2L101 Emergency Riprap Work – Skeena River

Amy McCallion
BC Hydro Aboriginal Relations & Negotiations
10 Floor, 6911 Southpoint Drive,
Burnaby, BC V3N 4X8
April 23, 2014
Mayor Gary Reece
206 Shashaak Street
Lax Kw'alaams, BC V0V 1H0
Delivered By: Email
Dear Mayor Reece,
Skeena Riprap Emergency Repair 2L101 at 78/3
I am writing to further discuss the project I notified you of by email and letter on April 1, 2015 – the
Skeena Riprap Emergency Repair 2L101 at 78/3 (the “Project”).
As described in that letter, emergency riprap repair work which is set to proceed between
April 1, 2015 and June 30, 2015 at structure 78/3 (the “Structure”) on the 2L101 transmission line which
runs between Terrace and Prince Rupert. The Structure itself is located on an island in the
Skeena River and can only be accessed by boat. All work being done is on crown lands. Triton
Environmental (from Terrace) is the environmental monitor. They will also be providing boat services to
access the Structure site.
The work will take place in 2 phases:
1. Weeks 1 & 2: rock blast site (location to be confirmed)
2. Weeks 3 – 6: rip rap repairs at Structure on Skeena River island site
Several First Nations on whose asserted traditional territory this project will take place have expressed an
interest in participating as monitors. In order to accommodate this, we propose to conduct periodic site
visits for all interested First Nations during the course of the project and upon its conclusion.
Schedule & Timing
We propose that, if interested your nation would send 1 individual to observe 4 – 5 days (8 hrs) spread
out over the 6 weeks we expect will be required to complete the Project. This would break down as
1. Day 1: Power System Safety Protection (PSSP) Training: this required for anyone working near
electrical lines; Triton will offer this at a location in Terrace in advance of the project; attendance
will be mandatory in order to participate in the monitoring unless proof of prior PSSP training is
2. Day 2: On-site at Quarry (weeks 1 – 2)
3. Day 3: On-site at Structure (weeks 3 – 6)
4. Day 4 (optional): On-site at Structure (weeks 3 – 6)
5. Day 5: Post Project completion (post week 6)
BC Hydro is offering to pay each individual $400/day for her or his participation as a monitor - $2,000 in
total for 5 full days. Meals and transportation would not be included.
If you are interested in participating, please advise me by April 30, 2015. I know this will necessitate a
quick decision on your part and I apologize that the timing is so tight – it is simply a reflection of the
emergency nature of the work and the fact we must organize PSSP training in advance of starting the
project in early May.
I can be reached at amy.mccallion@bchydro.com. As I will be out of the office travelling for much of the
next two weeks, email is preferred, but I can also be reached on my phone at 604 230 5540. Alternatively,
you can contact my colleague Angela Bugarin at angela.bugarin@bchydro.com or 604 528 1813.
As this project moves forward, there may be other procurement opportunities and I will keep you updated
with respect to same.
Thank you for considering our proposal,
Amy McCallion
Senior Aboriginal Relations Lead
BC Hydro