Richard Ohly, Sexton
Sam Rappa, Groundskeeper
Reggie Jackson, Custodian
Pastor David
Page 2
Council Corner From Ian Elfe
Spring is an exciting time in Wisconsin, the grass is finally green, birds are chirping
and flowers are growing in my back yard. Last month we celebrated Easter and left
winter behind. I like leaving behind the ice, the grey, the brown. I really had a fantastic
time celebrating the resurrection and now am looking forward to summer. I recently
tuned up my bright blue Trek, swapped out metal-studded winter tires for smooth,
speedy tires and resumed biking to work (almost) every day. There are many new exciting
things that I look forward to at Lake Park, and since I’m currently serving as Vice
President of the church council, I’ve gotten a sneak peek at a few things we have in store.
Working with staff, we have taken the first steps to create and fill two new part time
staff positions. First, a volunteer coordinator and secondly a communications
coordinator. These roles will build on the spirit of volunteerism that has grown so
Photos thanks to Ian Elfe
much in our congregation and facilitate communication of our ministries. The two
positions call for slightly different talents. We envision that the volunteer coordinator will be a very gregarious,
approachable person that will be easy to find at worship services and will take time to chat with members
about the various ways to get involved in our ministries/partnerships. The communications coordinator will be
more involved on the technical side of our church’s communications – working on websites, emails, databases,
and social media. You will be hearing more about these roles in worship and in emails from our staff. Stay tuned
for more on these exciting developments!
I am looking forward to the second annual LPLC family camping trip, scheduled for July 31st –Aug 2. Last year,
several families made it to the southern Kettle Moraine on Friday evening to gather under tarps and tents in the
rain and hail. Thankfully that didn’t last long and we had a beautiful Saturday and Sunday of hiking, swimming and worship. I
was the only camper there without a child (and for that matter I
showed up without my wife– Kristy had a very full work
schedule in the ER that weekend.) I volunteered to bring my
dusty guitar and play songs for our worship service. I helped
put up tents and tear them back down. I distracted children. I
shared meals. I had a lovely time.
We are returning once more to the Kettle Moraine this year.
This time my wife and new daughter will be joining me, and I
hope you will too! If you’d like to join or have any questions,
you can reach me in person, by email ( or
phone at 414-217-3886.
Remember in Prayer
these family and friends of our community
Budget Update
Through April 2015
Pledged Giving
vs. Budget of
Total Income
vs. Budget of
Expenses Actual
vs. Budget of
Our Church: March 2015
Annette Gelhar, Alex Molnar, Beverly,
Inge Harwick, Cameron, Linda, Jason
Jarosch, Joan Collins, Gary Elfe, Kristy
Hill, Kendra Monts, Kristen Kodzik, Jean
Creel, Ellyn Dzick, Roberta Klaeser,
Tom Kettleson, Matthew Cogdall, Norris
Family, George Gurria, Connie Anderson,
Bobby Manske, William & family, Sally
Winter, Baby Nora, Andrew Lewis, Char
Heinemann, Djily Drame, Peter Lewis,
Saskia Nassalang, Nancy Friebert, Susan
Kowalski, Carrie, Linda Joe, Laurie
Rappa, Gina Athy, Michael Neville, Renee
Page 3
Worship Notes
Sunday, May 3rd
5th Sunday of Easter
We look back to Holy Week. We remember Jesus’ words
to his disciples on the night of his arrest. Jesus reminds
us all to abide in his love. On this Sunday, Jesus’ disciple,
Philip, also learns that the vastness of God’s grace is
beyond what he had imagined. It was an outsider who
reminded him of this important truth.
Weekly Worship Attendance Numbers
Average through April 20, 2014 - 238
Average through April 19, 2015 - 237
Sunday, May 10th
6th Sunday of Easter
On this Mother’s Day, Jesus reminds his disciples how
great his love is. Jesus reminds us all “Greater Love has
no one than this, that one lay down one’s life for one’s
friends.” As we celebrate Mothers and all the ways they
have laid down their lives in support of others, we give
thanks for the one who has given us the power and the joy
to follow in his love, Jesus Christ our Lord.
Sunday, May 17th
7th Sunday of Easter
This is the Sunday following Ascension Day, the day when
after his resurrection, Jesus ascended into heaven. Christ
promises that though he is not with us as he once was, and
though he is not with us as he will be, he will not leave us
orphaned. Jesus promises to make us a family as we wait
for him to return. We have youth today who will remind
us that the promised Holy Spirit rests in them as in us all.
Sunday, May 24th
Pentecost Sunday
The promised Holy Spirit whom we await is here! Jesus
promised that he would send us an Advocate to be with
us, the Holy Spirit. On the first Pentecost, people from all
over the world spoke in many languages, yet understood
each other. The same spirit who rested in them rests in us
as well. With the Spirit’s help, we are able to reveal
Christ, and we are able to understand and communicate
with those who are different.
Sunday, May 31st
1st Sunday after Pentecost
Part of the mystery of our faith is the mystery of the
Trinity. On this Trinity Sunday, we celebrate God the
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We celebrate God our Creator,
Redeemer, and Sustainer. The Trinity also reminds us
that the nature of God is relationship. God does not exist
outside of relationship, but even the name we use for God
(Father, Son, Holy Spirit) is relationship itself.
Worship Assistants and
Holy Week Volunteers
A special thanks goes out to all the Palm Sunday, Holy
Week and Easter volunteers who contributed time,
talent and food to Lake Park. Many, many volunteers
shared their gifts to make these days special moments
in our life together.
Page 4
Ministry Acts for April
Baptism: Elliott Reade Kressin, son of Nathaniel
and Elaine Kressin, baptized on April 12th.
Matthew Blackburn baptized on April 4.
Marriages: Jessica Mietzner and Kyle Shepherd,
married on April 11th.
Devon Engel and DJ Wyhoski, married on April 18th.
May Birthdays
Linda Wissbeck
Benjamin Stone
Campion Camera
Melanie Helmke
Patrick McCormack
Alicia Mohn
Noah Vedder
Holly Nelson
Jim Visoky
Suzanne Monda
Stacey Bast
Janet Ransdell
Michael Cook
Tonatzin Viviano Terando
Mark Zello
Caralin Johnson
Carissa Rollins
John Keenan
Benjamin Rondini
Colin Hagensick
Jackie RobinsonHunsicker
Miriam Odden
Susan Lindberg
London Summerfield
Belinda Johnson
Kevin Nitz
Alexander Hayes
Beau Mooney
Eliza Ledbetter
Noah Hunsicker
Wendy Bagatta
Dennis Cavett
Casey Miller
Genevieve Johnson
Simone Haasch
17. Linda Gaalaas
Nina Deering
Nate Kressin
Dennis Elverman
Lianne Rachow
Alyssa Hofmann
Anders Ishii Roos
18. Tara Seleen
Stella Anton
20. Caitlin Connolly
21. Wendy Bath
Maureen Connolly
22. Rosanne Kranitz
Sophia Ransdell
24. Judith McCormick
Brian Link
24. Jason Musanne-Klumb
25. Lauren Godbout
26. Lynn Connolly
Cassie Sneed
Jeri Vatne
27. Jane Nelson
Paul Hauer
Justin Oleszak
Meara King
28. Lisa Vedder
29. Vivian Hammer
30. Ove Seleen
31. Brooklyn Ludwig
Partnership Updates
Lutheran Campus Ministry Update
Russell Fung, Tom & Linda Wissbeck, Chairs
A workday was held on April 25th ,where much needed
work was completed on the raised garden beds on the
west side of the Corner House. Special thanks to Sam
Rappa for getting all the supplies and for his expertise.
The Peers also visited Lake Park on April 26th. They
helped with Sunday School’s Earth Day celebration, and
gave Temple Talks.
As the semester draws to a close, students are busy with
their final presentations and projects. During Finals
week, the Corner House will be open for students to use
to study or relax. We will be asking members to help
provide light refreshments for the students.
Four of the peers, Bettina, Ryan, Megan and Jared, are
graduating and they will be honored at the final worship
of the school year on May 14th.
We want to thank Lake Park members for their continuous support of this ministry, and we look forward to
seeing more of you at the House.
El Salvador Update
Kendra Stea & Ann Ledbetter, Chairs
In April, nine individuals from Lake Park Lutheran
traveled to our partner congregation in Llano El Coyol.
This delegation was a joint delegation with members of
Church in Waukesha,
and Grace Lutheran
Church in Thiensville.
Members of the community participated in a
joint worship service to
kick off the week.
The following day was
spent spending time
visiting the homes of
members of the church.
This included a stop at
our scholarship student’s
home where we met her
mother, grandmother
and great-grandmother.
Pastor Julio and the ministry team, along with the
congregation of Llano El Coyol send their love and
blessings to everyone
Eco-Justice Update
Heather Albinger, Terri Lowder, & Lisa Vedder, Chairs
This spring The Labyrinth Society (TLS) invites the world
to cross mental borders in a shared symbolic walk for
peace in celebration of the 7th Annual World Labyrinth
Day (WLD). Held on the first Saturday in May (May 2,
2015), individuals or groups can participate by holding
private walks or public events on the labyrinth.
Water Shield Award
Lake Park is close to achieving the Water Shield award
from the national GreenFaith organization. Lake Park
has taken many steps to help conserve and protect
water. For example, as part of a lighting assessment
from Focus on Energy last year, water saving aerators
were installed on compatible faucets in the building. As
a final required activity, we need to demonstrate that
20% of the congregation has completed the water
pledge. Please turn your pledge into the office as soon
as you can. Thank you! Watch for the award to be
posted in the church this summer.
Energy: The average home spends about $2,000
on energy bills every year. By changing to appliances
that have earned the Energy Star, you can save $75
a year in energy costs (Energy Star).
The Eastside Senior Services
Kristy Elfe, Chair
Photo thanks to Cheryl Walker
and Kendra Stea
The next day we went to the department of Morazán
with our partners to visit a guerilla encampment
museum in Perquin and to visit the site of the civil war
massacre at El Mazote.
Our Church: March 2015
The final day of our visit was spent visiting the family
who had recently lost everything to a house fire, the
home of our friend Isabel and his father, and others
including Edwin’s aunt. We ended our time together in
worship at the church - freshly equipped with new fans!
The hospitality and time together with our playful
partners was definitely the highlight of the trip.
Eastside Senior Services is selling gorgeous flower
hanging baskets in time for Mother's Day! This is our
major fund raising event this year. The flowers are spectacular and last all season. Please Note: order three or
more and they will be delivered to your home. Questions? Call 961-0661 or talk to Kristy Elfe. We will be
taking orders through Sunday, May 3rd. Pick up is May
9-10. Thank you!
Page 5
Community Highlights
Ministry of the Month – El Salvador – by Luke Dragseth
Mollie and I were the first two kids to go to El Salvador. I had heard much about it
from people at church and some of my friends, but going there was much different
than what I expected. Some of my friends had said that El Salvador was a dangerous
place, and that I could get hurt there. People at church said differently, but I was
still nervous when I decided to go.
When I was there, however, I did not see any of it. I was informed that there were
gangs, and I should be careful, but I was not robbed or attacked like some of the
people told me I would be. It was very important that I got to go and see what it
was really like, so I could see that the rumors people tell me about El Salvador are
not as true as you might think.
The people we were great. They were some of the most amazing people I have ever
met. There was a little boy there named Cesar, who I met when we were going
around to all the houses, who was just the most amazing kid. We brought a footPhoto thanks to Cheryl Walker
ball with us, and I played catch with him the whole time we walked to all the
different houses. Even though I didn't speak any Spanish at all and he spoke no English we got along pretty well and
had a lot of fun. Going to El Salvador was one of the best experiences in my life. I’m really glad I went.
Peanut Butter Update
Thanks to everyone who contributed jars of
peanut butter for the Lake Park Youth Food
Pantry collection during Lent.
This year, the youth changed things up with
the Lake Park’s Peanut Butter & Push-Up
Challenge, and it was a huge success! Together,
Willie Hutchinson, Christopher Hayes, Mason
Rollins, Lucia Rondini, Maggie Baggatta,
Phoebe Dragseth and Eve Rundquist completed
a total of 96 push-ups in 30 seconds. Bob Rondini pledged to match
each push up with a jar of peanut butter, which added to the peanut
butter already donated, totaled nearly 250 jars!
Small Groups
Brown Bag Bible Study
Meets weekly on Wednesday at noon.
Bring a lunch. Coffee is provided!
Knit Night
2nd Annual
Camping Retreat
Save the Date:
July 31st -Aug 2nd
Last year was enjoyed by all.
We have reserved the same two
group sites at Group at the Pine
Woods campground in Kettle
Moraine South, there is room for
80 people. Please contact Ian Elfe
Photo thanks to Ann Ledbetter
( if you are
interested in joining us in 2015. More planners are also welcome.
Page 6
Linda Gaalaas will host Knit Night
on May 7th at 7:30pm. Contact the
church office for Linda’s address.
Gals’ Night Out
Join us on May 19th at Laurie
Rappa’s home. We’ll gather at
6:30pm and conclude by 8pm. For
more information contact Laurie or
Pastor Kerstin.
Guy’s Night Out
Join us for Guy’s Night out
Wednesday, May 27th from 8:30 –
10pm at Café Hollander, corner of
Downer and Belleview.
Youth and Family Ministry
Adult Education
Sunday School by Dorothy Kulke
In April, we learned about the story of the real Easter Eggs.
An old man who went into Jerusalem to sell eggs happened to see Jesus
carrying his cross to be crucified. When Jesus stumbled, the man came
forth and helped him carry the cross. The
old man stayed and watched the crucifixion. After Jesus' body was taken off the
cross, the man remembered his
eggs. Sure that they had been taken, he
searched for them. He found his basket
and inside were the most beautifully
decorated eggs. The lines and colors of
the eggs, told the story of Jesus.
The Sunday School children learned what
these colors and symbols meant and
decorated their own paper eggs. In the
picture to the right is Vida's egg. Her egg
tells us the following: cross - suffering
death, and resurrection of Christ; rams
horns - strength and determination;
ladder - growing, climbing to heaven;
designs encircling the egg - eternity;
brown - happiness; black - remembrance;
red - love.
Join us at 9am in the Prayer Room
for our spring series of Lake Park
Adult Education
May 3rd What is an Oblate? Join
Heather Albinger as she talks about
the monastic journey of becoming
an oblate through the Holy Wisdom
Monastery in Madison.
May 10th Campus Ministry. Learn
about our partnership with campus
ministry and some of the great
things going on at the corner house.
High School Summer
May 17th
Trip. Learn about the high school
summer trip and what we’ll be doing.
May 24th
Off for Memorial Day
Vida’s egg
Photo thanks to Dorthy Kulke
Senior Ministry
We’ll challenge ourselves with the Lutherdale Ropes Course on Saturday,
May 16th. Meet at church at 7:30 am, and bring a lunch with you! We’ll
return home by suppertime and plan to help lead worship on May 17th.
Meets Tuesdays: 11:30-2pm
(includes lunch). Watch the
Sunday announcements for more
details. Suggested donation is $5.
Our final Wednesday confirmation class for the year is on May 20th. We
will have an informal cookout at church with parents and faith mentors on
Wednesday, May 27th.
May 5th:
Trip to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Remember that summer camp at Lutherdale will be July 19-24. Students
coming into confirmation next year are welcome to participate in camp as
well. Please be in touch with Pastor Kerstin if you have questions about
Important dates: May 16th, Ropes Course. May 20th, Final Class,
May 27, Confirmation Cookout.
High School Group
May 12th:
Visit the Chudnow Museum of
May 19th :
Tour of Milwaukee area Synagogue
May 26th:
In celebration of Memorial Day,
a visit to Wood National Cemetery
and the grounds of the Milwaukee
Soldiers Home.
May 13th and 27th we’ll meet from 7 – 8:30pm.
Summer Trip Out West will be July 5th – 12th. Mark your calendars. Look
for more information to come.
Our Church: March 2015
Page 7
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Lake Park Lutheran Church
2647 N. Stowell Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53211
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©CreationSwap/Marsha Galyardt
Easter Sunday
Photos thanks to Stacy Roller