1 The Business Procrastination Buster The FORMULA for Success: Doing What You LOVE, Sharing Your GIFTS & Generating MILLIONS Proven BREAKTHROUGH Strategies to Overcome Procrastination and Know EXACTLY What To Do Next To Build Your Business Empire By Jennifer McLean 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………………………….05 Access the deeper, internal self to understand and overcome procrastination and create an amazingly positive impact through your business. CHAPTER 1: What is Procrastination?..............................................................10 The three reasons for procrastination, why it exists, how to identify your triggers and crack the code of “why” you are procrastinating to make it a thing of the past. CHAPTER 2: Knowing What To Do Next...........................................................18 The surefire way to understand your next steps by tapping into your “Success Signature” -‐ the deep, personal, human potential within that awaits your activation. CHAPTER 3: The Formula.....................................................................................22 The proven and strategic Credibility Branding system of marketing that enables you to have perspective on the big picture and create a solid growth platform on which to anchor, run and scale your business. CHAPTER 4: The Tactics........................................................................................31 Simple tactics and clear, guided “how to” for moving into a profitable and growing online business. CHAPTER 5: Ready, Set... GO................................................................................42 Achieve an overall sense of accomplishment, including more love, better partnerships and a ton of clarity in every area of your life. EPILOGUE……………………………………………………………………………..…………….49 ABOUT THE AUTHOR………………………………………………………………………….50 3 “Stall no more! This is the ideal way to pull the plug on procrastination and stop self-‐ sabotage in its tracks. Get this book and take control of your destiny as Jennifer's expert techniques and principles guide you to abundance in all areas of your life and business.” -‐ Marci Shimoff, "A succinct, cutting-‐edge, easy-‐to-‐grasp system of conquering procrastination and jumpstarting a life and business of success, prosperity and happiness... Jennifer McLean is a true business expert with the extraordinary ability to open you to your unique purpose and maximize your greatest potential." -‐ Sonia Ricotti "This is one of the best tools I have come across for addressing and dissolving procrastination and masterminding a scalable and profitable business aligned with your soul. From brand-‐building, marketing and sales strategies to copywriting, advertising and traffic-‐building tricks, Jennifer has generously paved the path to unstoppable success." -‐ Glen Ledwell 4 INTRODUCTION If you are reading these words, it is because you want something different out of life. But you don’t just want money (although that is a BIG piece of the puzzle for you right now). No. You want to make money WHILE making a difference... AND doing what you LOVE, right? Well, you are in the right place. In this book, you will learn the proven formula to stop procrastinating... well, to actually understand what procrastination is, so that you never have to worry about it again. There is some internal work to perform; accessing the deeper parts of you is part of that process. THEN, we are going to show you the secret formula used by millionaires to create scalable businesses AND the processes that actually make the most positive impact on our beautiful planet. Plus, we will give you actual tactics for implementing your first Quick Start program and making immediate income online. And, as with everything I do, there will be healing. Just note that whatever is in this book, there is a deeper experiential set of trainings and webinars that we created to take you deeper into the processes, techniques and materials found here. Hey, we live in a technologically advanced and media-‐rich time now. So, we want the contents of this book to be a fully interactive visual and audio experience that allows you to go much deeper than typically possible with a book. Simply CLICK HERE to access our video and audio trainings at any time. To me, the inner work and healing is actually the secret sauce to success. The rest can often be just busy work or, what I like to call, “tactical hell.” 5 You know that feeling of being like a hamster on the wheel, doing something because a coach or mentor or expert said “do that,” and you don’t quite get why you are doing it or your heart isn’t in it? Those are the symptoms of a business that won’t last. And it can’t because your heart just isn’t congruent. In fact, “you” are missing from it. While some of these chapters will offer internal processes and healing techniques, we will also give you an equal measure of real business tactics, strategies and next steps. Hand in hand, inner work combined with practical, sound business strategies has been the proven collaboration to make new and seasoned entrepreneurs unstoppable! That is a big piece of the secret sauce that we will be sharing in this book... how to find you and bring that to life in your business so that the tactics make sense. Wow, I am tapping into you as you read this and I’m excited at what will be opening up within AND “with-‐out” you! Read this little book... and have fun with it. In fact, let’s play a little right now with “fun.” The Play & Fun Installation: Let’s go right now into pretend land... like you are reading a good fictional book and imagining a few things. If you are skeptical, I will explain the science of this in a moment (it’s real). For now, just play along. You’ve been asking for something different... and here it is. So, do you want to experiment just a bit and see if there is something to this? Ok, now imagine that you are in a magical playground... but this is not just any playground. It is almost a “city of play.” In this city of play and fun, there is only one mandate: to feel the freedom of the moment in play. There you are, standing before this city, in all its glittery fun and safety. 6 (Now, remember: this is imaginary, fiction. It is TOTALLY safe, free and loving in this version of the city of play and fun. AND your body can do anything it wants without restriction.) You start to walk along into this playground city and you begin just having fun. There are the largest series of swings, tunnels, ropes and monkey bars you’ve ever seen. There are slides -‐-‐ huge, intricate ones, mazes and acres of paintball. Over to the left is the creation station with fingerpaints, art easels, crafts, and woodworking... and you simply express your creative nature here. There’s an arcade with your most favorite games ever and HUGE prizes to win (with odds in YOUR favor). There’s a water park with not just slides, but a full ocean that has controlled waves in which you can learn to surf, kayak, kite-‐surf, canoe and more. There is a nature preserve where you can hike, hang glide, play with butterflies. It’s adjacent to a full safari land where you can interact with tame, loving wildlife. There is a mountain park with perpetually perfect conditions for skiing, snowboarding, skating and sledding with unique obstacles to make it more fun. (And you instantly know how to -‐and can-‐ do all these things easily in this fantasy land.) There is a place for reading books and watching the book characters come to life, who then include you in the stories. You really start to play and experiment deeper with the play. Be present in the fun, within all these amazing adventures. Now, as you are playing, start to notice what it feels like to be playing and having fun. Notice your body as it plays. Watch how the muscles and anatomy move through the various playgrounds in flow, balance and alignment. Witness the innocence in the safety of this playground and... 7 Witness the restoration of the innocence and fun as you simply play. I’m going to say that again: Witness the restoration of the innocence and fun as you simply play. Watch yourself become the play and become the energy of “fun.” Now, when you bring that energy to this book, to your business and to your life, you will find a spring in your step and a lightness to all of it... And you will witness crazy coincidences and synchronicities that simply show up in powerful support of you in this new “vibration” of play and fun. The assignment with this is to do this visualization and tap into the innocence and safety of play for 5 minutes each day for seven days. This takes 5 minutes and is worth 7 days of your time (that is 35 minutes over the course of a week). You have nothing to lose and much to gain. If you want the audio version of this to experience more of a guided process, register for our webinar training. Just CLICK HERE for that. Now, deeper process-‐oriented work might seem like hogwash to some of you. In fact, when I first heard this, I thought this was kind of nuts. What I have come to realize is that the skeptic part of me is a piece of that procrastination process; it's the part that keeps me from my deeper knowing and connection and can actually stop the creation process itself. I suggest you temporarily ignore the skeptic and play with this inner realm. I think you will be really surprised. Let me explain the science of what I just guided you through... In the 1980’s, a scientist and coach became interested in the inner game while coaching athletes for the Olympics. He put probes on the skulls of athletes and measured their brain waves and muscle impulses while they were running their races. 8 Then he measured the same things when these same athletes were running the race while imagining/visualizing the race without physically doing it. He found that the body measured the same impulses whether the race was run in “real life” or run through visualization. It has since been discovered that imaginary visualized workouts create a 65% increase in strength. (Google it. It’s true.) Placing your imagination and visualization into the energy of play, experimentation and fun will make a huge difference while running your business. I’ve seen this one thing create an amazingly positive impact. So let’s take this concept even deeper into specifics in this book. We are going to journey into how to use this inner system to access the most remarkable things WHILE also addressing sound and proven business strategies and tactics. [REMINDER: If you want a more visual and auditory experience of this book, we have set up a series of webinars for you. CLICK HERE to register for those and go even deeper.] 9 CHAPTER 1 -‐ What is Procrastination? Let’s dive right into what procrastination is and why it might be present in your life and around your business. Procrastination happens for 3 surprising reasons. 1) You don't have the space / energy to do it 2) There is a “sting” or “glitch” in the effort 3) Your intuition knows that you don’t have to do it Let’s dissect each of these items... Procrastination #1 -‐ You Don't Have The Space / Energy To Do It: This one is a general concern that most entrepreneurs face. For some, it is a daily concern. “I don’t have the energy...” really translates to “I don’t have the space” to do this particular action. There are several reasons for this. First is the “high importance, yet low priority” aspect of the task. Meaning it is really important to do, but not as high of a priority as the other things on my to-‐do list. Here is a strategy to understand how to truly KNOW, beyond a shadow of a doubt, if this task is the right one. This is actually another inner process that helps you access the most amazing insights directly from the master that is you. This only takes 5 minutes. I promise, this one is a game changer. PROCESS: Go inside to what I call the “sacred chamber of being.” This is the center point of your soul. A really easy way to access this special dimension of being is to do the following: 10 Go inside your brain. (Trust me; try this.) If you know anatomy, go to where your pineal gland is. If you don’t know where that is, simply go to the very center of your brain, directly behind the midpoint between your brow called the ajna or “third eye.” Behind that, in the middle of your brain, is an imaginary elevator. You are going to hop on that elevator and push the button that says “Sacred Chamber.” You watch the elevator doors close and you feel yourself being conveyed down, down, down, deeper and deeper to the center of your soul’s being. You sense the elevator stopping, then the doors open. You step within your sacred chamber and feel the amazing sensation of profound stillness. You sense a deep wisdom here and, within that stillness and wisdom, the feeling of being seen, being gently supported and loved. You sense as you walk even deeper into this chamber that you are very safe. On your right, in this sacred space of connection to all that is sacred and true for you, is an altar. On that altar, you notice all the opportunities that are available to you. Included in them are some of the things you have been procrastinating about. You may see them as energies, or objects, or photographs or even gemstones. Each one represents a different opportunity. Now, as you observe this altar of opportunity, you are going to call forward into partnership with you the “master that is you” who lives in this sacred chamber. This master stands beside you and is a guide for what’s next. You are now going to ask both the master AND the objects on the altar to do something strange... Ask them to “arrange in order of priority that which makes the most sense in supporting what you want to accomplish over the next 90 days.” Then witness the objects being arranged according to your request. Look at the new order and make note of it. 11 Now check into your energy. Does this new order feel good? Does it create a sense of space? Is there more capacity for you to get this new order of priority done? If you want an explanation as to “why” this is the best order, you are welcome to ask the master and the objects that very question. They will explain to you exactly why this order is best. Next, notice the first priority. You can additionally ask: “what is my absolute next step for this first priority?” Next, feel into the order, the explanation and the next step. Allow these answers to seep into your being, into your bones. Then, ask into your body, “What does this new order of priorities, and the seeming faith I have in the answer, feel like in my body?” Allow that physical sensation to support you even deeper into the process of trust and faith. Now, simply do that first priority as it organized for you on the altar. You will be amazed at how taking that next, suggested action will support you. And you might even witness, in hindsight, what seems like a miracle from that prioritized action. You should also start to feel like you have more energy and space to do that action. If you would like for me to walk you directly through this process LIVE, we will be doing a live training webinar where you can experience a guided version without having to read it! Just CLICK HERE to register for that. Now, let me explain what just happened: We have this place of being within, in the sacred chamber, that allows us access to a deeper knowing. Many call it intuition or “gut feelings.” Through this little trick of consciousness, we are simply allowing a more controlled and conscious access, and, as a result, a more instant outcome from this process. 12 Use this for as many decisions as you need to make, or when you are wavering on next steps. This is your solid, strong, known and proven support and resource for your business. Procrastination # 2 -‐ There Is A “Sting” Or “Glitch” In The Effort: Sometimes procrastination happens when there is an old trauma, hurt or “sting” associated with what you need to accomplish. The strangest things can trigger a moment of “sting-‐oriented procrastination.” Let me explain by way of example. Let’s say that the thing you want to accomplish is to reach out to a potential networking contact. Now, if this contact goes well, there might be a chance that it will eventually lead to you having to do a talk at their event. You are TERRIFIED of public speaking, just the thought of it has you break into a sweat. Even if that is not something that would actually happen, it is in your subconscious that it could happen. That is a clear obstacle associated with a sting, which sits in your subconscious mind, preventing you from taking the next step to reach out to this individual. Here is another example: You have to reach out to 20 new customers. In your subconscious is a glitch that resulted from when you went to a new school when you were 10 years of age. It was a time when you were not treated so well. You met new people and they rejected you in ways that were outwardly hurtful. That created a deep-‐seated avoidance pattern of reaching out to new people (deeper than the average, because there is an attached traumatic event). The subconscious is saying “don’t reach out to these people, you will be rejected or more importantly deeply hurt.” 13 Are you starting to see how there are sometimes subconscious glitches from past events playing out in your procrastination? Here is an exercise to discover if there is a subconscious sting to what you are “procrastinating” on: Think about that thing you need to do that you have been avoiding. Now, tap into your body... find the place in your body that feels uncomfortable, contracted, constricted or even in pain (either emotional or physical) around this avoidance. Go to that part of your body. (There may be more than one place; go to the place that is “calling the loudest” or is most intense.) Bring your inner attention to that area of your body as if you are going to have a deep conversation with that part of you. Even place your hand on that “body part.” Then, in this energy of support, say to it: “I’m here, I’m present, I’m here in support of you.” When you sense that specific aspect of you has felt your supportive presence, ask it this question: “Is there a reason, a sting, or an upset associated with the action that I am avoiding?” It is important here to be deeply in touch with this aspect and to listen with intently supportive energy. Then, allow for that part of you to answer. If it is “no,” then you know that this particular moment of procrastination is not about a past event or trauma. If it is yes, then we have an opportunity to clear this. Here is how to clear the sting... Simply tap into that part of your body again and acknowledge that the answer was yes. This part of you might have even shared what the sting is about or what the event was. It is not important to know specifically what it is, but it is important to acknowledge the emotions and feelings that it triggered. 14 The next step is to allow this part of you to express the feelings that it was unable to express when the original event or trauma happened. That does not mean YOU are expressing. It means this part of you is. It also does not mean revisiting the past trauma at all. Instead, it is about supporting the part of you that has unexpressed feelings about what happened. We are going to create a safe space to feel and share and be seen for this part of you that got hurt. Now, hold a space of deep support and love for this part of you. Tell this aspect that you care about it and that you care about that previously unexpressed feeling. Feel the compassion for this part of you and feel the love that you are having. Tell this part of you how much you love them and truly witness it feeling your support and love for it. It’s like watching a movie that part of you is in, but this is a real conversation. Allow it to feel what it is feeling and witness it being seen by you so deeply and loved as if for the first time by you. Do that until the sensation of upset seems to move through and the intensity of the subconscious avoidance moves to a “zero” on a scale of 1 -‐ 10. This process is so powerful and even moreso when you are guided through an audio experience of it. We have set that up for you in a special series of audios and videos. Just CLICK HERE to register for that! Next, tap into the action that is being avoided. You might notice that the sting is gone and you can easily do what is needed next with grace and lightness. The science behind this is similar to the visualization, but the twist is seeing these parts of us. When we are seen, we naturally ignite. When we truly “see” ourselves, there is this ignition, really an awakening, that delivers the most remarkable transformations and openings. Procrastination #3: Your Intuition Knows That You Don’t Have To Do It Ok, here is the last but really quite amazing reason for procrastination. 15 When I point out the tenets of this one, you will look back at your own life and do a little forehead-‐slap for not having used this remarkable little insight. We talked a little bit about intuition in this chapter already. Well, there is this master within that knows what is best and what isn’t needed. This part of you knows at a deep, intuitive level that the task, which you are undertaking, is simply not needed. I will show you how this works by way of a story (this is true)... When I was a business strategist and consultant working with startups in Corporate America, I often had many ongoing projects for different clients. There was one project that was HUGE; it was going to take a lot of my time and seemed like it was of crucial priority. I kept not doing it. Other things would come up or I would try and start it and just feel a lump in my stomach. I would make excuses as to why I couldn’t do it. I put it off for a whole month and it was stressing the crap out of me because I felt I was failing and simultaneously going to get “caught” by the client in the midst of my avoidance. Sound familiar? Well, I decided to take the bull by the horns and go to the client to check in on the project and the part, which I’d been avoiding. I came to find out that the project itself had been scrapped. Had I spent the 40 or so hours doing that project, it would have been a complete waste of time AND the client likely would have been upset at the billable hours spent on something that wasn’t happening. Not to mention that I spent a whole month creating unnecessary stress over something that didn’t need to be done in the first place. 16 How do you discover if what you are stressing about is simply something that doesn’t need to be done at all? Go back to the first inner process about priorities and add this question to the process: “Is this project, action item, to-‐do, etc., something that actually needs to get done?” Listen to the answer and trust it. It will usually provide additional insights that might change the nature of what you thought you should do, and offer some nuanced changes that now make it easy to execute. A question I often receive with this one is, “how can I trust the answer? Maybe it is just another way to justify my avoidance and procrastination?” To start creating a sense of trust and knowing, play with this more and more. Remember that this process only takes 5 -‐ 7 minutes. The more you do it, there’s more evidence that it works. The more evidence your mind has that it works, the more it will work. The more it works, the more confident you are in the process and the more you will do that process, and so on. It is a cycle of possibility where you get to a point of simply trusting the answers unconditionally. From these three explanations of procrastination, you now know that the avoidance you are feeling actually has a reason behind it. With these techniques, you can crack the code of “why” you are procrastinating and move passed it into real, solid “for you” action. I’m telling you that with this knowledge, procrastination will be a thing of the past. 17 CHAPTER 2 -‐ Knowing What To Do Next The next step into moving from the now almost nonexistent procrastination to doing what you absolutely LOVE and making a BIG impact on the planet, WHILE generating really solid income (maybe even 7 figures or more), is to anchor this inner faith, trust, even sensation of “knowing what to do next.” Many times, entrepreneurs have an angst that they don’t or won’t know the next steps. Or, the even harder one -‐-‐ there is way too much to choose from and it feels like you could make the wrong decision. There is one surefire way to understand your next steps and it comes from tapping into what we call your “Success Signature.” Your Success Signature is the deep, personal, human potential within that awaits your activation. It is the energetic signature of the "you of you," ready to make your distinct mark on this planet at this time. It is the place of possibility that flows easily from you, creating impact on all of your customers and even your staff and vendors. It is here to ignite the brightest fire from within and allow you to tap into who you are. Through years of moving into my business and supporting hundreds of entrepreneurs, I discovered that the missing ingredient to true, long term, scalable success is not just “doing,” but doing from a place of “being.” This place of being in your business includes accessing your deepest gifts and knowing. You’ve so far had a sampling in this book of how to access your inner mastery; however, your Success Signature is even deeper. When you access or, more importantly, activate this part of you, magic starts to show up. 18 There is this part of you that, when you are in your Success Signature, “sees” what’s next. Then, you know what the look and feel of the website is. You then understand the products, the book, the sales page, even the copy writing... all of it becomes available to you. It is one of the most profoundly magical things I have personally experienced for my business and have witnessed in others as they’ve taken their gifts and offered them to a now willing market. Why is it a willing market? Because the gift is offered from a different place than regular capitalism. It is offered from the heart. I remember interviewing a true master for our series, Healing With The Masters, Drunvalo Melchizedek. He shared that creation from the mind creates distortions; there is a force and power over energy. This mind-‐oriented pressure-‐cooker creation has an equal and opposite reaction and usually comes with a “back hand” downturn. Creation and manifestation from the heart provide a powerful, nurturing configuration of support. The mechanism found in this universal law opens up to not only support you, but support all in what is created. From my perspective, creating your business from your Success Signature heart-‐ space creates conscious and awakened possibilities that enlighten everyone. Creativity and miracles of manifestation open up for you and your customers in a way that cannot happen with what is mostly taught as mind-‐oriented tactics. This heart-‐centered creation IS the secret sauce to success that the mega moguls do naturally. It is why they are beyond the norm of successful. Here is a really cool hint for this: Again, use the elevator to access your Sacred Chamber. Now, while still deeply in your Sacred Chamber, reflect back on that feeling of play you did in the introduction. 19 Then imagine seeing this playful energy, this dancing, uplifting vibration embracing you. This is the energy of pure play, delight, fun... like chasing a butterfly and having the butterfly really play with you. Or witnessing a rainbow and having it come alive and give you a hug. Real imaginative playing. This energy is a hint at your Success Signature. It is the vibration that you can start to tap into now. Now, imagine tapping into this energy as you start your day, as you write a sales page or website copy, as you create a marketing conversation with your customer. Imagine this energy of your Success Signature dancing with you as you create your product or write your book. If you would like to experience a much deeper and even more profoundly experiential, guided process, we will be offering it through a special set of video and audio broadcasts. This will ensure you receive a more holographic experience than a book can deliver. CLICK HERE and register for that live training. Are you starting to sense the magic afoot? Use your Success Signature to move you, then watch it move your customers, and you WILL witness the transformation of your business into a graceful and ease-‐filled motion of service AND PROFIT! Plus, knowing, feeling and regularly accessing your Success Signature becomes a precious filter for knowing what’s next. Let me explain: When opportunities arise (when you activate your Success Signature, the miracles of new ideas, products, partners, customers fall out of the sky), you can move them through your Success Signature “filter” and see if they are right for you and for where you are right now in your business. Using the procrastination altar of possibilities process matched with your Success Signature, you are starting to move into the unstoppable region. 20 A question I often get asked is, “what do I do with all my ideas?” The first part of the answer is like the “altar of possibilities;” put them on the “altar of ideas” in your Sacred Chamber and allow your ideas to arrange themselves in order of priority. Next, of course, focus your attention on those first one to three ideas to be pursued as displayed on your altar. THEN, take the ideas that are not “next” (those from four on) and place them in a special “location.” Imagine a special “parking lot” in your sacred chamber. But, it’s not a lot for cars; it is a lot for your ideas. Simply watch your ideas, which are not to be immediately addressed, go to this special, high-‐end, luxury, parking lot. There, your ideas are met by a concierge in a white, spotless suit and a vibrational shammy towel over his arm. Your future projects in the form of these ideas are relegated to this sophisticated, nurturing ground. They are buffed and polished and kept ready for when you and your Success Signature are prepared to bring them forward. Your ideas never go away, but are kept out of your field of focus so that they don’t distract you from what to do next. Every so often you can go in and peruse your parking lot of ideas and see if there are any there, ready to shine into the world. Now, with these processes and energies set... you have a clearer path before you. Many of the process-‐oriented techniques offered in this chapter will be presented in a set of live video and audio training. To access, simply CLICK HERE and register. 21 CHAPTER 3 -‐ The Formula Now we are going to focus on a key formula for success. The chapters above combined with this one will give you a powerful, firm and strong foundation to not only stand upon, but launch from. When you have this awakened state of being found from your Success Signature and it is now front-‐and-‐center as you start each day, the day becomes easier, the task becomes lighter and tactics are more obvious. Next, we get into some strategies on starting, running and scaling your business. I’m now going to walk you through an aspect of my Credibility Branding model of marketing. This is the system I invented when working with startups in the tech industry to help them quickly come to market as leaders. This supports you in scaling that leadership into long term growth. This is what I call a very “strategic” system. It allows you to have perspective on the big picture and creates a solid growth platform on which to anchor your business. It also allows a perspective from where tactics and Credibility Branding strategies “fall out” of your Success Signature. We’ll talk a bit more about tactics for success in the next chapter, but one thing I would like to mention here is one of the biggest challenges most entrepreneur face... Doing too many tactics. Or, more importantly, doing tactics that someone else told you to do without your understanding of the “why” you should be doing those tactics. Then, in turn, doing tactics that don’t match you and your Success Signature. Here is how to turn on your strategy to create space for those now congruent tactics: Credibility Branding is a way to create trust with your customers. It’s not just an “ok, maybe what they are saying is true” or “suspending belief” kind of trust, but a true, “wow, this stuff is FOR REAL” kind of trust. 22 The strategy in this case is “building trust to increase the speed of sales.” When a customer comes to you, and you’ve sprinkled credibility fairy dust throughout your marketing engagement with them, you heighten the safety within your customers, confirming that you offer a real solution. What are some of the points of credibility that will engender that trust? Here are just a few: Endorsements from well-‐known individuals. When you pick up a book and your favorite author offers an endorsement that says “this book is great,” it makes you more inclined to purchase the book. When you also throw in things like credentials or speaking gigs you’ve done, or books you’ve written, it ups the credibility and trust factor even more. Then, imagine sharing with your customers the high-‐profile brands and companies with which you’ve partnered, or the renowned celebrities or industry influencers with whom you’ve either shared the stage or been mentored by. What if you casually mentioned in your marketing conversation the high-‐profile individuals you’ve had on your advisory board? Make sure the awards that you have won are placed in the graphics throughout your websites and programs. You know those stickers that appear on the book you wrote for BEST book in a specific category? These are the points of credibility that kindle real trust from your potential customers. There are so many more things you can do to boost your credibility; we simply don’t have the space to cover them in this book. To find out more, we will be sharing them in the audio and video trainings mentioned previously. If you haven't already done so, just CLICK HERE to access that. Are you starting to see this? It is crucial to be consciously aware that every part of your conversation with your customers ensures credibility. 23 When you do this part of credibility branding, it profoundly increases the speed of conversion, the speed of the sale. It does so by having your customers know that you are real and that they can trust you and your products and services. They literally click that “buy” button WAY faster and with less marketing effort on your part because they are “in.” There is much, much more to the Credibility Branding model than this. You can imagine that the program which helped so many startups become multimillion dollar behemoths has a level of intricacy that could fill 3 books. Instead of all that reading, we offer a more in-‐depth investigation of the ideas found in that model, like seeing the cycles of the market opportunities, how to attract the right customers at the right time, etc. All that is found in our live training. CLICK HERE to register for that. The next part of the formula is the marketing conversation... THE MARKETING CONVERSATION This next part of the formula is to understand a very important piece to the puzzle of business. You are having a conversation with your customers. You are building a real, honest-‐to-‐goodness relationship with them. You are NOT selling to them. You are, when doing it right and with your Success Signature activated, having a marketing conversation with them. Think about how real and meaningful conversations are. There is a give and take where we listen and support and, when asked, we might even give advice. That is what you want to do in your business and, particularly, in your marketing conversation. Let’s break that down: 24 1) Listen Listening to your customer is THE MOST IMPORTANT thing you can do. EVEN if you don’t have a customer yet, through your Success Signature you can listen just the same. Remember that internal dialog, mentioned in chapter two, you are having with the master that is you? You can have that same level of conversation with your customer. Go within, to the Sacred Chamber, and speak with your ideal customer and ask them what they need. You will be astonished at what you are given in that conversation. You can also listen to the market... For example, listening to the market place, watching the trends, what’s “hot,” what’s trending on Google, what the magazines writing about... noticing if there are consistent themes across several publications. The media must deliver the most relevant, cutting-‐edge information that matches and flows with current trends. If they don’t, their subscribers will leave them. If a media outlet is hot, it’s because they are tracking what’s hot. Now you can read the magazines which your customers are reading. Now you know what they are interested in. Start noticing what is changing in advertising. Advertisers will show you exactly what is trending. I will give you an example from the world of advertising: I recently saw the new milk commercial. It is a dog walker who is walking down the street with many dogs practically dragging her. She almost looks out of control. 25 Then, a parachute opens up behind her, giving her an invisible splash of energy and she then takes control of the dogs. The tagline to go with this image is “Milk: 9 grams of protein.” This milk commercial is responding to the diet trend, targeting protein-‐rich diets. If you look carefully, the dog walker is totally emulating their ideal customer for this message: the demographic (female, in her 30s), what she is wearing, how she looks is all a reflection of the milk consortium’s trends research on their ideal demographic and psychographic match for this trend of “protein is important to them.” If you bring conscious awareness to seeing the world through your customers’ eyes you are truly listening to them. From here, you can actually deliver your gifts to them in ways that they really want. Most very successful entrepreneurs do this intuitively, but you can now do the same thing with attention and consciousness. You won’t believe what you’ll now see and hear from those trends and how you can use them for your business. How do you apply these trends? By developing products and services that they want. By addressing their pain and concerns in your marketing funnels and conversation. By delivering solutions that really matter to them. By listening to them. 2) Support Next, we are ready to live in the paradigm of support. This also has another arm, which is service. Our customers are not here to support us financially. No. We are here to support our customers with solutions, problem-‐solving, and our products. In return, they pay us. 26 This is not a “take or get” model. It is one of giving and service. When we come from this place of SERVICE-‐FIRST, we create another piece of the safety puzzle that all customers are looking for. Service-‐first results in this miracle of powerful, real profit. It’s a real income that lives on the wings of a value exchange that serves all. Your first intention (and, eventually, this will become your instinct) is to be of absolute, complete and profound service to your customer. This does NOT mean that you have to sacrifice. It means that you have the best interest of your customers first, not how much money you can make from them. The money that does manifest from this place of being is remarkably supportive of you. I have witnessed this over and over; the profit from this place of “service” intention is 1,000% percent greater than the “take” model. That is not to say that you can’t create amazing business strategies to increase sales conversations. That is still valid and important. The difference is that strategy of sound marketing and business now sits on an intention of service and the results are astounding. When you are tapped into your Success Signature, this service-‐oriented approach comes naturally and easily. 3) Give advice The “giving advice” piece translates into offering a clear solution that has real and lasting benefits for your customer. But here is the challenge and the opportunity: In your business, your customers don’t really want advice (most of your friends don’t either). They want to be heard and, from that, supplied with what they want. Let me explain... When you have to give your pet some medicine, it is often difficult to get them to take it. We know they need it, but they don’t want it in the form of this medicinal pill... “it's a tough pill to swallow,” right? 27 What do you do? You put the medicine in a treat and they gobble it down. You want to do the same with your “advice” or solution. And THAT is the conversation you want to have. Let me reframe that in terms of your business: Let’s say you have a powerful process. It is just 10 steps and, by the end, if your customers do all 10 steps, they will truly and completely transform that part of their life, right? You want to share with them this amazing process in your marketing outreach. The temptation is to describe the process to them, “First we start with…,” “Next, you would do XYZ...” Describing the “process” you will deliver isn’t really even marketing. You are giving them your content and the features of that content. Guess what. You lost them. It’s like having a conversation with someone who is trying to fix you their way. You are shoving your medicine down their throat and they are NOT interested. Instead, you want to give them the TREAT. In marketing terms, that translates to instead giving them the benefits. You want to really share what transformation you are offering -‐-‐ the benefits and “what’s in it for them,” what the “treat” is, not the processes, features or curriculum (AKA the medicine). A question you can ask yourself to support your benefit-‐oriented marketing conversation is: What transformation am I delivering? Another way to go at this is: What pain is it solving? 28 The answer to these questions formulates your sales funnel, the copywriting, and all the tactics you will execute. It also creates a real, personal conversation with your customers. They will feel safe, and demonstrate trust and loyalty to you in response. (And it is real, not just for the sale.) It will also help you to understand which product(s) to create. One of the biggest challenges an entrepreneur can face is coming up with a succinct product. (In fact, that is oftentimes part of the procrastination problem.) And entrepreneurs will tell me, “well, my solution is for everyone.” The best way to get started is to pick ONE pain that you are solving, one piece that your solution helps to overcome, then direct that to a specific audience. For example, you might have a product that is for overall health. The challenge is that it is too general. Look into your current set of customers and what seems to help them the most. For example, you might notice that out of all your customers, pain relief seems to be the common theme. That is where you target your message... Pain relief is the “treat.” Maybe you have an arthritis patient whom you’ve helped. She had all her friends with arthritis come in and they, too, have found relief from what you are offering. The opportunity has presented itself. Go after that target and be succinct with your marketing message to that specific audience. I know that you cover more than just arthritis, but by keeping it specific, you can thoroughly describe and address the resulting benefits. When going after a specific benefit, you keep your message honed to a refined machine. Let’s look at it this way: Most people don’t use Google to search for “general health” or “I want to feel better.” 29 No. They search for “arthritis,” “diabetes,” “chronic pain.” The more succinct you are in your messaging, copywriting, products and specific benefits, the more your audience will be able to converse with you and want what you offer. If you have questions about any of these strategies, you can ask them of me live through our live training. Just CLICK HERE and register to speak with me directly. Next, we are going to get to some real TACTICS. 30 CHAPTER 4 -‐ The Tactics This chapter is going to show you some of the basic tactics -‐-‐ the clear “how to” for moving into a profitable and growing online business. [NOTE: For those of you who already have a list, this will be a review. The meat of this book is in the first three chapters and the ones after this.] At this stage, you might be asking “why an online business?” I will go through some simple math to explain... (THEN, I will show you the simple steps to take to get going online and make real income, fast.) Let’s say you have a really cool, step-‐by-‐step formula for overcoming fibromyalgia. It is a live coaching group that costs $297 to join. Let’s say there is a site that offers a support community for Fibromyalgia and they have 10,000 members. And, there is also an herbal company that offers a product for this disease. They have 30,000 customers. Perhaps you’ve noticed a healer with a nice list of 20,000 subscribers whose audience is the right customer base for your solution. All of these sites and products are potential partners as well as potential sources of traffic for driving new customers to your offerings. The math: From the above potential partners, there is an aggregated potential reach of 60,000. Through advertising, affiliate marketing and partnering, you get 5% of those folks to your offer, representing 3,000 potential customers now looking at what you are up to. If half of those 3,000 register for your free video/ebook/training (we will be going through the details of these tactics in a moment), you now have 1,500 new subscribers. 31 If 3% of them purchase (45 x $297) you just made $13,365. Now, maybe you have annual, private, personal healing programs... Let’s say 5 of the 45 love your product so much that, when you offer them your year-‐long, one-‐on-‐one coaching for $500 a month, they go for it. That's 5 customers x $500= $2,500 per month. That’s $30,000 per year! Are you getting why an online business is so powerful? Right there, you just added $43,365 to your annual income. And that is JUST the tip of the iceberg. With your Success Signature activated, your secret weapon against procrastination installed, your credibility and trend-‐watching processes in place, and your service-‐ oriented marketing conversation developed with consciousness, all you have to do is take the following tactics (remember the math?) and exponentially grow your business and income. So let’s dive into some tactics. The following are the basics of online marketing and the path to take all you have learned so far and put it into action. Here are the components: 1. Create a Free Gift 2. Get a Shopping Cart 3. Put together an Opt-‐In Page for the gift 4. Create a Product 5. Produce a Sales Page for the product 6. Write an Email Sequence 7. Find and Drive Traffic Let’s dissect this one-‐by-‐one: 1) Create A Free Gift Create something that you can give away for free. There are so many ways to do this. 32 For example, you can combine your credibility branding strategies to create products and free gifts. Go to some local associations, your local church, local networking events and offer to speak on a topic that is appropriate to your audience and addresses your offering. Record it. (There are amazing, inexpensive, portable digital recorders that record in HD quality.) This talk could be your free product. NOTE: Record enough of these talks and you have a product. Another way to create a free gift is to come up with a “3-‐step,” or “5 tips to (your benefit),” or “7 Ways to (your benefit)” packaged solutions and create this as a PDF or audio download. Get Audio Acrobat (its $19 a month) and call-‐in to your private number to talk through these steps, ways, and tips. It is recorded and, therefore, could be your audio recording for the gift. Or, you could have the recording transcribed and create a free eBook or PDF for download. Hopefully this is sparking a lot more ideas. 2) Get a shopping cart Now it’s time to invest in your new online business. You will want to invest in a shopping cart that also has an email delivery/broadcast system. A great option to start with is They have the ability to create product purchase buttons, work with a merchant account and PayPal to take credit cards, and they have email autoresponders that automatically send emails prompted by a purchase. There are more sophisticated systems out there (InfusionSoft, Ontroport and others), but they are a LOT more complicated to figure out, have a higher learning curve and are more expensive. This shopping cart also becomes your email system. 3) Put Together an Opt-‐In Page For The Gift Now you have your gift/free giveaway. 33 The next step is to create a web page that “sells” the free gift in exchange for an email address. This is called an “Opt-‐In Page.” The key to creating an opt-‐in page is to make a compelling “argument” (really a convincing marketing conversation), which shows your potential customer that you understand the pain they are in. The page will also include your free solution that, when applied, will give them specific benefits. Here, you will describe who they will be when they are done with your free gift. Remember: share the transformation (the treat) they will experience through your free gift. Tap into your Success Signature -‐ and them as a customer -‐ to create a compelling conversation on this opt in page. Remember, this is the start to your relationship. Be authentic. If the conversation is compelling enough, they will agree to give you their email address in exchange for your free gift. The page will include an opt-‐in form (that you actually get from your shopping cart), which will populate an email subscription list so that you can email them again and again. You will also want to make sure that there is nothing to do on the page but “sign-‐up.” That means there is no other navigation to take them off the page. The only thing on the page is what you want them to do and that is to give their name and email address. You don’t want to distract them by having any other links that would take them away from this page. With this list of opted-‐in subscribers, you now have an audience, which is the start of your tribe. Over time (and maybe almost immediately -‐-‐ see sales page), a certain percentage of this tribe will become your customers. You’ll also want to set up an autoresponder email in your shopping cart that is associated with the email registration on the opt-‐in form they just committed to. 34 This autoresponder will give them the directions they need to download the free gift. There is something called a “redirect.” This is a piece of technology code that comes from your shopping cart. It takes the user to the next page from the action of putting their name and email address into your form and clicking on the registration button. You’ll need this new web page to redirect them to. This will be step 5 of your sales page... 4) Create A Product The next step is to create a product. This is the most fun and creative part of your online business adventure. Most online products are info products, meaning they teach something or coach a system. They can be in the form of recorded audio, video or live coaching programs for groups. Just like creating your free gift, you can create it by recording your work in a packaged, step-‐by-‐step way. Your product should have more depth and a system that can be easily taught. For example, my Healing Attunement System of healing has seven steps and can change the nature of any mood or physical upset in 10 minutes or less. I have created many audio downloads and CDs using the Healing Attunement System on different issues like sexual abuse, financial stress, physical health, etc. These can be physical products as well. This model works for anything that can be monetized. 5) Produce A Sales Page For The Product Once they “opt-‐in” to your free gift, they will be redirected to your sales page for your sparkling new product and program. This is where you start earning income. 35 The sales page gives your audience: -‐-‐ A description of them. Remember the listening part? You are going to describe their pain and their possible experience, which brought them to your solution. They are going to feel acknowledged through this description. -‐-‐ The points of credibility of who you are, what you’ve done and who you know, increasing the level of trust and, ultimately, the speed of sales. -‐-‐ An outline of the benefits they will receive, who they might be when they are finished with your product, what’s in it for them -‐-‐ the “treat.” -‐-‐ You might want to share your story, how you came to the solution you are offering and what it means to you to share this now. NOTE: While you can mention some features (remember the medicine), the emphasis is on the benefits (the treat). This page can be quite long. In fact, you’ll want the page to be longer as the price gets higher. You can also do a video sales letter to accomplish the same thing, but you better be REALLY good and natural on video. Your shopping cart is the place to create the code for your purchase buttons and allows your customers to use credit cards to buy from you. PLUS, you will create an email autoresponder associated with the specific product in your shopping cart. Your customers will receive a purchase confirmation email as soon as they order and you can give them any additional information on how to download or use the product. 6) Write An Email Sequence The next step is to create a series of emails (to send to your new list through your shopping cart) that build a deeper connection and relationship with your tribe. This is free content that you are giving them so that they get to know you. 36 You can create videos and audios, ensuring all of it offers moving, inspirational sharings through this sequence of emails. (Your iPhone 6 contains a high definition digital video camera that is perfect for creating little videos.) It should contain all things that establish and nurture a good, new relationship. Things like; sharing that you see them and can relate (listening), how you would like to support them. Share with them the ways in which you have previously supported members of your tribe. You can also share testimonials from your customers. Be authentic and real in these email conversations. Just like dating, you want to be yourself. A really great practice is to join an email subscriber list for someone you respect. Start noticing what they send, what they write about and how it makes you feel. Bring awareness to brands that you use and how they communicate with you. Consider that as you think about your tribe and what you want to share with them. Of course, tap into your Success Signature as you do this to bring a deeper truth to your sharing. Also, provide an opportunity in these emails for them to check out your offer again. Use some of the same benefit-‐oriented, relationship-‐building strategies as your sales page. For those who didn’t immediately purchase from your opt-‐in page, which redirected to your sales page, this email sequence and relationship-‐building phase will get more customers more on board. Of course, the last and VERY important step is... 7) Find And Drive Traffic There are multiple sources of traffic; some paid, some free. The key is to not focus on just one source. 37 Here is a list of traffic sources to pursue: JVS OR AFFILIATE PARTNERSHIPS: Joint venture or “JVs.” These are your affiliate partners. They are individuals who have a list and are willing to promote your products to their tribe for a commission percentage of your products. This is where your shopping cart comes in handy. You can actually set up affiliate programs in your shopping cart to track your partners’ sales and commissions. A note on JV’s: If you are just starting, don’t go after the behemoths. Doing so will be a waste of your time and theirs. Instead, go after folks with lists that are just above or at your level. Then you get to grow together. FACEBOOOK: Facebook is an advertising platform. Social Media is a nice strategy, but Facebook’s purpose is to determine the demographic of your audience and then advertise to them. It is one of the most sophisticated data-‐mining ad platforms on the planet. When done right, it is a goldmine of traffic. When you are first starting, even $500 a week can yield decent results. YOUTUBE: There are multiple ways to generate traffic from YouTube. You can create video advertisements to air just before popular content. You can create content videos as ads. You can create viral videos that get tons of traffic. Two things to do are add annotation to your videos (to include links) and a marketing conversation in the description of the video. LOCAL NETWORKING Go to networking events and offer free strategy sessions. 38 Here is a GREAT networking trick: When someone asks, “what do you do?” Tell them about the impact and transformation your are creating. Don’t tell them, “I’m a speaker author healer, marketing person…” Tell them about the impact you’ve made on your customer and actually share a case study. Say something like, “Well, let me answer what I do by sharing about one of my customers.” Then use that customer case study to share what you do. They will want more, then you can offer them a “strategy session” so that they can experience what you offer. In the free strategy session, use the same ideas of service-‐oriented, authentic marketing conversation to bring them on as clients. You can also add the link to your free gift/opt-‐in page on the back of your business card. FREE SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS Offer free speaking engagements to local churches, chambers of commerce, chiropractors, networking events, regional associations, etc. This is a great place to practice packaging your message in a compelling, authentic way. You can offer your audience your free gift or the free strategy session mentioned above. APPEARING ON ONLINE RADIO SHOWS There are tons of online radio shows and some of them have a decent reach in the thousands, if not tens of thousands. These folks usually do this part-‐time, unpaid, and are always looking for guests. Very few of them are familiar with affiliate commission sharing strategies, so approaching them with great content for their audiences AND products to sell so that they make a commission is a big bonus. You can also just offer your free gift and direct folks to your opt-‐in page to start building your list. 39 If you make rounds for a bunch of shows each week, you can build a nice list in no time. REFERRALS Offering incentives for your audience to refer new tribe members is a great way to build traffic. You can do contests. You can also have them become an affiliate through your shopping cart and let them know that they will earn a commission on any purchases that come through their referrals. You can also offer referral fees to those who might recommend people to you for your free strategy sessions. You can also find affiliate partners as well. Ask one of your affiliate partners if they might broker and contact other affiliate partners on your behalf and offer them a commission on the sales of any of the affiliates they bring in. LINKEDIN LinkedIn is a wonderful, mostly untapped traffic opportunity. Set up your profile with the same recommended strategies as your sales page. Have your title be more than the process you offer or your actual title. Instead, include the transformation you are delivering. Set up your profile so it is compelling and get as many “endorsements” as you can. These are LinkedIn’s versions of rankings. You can also find LinkedIn Groups that have similar demographics and interests as you. You can join these groups and start to be of service to them. Reach out with some input and solutions to build relationships there. Then, lead them into your opt-‐in page, free gift and your free strategy sessions. Now, that is A LOT of tactics, but, hopefully, you are little calmer as you use these methods as you are tapped into inner guidance. If you want to go further into how to apply these tactics for YOU, AND deeper into your inner guidance, then be sure to join us for our special training webcasts and audio dial-‐in shows that we are offering to ensure you really get this. 40 Simply CLICK HERE to register, potentially work with me directly, and access a deeper understanding of all this material. 41 CHAPTER 5 -‐ Ready, Set... GO Now you have some solid tactics that are sitting a top of your Success Signature being. You know how to access a deep mastery and now “use” procrastination to go deeper and release it at every turn. You are understanding how to create credibility, which establishes trust and safety for your customer and increases their likelihood of saying “yes” sooner. The guidance I can offer could fill 10 books, so, as we come to a close of this book, I want you to know that I tapped in to see what would work best to get you started and what the next steps would be based on what we’ve created here so far. Besides the formulas and ideas presented in this book, when I look back on my business success, one of the top things that changed it all was to have a coach. The up-‐level moment that supported me in my business was a mentor and coach, someone I could lean into. At different stages of the cycle of your business, you will need different kinds of coaches and, in some instances, a team of them. They might take the form of an in-‐person a private coach... something I DEFINITELY recommend. Also, you might start in the form of a packaged coaching program that takes you step-‐by-‐step through their systems. We live in the most amazing age of technology that enables you to receive the highest levels of coaching at your convenience. Through different specialists and experts, you can actually get something that is the equivalent of (I think even better than) a PhD in multiple disciplines, nuances and systems of creating a successful business. Some of the products I purchase now give me the fundamentals for new tactics and strategies, which I can apply immediately especially with the foundation of my activated Success Signature. It is the most amazing environment of learning that we are in these days. 42 The first thing I would love for you to put into perspective is the cost. Think about how much a college education costs, or what a masters program would cost. For a fraction of that, you can purchase these amazing products that give you the exact same insights, tactics and, in some cases, strategies. And this is proven content that ACTUALLY works. Most of these packages are not theory. They offer working knowledge. How to find the right one... The key is to find trusted business advisors who can offer perspective that you simply couldn’t see or understand on your own. This strategy of using others’ amazing systems and insight and, in particular, finding a coach that matches your goals is by far the thing to which I can consistently point that instantly quickened my business to huge new levels of expansion. Coaching delivers THE information, guidance and support exactly when needed most. It is the unique piece to the quickening of business and success. I have witnessed for myself and those whom I have counseled that rapid growth could have NEVER happened without consistent, regular expert guidance and group support. In fact, I still have regular, consistent guidance from powerful mentors and coaches and masterminds when I am moving in new ways, processes and programs or releasing old methods and ways of being. The “I didn’t know what I didn’t know” is a big factor for change and a rapid ascent into success... My coaches show me the questions to ask AND give the answers as well. These coaches, mentors and colleagues bring my attention to those areas I’m not thinking of and then show me the “how to” in that new area. There is a caveat, however, to the types of coaches you want to choose. Investing in a program where the coach is not a match will just lead to resentment, upset and frustration. 43 Here is a list of things to consider as a filter for finding the right coach and program for you: 1) Ensure your coach has achieved what you want to achieve What do you want to achieve? Think about this right now and write down 5 things that you REALLY want to achieve with your business. It might be financial achievement. Wealth is usually an important one and there are many more things that a successful business achieves beyond money. Maybe it’s making a difference in a certain number of lives. For example, I REALLY want to reach 1 billion people with my Success Signature Business program. That doesn’t mean I’ll have 1 Billion customers. No, it represents those whom I have coached, who are now out there creating a new paradigm of heart-‐centered entrepreneurialism that is reaching millions. The ripple effect of that heart-‐opening through these entrepreneurial customers is touching 1 billion lives. Maybe what you want to achieve is more ease and grace and peace (releasing your overwhelm and stress). Take a moment and write down what you what to accomplish through your business. Another way to say this is to share what you want your business’s legacy to achieve. Review that list, and you will want to work with a coach who has achieved these very goals. Why would you work with a business coach that is only earning an income of $75,000 if your goal is to earn $150,000 or more? If your goal is to generate millions through your business, then you better be working with a coach who has done that. 44 If your goal is to reach a large audience, wouldn’t it make most sense to work with someone who has achieved that same goal? They can guide you through the nuances of how that is done. Step one in identifying a coach most ideal for YOU is: they have achieved what you want to achieve. 2) Make certain that your coach is well rounded (not a one hit wonder). One of the most amazing things I have witnessed is individuals who have just figured something out and then claim they are THE experts. Find out how many successes they have had over time. And, almost more importantly, find out how many FAILURES they have had, and have overcome. The mistakes, misses and failures are truly a key piece of the puzzle that a powerhouse coach can bring to you. Why? Because they know the pitfalls and can steer you in the right direction and share the things to watch for as you grow your business. The one hit wonders that have only done it once simply can’t see the next steps and don’t know the wrong turn they might be guiding you to. The $750,000 they made last year (for the first time) does not give them the necessary insights to help you create a strong foundation on which to grow and scale with changing markets, technologies and trends. In fact, these coaches are almost right beside you, not ahead of you guiding you. They are just figuring it out as you go and you might quickly surpass them. 3) Ascertain that your coach is a strategist as well as tactician. I would never work with a coach who simply assigned me a bunch of tactics and said “go do this.” As we have shared in this book, it is missing the key ingredient: YOU and your Success Signature. 45 Coaches who do that are illustrating a symptom; they are not strategic in nature. You want a coach who can see the broader strategies, who can see the market opportunities and, in turn, guide you on how you might fit into those possibilities. And, while speaking about tactics, another way to determine you are working with someone who is a tactician is that they can only teach what you need to “do” without evaluating where you have been and what you want to accomplish or where you might fit in the current market. Finally, and this is key... Make sure they have actually done the tactics they are teaching and aren’t just “using” other actions that other coaches have used. Ask them if they have used these programs and tactics themselves. Request they share specifics on how they worked for them, not just their students. If they haven’t implemented the tactics that they are making you do, then they are missing some really important pieces of execution that they can’t possibly teach you. 4) Ensure that they have actually run a business that has scaled over time Coaches who have not had the time to scale their business over time might not be able to guide you on the principles of the growth you need to keep going over the short term and long haul. Principles like: Revenue Vs. Profit There is a difference between bringing in revenue and making a profit and it can make or break a burgeoning business. Profit First Paying yourself, your taxes, and your business slush fund first, before the toys and some other infrastructure investments, gives the business a cushion of stability and the owners emotional stability. Delegation Vs. Collaboration When building your team, working in the spirit of collaboration can generate amazing creativity and expansion compared to delegation. 46 Collaboration is supporting someone to do it his or her way while trusting in that effort. This usually makes an employee or contractor exceptionally engaged and engenders a creativity that yields the most amazing results. Delegation is “telling” someone what to do. There is space for this kind of interaction in certain circumstances, yet this is the default for most entrepreneurs and it can crush creativity. Business Stewardship Being a steward for your business is different than being an owner. The dictionary definition of a business steward: “is an ethic that embodies the responsible planning and management of resources.” From my perspective, stewardship means you are nurturing the company from a space that is different than “you are mine.” When I changed my perception of my company from that of “it’s mine,” which comes with the implication that “it owes me,” I moved into a new paradigm of space and freedom. When I am stewarding my company, it is in partnership with me. It is a gift that fits me like a glove and, together, we are moved into making a difference. Are you starting to see what strategic thinking can yield? Can you see how working with a coach who has a depth and breadth of experience, expertise and strategic thinking can support you in ways that you can’t even imagine? The overall effect of working with a coach who has all of these qualities is feeling a sense of deep, consistent support, which allows you the breath to invent, grow, try new things and ultimately expand into HUGE profit and success. The results won't just hit your business. You will achieve an overall sense of accomplishment, including more love, better partnerships and a ton of clarity in every area of your life. I have witnessed for myself, and those whom I have counseled, the rapid growth that could have NEVER happened without consistent, regular expert guidance from experienced coaches. 47 If you want to talk to me about your coach or are looking for a new one, then be sure to join us for our live webcast training where we can answer your questions. Simply register HERE and I will see you there! 48 EPILOGUE We have covered a lot of ground in a short period of time. I am excited at how the use of these techniques and ideas will impact your business almost immediately. If you want more, as I have mentioned, I have made available a free set of trainings that cover the material in this book AND offer even more insights, techniques and strategies. All you have to do is go to this page: then play with us in this new embodied version of heart-‐centered entrepreneurialism. We are thrilled to go even deeper with you. I hope you’ll join us? In deepest gratitude for all that you are up to, Jennifer 49 ABOUT THE AUTHOR Jennifer started her career in advertising sales before moving into promotional event marketing, then onward to traditional marketing management, which lead to public relations and brand communications, culminating a 27-‐year business strategy career in Corporate America. Jennifer launched Yahoo! Canada back in 1995 and played in the technology industry during the full boom and bust. She became a business strategist with specialization in marketing for startups. Through that experience, she became an expert in reading, analyzing and understanding market cycles. She grew adept at when and how to creatively launch brand new visions and product concepts into emerging markets. Jennifer, using her work with startups, supported the creation of hundreds of multi-‐ millionaires through her unique Credibility Branding System and has now packaged all of her expertise into her Living Your Success Signature Business program. Perhaps you might be the next generation of this growing group of millionaires... That information about Jennifer’s business prowess alone might be convincing enough to work with this remarkable person, but there is more... On top of all that powerful expertise, Jennifer, as a healer, is a facilitator in the movement of energy from the subtlest of origins. More than 22 years ago, Jennifer trained in multiple modalities of energy healing and operated a part-‐time healing practice for just as many years. She has guided thousands to unprecedented new levels of alignment, health, wholeness and abundance. She has the gift of seeing the inner domains of your soul’s purpose and guides you to your grandest capacities, your “unique human potential,” while building a proven, strong, successful business around those capacities. What is your "Success Signature?" Your Success Signature is the deep, personal, human potential within that awaits your activation. 50 It is the energetic signature of the "you of you," ready to make your distinct mark on this planet at this time. It is the place of possibility that flows easily from you, creating impact on all your customers and even your staff and vendors. If you are ready to ignite the brightest fire from within, tap into who you are, access your brand in a way that is unstoppable while knowing, activating and living from your Success Signature, then this program is exactly what you have been searching for. The ideas found in this Success Signature program intimately marry the inner dimensions of your Success Signature with the outer realms of business and profit. This is one of the most unique, mindfully-‐designed systems for those who are truly ready to make a difference in any industry through your entrepreneurial spirit and the energetic signature of your potential. Jennifer's Magic Is... She has a keen ability to hold you in a sacred space. She can create an allowing that fuels your prosperity forward. This enables you to strongly activate your Success Signature and that unique, pure connection to your power. For more on this program and some amazing free trainings, go to: 51
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