2015 Q2 - Lancaster County Dental Society

The Newsletter of the Lancaster County Dental Society
MAY 8, 2015
“Evidence Based Analgesia”
by Dr. Elliot Hersh
“Office Anesthesia and
Medical Emergencies”
by John Brewer
8:00 AM- 4:00 PM
MAY 14, 2015
Giving Wings to Big Ideas
Empowering Families for
Children's Health
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Cork Factory Hotel
RSVP by April 29, 2015
MAY 29, 30, 2015
FREE Dental Services
Pennsylvania Farm
Show Complex
North Hall Entrance
Doors open at 6:00 AM
JUNE 25, 2015
Deadline for article
submission for next
Please e-mail to
gmail.com or call Jenn
TELEPHONE : 717-606-6534
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Another year has passed and it’s
time to say goodbye as president.
I reflect on the year that’s passed
and see many passionate people about
dentistry and our society. I enjoyed seeing
many of you at our events and hope to do
so in the future. I personally want to thank
Alycia for her dedication, organization and
professionalism to the society. She has
made my time as president quite frankly a
breeze! We will miss her and wish her good
luck. With that said, our new secretary
Jenn Hean has provided a very smooth
transition and hasn’t missed a beat.
I also want to thank the executive
committee, they are an impressive group.
They are dedicated, full of ideas and
passionate about the society’s mission.
They will continue to work for us and
support us in practice. Please join us on
May 8th, for our all-day event, including
the installation of our officers.
As our CE calendar year draws
to a close, a few important dates are
approaching. April 24th- 25th, the PDA
Dental expo at the Hershey Hotel. The
Expo will provide social events, CE and
vendor exhibits. Lastly, May 28-30,
Mom-N-Pa event will take place in
Harrisburg at the Farm Show complex.
Please register at www.mom-n-pa.com/
Thank you,
Dr. John Vakkas
So don't worry your pretty little mind because people throw rocks at things that shine.
Taylor Swift
If a man smiles all the time, he's probably selling something that doesn't work.
George Carlin
• Fee: $25 for most all procedures. Cash or check only
• Patient source: By Referral from churches, dental community,
teachers and staff.
• Patient requirements: Patients must provide photo ID
(drivers license or state photo ID) and may not
have any criminal record or child abuse record since
the Lancaster CTC Dental Clinic is located in a public
school setting. The Lancaster County Career and Technology Center
is starting a dental clinic, Lancaster CTC Dental Clinic, for
indigent patients starting in April 2015. Our pilot program
will enable students to practice their skills while providing
a service to the community. Thanks to a generous grant
from the LCCTC foundation, LCCTC school, and help from
Please contact us if you have any questions, concerns,
3M, Superior Oxygen and Schein Dental, we will be able to
want to volunteer or send patient referrals for Ms. Hudak or
provide basic restorative and simple extractions for those
myself. My email is: mkelly@lancasterctc.edu. patients that need help with dental care. We will be charging
Thank you for your support, Marie Kelly, DDS
a minimal fee of $25 per tooth to help offset costs and keep
the program sustainable. Patients shall be referred back
to their referring dentist for continued care and any more
Volunteer dentists
extensive care that may be required. We are requesting that
providing a "Dental Home"
the dental community refer those patients that you identify
for low-income uninsured
that may be having financial problems and need some help.
Our pilot program will be operating from April until June
2015. In mid-September we hope to more fully implement this
“No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted.” -Aesop
program into our curriculum to better prepare our students
Dental Access Lancaster County (DALCO), a
for their employment in your offices. partnership
among Lancaster County Dental Society, local
• Time Frame: Initial clinic-April to June 2015( graduation).
Lancaster General Health, provides a “dental
• Assignment of duties: Eight students may work in clinic
uninsured patients.
at a time. 1 student sterilization area, 1 -2 students
is a dental practice that provides
assisting Dr. Kelly, 4 students doing individual
cleanings. Patients pay a small
procedures, 1 student scheduling, 1 rover. Mrs. Hudak
income. DALCO’s database
will be supervising the independent work with Dr. Kelly
doing exams and doing final checks on student work.
Though the list continues to grow, it is small in
• Patient flow for students: 4 Patients in AM, 2 in PM for
to the dental needs of the uninsured in this
students- vital signs, med hx review, FMX or other
currently has a 3 month wait list. We are
necessary radiographs, study models, existing dental
dentists to participate with the DALCO
charting, oral hygiene instructions, exam charting
a little, no one will feel they are doing
with Dr. Kelly
• Clinical days: 2 -3 days a week initially, for 6 -8 weeks.
The DALCO providers have provided over $907,608
• Types of procedures for Dr. Kelly: exams, simple restorative, worth
donated dental care. We realize many dentists
simple extractions. Providing bleaching trays for
with other local organizations to provide dental
"at home bleaching"(@$50) may be an option.
in need; but we are asking you to consider joining
Patients would be appropriately referred to their
Signing up to see even one patient WILL make a
family dentist or specialists as needed. Digital X
Rays could be emailed to the patient’s dentist. We
If you would like to join this list of extraordinary
will limit treatment for people 12 years and older
minded professionals or have questions about the
since assisting with young children may be difficult
please contact:
Christine Eyer
for beginning students.
• Operative/surgical appointments: Dr. Kelly 2-3 patients in
morning; 2 in afternoon.
Dental Access Lancaster County
Please Welcome a New Endodontist to the Area
Snyder Endodontics, PLLC
Minh Snyder, DMD
Practice Limited to Endodontics
Please welcome Dr. Minh Snyder to the
Lancaster community. Dr. Snyder is originally
from Easton, PA and has lived in Pennsylvania
nearly all her life. She graduated from the
University of Pittsburgh School of Dental
Medicine where she continued her education
to be an endodontist. She completed her
Endodontic Residency Program in June of
2000. Dr. Snyder has over 14 years of group
private practice experience in York, PA and
is now excited to open her own practice,
Snyder Endodontics, in Lancaster.
Dr. Snyder and her team provide
the highest standard of professional care
in a friendly, comfortable environment .
By referring your patients to her, your patients
will receive the finest endodontic care.
Dr. Snyder utilizes state of the art equipment
for every dental procedure. Every treatment is
visualized microscopically through a brand
new Global G3 with LED microscope.
Dr. Snyder likes to keep active and enjoys
spending time with her family. She is dedicated
to being a mother to her son Chance. She is
active in Chance's school where she volunteers
monthly in the classroom. Most of her free time
is dedicated to time with Chance. They enjoy
playing soccer, golf and traveling together.
Dr. Snyder is a member of several
professional organizations which include
the American Association of Endodontists,
American Dental Association, Pennsylvania
Dental Association and Lancaster County
Dental Society. Dr. Snyder is participating
with most dental insurance plans and her
office is located :
2207 Oregon Pike Suite #101
Lancaster, PA 17601
St. Joseph Health Ministries is now CHI St. Joseph Children’s Health
New name, new look, new possibilities!
CHI St. Joseph Children’s Health is a leading force in
the effort to improve the health and well-being of children in
the Lancaster Community. Since 2004 our programs have
focused exclusively on the health needs of children. We work in
collaboration with community partners to assure access to
appropriate quality health services and benefits for every child
in the county. Our mission in children’s health began with the
development of Brush.Brush.Smile!®, our mobile dental clinic
program, and now includes multiple efforts, programs and
services committed to improving the health of children and
expanding healthcare access to children and families throughout
Lancaster County.
Our vision is that CHI St. Joseph Children’s Health will
transform our community as it equips children and families
with the knowledge, benefits, services, programs and advocacy
necessary for every child to grow up happy and healthy. We work
to achieve this through four initiatives:
Access to Care – Our goal is to secure health insurance coverage and benefits for all children in the Lancaster Community.
Children’s Health Education – We work toward equipping children and families with the skills and knowledge necessary to improve children’s health outcomes.
Children’s Oral Health – Our goal is to assure that every child in the Lancaster Community has a dental home.
Community Investment – We strive to increase the capacity to improve children’s health outcomes through strategic investments, partnerships and advocacy.
We invite you to join us on Thursday May 14 as we
unveil our new Strategic Plan to the Lancaster Community
(see information below or contact Beth Grossmann at
397-7625 for more information). CHI St. Joseph Children’s
Health is dedicated to working with the local community to
develop, implement and create solutions to maximize the
unprecedented opportunities before us to assure that all
children in the Lancaster Community are healthy and happy.
The Spanish American Civic Association has made a significant
investment in workforce development of the Latino community by creating
the state's first bilingual technology center. Known, as Tec Centro, this
community vocational training facility opened its doors in March 2014.
Tec Centro is organized
to provide :
Workforce English Instruction
Adult Basic Education (GED)
Job Placement Services
Skills Training in
Dental Occupations
Allied Health
Culinary Arts
Construction Trades
Office Occupations
In the development of a training classroom for dental
occupations, a fully functional dental clinic has been established
containing 5 dental chairs and required equipment.
1. Training in dental occupations: classroom training for dental assistants will be conducted by a qualified instructor. Two cycles of dental assistant training will be run annually. The cost of training 15 students per cycle is $25,000.
2. We would like to utilize the clinic to provide the community
(especially children) with checkups and preventative care.
What you can do...
We would like to suggest that individuals and organizations who believe
in our mission of assisting individuals to train for a career path in
dental occupations as well as to bring dental services to a marginalized
community become involved with us to meet the following immediate needs:
1. We need a pan x-ray machine.
2. We need dentists and hygienists to provide classroom training
and conduct community clinics.
3. We need initial funding to begin the training of dental assistants.
February was a busy month! To celebrate Children's
Dental Health Month, members of the Alliance held our annual
Kit Stuffing Night on Feb. 5th at Highland Presbyterian Church. Cherisse Feddock, chairperson for the event, did the behindthe-scenes work of getting everything ready. Although we did
receive a few donations from companies, the Alliance purchased
most of the supplies for the kits, using money collected from
the Holiday Sharing Card fund raising. Each kit contained a
toothbrush, toothpaste, floss and mouthwash - everything a
person needs to maintain their dental health. These kits go to
homeless shelters, women's centers, day cares - anyplace there
might be a person who could use the supplies. Hopefully the kit
is a start to good dental hygiene habits! This year, Cub Scouts
from Pack 102 and Boy Scouts from Troop 84 were enlisted to
help us - and boy, did they come out in force! They get the award
for being our fastest packers! That was much appreciated by the
Alliance members, who in past years have been at the event quite
late. After a snack for all the kids, the Scouts then helped clean
up - again a bang-up job - even canvassing the floor for every last
scrap of trash in our donated space! Kits were then delivered
to organizations throughout the county by the members of the
Alliance. Thank you to all Alliance members and their kids who
showed up to help out, and special thanks to our industrious
Back again this year, the popular poster
contest! The Alliance to the Lancaster County Dental
Society sponsored a Children's Dental Health Month
Poster Contest using the ADA's theme "Defeat Monster
Mouth!" The contest was publicized in the Lancaster
Newspapers, and fliers were also sent out (via email)
to all LCDS dentists to hand out to patients. We had a
great response! Judging was difficult as always - but
our judges Pam Berg, Aurora Greene and Melissa Voler
were finally able to settle on our nine winners. Winners in
three age categories received $50 for first place, $35 for
second and $20 for third. Dentists were encouraged to
make displays in their offices to showcase the posters
for the month of February. You can see from the smiles
on their faces just how much they enjoyed the contest and the kids had a pretty good time too! Want to get in
on the action next year? Be on the lookout next January
for an email about the 2016 Poster Contest!
Hard to believe, but most of our work for
the year is finished! (Yay!) We will meet one last
time for the Past Presidents/New Members Dinner
- usually this is the first Thursday in May, held
at a local restaurant. If you are not receiving the
eVites to events (or you are brand new to Alliance
and want to be put on the list), please contact
Stephanie Grambau at tsgrambau@hotmail.com.
Don't forget about the MOM-n-PA (Mission of Mercy
in Pennsylvania) a 2-day volunteer event for
dentists and laypeople, at the end of May check out mom-n-pa.com for more information!
Children's Dental Health Month Poster Contest
Age group 5-7
1st place: Marlee Lauris, displayed at the office of Dr. Lamichane
2nd place: Theresa Duchesneau, displayed at the office of Dr. Ross
3rd place: Lindsey Rychener, displayed at the office of Dr. Scott
Age group 8-10
1st place: Megan Rychener, displayed at the office of Dr. Scott
2nd place: Quinn Degenhard, displayed at the office of Dr. Grambau
3rd place: David Lapp, displayed at the office of Dr. Miller
Dentists were encouraged to display the posters in their offices.
Age group 11-13
1st place: Shantel Wenger, displayed at the office of Dr. Bender
2nd place: Cecilia Deel, displayed at the office of Dr. Lamichane
3rd place: Caelin Grambau, displayed at the office of Dr. Grambau
Lancaster County Dental Society Continuing Education 2014-2015
May 8, 2015:
“Evidence Based Analgesia” by Dr. Elliot V. Hersh DMD, MS, PhD 8:00AM - NOON
“Office Anesthesia and Medical Emergencies” by John Brewer 1:00PM - 4:00PM
Location: Lancaster Country Club
Time: 8:00 AM-4:00 PM, 7 CE Credits (Meal will be included)
“Lancaster County Dental Society, is designated as an Approved
PACE Program Provider by the Academy of General Dentistry.
The formal continuing dental education programs of this program
provider are accepted by AGD for Fellowship/Mastership
and membership maintenance credit. Approval does not
imply acceptance by a state or provincial board of
dentistry or AGD endorsement. The current term
of approval extends from (11/1/12 to 10/31/15).”
Course Description: This presentation will first review the biochemical and physiological mechanisms behind
post-surgical dental pain and then discuss various double-blind randomized controlled trials on the efficacy of
various analgesic agents following the surgical removal of impacted third molar teeth. The final portion of this
discussion will focus on meta analysis data for various analgesics in both dental pain and other post-surgical pain models.
An updated flexible analgesic schedule which was published in JADA in August 2013 will also be introduced.
Dr. Elliot Hersh
Learning Objectives: • Discuss the utility of the oral surgery pain model.
• List various peripheral chemical mediators which contribute to post-surgical dental pain.
• Compare the analgesic efficacy of NSAIDs to single entity oral opioids in randomized placebo controlled double-blind oral surgery pain studies.
• Describe the rationale for combining opioid with non-opioid analgesic agents, and NSAIDs with acetaminophen.
• Compare the short-term side effect profile of NSAIDs versus opioids.
• Discuss meta-analysis data on the numbers needed treat (NNT) to obtain one additional patient with
at least 50% maximum pain relief beyond the placebo treatment.
Bio: Dr Hersh is a Professor of Pharmacology at the School of Dental Medicine and Chair of IRB #3 Office of Regulatory Affairs at
the University of Pennsylvania. He received his DMD degree from UMDNJ-NJDS in 1981 and his MS and PhD degrees from UMDNJ
– Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences in 1983 and 1988 respectively. Since arriving at the PENN in 1988 Dr Hersh has won
the Dental School’s Excellence in the Teaching of Basic Science Award 20 different times and was also presented with a University
Lindback Award in 1993, the highest teaching honor in the entire University. He has published more than 125 scientific articles,
abstracts and book chapters in the areas of dental pharmacology, drug interactions, analgesics and local anesthetics. His scholarly
and research contributions in the areas of local anesthesia and pain control were recognized by the International Association of
Dental Research in 2007 meeting where he was presented with the Distinguished Scientist Award in Pharmacology, Therapeutics and
Toxicology. Dr Hersh states “that while the research accolades are nice, the most important thing I do is sharing this knowledge with
my students and other dental professionals”.
Conflict of Interest Statement During the past five years Dr Hersh and the University of Pennsylvania have received research grants
from Septodont, Pfizer Consumer Healthcare, and St Renatus LLC.
John Brewer
Course Description: Medical emergencies can occur at anytime in the dental office. Preparation for such emergencies is extremely important. A team approach ensures that all members of the dental team are prepared to handle
emergency situations effectively. Through lecture and emergency case review, participants will improve their recognition and understanding of medical emergencies in the dental office setting.
Course Objectives : • Discuss the most common medical emergencies • Discuss drug related emergencies
• Identify drugs/supplies required for the Dental Office Emergency Kit
• Review the medical history and identify patients at risk for medical emergencies
• Systematically approach the management of an office emergency.
Please indicate those courses you wish to attend
Light fare and beverages will be available at all lectures
May 8, 2015: “Evidence Based Analgesia”
by Dr. Elliot V. Hersh DMD, MS, PhD 7 CE
“Office Anesthesia and Medical Emergencies”
by John Brewer
Evening Course Pricing (3 CE Credits)
Number of
Attending Doctors
Number of
Attending Staff
Total Cost
MAY 8, 2015 Course Pricing (7 CE Credits)
LCDS Member Dr. : $40.00 per course
LCDS Member Dr. : $80.00
LCDS Member Staff : $25.00 per course
LCDS Member Staff : $50.00
Non-LCDS Member Dr. : $60.00 per course
Non-LCDS Member Dr. : $120.00
Non-LCDS Member Staff : $40.00 per course
Non-LCDS Member Staff : $80.00
No Refunds Available. All checks made payable to Lancaster County Dental Society.
If you have questions, please contact Alycia Billy, LCDS Secretary at 717-606-6534, or lcdentalsociety@gmail.com.
Name: ___________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________
______________ _________________________________________________________________ Check # ______________
Preferred Phone #: Day ____________________ Night______________________ E-mail address:______________________
Please print names of all in attendance and letter designation of the course they are attending:
RSVP to Lancaster County Dental Society, P.O. Box 5157, Lancaster, PA, 17606. All other courses, please RSVP no later than 3 days prior to the date of
the lecture(s) you are attending. No Refunds Available. Cash or Check only. Questions: call 606-6534 or e-mail lcdentalsociety@gmail.com.
Bio: Mr. Brewer is a part-time paramedic with 30 plus years experience in EMS working as a career paramedic in an urban/suburban area just south of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. Mr. Brewer has worked extensively with the dental community since 1998. He
provides BLS, ACLS and PALS, courses in addition to medical emergency courses for individual offices, dental societies, PSOMS,
University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine, UPMC Children’s Hospital Dept. of Pediatric Dentistry, Duquesne University IV
Sedation Course. Mr. Brewer also assists with helping offices purchase and organize emergency equipment, and prepare for office
evaluations. Mr. Brewer has lectured throughout Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Maryland and New Jersey, on the topic of medical
emergencies in the dental office. Mr. Brewer has also recently started working as an
anesthesia assistant in oral surgery offices.
Registration Form for these Courses is on Next Page
LCDS members,
Every year there are some important certifications and regulations that all doctors and their staff need to take into consideration for
compliance. Some of these topics would be CPR, OSHA and X-ray certification. Please see information regarding these compliances.
CPR COMPLIANCE ~ Required every 2 years.
CPR ~ This program is for healthcare providers. List of some CPR Instructors in the Lancaster Area :
Lancaster EMS ~ (717) 481-4841 ~ www.lemsa.com
HACC ~ 1-800-222-4222 ~ www.hacc.edu
Susquehanna Valley EMS ~ (717) 435-8101 ~ www.svems.org
Red Cross ~ www.redcross.org
Manheim Township Ambulance Association ~
(717)569-6622 ~ www.manheimtownshipems.org
Ephrata Community Hospital ~
(717) 733-0311 ~ www.ephratahospital.org
OSHA COMPLIANCE ~ Required Yearly
OSHA ~ Pennsylvania does not have its own OSHA plan, and rather depends on national OSHA standards.
Here is a link to the Department of Labor page that talks specifically about OSHA requirements for dental offices:
OSHA annual training must cover both the blood borne pathogens and hazard communication standards. According to the ADA, here is a list of what annual training should include:
Explanation of the Blood borne Pathogens Standard and Exposure Control Plan
General Information about the epidemiology and symptoms of blood borne diseases
Modes of transmission of blood borne pathogens
How to recognize tasks involving occupational exposure
Use and limits of engineering controls; work practice controls and personal protective equipment
Where PPE is located and how to use, remove, handle, decontaminate and dispose
How to select appropriate PPE
Effectiveness, safety, benefits and method of administering hepatitis B vaccine
What to do if there is an emergency spill of blood
What to do if there is an incidental exposure
Post-exposure evaluation
Labeling to warn against biohazards
Employees must also be trained anytime they are exposed to a new risk in the dental office that they were not
previously exposed to. This training should be recorded and the record should be kept for three years. • Each office must have an OSHA Job Safety and Health Protection poster posted in a prominent location in the office. It can be downloaded for free at www.osha.gov. Emergency telephone numbers should be posted where can be easily located. X-RAY CERTIFICATION ~ Required every 4 years.
Please see requirements provided by PDA as to the number of CE needed.
According to Pennsylvania regulation (25 Pa. Code,
Section 221.11(b)) anybody who operates an x-ray machine in the
state of Pennsylvania (dentists, assistants and hygienists) must take
continuing education in radiology; the continuing education must
cover four specific topics: radiation safety, biological effects, quality
assurance and quality control. However, the regulation is very
vague; it puts no minimum standard on how many CE credits must
be obtained, or how often, it has always been left up to discretion.
The Department of Environmental Protection
recommends that anyone who operates an x-ray machine obtain
4 credit hours (or 2 contact hours) of radiology CE every 4 years,
but this is simply a recommendation. Contact hours are defined
as traditional classroom CE, where CE credits are defined as
self-study or less conventional CE methods. It is not the only
way in which you can be complaint with PA law. Any continuing
education in radiology, such as an online CE course, having a
lecturer come into your office, etc. is in compliance with the law,
as long as it covers the four above mentioned subject areas. It is
important that you are doing something in terms of radiology CE.
*So, yes our course does satisfy the standards set by
Pennsylvania regulations even though it is only for 2 CE credits
through the PDA online course.
PRACTICE FOR SALE - Lancaster County - Charming comprehensive general and cosmetic dental practice for sale. 100% fee for service. Full computerized, Dentrix software, Digital X-ray, Intraoral camera, Zoom2. Part-time practice with unlimited
potential in a very desirable, historic location. For details contact paftmf@aol.com.
DENTIST POSITION - Looking for a F/T or P/T dentist for a busy Lancaster General Practice. Email resume at Contact@717Dentist.com
DENTAL ASSISTANT - Looking for additional work hours.
Please contact Laura Burns for details and availibility.
Email : lauraravert16@hotmail.com Cell phone : (717) 371-5487
PRACTICE TRANSITIONS - We specialize in Dental Practice Sales, Appraisals and Partnership Arrangements. Ask about our free guides for
Sellers or Buyers. Contact Philip Cooper, DMD, MBA,
American Practice Consultants, 800-400-8550 or cooper@ameriprac.com.
SERVICE OFFERED - Dr. Paul G. Heimer, Jr. is presently a Locum Tenens. He is available for temporary dental services (sick leave, maternity leave, vacation and hygiene coverage) in the Lancaster area.
Telephone (717) 898-8975 OR FAX (717) 898-6895
SERVICE OFFERED - Dr. John Douglas is available to 'baby sit' your Hygiene. If you are out sick, last minute plans for a vacation or just need a day off than please call me to keep your staff working and eliminate the hassle of rescheduling your patients.
Please call me at 717-330-2258.
system specialties 3.75x5AD
They grow in clusters and range in color from
pale green to black. What are they ?
James Bond is known as secret
agent 007. What does the prefix
"00" signify ?
On both domestic and international flights,
what do men do 24% less than women ?
What is the common four-letter name for a killer whale ?
Possibly the shortest team sport in summer Olympics; each of the four
periods lasts only eight minutes. What challenging sport is this ?
Answers to 1st Quarter 2015 "Handpiece" Trivia Corner
Which of the following is not effected by wind chill ? Person, dog, car radiator
or bird. Person. Wind chill is the combination of wind and temperature and is
based on the rate of heat loss from exposed skin such as that of a person
or animal. As the wind increases, heat is carried away from the body at an
accelerated rate, driving the body temperature down. Wind chill has no effect
on cars or other objects.
What is the difference between sleet, hail and freezing rain ? Hail is a chunk or
stone of ice dropped from a thunderstorm. Sleet is frozen rain. Freezing rain is
liquid rain that freezes to a surface such as the road or a tree.
8:18 AM
Page 1
Independent Dealer For…
Nitrous Oxide & Oxygen
Analgesia Equipment
• Calibration • Testing
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New Pennsylvania regulations
require calibration
Please contact
Ken Rishar
at 215-443-9293
or fax 215-443-9640
Systems Specialties, Inc.
1800-T Mearns Road
Warminster, PA 18974
30 Years Experience
On the average, one inch of rain is equivalent to how many inches of snow ?
10 inches of snow melts down to about an inch of liquid rain.
How heavy does it have to be snowing to be considered "blizzard conditions" ?
A blizzard occurs when you can’t see for 1/4 mile. The winds are always 35 miles an
hour or more. The storm must last at least 3 hours to be classed as a blizzard.
If any of these conditions are less, it is only a snowstorm. A ground blizzard is a
weather condition where snow is not falling but loose snow on the ground is lifted
and blown by strong winds.
Which 3 countries have the highest ski participation levels, with at least 25% of
their population skiing ? Austria, Norway and Switzerland
LCDS Member's Benefit
The Dental Hygiene Association offers employment referrals
service for full-time, part-time or temporary hygienists.
For this service, please call Susan Horton, R.D.H.
at her home, preferably evenings at (717) 581-1055.
PA. 17604
P.O. Box #5157 • Lancaster, PA. 17606
TELEPHONE (717) 606-6534
The Newsletter of the
Editor: Jenn Hean
Layout & Design:
Vic Matroni
is published quarterly by the Lancaster County
Dental Society. Statements of opinion are not
necessarily endorsed by the Lancaster County
Dental Society, The Pennsylvania Dental
Association, or any of its subsidiaries, councils
or agencies. Publication deadline is the 1st of
the month prior to the next edition. Please
send articles, announcements, notices,
suggestions and changes of address to:
The Handpiece,
Lancaster County Dental Society,
P.O. Box #5157, Lancaster, PA. 17606
Telephone (717) 606-6534
President Elect:
Immediate Past President:
Executive Secretary:
Dr. John Vakkas
Dr. Eric Howard
Dr. Laura Harkin
Dr. Jason Phillips
Dr. Michelle Cantwell
Jenn Hean