AddendumNo. 5 dated24thMarch,2015 Bidders soughtby Prospective onthe Clarifications at the Pre Bid Meetingheld on 18thMarch,2015 PowerPlant(900MW) Supplyof Coalfor Lakvijaya No. 1. Clause asperthe BiddingDocument AmendedClause : Reference Instruction to Bidders: PageITB15 Clause 5.4,Adjustmentfor MoistureContent (Alsoin Pg.27,DraftCoalSupplyAgreement) Price GrossCalorific adjustment Value for moisture n 6300or more n 6230to 6300 n 13 to14 5150to 5230 n 14 to15 6090to 6160 15 to16 5020to 5090 n 12or less Lessthan6300 n Lessthan5230 a p p l i c a b l e 12toI3 Lessthan6150 a p p l i c a b l e 13 to14 14 to15 Lessthan6090 a p p l i c a b l e 1 5t o 1 6 Lessthan6020 a p p l i c a b l e Total Moisture (%l 12or less Total Moisture (%l L2or less 12to13 2. 13 14 L5 L6 L2or less >12to >L3 to >14 to >L5to 13 L4 15 L6 Price adjustment for moisture 6300or more 6230to 6300 6150to 6230 nl 6090to 6160 nl 6020to 6090 Lessthan6300 Lessthan5230 nl Lessthan 6160 Lessthan5090 Lessthan6020 nl nl nl apolicable applicable applicable aoplicable Reference : Instruction to Bidders: PageITB15 Clause 5.4,Adjustmentfor MoistureContent (Withouttiability) Speciman Calculation DataAssumed d)TotalMoisture= L396 3. >L2to >13to >14 to >15to GrossCalorific Value d)Total Moisture = t4Yo Reference : Instruction to Bidders: PageITB16 Clause 5.4,Adjustmentfor MoistureContent = {(GCVar MoisturePenalty limitingvalue- GCVar) limitingvalue}* 0.45* FOBT / GCVar FromtheaboveTable,GCVar limitingvalueis 6160kcal/kgfor Moisturet3%tot4% Fromthe aboveTable,GCVar limitingvalueis 6160kcal/ kgfor Moisture>t3%to L4oA Therefore the Penalty= Therefore the Penalty= *0.4s *1Oo {(6160-6OsO) /6160) i(6160-6050) /6t6}l *0.45*L00 = 0.80USD/ MT =0.80usD/ MT Page1 of 2 No. 4. 5. Clause asperthe BiddingDocument Reference : DraftCoalSupply Agreement: Page26,27&28 Schedule 2, SubClause 4, MoistureContent Example L: M o i s t u rte5 % t o ! 6 % Example 1-: M o i s t u r>eL 5 % t o t 6 % Example 2: Moisture L4%tot5% Example 2: >14%tot5% Moisture Example 3: M o i s t u rte3 % t o t 4 % Example 3: >L3%tot4% Moisture Reference: Instructionto Bidders: PageITB11 Clause5.,Sub Clause(b), Haveexperience in supplying at leastthree(03) millionmetrictonsof coalin last35 monthsupto 31'tMarch2014(fromL'tApril2011to 31't March20t4l.Outof thisthree(03)millionmetric tons,minimumof one(01)millionmetrictonsof Value(AsReceived coalhaving Gross Calorific B a s i s ) o5f9 0 0k C a/lk g o r h i g h e r s h o uhl da v e beensupplied to onepurchaser. 6. AmendedClause Haveexperience in supplyingat leastthree(03) millionmetrictons of coalin last48 monthsup to 31't March 2015 (from L't April 2011to 31st March2015).Out of this three (03)millionmetric tons,minimumof one (01)millionmetrictonsof Value(AsReceived coalhavingGrossCalorific Basis)of 5900kCal/ kg or highershouldhave beensuppliedto one purchaser. Reference : DraftCoalSupplyAgreement: Page3 Clause 2, Conditions Precedent Theobligations of the Sellerto selland deliveror the Buyerto purchaseCoalpursuantto the Agreementshallbecomeeffectiveon the date when the Sellerhasestablished the Performance Securityin accordance with Clause22 andon provisionof certifiedcopiesof the contract agreements enteredinto with mineownersto provethat it hasthree (03)yearsuninterrupted mines. supplyfrom the respective Page2of 2 Theobligations of the Sellerto selland deliveror the Buyerto purchaseCoalpursuantto the Agreementshallbecomeeffectiveon the date when the Sellerhasestablished the Performance Securityin accordance with Clause22.
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