2012-08-16 Workgroups IRIS 2012 with opposition schedule Underlined name: Author present at the IRIS seminar Learning and education Workgroup leader: Lars Svensson Room: Chicago No. Author(s): Paper 4 Wanda Presthus: Never giving up: Challenges and Hanna Olsson and Pontus Wärnestål solutions when teaching Business Intelligence 21 Hanna Olsson and Thomas Persson Slumpi: Increasing participation and social interaction in an e-learning context – The conceptual framework of an edentity Sadaf Salavati and Pontus Wärnestål 30 Sadaf Salavati and Christina Mörtberg: Researching innovative educational practices: Exploring the use of mobile and ubiquitous technologies Judith Molka-Danielsen and Hanna Olsson 47 Judith Molka-Danielsen, Darren P. Mundy, Stella Hadjistassou and Cristina Stefanelli: Working towards good practice in virtual worlds teaching: Developing a framework through the Euroversity project Naghmeh Aghaee and Sadaf Salavati 56 Pontus Wärnestål and Mats Lindqvist: Course structuring for procedural knowledge in interaction design education Christina Mörtberg and Wanda Presthus 66 Naghmeh Aghaee, Ulf Larsson and Henrik Hansson: Improving the thesis process: Analysis of Scipro support e-mails Wanda Presthus and Judith MolkaDanielsen Group member without paper: Anneli Edman Main opponents 2012-08-16 Information systems in health care Workgroup leader: Margunn Aanestad Room: Washington No. Author(s): Paper Main opponents 17 Nima Herman Shidende: Strategies for improving health data quality in Tanzanian health facilities Tiwonge Davis Manda and Anne Thorseng 18 Nima Herman Shidende: Information registration practices in health facilities in Tanzania Tiwonge Davis Manda and Susanne Lindberg 31 Anne Thorseng and Miria Grisot: Research directions for disease management systems Margunn Aanestad and Maria Åkesson 37 Susanne Lindberg, Michel Thomsen and Maria Åkesson: Designing online peer support for children with cancer: Research considerations and ethical implications Margunn Aanestad and Anne Thorseng 57 Tiwonge Davis Manda: Bootstrapping information Nima Herman Shidende and Michel technology innovations across organizational and Thomsen geographical boundaries: Lessons from an mHealth implementation in Malawi Group member without paper: Anna Zaytseva 2012-08-16 E-government Workgroup leader: Samuli Pekkola Room: Bryssel No. Author(s): Paper Main opponents 3 Ida Lindgren: Towards a conceptual framework for identifying public e-service stakeholders: On where to start looking Guri Verne and Jouko Nieminen 10 Harri Hyvönen and Jouko Nieminen: Information system implementation model and observations: Case smaller municipalities in the County of Central Finland Fredik Söderström and Jesper Berger 49 Guri Verne: Two faces of autonomy Fredrik Söderström and Jouko Nieminen 52 Jesper Berger: Towards a design for designing egovernment effects realization Josefin Lassinantti and Ida Lindgren 55 Josefin Lassinantti 1: Research proposal: Leveraging regional growth with public sector open data Guri Verne and Ida Lindgren 69 Fredrik Söderström and Ulf Melin: The emergence of a national eID solution – An actornetwork perspective Josefin Lassinantti and Jesper Berger Group members without papers: Tone Bratteteig, Reima Soumi 1 Josefin Lassinantti is a presenter and discussant of papers in the workgroups “E-government” (workgroup leader Samuli Pekkola) and “Sustainability, green IS and energy informatics” (workgroup leader Pernilla Gripenberg). Please make an agreement on when to present and discuss in which group in order to avoid clashes. 2012-08-16 Innovation, open source and co-creation I Workgroup leader: Jan Ljungberg Room: Millenium Park No. Author(s): Paper Main opponents 23 Fahd Omair Zaffar: Creating a fit between open innovation and mass collaboration – A conceptual model Asif Akram and Esbjörn Ebbesson 25 Lars-Olof Johansson, Ulrika Lundh Snis 2 and Lars Svensson 3: Boundary dialogues in co-creation of ICT-innovations Thorildur Jetzek and Jose Teixera 32 Jose Teixeira: Open-source technologies for realizing social networks: A multiple descriptive case study Esbjörn Ebbesson and Fahd Omair Zaffar 36 Esbjörn Ebbesson: Facilitating distributed multistakeholder co-creative innovation processes – A case from media industry Fahd Omair Zaffar and Jose Teixeira 54 Asif Akram: Towards servitization in the age of digital innovation – A case from vehicle industry Thorildur Jetzek and Lars-Olof Johansson 70 Thorildhur Jetzek: A framework for analyzing open public sector information initiatives: Proposal Ulrika Lundh Snis and Asif Akram Group members without papers: Netta Iivari, Asma Rafiq 2 3 Ulrika Lundh Snis is the workgroup leader of “Modelling and information quality management”. Lars Svensson is the workgroup leader of “Learning and education”. 2012-08-16 Innovation, open source and co-creation II Workgroup leader: Peter Axel Nielsen Room: Central Park No. Author(s): Paper Main opponents: 5 Anja Reinwald: How to study initiation of IS innovation within a complex responsive processes perspective Lars Haahr and Soumitra Chowdhury 12 Lene Nielsen and Sabine Madsen: Introducing the concept of micro participation in agile development Lars Haahr and Magnus Hansen 15 Magnus Hansen and Jesper Simonsen: Appropriations and feedback from technology in use Lene Nielsen and Soumitra Chowdhury 60 Daniel Skog: Survival of the fittest? Exploring the “how” in inter-firm collaboration Magnus Hansen and Sabine Madsen 62 Soumitra Chowdhury: Co-creation of innovative digital services Anja Reinwald and Daniel Skog 74 Lars Haahr: Exploratory framework for organizations as actors on Facebook Anja Reinwald and Daniel Skog Group members without papers: David Hakken, Giulia Nardelli 2012-08-16 Innovation, open source and co-creation III Workgroup leader: Carina Ihlström Ericsson Room: Rom No. Author(s): Paper Main opponents: 43 Timo Ingalsuo, Pasi Paunu and Vivek Kumar: Enterprise social collaboration technologies – Adapting social computing into working methods in industrial manufacturing Carina Ihlström Ericsson and Tingting Lin 44 Tingting Lin: The locus of innovation in information technology outsourcing: A social network perspective Carina Ihlström Ericsson and Vivek Kumar 46 Angelica Lahti, Sanna Naraha, Jesper Svensson and Pontus Wärnestål 4: Ethical heuristics – A tool for applying ethics in user-involved IS projects Juhani Linna and Mari Ainasoja 48 Jesper Svensson and Carina Ihlström Ericsson: The role of social aspects in digital innovation networks Juhani Linna and Tingting Lin 50 Juhani Linna and Mari Ainasoja: User on the payroll - Challenges of implementing a revenue sharing system in commercial mediaspace Timo Ingalsuo and Pasi Paunu Group members without papers: Magnus Bergquist, Wyb de Boer 4 Pontus Wärnestål is a member of workgroup “Learning and education”. 2012-08-16 Management of IT and IT in management Workgroup leader: Karin Axelsson Room: Vancouver No. Author(s): Paper Main opponents: 29 Oleksandr Bilozerov and Hannakaisa Isomaki: Managers’ information security awareness in Russian ICT small and medium sized enterprises Johan Lundin and Ann Svensson 41 Ann Svensson: Use of information systems in professional work practices Johan Lundin and Malin Granath 45 Malin Granath and Alf Westelius: Professional networks and the role of ICT – The emergence and fostering of a public service network Oleksandr Bilozerov and Ann Svensson 58 Johan Lundin, Ulrika Lundh Snis 5 och Lars Svensson 6: Studying competence management systems in the making: A sociomaterial approach Oleksandr Bilozerov and Malin Granath 5 6 Ulrika Lundh Snis is the workgroup leader of ”Modelling and information quality management”. Lars Svensson is the workgroup leader of ”Learning and education”. 2012-08-16 Enterprise architectures and organizational use of IS Workgroup leader: Tero Päivärinta Room: Milano No. Author(s): Paper Main opponents: 26 Nicholas Mavengere, Marko Mäkipää and Mikko Ruohonen: The role of information systems in supply chain strategic agility: A systematic literature review Carina Boson and Lars Kristian Hansen 59 Isabel Pedrosa and Carlos J Costa: Financial auditors and models for individual acceptance: Collecting data using expert interviews and questionnaires Carina Boson and Oyvind Hellang 63 Oyvind Hellang, Leif Skiftenes Flak and Tero Päivärinta: Norwegian methods for benefits realization Nicholas Mavengere and Lars Kristian Hansen 64 Lars Kristian Hansen and Shegaw Anagaw Mengiste: IT project portfolio management: Modularity problems in a public organization Isabel Pedrosa and Marko Mäkipää 72 Carina Boson, Jenny Eriksson Lundström and Therese Monstad: Communication processes in an organization that has adopted an Enterprise Architecture perspective Isabel Pedrosa and Oyvind Hellang 2012-08-16 Modelling and information quality management Workgroup leader: Ulrika Lundh Snis Room: New York No. Author(s): Paper Main opponents: 1 Fulvio Lizano and Jan Stage: Building a remote usability testing body of knowledge (RUTBOK) Karin Ahlin and Irmeli Luukonen 2 Irmeli Luukonen and Juha Mykkänen: Analyzing process modelling as work activity Anna Wingkvist and Nicklas Holmberg 6 Nicklas Holmberg and Odd Steen: The service oriented business process and separation of concerns – Modelling paradigms for architectures and business processes Birgitta Fagerström and Fulvio Lizano 9 Karin Ahlin and Ted Saarikko: Two approaches to managing semantic interoperability Anna Wingkvist and Fulvio Lizano 35 Anna Wingkvist, Morgan Ericsson and Welf Löwe: Information quality management – A model driven approach Ted Saariko and Irmeli Luukonen 42 Birgitta Fagerström, Ulrica Löfstedt and Ia Williamsson: Quality IS: Next most important research project? Karin Ahlin and Nicklas Holmberg Group member without paper: Marjan Sirjani 2012-08-16 Design and systems development Work group leader: Pertti Järvinen Room: Barcelona No. Author(s): Paper Main opponents: 11 Anders Bruun and Jan Stage: Overcoming the developer mindset barrier towards usability evaluations Gitte Thørnehøj and Christina Nyström 16 Viveca Asproth, Christina Nyström, Hanna Olsson7 Jan Pries-Heje and Anders Bruun and Thomas Persson Slumpi: Distributed concurrent design in systems development projects 8 Jan Pries-Heje and Linda Olsen: Designing a framework for multi-sourcing decisions Sitwat Langrial and Mette Fransgaard 14 Sitwat Langrial: From digital interventions to behavior change support systems: Understanding persuasive systems’ development and evaluation process Jan Pries Heje and Gitte Tjørnehøj 19 Morten Finneman, Lone Natorp and Jan PriesHeje: Designing management support for a project Mette Fransgaard 68 Gitte Tjørnehøj, Mette Fransgaard and Signe Skalkam: Trust in agile teams in distributed software development Sitwat Langrial Group members without papers: Jonas Hedman, Nathan Lakew, Heikki Lempinen, Jacob Nørbjerg 7 Hanna Olsson is a member of the workgroup ”Learning and education”. 2012-08-16 Sustainability, green IS and energy informatics Workgroup leader: Pernilla Gripenberg Room: Lissabon No. Author(s): Paper Main opponents: 22 Elena Parmiggiani: Supporting environmental monitoring in Integrated Operations: a preliminary study Erik Borglund and Nisansala P. Vidanapathirana 27 Nisansala P. Vidanapathirana: Agricultural information systems and their applications for development of agriculture and rural community: A review study Erik Borglund and John Krogstie 33 Anna Ståhlbröst, Marita Holst, John Krogstie, Asta Gudmundsdottir, Annie Olsen, Laurynas Braskus, and Thomas Jelle: Users and energy saving – Their perspectives and needs Nisansala P. Vidanapathirana and LenaMaria Öberg 34 Anna Ståhlbröst, Josefin Lassinantti 8, Kimmo Yliniemi, Arne Gylling, Åsa Waara, Peter Parnes: Energy savings by user interaction and visualisation Elena Parmiggiani and John Krogstie 51 Erik Borglund and Lena-Maria Öberg: Traceability challenges in crisis management Elena Parmiggiani and Josefin Lassinantti Group member without paper: Dan Harnesk 8 Josefin Lassinantti is a presenter and discussant of papers in the workgroups “E-government” (workgroup leader Samuli Pekkola) and “Sustainability, green IS and energy informatics” (workgroup leader Pernilla Gripenberg). Please make an agreement on when to present and discuss in which group in order to avoid clashes.
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