How SRLDP fits into a Strategy to Address the Needs of English Learners Presentation to LAUSD’s Advisory Committee on Early Childhood Education May 7, 2015 Marlene Zepeda, Ph.D. California State University, Los Angeles What Does the Research Tell Us About the LONG TERM Benefits of Preschool? Well-‐designed preschool education programs produce long-‐term improvements in school success, including higher achievement test scores, lower rates of grade repetition and special education, and higher educational attainment. Children who are Economically Disadvantaged Benefit the Most * Tulsa Pre-‐K Program * Tennessee Voluntary Pre-‐K Program Quality Preschool is a Profitable Investment Preschool Found to Significantly Lower Special Education Placements in Third Grade* * $1,110 per child in More at Four program in North Carolina reduced the likelihood of 3rd grade special education placement by 32% * $1,110 per child in Smart Start reduced the likelihood of 3rd grade special education placement by 10% * Both programs together reduced third grade students’ odds of special education placement by 39% Muschkin, C. G., Ladd, H. F., & Dodge, K. A. (2015). Impact of North Carolina’s early childhood initiatives on special education placement in third grade. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis. School Readiness Gap for Young English Language Learners * 4 and 5 year olds score 1 to 2 standard deviations below monolingual norms in receptive and expressive vocabulary and auditory comprehension (Hammer, Lawrence & Miccio, 2008) * 4 and 5 year olds have lower phonological awareness and letter identification abilities than do monolinguals (Hammer & Miccio, 2006) * ECLS-‐K data find that Spanish speaking children start K with language and literacy scores in the bottom 20-‐25% of all children and are still at the lowest quartile by the end of 3rd grade (Rumberger & Tran, 2006) Impact of Preschool is Positive for English Learners TULSA PRE-K Program SRLDP may be Linked to Increased CEDLT Passage and Decreased numbers of LTELs * In 2012, LAUSD's data shows that overall, 30% of English Learners graduate in 4 years but 74% of English Learners who were reclassified graduated in 4 years. * SRLDP with its fully certificated teaching staff and its focus on language development offers a concrete prevention model that evaluators have deemed helpful for preparing young children to be school ready. * Participation in SRLDP may reduce costs associated with special education services. * Participation in SRLDP may place students on a positive trajectory by addressing the readiness gap and enable quicker access to mainstream classes. The Science is Clear * Participation in high quality preschool programs benefits all children, but particularly vulnerable populations across a number of short term and long term factors. * Investment in the early years will reap positive rewards for children’s academic trajectories and reduce the school district’s costs over time .
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