Instructional Technology Initiative Task Force: Vision, Mission, & Core Values Our Vision: All schools use technology as a tool to differentiate and personalize instruction, increase academic rigor, and build student ownership of learning using a portfolio of student-centered school models. Our Mission: To prepare all students to be digital learners who use technology as a tool to graduate ready for success in college and careers. Core Values That Drive Our Mission: 1. Differentiated and Personalized Teaching and Learning: Teachers use adaptive and non-adaptive digital content and provide differentiated tasks, pathways, and playlists for student learning. 2. Data-Driven Decisions That Support Mastery-Based Learning: Teachers use technology to check for understanding and inform individual student grouping and instructional strategies. 3. Integrated Digital Content and Learning Tools: Teachers and students use technology and digital media strategically and capably. 4. Students as Creators and Producers: Students transfer knowledge by producing artifacts. Students move beyond consumption of information towards creation and production. 5. Student Agency and Ownership of Learning: Teachers prepare students to use technology and digital media strategically and capably. 6. Commitment to Ongoing Improvement: Students, educators, parents, and the community revise the instructional technology program based on its results and the evolving technology. 1 Instructional Technology Initiative Task Force Purpose The task force is an advisory group that will provide recommendations for a three-year strategic plan to guide instructional technology integration in the Los Angeles Unified School District. The task force recommendations will be reviewed and synthesized into a formal draft strategic plan, which will be submitted to the District superintendent. After the superintendent’s review, a final proposed strategic plan will be presented to the Board of Education, which is the District’s decision-making body. Task force members will meet as a whole group and in work groups, which will develop recommendations in their areas of focus. Workgroups will have access to District and external experts to help inform the work that will shape the recommendations. Workgroup membership will be determined during the first task force meeting Thursday, April 9, 2015. 4 Workgroups: Overview The table below offers an overview of the four task force workgroups. Each group will be guided by the District’s instructional technology vision, mission, and core values; and each group will incorporate monitoring, continuous improvement, change management, and shared leadership in its recommendations. Vision, Mission, & Core Values [Development of teacher knowledge and skill, increasing student engagement, providing challenging academic content] Workgroup 1 Curriculum: What Will Students Learn? Workgroup 2 Teaching & Learning: How Will Students Learn? Workgroup 3 Tools & Support: What Resources Will Be Needed? Workgroup 4 Operation & Structures How Will It Work? Standards & Curriculum Pedagogy & Instructional Strategies Cost & Resource Management Implementation & Sustainability Options & Resources Student-Centered Culture Infrastructure & Technology Structure & Change Assessments Professional Learning Facilities & Materials Home/School Connections Monitoring, Continuous Improvement, and Change Management through Shared Leadership 2 Workgroup 1 - Curriculum: What Will Students Learn? Standards & Curriculum ● ● ● Options & Resources ● Assessments ● What elements are needed in District academic policies to support the core values of this plan? ○ Two-way coordination needed with College & Career Readiness Plan team What types of curriculum content (e.g., print, digital, blended; open source, published, original, etc.) best support the core values and alignment with the Common Core State Standards? How will curriculum content be chosen? What choice will schools have in curricular options? (from portfolio, for instance, or signature programs, magnets, and other choices) ● Is there a minimum student-to-digital learning tool ratio required as a baseline at each school, for any of the models to be doable? ● What choices will schools have in digital learning tools? ● How will we ensure that gaps in access to learning opportunities are closed, through a variety of choices offered, so that the unique needs of each school community are met? ● ● ● What types of assessments effectively measure student growth and achievement (including consideration of Common Core State Standards and college and career readiness)? What are current District Assessments? Do they need to change to support our core values? How will data be gathered to inform progress monitoring? What are best practices for a continuous formative assessment feedback loop? Workgroup 2 - Teaching & Learning: How Will Students Learn? Pedagogy & Instructional Strategies ● ● ● ● What will effective implementation of the core values “look like” in teaching and learning? What are the desired learning outcomes? How will teachers use technology to support personalized learning and the other core values of this plan? What are best practices / best models to support the core values? What core elements will be in place to more effectively integrate education technology to personalize learning? How will success be measured? ● What are expectations for student involvement in planning and ownership of their own learning? ● ● Student-Centered 3 Workgroup 2 - Teaching & Learning: How Will Students Learn? Culture ● ● Professional Learning ● What are best practices for students as leaders in education technology integration? How will success be measured? What professional development formats and structures (e.g., face-to-face, online interactive, online self-paced, blended; train-the-trainers, school-based coaching, school-based sessions, central sessions) best serve the needs of our educators? ● What professional development is needed for ESC superintendents and directors? For principals? ● How will District professional development opportunities align with the mission and core values of this plan? ● How will the District ensure that adequate supports and interventions are in place as schools transition to personalized learning? ● How will success be measured? Workgroup 3 - Tools & Support: What Resources Are Needed? Cost & Resource Management ● ● ● What funding is available from the District? What other potential funding sources can be explored now and in the future by the District and/or by schools (by repurposing District funds, exploring foundations/grants, etc.)? How can business, civic, and community-based partnerships (e.g., government agencies, institutions of higher education, business organizations, Internet service providers) Infrastructure: Digital Learning Tools ● ● What digital learning tools do schools have? What is the policy for purchasing tools and refreshing them over time? Facilities & Materials ● ● What changes are needed in the ITD strategic plan? What changes are needed for the technical support structure (for instance, to support technology use at home; or to set guidelines for support available in the event of BYOD) What security measures are needed with infusion of technology in schools? Are changes needed in facilities planning to support the vision, mission, and core values of this plan? ● ● 4 Workgroup 4 - Operations & Structures: How Will It Work? Implementation & Sustainability ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● What is the timeline for the phase-in plan? What criteria (e.g., demonstration of readiness; cohorts built around common needs, goals, or other shared characteristics; pilots) will be used to prioritize schools for rollout? What template could support schools in developing a personalized learning plan enhanced by technology to reflect the core values of this plan? How will success of implementation be measured? What choice will schools have in terms of digital learning tools and integration models? How do different District elements (e.g., ESCs, the Instructional Technology Initiative, other parts of OCISS) interact with ESCs in providing support for instructional and operational readiness, and for initial implementation? How will schools build capacity to become self-sufficient? How will initial schools’ successes and lessons learned be shared with schools preparing and beginning to launch? Structure & Change ● ● ● What are roles of different District departments in implementing this plan? What are best models for change management in education? How does the District communicate and support schools in communicating around this plan and its implementation? Home/School Connections ● What expectations are there for each school in building parent participation and developing parent education? ○ What central structures and resources are needed to support this? What safety concerns need to be addressed? ○ Students’ online safety: What are best practices for digital citizenship education ■ This ties to Curriculum focus area) ○ Students’ physical safety for schools that choose a 24/7 model (BYOD or school-/Districtprovided devices) ■ Some schools within and outside of ITI have 24/7 models ● 5
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