Charles A. Barth Memorial Symposium Program May 15, 2015 CU-LASP, Boulder, Colorado Charles A. Barth Memorial Symposium May 15, 2015 University of Colorado-LASP, 3665, Discovery Drive, Boulder, Colorado Space Science (SPSC) Building, Room W120 Welcome The symposium includes invited and contributed talks on topics to which Barth made significant contributions, including Earth and planetary atmospheres, UV spectroscopy, rocket studies, solar UV irradiance, Nitric Oxide, mission operations, student and PI-led missions. Given Barth’s long commitment to education, we solicited talks and posters from current students, former Barth students, and students of his former students. The symposium closes with a dinner and recognition of the first Barth Scholarship recipient. (Attendees will be able to make contributions to the Barth Scholarship fund at the dinner.) Invited talks are 20 minutes for each presentation plus five minutes for discussion. Contributed talks are 10 minutes plus two minutes for discussion. Posters will be up all day and attended from 4:15 to 4:45 during coffee break. The Organizing Committee Chair, Larry Esposito and members Scott Bailey, Fran Bagenal, Mary Barth, Frank Eparvier, Amanda Hendrix, Bill Possel, Dave Rusch, Karen Simmons and Tom Woods. Table of Contents WELCOME ................................................................................................................................................. 1 SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................................................. 2 ABSTRACTS ............................................................................................................................................... 4 Invited Talks ............................................................................................................................................................................ 4 Contributed Talks – Barth legacy .................................................................................................................................. 6 Contributed Talks – Barth Legacy, Nitric Oxide ................................................................................................... 11 Posters ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 LASP WIRELESS ACCESS .................................................................................................................... 15 DINNER AND SCHOLARSHIP AWARD............................................................................................. 15 1 Schedule Friday May 15 Check-in 8:30-9:00am Invited Talks 9:00 (Chair: Larry W. Esposito) Welcome Housekeeping Nitric oxide in the upper atmosphere: The current understanding as provided by Charles Barth and colleagues Rocket studies of the atmosphere Ultraviolet spectroscopy of planets Coffee break 10:45-11:00 Student involvement in PI-led mission operations The vision, development and success of the Solar Mesosphere Explorer From Lyman-alpha photons to operational space weather: a legacy of Charles A. Barth (Load presentations) Larry W. Esposito Laura Bloom Scott Bailey Philip Eberspeaker Paul Feldman (Load presentations) Bill Possel Gary Rottman Kent Tobiska Group Photo 12:15pm Gather out front of building Lunch 12:30-1:30 Buffet (Load presentations) Contributed Talks: Barth Legacy (Chair: Frank Eparvier) Thunderstorms and atmospheric chemistry Considerations of radiative transfer The legacy of a LASP sounding rocket training Using underwater robotic gliders to explore and understand our planet ocean Ultraviolet characteristics of moons in the Solar System The role of vehicle automation and intelligent transportation systems in sustainable transportation: Issues and research opportunities 2 Mary Barth Bill Sharp Don Hassler Jack Barth Amanda Hendrix Matthew Barth Coffee break 2:45 – 3:00 (Chair: Scott Bailey) Charles Barth: Through the eyes of a frequent visitor to LASP My experience with Charlie Barth and his Solar Mesosphere Explorer (SME) project: cheaper, faster, good enough Observations of Mercury’s exosphere from MESSENGER’s MASCS-UVVS Ultraviolet remote sensing for the DoD – a legacy of Charles Barth MAVEN’s Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph and the legacy of Charles Barth Feedbacks in the climate structure that set the timescale for irreversible change: Coupling climate forcing and catalytic chemistry (Load presentations) Poster Session and Coffee Break (Chair: Fran Bagenal) (Load presentations) 4:15 – 4:45 Contributed Talks: Barth Legacy, Nitric Oxide (Chair: Amanda Hendrix) Preparing for discovery: The scientific roots of Charles A. Barth The other side of NO; Nitric oxide in the infrared Contribution of chemical processes to infrared emissions from nitric oxide in the thermosphere Adjourn 5:30 DINNER Cash bar mingle 6:30, dinner 7pm 6:30 3 John Olivero James Stuart Aimee Merkel Bob McCoy Nick Schneider Jim Anderson Justin Yonker Jeremy Winick Karthik Venkataramani Hotel Boulderado-Columbine Room Abstracts Invited Talks Nitric oxide in the upper atmosphere: The current understanding as provided by Charles Barth and colleagues S. M. Bailey, J. N. Yonker, and K. Venkataramani Nitric Oxide (NO) is one of the most important species of the upper atmosphere. As a catalytic destroyer of ozone, the importance of NO to stratospheric chemistry has long been recognized. Interest in this role has increased in recent years as large amounts of thermospheric NO have been observed to descend to the stratosphere and impact ozone there. NO is an efficient radiator in the infrared and thus provides a key source of cooling in the thermosphere. Because its formation is caused by the highly variable solar energy sources, soft X-rays and solar energetic particles, the abundance and radiance of NO has been used as indicators of solar energy deposition. NO also provides the terminal ion in the lower ionosphere. One other relevant attribute of NO in the upper atmosphere is that it held the interest of Charles Barth for the entirety of his career. As a graduate student he studied the pioneering work of Marcel Nicolet who recognized early the importance NO might hold. Later, just before moving to Colorado, Charles Barth made the first observations of NO in the upper atmosphere and made the then surprising discovery of large NO abundances. For more than four decades following, Barth, his students, and even some of their students, through further observations and modeling, unraveled the physics of NO. In this talk we discuss the understanding illuminated primarily by Charles Barth and colleagues. We focus on current studies of NO and why NO remains and important topic of observations and modeling. __________________________________________________ Rocket studies of the atmosphere P. Eberspeaker Chief, NASA Sounding Rockets Program Office, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center / Wallops Flight Facility The NASA Sounding Rockets Program has had, and is still creating, a long and exciting history of support for atmospheric research using suborbital rockets. The history of rocket borne atmospheric research actually predates the NASA Sounding Rockets Program. Early experiments attempted by Robert Goddard in 1929, and the eventual conversion of captured V2 “vengeance” weapons into atmospheric research vehicles in 1949 marked the beginning of atmospheric research at very high altitudes. Aerobee rockets emerged on the scene in the early 1960’s when they were used to conduct aeronomy and ionospheric research. The NASA sounding rockets program emerged from these early programs and is now capable of pushing the boundaries of “atmospheric” research to heights of 1,400 km or more. This briefing will summarize a small sampling of missions over the years with the intent to demonstrate the varied types of atmospheric research that has been conducted using sounding rockets. It will also address how the capabilities have evolved over the years to enable new atmospheric research to be conducted. Simple air samplers gave way to single instruments, and missions flying a single instrument evolved into missions with multiple detectors. Now, missions involve simultaneous, multi-point measurements with multiple payloads and data links exceeding 20 mb/sec. Higher resolution measurements and more complex missions are envisioned that will challenge the capabilities of the NASA Sounding Rockets Program. Swarms of ejected chemical tracer subpayloads and small rocket propelled instrumented subpayloads are just two of many concepts that will continue to expand the rich history of rocket borne atmospheric research. __________________________________________________ 4 Ultraviolet spectroscopy of planets P. D. Feldman Department of Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland The talk will focus on the early days of robotic planetary exploration. The collaboration between Charles Barth and William G. Fastie, of the Johns Hopkins University, led to the development of the robust Ebert-Fastie scanning monochromator that flew on several Mariner missions to Mars and opened up the rich field of ultraviolet spectroscopy of planetary atmospheres. Subsequent missions to all of the planets led to the development of improved lightweight spectroscopic instrumentation and the training of a generation of planetary spectroscopists. __________________________________________________ Student involvement in PI-led mission operations B. Possel Director, Mission Operations and Data Systems, LASP LASP is world renowned for its space research and space engineering, and especially for its deep involvement of undergraduate and graduate students in all aspects of its endeavors. At the core of this remarkable space engineering framework exists a remarkable hands-on educational training program. LASP integrates students into all facets: conception, design, development, testing, integration, and operation of space systems. Students acquire a more profound training experience than they could ever hope to obtain in a classroom alone. The shining jewel at LASP is the Flight Operations student program. LASP is unique in the world as a research university institute that has, for more than three decades, integrated students into the operations of flying NASA spacecraft. LASP began operating spacecraft with student support in 1981. Today we operate Quick Scatterometer (QuikSCAT), SOlar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE), Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere (AIM), and the Kepler spacecraft searching for planets around other stars. With the current missions, LASP is responsible for operating over a billion dollars of onorbit space hardware. Today, student operators, in partnership with their professionals, send the commands and monitor the health of on-board systems from the satellites and their instruments. More than 150 students have gone through this unique program. LASP students are highly sought after by NASA, DoD, NOAA, and aerospace contractors. LASP’s innovative educational program is generating strong engineering leaders with several years of hands-on spacecraft operations experience before they enter the workforce. __________________________________________________ The vision, development and success of the Solar Mesosphere Explorer G. Rottman Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado at Boulder (retired) The Solar Mesosphere Explorer, SME, was launched thirty-four years ago and operated successfully for over seven years. The Mission was a LASP/University of Colorado response to a 1974 NASA Announcement of Opportunity. Dr. Charles Barth led a team of scientists and engineers who developed this low cost, fast response, and highly successful program. The satellite carried five instruments and made major contributions to our understanding of atmospheric science with special emphasis on ozone processes. Dr. Barth’s vision and leadership introduced new and unique concepts for managing and operating small satellites. The Mission Operations were conducted from the University — the first time NASA allowed MOS anywhere other than a NASA Center. Students made major contributions to all aspects of the program — science, engineering and operations — and they used their SME experience as a steppingstone to future careers. This talk emphasizes the SME science plan and scientific results, while sharing special moments and achievements of the entire program. __________________________________________________ From Lyman-alpha photons to operational space weather: a legacy of Charles A. Barth W. K. Tobiska President and Chief Scientist. Space Environment Technologies Charles A. Barth was an exemplary scientist. He was able to not only uniquely develop tools for obtaining a fundamental understanding of scientific problems but was able to apply those tools in a way that showed us new 5 insights into fundamental science topics. In Donald Stokes’ paradigm of Pasteur's Quadrant, Barth was a Bohr-level scientist who enabled Pasteur and Edison-type advances in our society. My own experience with Barth started as a graduate student working with the Solar Mesosphere Explorer (SME) satellite – the first University-led NASA mission that not only made history by bringing students into the process of creating science and engineering space history, but allowed discoveries of solar and upper atmosphere processes that helped our global society reverse the destruction of the atmosphere by human-made ozone. Barth’s supervision of my own dissertation work on solar irradiance modeling, atmospheric physics and satellite orbits provided me with a solid scientific foundation in space physics. However, his out-of-the-box world-view inspired me to apply space physics knowledge toward solving major problems on Earth. While I participated in a decade of fundamental and applied scientific research at NOAA Space Environment Laboratory (SEL), University of California Berkeley Space Sciences Laboratory (SSL) and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) during the 1990s, I found myself, as many did at the beginning of the 21st Century, with a new interest – space weather. It was an arena in which scientific research could build fundamental understanding as well as provide benefit to society. With the formation of Space Environment Technologies in 2001, we helped move from a world of simply trying to understand space physics into a universe where science-driven knowledge provides operational solutions to government, academic, industry, and consumer sectors. Our goal is to use space assets for improving life on Earth. The current state of operational space weather applied to areas such as helping satellites avoid collisions with debris, retaining communication links under disrupted ionosphere conditions, and providing commercial air crew members a way to manage their radiation exposure risk from galactic cosmic rays and solar proton events will be described in this talk as one of the legacies left by Charles A. Barth. Contributed Talks – Barth legacy Thunderstorms and atmospheric chemistry M. C. Barth National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado Results from the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry (DC3) field experiment are presented to illustrate how thunderstorms affect atmospheric chemistry. By using ground-based radars, lightning mapping arrays, weather balloon soundings and three aircraft during DC3, we were able to characterize storm properties as well as the composition of the inflow and outflow regions of a variety of thunderstorms in northeast Colorado, West Texas to central Oklahoma, and northern Alabama. A unique aspect of the DC3 strategy was to locate and sample the convective outflow a day after active convection in order to measure the chemical transformations within the UT convective plume. The DC3 data analyses show that severe thunderstorms are often an avenue for exchange of water vapor and trace gases between the troposphere and stratosphere. The storms sampled removed some, but not all, soluble trace gases that are key ingredients for producing ozone in the upper troposphere where ozone acts as a greenhouse gas. By combining measurements of lightning, storm properties, and nitrogen oxides concentrations, estimates of the amount of nitrogen oxides produced per lightning flash range from 100-400 moles NO per flash and suggest that this production depends on the lightning flash extent. Measurements downwind of these storms during the next day showed ozone production to be 15-20 ppbv over a 10 or so hour period. __________________________________________________ Considerations of radiative transfer W. E. Sharp Sharp Technologies LLC, Ann Arbor, Michigan In the summer of 1968 I took a directed study from Dr. Barth on the airglow and aurora. For a portion of this study, Dr. Barth explained the importance of radiative transfer (RT) in planetary atmospheres as well as the sun and stars. His lucid explanation of the RT equation along with its emission and absorption functions I found challenging. 45 years later I had occasion to consider these equations when I was contracted by NASA/LaRC to examine the impact of the 1.27 micron airglow from O2(a1Δg) on a laser absorption spectroscopy (LAS) experiment being designed for a 6 space based mission to deduce the dry atmospheric surface pressure from a molecular oxygen column content measurement. This quantity is necessary to finding CO2 mixing ratio columns from space when a simultaneous measurement using LAS of CO2 number density column is also performed. The presence of a permanent but spatially variable natural source of airglow from the O2(1Δ) state, from which daytime ozone can be deduced as LASP’s SME satellite ably demonstrated, as well as the upwelling surface-reflected solar radiation in the 1.27 micron region are complicating factors in the LAS O2 measurement. In addition, the laser radiation can induce stimulated emission from the ambient O2(1Δ) state and also cause stimulated absorption and emission from the ground state O2 molecules as the laser beam passes through the atmosphere. The effects of these additional radiation sources on the LAS measurement of O2 are examined. The surface-reflected solar radiation produces the largest background at 3 orders of magnitude more intense than the laser backscatter signal, while the airglow is of the same order of magnitude as the laser backscatter. Both are slowly varying and can be easily discriminated using a code modulated CW laser. However, the stimulated emission from ambient O2(a1Δg) is found to be about the same order of magnitude as the laser radiation. Since the stimulated emission is in the same direction and in phase with the laser signal, its contamination of the LAS O2 measurement prevents a determination of surface pressure in sunlight1. Time permitting, an estimate of the contamination by 762 nm radiation from the b1S state will also be discussed where that state is used for the O2 column measurement. 1 Sharp, William E., T. Scott Zaccheo, Edward V. Browell, Syed Ismail, Jeremy T. Dobler, and Edward J. Llewellyn, Impact of ambient O2(a1Δg) on satellite-based laser remote sensing of O2 columns using absorption lines in the 1.27Δµm region (2014), J. Geophys. Res., 119, 12, 7757–7772 , 27 June. DOI: 10.1002/2013JD021324 __________________________________________________ The legacy of a LASP sounding rocket training D. Hassler Director, Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale, Orsay, France The leadership of Charles Barth and his commitment to both education and pushing the limits of sounding rocket and space technology has provided LASP with a long line of alumni that received their initial training in Boulder. Having received a PhD in Physics at CU, but my sounding rocket training at LASP during the late 1980s has opened doors for me, and molded my philosophy of the way in which student training (both undergraduate and graduate) can be successfully combined with flying sounding rockets and building space flight hardware. I believe this paradigm is still valid, and as important today as it was when I was at LASP. In this talk, I will talk about my experiences at LASP, during the days of Charlie Barth, and how these experiences have molded and guided my career and my direction since then, from being PI of my own UV sounding rocket program to PI of an instrument on the Mars Science Laboratory. __________________________________________________ Using underwater robotic gliders to explore and understand our planet ocean J. Barth Professor and Associate Dean for Research, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University Autonomous underwater robots are now being used to explore and understand Earth’s coastal oceans due to advances in small, low-power sensors and computers, GPS, and satellite cell phone communication. For nearly a decade, we have flown underwater gliders in Oregon’s coastal ocean, covering over 60,000 km, in an effort to understand a variety of physical oceanographic and ocean ecosystem phenomena. Of particular interest is the increasing occurrence of low-oxygen zones, where dissolved oxygen concentrations can become low enough to harm marine organisms (hypoxia) and, on occasion, reach zero (anoxia). Low-oxygen zones negatively impact coastal ocean ecosystems, leading to the absence of fish and invertebrate die-offs. Underwater glider data help us to understand the temporal and spatial distributions of dissolved oxygen off Oregon. For present day offshore dissolved oxygen concentrations, hypoxia near the coast during summer is observed about 50% of the time. Given the recent declining trend in offshore dissolved oxygen concentrations, in 50 years the frequency of hypoxia near the coast is 7 predicted to be about 90%. Underwater gliders and other autonomous robots are now being used routinely to explore and understand our planet ocean. __________________________________________________ Ultraviolet characteristics of moons in the Solar System A. Hendrix Planetary Science Institute With Earth-orbiting telescopes such as the International Ultraviolet Explorer and the Hubble Space Telescope, significant advances have been made in the area of ultraviolet observations of solar system objects. More in-depth studies have been made using interplanetary probes such as Galileo and Cassini. While the UV spectral range has traditionally been used to study atmospheric and auroral processes, there is much to be learned by examining solid surfaces in the UV, including surface composition, weathering processes and effects, and the generation of thin atmospheres. Here we focus on moons in the solar system, including Earth’s moon and the Galilean and Saturnian satellites. __________________________________________________ The role of vehicle automation and intelligent transportation systems in sustainable transportation: issues and research opportunities M. Barth Yeager Families Chair, Director, Center for Environmental Research and Technology. Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California-Riverside, 1084 Columbia Avenue, Riverside, CA 92507 There has been an increased emphasis worldwide on sustainable transportation in recent years, with the drive to improve vehicle fuel economy and to reduce CO2 emissions from the transportation sector. Most of this effort is being applied at the vehicle level, where a variety of technology is being developed to improve overall vehicle fuel efficiency. To a lesser extent, programs are going into place to reduce the amount of driving and to improve overall transportation system efficiency. Intelligent transportation system technology can certainly play a major role in these areas, including the introduction of connected and automated vehicles, intelligent navigation systems, eco-friendly traffic light signalization, and multi-modal traffic management. This presentation will discuss the complex issues and trade-offs with eco-friendly transportation systems, describe some of the latest work on how connected and automated vehicles can reduce fuel consumption and vehicle emissions, and identify many research opportunities in this field. __________________________________________________ Charles Barth: Through the eyes of a frequent visitor to LASP J. Olivero Director, Center for Space & Atmospheric Research, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University These are the personal recollections and impressions of an aeronomer who visited LASP frequently over the past 32years. Charles Barth played a key role in enabling these extended collaborations. I am happy to share my memories of Charles as a scientist, a leader, and as a man. __________________________________________________ My experience with Charlie Barth and his Solar Mesosphere Explorer (SME) project: cheaper, faster, good enough J. Stuart Dr. James R. Stuart, CEO [or might use Chief Executive Officer], Space Tug Corp. This Powerpoint will emphasize Charlie Barth’s critical decisions/thumbprints while telling the achievement story of how Charlie and his SME project succeeded and got CU/LASP in the Mission Ops business, changed Ball and GSFC projects development/execution, changed the NASA/JPL planetary program and changed my career. Charlie arranged to have SME Phase B (design and costing) moved from GSFC to JPL when GSFC was overloaded (≥ 20 Explorer AO7 phase B’s needed to be completed/competed for downselect to just few). Charlie worked the 8 JPL management to get, instead of the usual career study lead, a young, eager Phase B leader. Sidebar: I had been at JPL for only 5-6 years, was a systems engineer on Mariner’71 and Viking (got burned out doing Viking mission ops transit to Mars – green/white screens in hexadecimal). I asked Tom Young and Pete Lyman (Viking project managers) to get off . They recommended me to Don Rae (ALD) for new mission studies. Ran number of conceptual studies (in the JPL mold) – none made it past Phase A. Charlie talked to me before I was assigned to SME. He wanted to WIN. He could sell the science, but he needed me to nail/differentiate the SME design, cost and risks (no schedule slips or overruns). To make it tougher, he wanted to set-up his own new mission ops at LASP to avoid the JPL slow science planning cycle. He wanted to a fresh, new, low-risk “cheaper, faster, good enough” project design to assure SME would make the final cut. __________________________________________________ Observations of Mercury’s exosphere from MESSENGER’s MASCS-UVVS Aimee Merkel LASP The Ultraviolet and Visible Spectrometer (UVVS) channel of the Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Composition Spectrometer (MASCS) aboard the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) mission began routine orbital observations of both the dayside and nightside exosphere on March 29, 2011. We accumulated 16 Mercury years of exosphere data covering all local times; those observations allow statistical analyses of both seasonal and local-time variability of key components of Mercury’s near-surface exosphere: sodium, calcium, and magnesium. I will provide an overview of the UVVS exospheric observations and discuss Dr. Barth’s influence on my education and career. ________________________________________________ Ultraviolet remote sensing for the DoD – a legacy of Charles Barth B. McCoy Director, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks Charles Barth had a passion for the study of odd nitrogen in the upper atmosphere and devoted much of his career to the aeronomy of this region. He was an observationalist and his favorite tool to study the upper atmosphere was ultraviolet remote sensing using sounding rockets and satellites. He shared his enthusiasm and breadth of knowledge and experience for remote sensing with every graduate student that he mentored. This talk focuses on how ultraviolet remote sensing techniques he pioneered and taught were adapted and used to study problems of relevance to the DoD. Within the DoD there have been long-standing requirements to measure and monitor the variability in the ionosphere for a variety of applications including communication (HF through UHF), navigation (GPS), radar, etc. Similarly, the neutral upper atmosphere impacts the drag on orbiting satellite. Ultraviolet instruments were launched on several sounding rockets, experimental satellites, and ultimately, a series of operational ultraviolet remote sensing sensors on Defense Meteorological Satellite Program satellites. Ultraviolet remote sensing from space has become a powerful tool used routinely and operationally by the DoD and much of the development can be traced back to the passion Charles Barth held for studies of the aeronomy of the upper atmosphere. __________________________________________________ MAVEN’s Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph and the legacy of Charles Barth N.M. Schneider, W.E. McClintock, A.I. Stewart, J. Deighan, S.K. Jain, A. Stiepen Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado at Boulder The Ultraviolet spectrometer onboard Mariner 6 and 7, provided the first ultraviolet spectrum of Mars upper atmosphere. These groundbreaking observations were helpful in determining the composition and structure of Martian upper atmosphere [1]. More than 40 years later, the Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph (IUVS) onboard MAVEN spacecraft has been observing Martian atmosphere, building on those initial Mariner observations. IUVS instrument carries two detectors: FUV detector (115-190 nm) with a spectral resolution of ~0.6 nm and MUV detector (180-340 nm) with a spectral resolution of ~1.2 nm [2]. In its limb-observing mode, IUVS measures the Martian UV airglow layer in the altitude region of 80 to 220 km with vertical resolutions of ~5 km. Martian dayglow spectra as seen by the IUVS show similar features as observed by Mariner 6 and 7 [1] more than four decade ago, and recently by SPICAM onboard Mars Express [3]. Several atomic and molecular features are seen the detector 9 images, e.g., H Lyman alpha, oxygen emissions at 130.4 and 135.6 nm, carbon emissions at 156.1 and 165.7 nm, and CO Fourth Positive bands in the FUV, and CO Cameron, CO2+ UV doublet bands in MUV, and the OI 297.2 nm line in the MUV. On night-side, IUVS observed widely distributed nitric oxide (NO) gamma and delta UV bands, which can be used as a tracer to understand the day to night global circulation. These NO emissions are common features in terrestrial airglow [4,5]. Figure 1 shows the comparison of ultraviolet dayglow spectra observed by IUVS and Mariner 6 and 7. The observations made by IUVS along with the other instruments onboard MAVEN spacecraft have started unraveling the mysteries of Martian atmosphere and its evolution. Figure 1: Comparison of Mariner FUV and MUV spectra (average of 120 individual spectra) with IUVS observed FUV and MUV spectrum. References: [1] Barth C.A., et al. (1971), J. Geophys. Res. 76, 2213-2227. [2] McClintock, W. E. et al. (2014), Space Sci. Rev., doi: 10.1007/s11214-014-0098-7. [3] Leblanc, F. et al. (2006), JGR, 111, E09S11, doi:10.1029/2005JE002664Lett., 40, 2529-2533, doi:10.1002/grl50435. [4] Barth C. A., et al. (2003), J. Geophys. Res., 108(A1), 1027. [5] Barth, C. A. (2010) J. Geophys. Res., 115, A10305. __________________________________________________ Feedbacks in the climate structure that set the timescale for irreversible change: coupling cimate rorcing and catalytic chemistry J. Anderson Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA Rapid changes in the Arctic, accelerated by feedbacks resulting from the decrease in ice volume, couple into a cascade of mechanisms that link emission of methane and carbon dioxide from clathrates and permafrost in the Arctic basin to global scale changes in the climate structure. This includes the photochemical engagement of the catalytic conversion of inorganic chlorine to free radical form resulting from deep convective injection of water vapor into the stratosphere over the US in summer. The resulting formation of chlorine radicals initiate a network of reactions engaging HOx, ClOx, BrOx and NOx radical families that in turn control the column concentration of ozone over the US in summer. This issue is investigated in the context of (1) increased forcing of the climate by CO2 release, (2) growing pressure for climate engineering by solar radiation management, and (3) the advent of volcanic injections into the stratosphere. 10 Contributed Talks – Barth Legacy, Nitric Oxide Preparing for discovery: The scientific roots of Charles A. Barth J. Yonker, S. Bailey Yonker: Postdoctoral Research Associate, NCAR-High Altitude Observatory (HAO) and CU-LASP This talk will trace the path of Charles Barth’s work from roughly 1955-1970 and provide the context needed to understand his discovery of the nitric oxide (NO) layer in the terrestrial lower thermosphere. It begins with a review of his graduate work with Joseph Kaplan at UCLA, which focused on the spectroscopy of the oxygen molecule and its connection to concurrent work by Gerhard Herzberg and Joseph Chamberlain on the ultraviolet nightglow. The continuation of this work in his postdoctoral years at JPL (1959-1963) led to a new theory on ozone formation (i.e. the Barth mechanism) and revealed a scientist fully aware of the potential of the digital computer. After presenting this background, the motivation is then made clear for the 1964 rocket launch in which the NO dayglow was first measured. The talk ends with a brief overview of Barth’s work during the early years at CU-LASP (1964-1970), which found he and his students in search of an explanation for the unexpectedly large NO layer. __________________________________________________ The other side of NO; nitric oxide in the infrared J. Winick Anyone who has passed through LASP is familiar with the nitric oxide ultraviolet spectrum that Dr. Barth, his coworkers, and students have to help characterize the upper atmosphere of the Earth and other planets. In this work we will briefly highlight the properties of NO that can be determined by studying its infrared spectrum and how remote sensing in the infrared further reveals important properties of the Earth's atmosphere. I will emphasize work done by colleagues at AFRL that ranged from laboratory measurements of chemiluminescent spectra and production rates of NO (v,J), modeling of the IR emission, and field measurements as well as the over 13 years of TIMED/SABER data. NO(v,J) emission has two major components: A large emission in the 5.3 µm (1-0) fundamental, and weaker emission in the red-shifted hot bands from v>1. Emission from 𝑣 ⩾ 2 will also produce the overtone bands around 2.7 µm. CIRRIS 1A in 1991 revealed a number of surprises, non-equilibrium populations of the spin orbit levels (3/2 and 1/2), and very high rotational states indicated by the appearance of band-heads. Theoretical modeling of these features yielded further insight into the production processes. The NO (1-0) transition at 5.3 µm is easily excited by collisions with atomic oxygen yielding efficient thermospheric cooling. Since NO density responds rapidly to increased geomagnetic activity - the infrared emission correspondingly responds acting as a thermostat that damps out the impulsive heating. We will show the correlation of NO emission with the solar cycle as recorded by the SABER instrument on TIMED over more than a solar cycle (2002 until the present). (Hunt et al., 2013) 11 __________________________________________________ Contribution of chemical processes to infrared emissions from nitric oxide in the thermosphere K. Venkataramani Infrared emissions from nitric oxide, carbon dioxide and atomic oxygen are important sources of cooling in the Earth’s upper atmosphere. The 5.3µm emission from NO is the dominant source of cooling between 100-200 km and is produced as a consequence of creating vibrationally excited NO, either due to collisions between NO and O or via the reaction of atomic nitrogen with molecular oxygen. While thermal collisions are the predominant source of this emission, the chemical reactions are capable of populating the higher vibrational levels of NO which result in the production of multiple photons whenever NO is produced. The production of NO in turn is sensitive to the energy input from the sun and also varies as a function of local time, altitude, latitude. Using the ThermosphereIonosphere-Electrodynamics General Circulation Model (TIEGCM) and updated results for the vibrational yields from atomic nitrogen, we model the chemically produced level populations for v≤10 and the consequent infrared emissions from them. We validate our results by comparing our calculations of the first overtone emission with measurements of the CIRRIS-1A instrument, and also present a parameterization scheme to reduce the computational costs involved in introducing this model into a global general circulation model. It is seen that chemiluminescence is a significant contributor to the NO emissions, particularly during periods of enhanced solar energy input. Posters 1: Dynamics of reactions between thermal barrier coatings and silicate melts T. L. Barth University of California, Santa Barbara Ceramic coatings are used to provide thermal and environmental protection in the hot section of jet turbine engines that are susceptible to degradation by molten silicate deposits. These deposits are generally composed of various combinations of CaO, MgO, Al2O3, and SiO2, or “CMAS”. Because the CMAS deposits have a melting point below that of the ceramic coatings, the CMAS is able to infiltrate the topcoat material and damage the coating structure, which in turn reduces the turbine’s lifetime. Some coating materials are more resistant to CMAS deposits than others due to reactions that convert the molten CMAS into a combination of crystalline phases, thus limiting the deposit infiltration depth. However, information about the effects of oxide solubility, dissolution rate, and crystalline phase equilibria on the reaction dynamics is limited. This research project aims to analyze the phase equilibrium dynamics of the CMAS-coating interaction. Various CMAS and TBC oxide compositions were combined and equilibrated in a furnace at 1300C for 50 hours, and then analyzed under a scanning electron microscope. It was found that significant differences exist in phase formation with changes in glass composition. __________________________________________________ 2: Microorganisms in the stratosphere T. Barth University of Colorado, Boulder In the Fall 2014 ASEN 1400 “Gateway to Space” class, team Red October’s mission was to record the presence of Bacillus altitudinis, Bacillus stratosphericus, and Tardigrades in the stratosphere at altitude intervals of 24.3-27.3km and 27.4-30.5km, where filters placed within a ventilation system built into a balloon satellite would capture aforementioned bacterium. Once retrieved, team Red October would culture the filters in petri dishes for analysis under microscopes to attempt to draw conclusions on the origins of life on Earth and in its lower atmosphere. After 86 days of planning, building, coding, testing, and analyzing, team Red October was successfully able to capture and 12 culture Bacillus altitudinis: one of the desired microorganisms. Identification was achieved by visual comparison to other known microorganisms. Arduino data gathered during the flight provided information regarding the conditions of the environment that these microorganisms thrive in. Despite the fact that only one of three desired species of microorganisms was found, team Red October’s findings are a testament to the persistence of life. The data from the sensors incorporated on the payload showed that Bacillus altitudinus is capable of thriving at a pressure of .32 to .21 psi, which is less than 2% the pressure of Colorado’s altitude. These bacteria also live at a temperature well below freezing, at -20.7 to -25.1°C and a humidity of below 20%. This mission is an example of the strength of single celled organisms and the extreme conditions in which life can persist. __________________________________________________ 3: Design and analysis of a titanium hip prosthesis D. Brock California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California In this laboratory our team designed a hip prosthesis to fit an average adult, and tested the design for several modes of failure. The team created a program to test different cross-sections for the prosthesis, calculating the neutral and centroidal axes at several points along the bend and using those calculations to analyze the stresses along the prosthesis under a load typical of a hard misstep. The team used these data to choose a shape for the prosthesis, and conducted a finite element analysis on a Solidworks model to confirm that the prosthesis would not fail or undergo large deflections. The team also calculated the factors of safety for several different criteria, including buckling from eccentric loading, stresses between the lip and the bone, stress concentrations in the neck, contact stresses between the ball and acetabular cup, stresses from the shrink fit of the ball onto the head of the shaft, and stresses along the shaft from the bone. The final design, made from titanium 1080T, had acceptable factors of safety in all areas, and deflections from a worst-case scenario load were within tolerance. __________________________________________________ 4: Hydrogen corona temperature and density retrievals from solar Lyman-alpha occultation measurements of the Mars hydrogen corona E.M.B. Thiemann1, F.G. Eparvier1, M.S. Chaffin1, J.T. Clarke2 1 Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, 2 Center for Space Physics, Boston University, Boston, MA Although its primary mission is to characterize the solar EUV input into the Mars atmosphere, the MAVEN EUV instrument has proven sufficiently sensitive to characterize the Mars hydrogen corona from 100 km to above 6000 km via solar hydrogen Lyman-α occultation measurements. An occultation measurement can be made when a planetary atmosphere passes between the point of observation and an astronomical light source such as the Sun, a star or a moon. A major advantage of the occultation technique is that it is independent of absolute calibration, and the accuracy is primarily contingent on knowing the spectral passband and relative instrument sensitivity during a scan. Since hydrogen has a scattering cross-section eight orders of magnitude larger than any other species present, all of the scattering can be essentially attributed to hydrogen. These scattering profiles can be inverted by forward modeling an assumed atmosphere to retrieve density profiles, scale heights and ultimately the temperature of the hydrogen exosphere. The primary disadvantage of solar occultation measurements is that they are inherently constrained to the terminator. We will present latest results of the occultation measurements demonstrating the capability and limitations of using a sensor intended to measure the Sun to probe a planetary atmosphere. __________________________________________________ 5: First results of the Martian plasma environment below 500 km from the Langmuir Probe and Waves Instrument on the MAVEN mission. C. M. Fowler1, R. E. Ergun1, L. Andersson1, M. W. Mooroka1, G. T. Delory2, T. McEnulty1, T. Weber1, A. I. Eriksson3, D. Andrews3, D. L. Mitchell2, J. P. McFadden2, J. S. Halekas4 , D. Larson2, J. E. P. Connerney5, J. Espley5, and F. Eparvier1, 1 Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, 2Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley CA, 3Swedish Institute for Spacephysics, Uppsala, Sweden, 4Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, 5NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD. 13 Electron temperature and density are critical quantities in understanding an upper atmosphere. Approximately 40 years ago, the Viking landers reached the Martian surface, measuring the first (and only) two temperature profiles during descent. All spacecraft that have visited the red planet thereafter have had limited plasma packages and ’high’ altitude orbits, preventing those missions from gaining detailed information about Mars’ upper atmosphere. The MAVEN mission was designed to characterize the upper atmosphere and included the Langmuir Probe and Waves (LPW) instrument to provide fundamental measurements of the basic atmospheric dynamics at Mars. MAVEN reached Mars in the fall of 2014 and the first months of data from the LPW instrument have provided exciting information from an interesting planet. The Martian ionosphere is generally observed below ~ 500km. There has been discussion as to the existence of an ionopause at Mars. At lower altitudes the plasma environment is dominated by cold high-density plasma. At higher altitudes, hotter plasma populations contribute significantly to currents measured by the Langmuir Probe and to spacecraft charging processes. This paper investigates the first few months of data from the MAVEN mission to evaluate where and when this hot component becomes significant and if an ionopause can be identified. The study identifies the altitude at which the assumption of only one cold electron population holds. It is based on measurements of densities and temperatures from the LPW instrument with supporting measurements from the other PF instruments. __________________________________________________ 6: Flare Response of the FUV Continuum from SORCE SOLSTICE Willow Reed and Martin Snow Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO Solar flares are energetic events on the Sun that radiate at all wavelengths. However, the spectral distribution in the ultraviolet of this energy is not well known. Using data from the SOLar-STellar Irradiance Comparison Experiment (SOLSTICE) on the SOlar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE), we looked into how the spectral distribution in the Far Ultraviolet (FUV) irradiance spectrum (115 nm to 180 nm) is affected by X-class flares. In particular, we looked at the response of the FUV continuum to the flares from 2003. Currently, we are analyzing the SOLSTICE observations from flares throughout the SORCE mission to get better statistical sampling. 14 LASP Wireless Access Network: UCB Guest No password needed (Open browser and agree to terms) Dinner and Scholarship Award Pre-registration, payment and ticket required Friday, May 15 6:30pm Hotel Boulderado, Columbine Room –2115 13th Street, at Spruce Street, a block north of the Pearl Street Mall Please bring your ticket(s) to the dinner. They are in your badge holder. Pre-registered guests will meet at the Hotel Boulderado’s Columbine Room for a buffet symposium dinner. Soft drinks and alcohol will be available through a cash bar. There will be a recognition of the first Barth Scholarship recipient. Attendees will be able to make contributions to the Barth Scholarship fund at the dinner. 15 Photos of Dr. Barth In the Rocket Lab. 1970s In the Mariner 9 Operations Room, 1971-1972 LSTB Groundbreaking, May 10, 1990 LASP Web Page December 2011 With an SME Terminal, 1984-1989 LSTB Annex Groundbreaking, July 19, 2004 With Jeff Pearce, Charlie Hord, holding Mariner spectrometer. ~1970 LSTB Annex Groundbreaking, July 19, 2004 Gary Rottman’s Retirement Party, Sept. 29, 2005
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