2015 NY Statewide Preservation Conference Attendees Last Name Adams First Name Julian Email Julian.Adams@parks.ny.gov City Albany Company NYSHPO Addante Joe joeaddante@frontiernet.net Fairport Joseph A. Addante, Architect Adema Ahrens Gail Jennifer ekost@amherst.ny.us jahrens@beroarchitecture.com Williamsville Amherst Historic Preservation Commission Bero Architecture PLLC Rochester Allen Andrews Anheier Askins ayer Baldwin Barnard Barrett Dana William Erin Alice damon LeRoy Allan Gregory Liz dallen15@rochester.rr.com wandrews@frontiernet.net erinanheier@aol.com aaskins@genevahistoricalsociety.com damon@masonsgrille.com labaldwin@frontiernet.net gbarnard6811@hotmail.com jerseylake@gmail.com Geneva Brockport Holley Geneva hamburg Rochester Victor Rochester B&M,LLC (dba Academy Square) Village of Brockport Clarendon Historical Society Geneva Historical Society Village of Hamburg Bartram Sara sbartram@udel.edu Wilmington Bateman Batrowny Batson Ashley Alana Nicholas ashleyjbateman@gmail.com onedanceco@gmail.com njbatson@buffalo.edu Batavia Rochester Buffalo Center for Historic Architecture and Design City of Batavia Historic Preservation Commission One Dance Company Battin Bavis Bavis Carly Gene Liz carly@elmwoodvillage.org gbavis@rochester.rr.com LLLLLiz52@aol.com Buffalo Walworth Walworth Elmwood Village Association Town of Walworth, NY Walworth Historical Society Beardslee Deborah Dabfaa@rit.edu Rochester Beck Edwin dabx62@aol.com Hamburg Beck Mary dabxnana@aol.com Hamburg City of Rochester Preservation Board Village of Hamburg Historic Preservation Commission Village of Hamburg Historic Preservation Commission Beckman Belluscio Blake Bleuer Borrelli Bove Bove Hannah Lynne Hannah Jonathan Phillip Emil Lyn Hbeckman@cbca.email jellodirector@frontiernet.net hannah_blake@nps.gov jbleuer@clarence.ny.us pborrelli@borrelliyots.com emilbove@yahoo.com ljbove@gmail.com Buffalo LeRoy Albany Clarence Rochester Seneca Falls seneca falls Clinton Brown Company Architecture Town of LeRoy Erie Canalway NHC Town of Clarence Boyer Brandt Braunlein Cindy Christopher Jack cboyer@landmarksociety.org roc.rktec@icloud.com jbraunlein@hvc.rr.com Rochester Irondequoit Hurley The Landmark Society of Western New York Brinton brown Brown, FAIA Megan alma Clinton ekost@amherst.ny.us almabrown@cbca.email clintonbrown@cbca.email Williamsville Amherst Historic Preservation Commission CBCA Buffalo CBCA Buffalo Bullough Sloane sloane.bullough@parks.ny.gov Waterford Burkel Busch Sharon Martin doneburkel@aol.com mbusch@villagemedina.org Batavia Medina New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation City of Batavia Historic Preservation Commission Village of Medina Button Thomas tb6435@g.rit.edu Rushville Rochester Institute of Technology Cain Ed edmcain@rochester.rr.com Rochester City of Rochester Preservation Board Campbell Carlson Carmina Carnes Sherry Joy Steve Jonathan sherryc26@roadrunner.com jmecarlson@mac.com scarmina@cwm-ae.com carnesjon@gmail.com Lancaster Alfred Buffalo Auburn Lancaster Historic Preservation Commission Alfred State College Carmina Wood Morris, DPC Casassa Castelein Judy Thomas casassaj@verizon.net thcastelein@gmail.com Amherst Rochester Blessed Trinity Catholic Church Town of Seneca FaLLS SF Historical Society self-employed Chiavaroli Childs Coleman Jules Lewis Karen jjcnct@rit.edu lewchilds@aol.com karen@historicithaca.org Collinge Colliss Comeau Conwall Crawford Crawford Crawford Creenan-Chorley Crissy Crompton Crumb Cumming Janet Glenn Katie Eggers Carol Elizabeth Randall Rachel Courtney Georgia Lisa David Beth JanetCollinge@aol.com colliss@juno.com kcomeau@beroarchitecture.com cconwall@gmail.com bcrawford@crawfordstearns.com rcrawford@crawfordstearns.com rachel.crawf@gmail.com ccreenan@flynnbattaglia.com gavc26@gmail.com lcrompton@historic-albany.org dhcism@fit.edu beth.cumming@parks.ny.gov D'Angelo Dealy Amy Anne adangelo@co.wayne.ny.us adealy@genevahistoricalsociety.com Rochester Institute of Technology Lewis Childs Architect Historic Ithaca Neighborhood of the Arts Neighborhood Association Rochester Canandaigua City of Canandaigua Bero Architecture PLLC Rochester williamsville Buffalosmark Ms. Syracuse Mr. Syracuse Syracuse Flynn Battaglia Architects Buffalo Landmark Society Pittsford Historic Albany Foundation Albany Town of Parma Hilton NY SHPO Lathm Wayne County Economic Development & Planning Lyons Geneva Historical Society Rochester Dean Delaro William Joan deanwc@alfredstate.edu lyonsmainstreetprogram@gmail.com Avon Lyons DiBella DiLorenzo Gina Jay gdibella@rochester.rr.com jdilorenzo@preservenys.org Rochester Albany Donskoj Yourij (George) georgedonskoj@yahoo.com Kingston Doyle Drake Edgington Edwards Elliott Courtney Eleanor Jessica Mary James doylecl192@gmail.com HSTDrake@aol.com lyonsmainstreetprogram@gmail.com medward6@rochester.rr.com jrobbins234@rochester.rr.com Norfolk Palmyra Lyons Brockport Palmyra Rochester Rochester Ithaca Alfred State - SUNY College of Technology Lyons Main Street Program Town of Greece Historic Preservation Commission Preservation League of NYS Kingston Historic Landmarks Preservation Commission Village of Potsdam Planning Dept. Lyons Main Street Program Clarkson Historical Society Englert Esterley Evans Evans Evans Kathleen Jennifer Emilie Peter Sue-Jane historian@henrietta.org jesterley@housingvisions.org eevans@placeeconomics.com pkevans@eznet.net pkevans@eznet.net W Henrietta Syracuse New York Williamson Williamson Town of Henrietta Historic Site Committee Housing Visions PlaceEconomics Wayne County Farrell James jim@genevanrc.org Geneva Geneva Neighborhood Resource Center Farrell Diane firechiefflorida@yahoo.com Geneva Geneva Neighborhood Resource Center Favaro Felicetti Timmon Theresa tfavaro@chwattys.com tfelicetti@students.willowbank.ca Cannon Heyman & Weiss, LLP Buffalo Niagara Falls Willowbank Filice Fiske Fitzpatrick Lisa Julie Nancy lfilice@rehouseny.com julie4369@rochester.rr.com nancy@redlioninn.com Rochester Rochester Stockbridge ReHouse Architectural Salvage Forster Tim timf@rochestercolonial.com Rochester Rochester Colonial Manufacturing Fowler Fox FRANCER Frankel Fraser Furgiuele Gable Gerling Amy Rosa LARRY Sandra Jim Maria Walter Sage presbyteryleader@pbygenval.org rfox@townofhuron.org lfrancer@landmarksociety.org frankel@rochester.rr.com pborrelli@borrelliyots.com mpfdesign@yahoo.com wgable@rochester.rr.com sgerling@geneva.ny.us Rochester Wolcott ROCHESTER Rochester Rochester Fairport Seneca Falls Geneva Presbytery of Genesee Valley Town of Huron LSWNY Gillies Marge mgillies@verizon.net Niagara Falls Niagara Falls Historic Preservation Society Gillow Giuliano Beau Michael beaug@rochestercolonial.com mcjhs00@hotmail.com Rochester Rochester The Red Lion Inn MPF Design City of Geneva Rochester Colonial Manufacturing Goodman Wayne wgoodman@landmarksociety.org Rochester The Landmark Society of Western NY gotcsik gotcsik Gould george frances murray gotcsikg@gmail.com frances.gotcsik@gmail.com murray@portcitypreservation.com Lima LIma syracuse CommunityBusiness Advantage Parks and Trails New York -Port City Preservation.com Gould gray Gubler Emiile matthew Frances goulde@alum.rpi.edu zarley21@gmail.com fgubler@preservenys.org Clifton Park Batavia Albany Hackathorn Haley Harrington Laura Penny Brittany lhackathorn@villagehamburg.com pjhaleyarch@frontiernet.net onedanceco@gmail.com Hamburg Rochester Rochester NY State Historic Preservation Office AGRV Properties Preservation League of NYS Village of Hamburg Historic Preservation Commission Penny J. Haley, Architect One Dance Company Harris Hartman Deborah Gary dharrisathollywoodtheater@gmail.com dorenemacdonald@yahoo.com Gowanda's Historic Hollywood Theater Conewango Valley First Baptist Church Rochester Harvey Hauser Haygood Heaton Heidt HELD HERRON Hindle Howe Anne Rick Carolyn Patrick Greg BLAKE JEROME Nicholas Kathy mail@dazzleschool.org rick@insitearch.com chaygood@landmarksociety.org pheaton@edrdpc.com gheidt@architecturapc.com beheld@mail.com lfrancer@landmarksociety.org nicholas.hindle@hws.edu kathy.howe@parks.ny.gov Dazzle School of Visual & Performing Arts Rochester In. Site: Architecture LLP Perry Rochester Fayetteville EDR Architectura PC Rochester Blake H. Held Architect, PLLC HONEOYE FALLS ROCHESTER LSWNY Pelham ManorHobart College NY SHPO Cohoes Howk Huber Hunt Cynthia Babette Christine chowk@landmarksociety.org bmhuber@town-victor-ny.us whitefarm@frontiernet.net Rochester Victor Brockport Hutter Jacobs Douglas Maarten doug@zaxispc.com mjacob01@syr.edu Hamburg Syracuse The Landmark Society of Western New York Town of Victor Village of Hamburg Historic Preservation Commission Near Westside Intitiative Anthony O. James, Architect James Anthony anthonyojames@gmail.com Buffalo Jans-Duffy Johnson Johnson Kathy Grant Irene kaj@rochester.rr.com gjohnson@edrdpc.com qirika@frontiernet.net Seneca Falls Seneca Falls Historical Society EDR Syracuse Rochester Johnson Johnson Johnson Jordan Kamp Katherine Sara William Steve dietgard kate8845@aol.com sara@historicithaca.org cmeives@landmarksociety.org painintheglass@frontiernet.net dee.kam@yahoo.com Buffalo Ithaca Rochester Rochester Rochester Niagara Arts and Cultural Center Historic Ithaca, Inc. Kamprath Kantz Keller Kellogg Kertanis Ketchum King Sally Adrienne Anna Liisa Glenn Ryan Pam Derek skamprath@rehouseny.com agkantz@gmail.com annaliisakeller@gmail.com gkellogg@urbanadvisors.com ryankertanis19@gmail.com pketchum@rochester.rr.com derekking@preservationstudios.com Rochester Canandaigua Rochester Rochester Granby Brockport Buffalo ReHouse Architectural Salvage City of Canandaigua Kinne Kirker Kirker Kise Erin Helen Helen Roxanne erin.kinne@nyshcr.org cmeives@landmarksociety.org cmeives@landmarksociety.org kise.wecmainst@gmail.com Albany Stanley Stanley clyde NYS Office Community Renewal Konz Ginny vmkonz@rochester.rr.com Rochester Krishna Ashima ashimakr@buffalo.edu Buffalo Seneca Falls Presbyterian Church University at Buffalo, The State University of New York Krolewicz Christine christine@richardson-olmsted.com Buffalo Richardson Center Corporation Kudela Kulpa LaFrank Kathie Brian Kathleen kathie@thenacc.org bkulpa@clarkpatterson.com kathleen.lafrank@parks.ny.gov Lewiston Buffalo Troy Niagara Arts and Cultural Center Clark Patterson Lee New York SHPO Pain In The Glass Urban Advisors Ltd Hobart College Nothnagle Realtors Preservation Studios, LLC Western Erie Canal Alliance Lambrix Lang Lee Lehman LeRoy Lesch Lillie Lincoln Andrew Paul Etheldria Erich Richard Jim Madalyn Christina alambrix@landmarksociety.org plang@cwm-ae.com office@parsellschurch.org erich@wall-therapy.com rklnge@yahoo.com jl847@yahoo.com mfl5170@rit.edu clincoln@pbnsaves.org Rochester Buffalo Rochester Rochester Scottsville Scottsville Rochester Buffalo Linder Lippincott Logan-Baldwin longiaru Lopez Lutkus MacDonald MacDonald mallwitz Mandl Mandl Mandl Rich Kerry Emmelyn christine Christopher Anne Dorene Ed meredith Susan Susan Susan rlinder@barkstromlacroix.com director@genevahistoricalsociety.com loganbaldwin@earthlink.net christine@panamconsultants.com clopez@planpc.com alutkus@rochester.rr.com dorenemacdonald@yahoo.com dorenemacdonald@yahoo.com mmallwitz1@gmail.com cmeives@landmarksociety.org cmeives@landmarksociety.org cmeives@landmarksociety.org Rochester Geneva Rochester buffalo Victor GENESEO Rochester Rochester canandaigua Rochester Rochester Rochester Barkstrom & LaCroix Architects Geneva Historical Society Maneiro Marks Mathis-Hadee May Saul John Bev Frederick sam@racf.org jmarks@genevahistoricalsociety.com mect@localnet.com fhm@fairportny.com Rochester Geneva Rochester Fairport Rochester Area Community Foundation Geneva Historical Society Mayer Bonny bmayer@rochester.rr.com Rochester City of Rochester Preservation Board McCrady McCullough McDonough Amanda Kathryn Kevin amccrady@chwattys.com kitty@historickingstonwaterfront.net kevinmcdonough55@gmail.com Buffalo Kingston Lockport Cannon Heyman & Weiss, LLP Historic Kingston Waterfront City of Lockport McEneny Daniel daniel.mceneny@parks.ny.gov Albany NYS Division for Historic Preservation Carmina Wood Morris, DPC The Historic Parsells Church WALL\THERAPY & 1975 Preservation Buffalo Niagara Panamerican Consultants PLAN Architectural Studio Village of Fairport Mcnamara Mee Meives Meyer meyer Lisa Susan Caitlin Donna todd lisamcnamara1237@gmail.com sue@townofrush.com cmeives@landmarksociety.org grannydmeyer@yahoo.com mmallwitz1@gmail.com Webster Honeoey Falls Town of Rush The Landmark Society Rochester Canandaigua canandaigua Meyers Mitchell Julie LaLuce jkmeyers923@gmail.com lalucedm@gmail.com Geneseo Buffalo Association for the Preservation of Geneseo Flynn Battaglia Architects Monroe Morawski Morris Morse Motill Motill Joni Tolga Jon Maxine Daniel Phyllis jmonroe@rrcdc.org tolga@ieee.org jmorris@cwm-ae.com esrommm@hotmail.com dan.motill@gmail.com dan.motill@gmail.com Rochester Rochester Buffalo Fairport Ovid Ovid Community Design Center Rochester Mohawk Valley Collective Carmina Wood Morris, DPC Newton Nicholson Nicholson Nikitin Bill James JJ Cynthia vohara@frontiernet.net jrn2800@frontier.com jn@josephnicholson.com cnikitin@pps.org Pike Stained Glass Studios, Inc. Rochester Rochester Canandaigua Project for Public Spaces Hoboken Nikitin Evgeny nikitinevgeny@gmail.com Hoboken Evergreene Architectural Arts Noto Noto Nowicki O'Connor Bart Dawn Jill Maureen bnoto@nathanielgc.com dnoto1872@gmail.com jillnowicki@cbca.email moeoc@frontiernet.net Rochester Rochester Buffalo Fairport Nathaniel General Contractors Dixon Tool & Manufacturing CBCA O'Hara Valerie vohara@frontiernet.net Rochester Pike Stained Glass Studios, Inc. O'Reilly Orr Orr Osburn Patricia Clifford Clifford Karen patricia.oreilly@nyshcr.org corr@thebirkettmills.com corr@thebirkettmills.com kosburn@genevahistoricalsociety.com Albany Penn Yan Penn Yan Geneva NYS Office Community Renewal Friends of the Three Bears Friends of the Three Bears Geneva Historical Society Osgood Page Palmiter Panepinto Papietro Parchus Richard John Terry Robert Jeanette Marilyn rosgood@beroarchitecture.com jpage@beroarchitecture.com palmitt@alfredstate.edu robert.panepinto@nypa.gov janpap@rochester.rr.com mparchus@frontiernet.net Bero Architecture PLLC Rochester Bero Architecture PLLC Rochester Alfred Station SUNY Alfred White Plains New York Power Authority Webster Rochester Park Cynthia clpark1866@gmail.com Waterloo Waterloo Library & Historical Society Patterson Payton Kisha Mark kisha@cbca.email mpgraphics@hotmail.com Buffalo Rochester Clinton Brown Company Architects MP Graphics Pellegrino Faix Peterson Petrillo Pieper Pierce Monica Lloyd Jennifer Alphonse Preston monica@richardson-olmsted.com lloydepeterson@me.com petrillojenn@yahoo.com alphonse@historicithaca.org Preston.Pierce@FLCC.edu Niagara Falls Canandaigua Rochester Ithaca Canandaigua Richardson Center Corporation City of Canandaigua Historic Ithaca Ontario County NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Richard Margolis Art + Architectural Photography Pierpont Ruth ruth.pierpont@parks.ny.gov Troy Pierro Pilato Podzuweit Alene Toby Chris aepierro@gmail.com tpilato@live.com director@senecamuseum.com Rochester Scottsville Seneca Falls Seneca Museum Pollock Powell Primus Puma Quinn Redeye Reeve Rhode Robbins Jeffrey Scott Elyssia Mike Michael Nancy David Torsten John jjpollock343@aol.com spowell@architecturapc.com onedanceco@gmail.com mikepuma@preservationstudios.com mquinn@pyramidbrokerage.com nredeye@flynnbattaglia.com dreeve@winetrailproperties.com rhodetm@gmail.com jrobbins234@rochester.rr.com Pittsford Rochester Rochester Buffalo Penfield Eden Penn Yan Canandaigua Palmyra Landmark Society of Western NY Architectura PC One Dance Company Preservation Studios pyramid brokerage company Flynn Battaglia Architects Village of Penn Yan City of Canandaigua Palmyra Canal Shop Robbins Rock Rodriguez Bill Julie Marc dorenemacdonald@yahoo.com julrock6@yahoo.com marc@stargroove.com Rochester Bath Geneva First Baptist Church Roenke Hank hroenke@verizon.net Geneva Geneva Historic District Commission Rogers Ruegemer Darlene Erika darlene.rogers@parks.ny.gov onedanceco@gmail.com Amsterdam Rochester Rutherford Sally Salter Sarah Jen Ann s.c.rutherford@gmail.com jsally@wxxi.org asalter@rochester.rr.com Rochester Rochester Rochester Johnson Hall State Historic Site One Dance Company THE YARDS Collaborative Art Space/ Selfemployed WXXI self-employed Saylor Dana info@oldtimeroots.com Buffalo Old Time Roots Historic Research Services Scangas Scher Laz Bob lscangas@arnoldandscangas.com goulde@alum.rpi.edu St. Albans Clifton Park Arnold and Scangas Architects Clark Patterson Lee Schifferli Michael Michael.Schifferli@parks.ny.gov Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, Middle Grove Office of Schmarcz Schroeder Becca Heather dhcism@rit.edu hschroeder@housingvisions.org Hilton Syracuse Schulte Schutte Schwardt Schweitzer Searl Sheridan Simonis Simpson Paul Marilyn Susan Catherine Virginia James Matthew Mary eschulte@rochester.rr.com marilynrschutte@aol.com cwhitde1@rochester.rr.com cfs@bairdfoundation.org vsearl@beroarchitecture.com janpap@rochester.rr.com matthew.simonis@gmail.com mary.simpson@outlook.com Batavia Rochester n/a Buffalo Rochester Webster Rochester Buffalo Siverling Teresa siverlingt@gmail.com Batavia Town of Parma Historian's Office Housing Visions City of Batavia Historic Preservation Commission The Baird Foundation Chestnut Ridge Conservancy City of Batavia Historic Preservation Commission Self Marshall Boxes, Inc. Marshall Boxes, Inc. JMT Experienced Brick & Stone Skompinski Skuse Skuse Smith Smith Carl Jeffrey Jeffrey Maggie Scott cshunters32@gmail.com Jeffskuse@gmail.com Jeffskuse@gmail.com maggiesmith103@gmail.com ssmith@exbricks.com Williamsville Rochester Rochester Philadelphia Amherst Smith Stewart Stoj Charles Richard Norman chuck@newdesignworks.com stewartr@roadrunner.com NSTOJDDS@AOL.COM Stortini Strawway Streb Sutherland Swanton Sweet Takatch Taylor TEALL Clare John Jason Mary Susan Kelly Steve Stanley ELIZABETH cstor216@gmail.com strawway@gmail.com jstreb@clarkpatterson.com msuth@roadrunner.com sswanton1@frontier.com kloveland@housingvisions.org stakatch@architecturapc.com thestaylors@aol.com eteall@rochester.rr.com Design Works Architecture, PC Fairport Village of Penn Yan Penn Yan Orchard Park Charlotte Community Association Rochester, NY Rochester John L. Strawway, Builder Rochester ROCHESTER Clark Patterson Lee Keuka Park Swanton Rush Housing Visions Syracuse Architectura P.C. Rochester Canandaigua City of Canandaigua ROCHESTER Thaler Mark mthaler@laceythaler.com Nassau Thoman Thompson Tobin Towner Towner Trajcevski Traynor Turiano Uffindell James Tina Erin Kathleen Rick Diana Kerry Kathy Nancy james54526@aol.com historian@henrietta.org etobin@preservenys.org townergraphics@hughes.net ricktowner@hughes.net dtrajcevski@housingvisions.org klta@buffalo.edu kturiano@joebeanroasters.com nuffindell@rochester.rr.com Hamburg Henrietta Albany Hemlock Hemlock Syracuse Buffalo Webster Rochester Van Dusen Eric evandusen@nwrochester.org Rochester Lacey Thaler Reilly Wilson Architecture & Preservation, LLP Village of Hamburg Historic Preservation Commission Town of Henrietta Preservation League of NYS Towner Graphics Retired Housing Visions SUNY Buffalo Joe Bean Coffee Roasters City of Rochester Zoning Board of Appeals van meenen michael omeadhra@hotmail.com rochester Walker Warren Washington Washington Waterman-Kulpa Webb Kelly Tanya Marlowe Elmira Kate Rebecca kwalker@wxxi.org tanyalee458@aol.com pastor@parsellschurch.org ejcw85@yahoo.com cawaterman@yahoo.com becwebb@gmail.com Geneva Seneca Falls Rochester Rochester Williamsville Rochester Finger Lakes Public Radio 89.5 WEOS Seneca Museum The Historic Parsells Church The Historic Parsells Church Village of Williamsville Weiss Wellman Steven Judith sweiss@chwattys.com historicalnewyork@me.com Buffalo Fulton Cannon Heyman & Weiss, LLP Historical New York Whited Whitney Williams Woelk Wolf Wolf Yockel Cynthia C Jean H Shanna Benjamin Karen George James cwhitde1@rochester.rr.com whit38dew@frontiernet.net skhwilliams@mac.com Benjamin.woelk@gmail.com karen_wolf@urmc.rochester.edu gtwolf@frontiernet.net jyockel@grar.net Spencerport Fairport Naples Rochester Penfield Fairport Rochester Highland Hospital of Rochester Yonaty Yots Stephen Jason amccrady@chwattys.com jasonyots@preservationstudios.com Buffalo Buffalo Cannon Heyman & Weiss, LLP Slow Road UnivofRoch Medical Center George T. Wolf, Attorney GRAR Yots Tom tomyotspreservation@gmail.com Buffalo Niagara Frontier State Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation Commission Young Greg gdyoung3@gmail.com Gloversville Fulton County Board of Supervisors Zeiner Zumbulyadis Patricia Nicholas pestevenson@hotmail.com nickz@frontiernet.net Henrietta Rochester Town of Henrietta Historic Site Committee
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