April 19, 2015

4th Sunday of Easter
April 26th, 2015
St. John Neumann Catholic Church
8451 Idlewild Road Charlotte, North Carolina 28227
Pastoral Team
Parish Office
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Phone: 704.536.6520
Fax: 704.837.8243
Email: office@4sjnc.org Website: www.4sjnc.org
Find us on Facebook at facebook.com/SJNCharlotte
Rev. Patrick Hoare
In Residence
Rev. Peter Pham
Permanent Deacon
Deacon James Gorman
Permanent Deacon
Deacon Joseph Denzler
Parish Secretary
Carol Brogdon
Parish Accountant
Carola Baptiste
Scheduling Coordinator
Regina Wahl
Facilities Manager
Don Zaron
Bulletin Editor:
Jiadira Choque, jiadira@4sjnc.org
Faith Formation
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Faith Formation Phone: 704.535.4197
Director Religious Education Katie Dunne Knoefel
Coordinator of Youth and
Meg Van Goethem
Young Adult Ministry
Faith Formation Secretary
Benita Bryson
Faith Formation Assistant
Regina Wahl
RCIA: Karen Polce, kmpnc5@gmail.com
Music Director: Soo-Jin Ridgell, ridgell@4sjnc.org
Parish Communications:
Communications Chair:
Jennifer Noto, communications@4sjnc.org
Parish Council Chair:
Josh Herold, parishcouncil@4sjnc.org
Finance Council Chair:
Maria Arone, financecouncil@4sjnc.org
Parish Information
Mass Schedule
Saturday, 5:00 p.m.
8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
12:30 p.m. (Spanish) and 5:00 p.m.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
9:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
6:30 a.m.
Saturday: 4:00-4:45 p.m. and by appointment
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Wednesday, 6-6:45 p.m. and
every Friday 7 a.m. through 8:45 a.m. Saturday
Miraculous Medal Novena: Saturday, after 9 a.m. Mass.
Cenacle of Divine Mercy: Wednesday, 7:45 p.m.
Baptisms: The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated in
English on the second Sunday of the month at 2 p.m., and in
Spanish on the fourth Saturday at 11 a.m. and Sunday at 1:30
p.m. Parents are to register their children for Baptism one
month in advance . Parents and Godparents must attend a
Preparation Class. Classes are offered the first Sunday of the
month in English and the third Sunday in Spanish. Contact
the Parish Office for more information.
Weddings: Couples planning to be married should contact
the Parish Office to schedule an appointment with the
priest at least six months prior to the wedding date.
Hospitalized/Homebound Parish Members: Call the
Parish Office for Anointing of the Sick or Communion.
New Parish Members: Please complete a registration
form as soon as possible. Registration is required for
enrollment in Faith Formation, sponsorship certificates,
and MACS school vouchers. Forms are in the Gathering
Saint John Neumann Catholic Church
Mission: Go and announce the Gospel of the Lord, making disciples through our Catholic faith.
Vision: Be a welcoming home for all people, empowering spiritual growth to build up the Kingdom of God.
To my dear St. John
Neumann Parish family:
Holy Masses
This Week
I’ve decided I don’t want to move to Australia.
In fact, I don’t want to move anywhere south of the equator, because their seasons are opposite of us. And I really
like our seasons just the way they are. Last week, for example, I was out visiting some of our homebound parishioners, and it was raining. In fact, at that point, it had
rained for several days in a row. But I was ok with that.
First, I hate having pollen all over my car, and the rain
washes it away. But my Mom also used to sing to me
“April flowers bring May flowers”, so I know that beauty
and warm days will soon follow the rain. What a perfect
seasonal complement to the Church’s Easter season!
Life is seasonal, isn’t it? And I’m not just talking about
what the calendar says. In our personal experience, we
have months, and even years, that are as bright and as
beautiful as Spring, and other times that are as harsh and
bleak as Winter. But our celebration of the Resurrection
reminds us that the clouds and the rain, no matter how
difficult they may seem, are necessary for new life to
So, my prayer is that your rainy days are just long enough
to make your brown leaves green, and your sunny days
are so bright that they sustain you even when a chill returns. And I hope you’ll pray the same for me.
P.S. The rectory project is finally moving along! After
some permitting delays, the site work has begun, and, if it
ever stops raining, you may soon see evidence of a house
being built! Keep your fingers crossed!
Your will is a plan for the distribution of the assets you have accumulated as a result of the God- given gifts you have received
throughout your life. Thank you for considering a gift to our
parish in your will. For more information contact
Fr. Pat at 704-536-6520 or consult your financial planner.
April 27th - May 3rd
9:00 AM
+Maura Kiernan
req. by Tom & Carol Kiernan
9:00 AM
Celene Xavier
req. by Janice Kemble
Wednesday 7:00 PM
Betsy Loven
req. by Barbara & Bill Coleman
9:00 AM
+Bruno Soares
req. by CasaSanta Family
6:30 AM
+Linda Ann Dire
req. by Janet Carothers
9:00 AM
+Anthony Rojo
req. by Ajay & Meredith Paul
5:00 PM
+Theodore St. Pierre
req. by Ann St. Pierre
8:00 AM
+Ron Bates, Sr.
req. by Rita Bates
9:30 AM
+Walter Lesko
req. by Elie Lesko
11:00 AM +Mary Sanislo & Victoria Schuler
req. by Tom & Madeline Schuler
12:30 PM
People of the Parish
5:00 PM
+Charles Kirkpatrick
req. by Mary Rhykerd
“See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we
may be called the children of God”
-- 1 John 3 : 1
Remember in Your Prayers
Michelle Accetta, Karen Broffman & Family, Anita Burnett, Everett Canning, Helen Carr, Sarah Castelli, Mary Cyr, Steve Davis, Agnes
Dedrick, Matthew Demmery, Lionel Douglas, Ray Eddy, Quentin Fabiano, Jonathan Garza, Mary S. Gonzales, J.W. Hill, Karen & Amber
Hochadel, Bob Hogan, Shirley Jones, Mike Kiefer, Nicholas Laneupti,
Jim Lauro, Mary Ann Maher, Diane Main, Lisa Martens, Ted Meiss,
Christine Miles, Tricia Menhinick, Tanya Nix, Kevin O'Hara, Carlos Pachas, Deacon John Parrish, Anne Pleasants, Arvo Podrang, Craig Potter, Mike Ramirez, Mary Rapacik, Pauline Rieker, Ed Servicky, Bob
Smith, Scott Smith, Ann Solnick, Emily Solnick, Jane St. Denis, Andy &
Judy Styer, Alex Theriot, Helen Thomas
4th Sunday of Easter
April 26th, 2015
Sunday, April 26
After All Masses
9:10 am—12:10 pm
1:30 pm—2:30 pm
1:30 pm—3:00 pm
3:30 pm—4:45 pm
6:15 pm—8:00 pm
7:30 pm—9:30 pm
Monday, April 27
10:00 am—11:15 am
11:00 am—12:00 pm
5:15 pm—6:30 pm
5:15 pm—6:30 pm
5:15 pm—6:30 pm
7:00 pm—8:30 pm
7:00 pm—9:00 pm
Tuesday, April 28
9:30 am—11:00 am
12:30 pm—3:30 pm
7:00 pm—8:30 pm
7:00 pm—9:00 pm
7:00 pm—9:00 pm
7:30 pm—9:00 pm
Wednesday, April 29
11:00 am—1:00 pm
4:45 pm—6:00 pm
4:45 pm—6:00 pm
7:30 pm—7:45 pm
7:30 pm—9:00 pm
7:30 pm—9:30 pm
Thursday, April 30
9:45 am—11:30 am
11:45 am—12:30 pm
7:00 pm—8:30 pm
7:00 pm—9:00 pm
7:00 pm—9:00 pm
Friday, May 1
Beginning at 7:00 am
6:00 pm—7:15 pm
7:00 pm—9:00 pm
7:00 pm—10:30 pm
8:00 pm—9:30 pm
Saturday, May 2
8:00 am—9:00 am
Concludes 8:45 am
8:30 am—12:30 pm
9:30 am—10:00 am
9:30 am—10:00 am
11:00 am—12:00 pm
2:00 pm—3:00 pm
3:00 pm—4:00 pm
3:15 pm—4:30 pm
7:00 pm—9:00 pm
9:30 pm—10:30 pm
Sunday, May 3
9:00 am—11:00 am
9:00 am—11:00 am
9:10 am—12:10 pm
1:30 pm—3:00 pm
2:00 pm—3:00 pm
3:30 pm—4:45 pm
6:15 pm—8:00 pm
6:15 pm—8:00 pm
Carolina Catholic Bookstore Sale
FF Sunday Classes (EW, PH)
Baptism (C)
Hispanic Fellowship (PH, K)
Sunday Band Rehearsal (C)
GPS4Life and RCIT (PH,EW,CR)
Brazilian Mass/Fellowship (C, PH)
Monday Morning Bible Study (6)
50 Plus Board Meeting (11)
FF Monday Classes (EW, PH)
Bible Study en Espanol (CR)
Meeting-Coleman (L/B)
Liturgy Committee Meeting (6)
Hispanic Community EventSeminar on the Holy Spirit (C)
Legion of Mary (4)
Quilting Group (AH)
BSA Pack 12 Pack Meeting (PH, K)
BSA Troop 12 Troop Meeting (AH)
Hispanic Ministry Training (C)
Prayer Group (L/B)
Adult Bible Study/Susan Brady (PH)
FF Wednesday Classes (EW, PH)
Bible Study en Espanol (CR)
Divine Mercy Chaplet (C)
Finance Council Meeting (6)
Cursillo (L/B)
Holy Yoga Class (MH)
Chair Yoga Class (MH)
Spanish Legion of Mary (4)
ESL Literacy Classes (EW)
SJN Choir Rehearsal (C, CR)
Eucharistic Adoration (C)
Yoga Class (6)
Hispanic Prayer Group (C)
Bingo (PH,K)
Brazilian Prayer Group (MH)
Cursillo (L/B)
Eucharistic Adoration (C)
First Communion Retreat(PH,C,EW)
Miraculous Medal Novena (Chapel)
Baptism (C)
Baptism (C)
Wedding (C)
Youth Choir Rehearsal (C)
Gamblers Anonymous Meeting (1)
Ministerio Hispano Prayer Group (C)
Ministerio Hispano Fellowship (PH)
Sunday Fellowship/Coffee (PH, K)
SonFest Raffle Ticket Sales (PH, K)
FF Sunday Classes (EW, PH)
Hispanic Fellowship (PH, K)
Baptismal Classes (CR)
Sunday Band Rehearsal (C)
GPS4Life and RCIT (PH,EW,CR)
Life Teen (AH)
SONFEST 2015 Sponsorship Form
A Peek at the Week: April 26th - May 3rd
Event Site Abbreviations
AH-Austin Hall, C – Church, CR – Council Room;
EW – Education Wing, FF/L-Faith Formation Library;
GA – Gathering Area, K-Kitchen;
L/B – Library/Bookstore, MH – Mini Hall(4/5), P-Pavilion;
PH – Parish Hall, Classrooms 1-11
Use of all parish facilities must be scheduled; this includes
the use of sign-up tables, displays, posters, in the Gathering
Area. For more information contact Regina Wahl
704-535-4197 or regina@4sjnc.org
4th Sunday of Easter
April 26th, 2015
First Communion Retreat
Saturday, May 2nd, Parish Hall
Please arrive by 8:30AM
Student and one parent/guardian must attend.
Remember to bring 2 dozen cookies!
And, COMPLETED Homebooks are DUE !
Books and Gifts
Stop by and browse
the selection of
First Communion and Mother’s Day
items after all Masses
GPS4LIFE exists to lead youth closer to
Christ by providing opportunities for middle
school youth to grow in Faith, Community, and
Life Teen @ SJN exists to lead teens closer to
Christ by providing opportunities for high school
youth that foster growth in
Faith, Community, and Outreach.
Life Teen Mass
Life Nights
Sundays 5:00-6:00pm
Sundays 6:15-8:00pm
Upcoming Life Nights…
April 26 - No Life Night. Pray for our DYC trip!
May 3 - Life Night. End of Semester Party.
MAY 24
4th Sunday of Easter
April 26th, 2015
The SJN Praise &
Prayer Report
We need you for our
5th Annual Sonfest!
Mark your calendar for Friday, June
12 and Saturday, June 13.
Please pledge your delicious sweets
for Sonfest 2015! If you baked last
year, please consider doing so again.
Call Jo Anne Strawser at 704-6186340. You may leave a message.
Thank you.
A periodic update on our parish family
Our “ 300 Club Sweepstakes” final drawings were made
after the 9:30 Mass on Sunday.
The results were …
1st Place Winner of $1,000 …
#228 – Greg & Jodi LeGault
2nd Place Winner of $200 …
#224 -Aracely Navarrete
3rd Place Winner of $100 …
#136 - Marianela Garcia
Lenten Challenge Almsgiving Results …
Knights of Columbus #7343
Mega Raffle 2015!
The Knights of Columbus are holding a
Mega Raffle with a grand prize of $10,000.
2nd prize is $2,000 and 3rd prize is $1,000.
Tickets are $100 each and only 200 tickets will be
sold. Get your ticket today by contacting Peter
Shurland at 704-535-0825, or any member of the
Knights of Columbus. All proceeds benefit local
charities. The drawing will be held June 16th !
Jordan Michael Horeth Scholarship
A scholarship fund was established in memory of Jordan Michael
Horeth, a 19 year old lifetime member of
SJN who died on April 7, 2009.
This $2500 scholarship will be awarded to a college bound student in pursuit of furthering their education on a full time basis at
an accredited college or university. The applicant’s family must
be active, current members of St. John Neumann
at least three years.
This is a very unique scholarship. While the applicant’s
academic history is important, it is a small component
of the overall criteria.
All high school seniors are encouraged to apply.
For specifics or to apply, you may download the application from
the SJN website - www.4sjnc.org.
All applications must be received no later than May 27 st, 2015.
The Sunday Morning Family Fellowship Coffee
and Baked Goods will be held on Sunday, May 3,
2015 after the 8:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Masses.
It will be hosted by our Finance Council,
3rd Order Franciscans and Friends of the Parish.
Please come bring your family or just yourself
and enjoy!
Week #1 and throughout Lent – Operation Rice Bowl: Total
amount raised was $1,411
Week #2 – Men's Shelter of Charlotte - 3 overloaded boxes of
men's coats, hats and gloves.
Week #3 - SJN Food Pantry - approximately 35 bags of food /
toiletry items collected
Week #4 – Refugee Resettlement Office – 54 blankets
Week #5 – St. Luke’s Mission Church – 12 boxes of children’s
Weeks #6 – Men’s Shelter of Charlotte – Enough pillows and
bedding to completely fill a mini-van
As always, SJN Parishioners were very generous …
and we Thank You!
Parish Financial Report
as of April 19, 2015
April 18 & 19
- 413.87
Year To Date
741,357.56 714,500.00
277 donors
- 15,299.24
Simplify your life with e-contributions.
Log on to www.myowngiving.com/Default.aspx?
cid=331or call the Par ish Office for mor e info.
Counters Needed!
Are you good with numbers?
We are in need of counters to help count the
collections on Sunday mornings.
If you can volunteer one Sunday per month, please
contact Carola in the parish office at
4th Sunday of Easter
April 26th, 2015
Contact Person
Adult Faith Formation
Altar Servers
Anniversary Masses
Baseball, Softball - Youth
Bereavement Ministry
Bible Study Group (Women’s)
Boy Scouts (Troop 12)
Caregiver/Alzheimer’s Support
Children’s Liturgy/Word
Contact Info
Katie Dunne Knoefel
Yolanda Adams
Deacon Jim Gorman
Cathy Schoen
Lisa Cosgrove
Deacon Jim Gorman
Sandra St. Clair
Christi Neal
John Silvestri
Maria Romeo
Lisa Noto
Barbara Coleman
Christmas Giving
Helen Kelleher
Columbian Squires
Andrew Bacik
Community Services
Susan Pingree
Cub Scouts (Pack 12)
Christie Silvestri
Barbara Coleman
Divine Mercy Coordinator
Shea Barja
ER. Medhanie Alem Organization T. Medhanie
Maria Arone
Eucharistic Adoration
Extraordinary Minister
Gloria Burke
of the Eucharist
Family Life
Chris Schneider
Fifty Plus (50 +) Club
Marilyn Bittleman
Food Pantry - SJN
Trish & Gary Neubauer
Glenmary Mission (Cuthbert, Ga.) John & Marion CasaSanta
Greeter Team Leader
Jennifer Doll
Hispanic Committee
Henry Choque
Historical Committee
Homebound Member Visits
Hospitality Team
Knights of Columbus
Legion of Mary
Living Your Strengths
Men’s Homeless Shelter
Muffin Ministry
Music Ministry
Operation Christmas Child
Planned Giving Committee
Piney Grove Ministry
Prayer Chain & Prayer Group
Refugee Resettlement
Katherine Luna
Nancy Fields
Patti Matys
Steve Coradini
Walt Pietrowski
Br. Jude-Leon-McMorris
Susan Krouse
Mike & Karen Horeth
Kathy Sims
Soo-Jin Ridgell
Chris Schneider
Regina Wahl
Bill Romeo
Vanessa Fitzgerald
Linda Johnson
Kristi Maher
Susan Pingree
Vanessa Fitzgerald
David DeBrosse
Joan Gillis
Nancy Fields
Julio Segovia
Janice/Walt Pietrowski
Louis Smith
John & Marion CasaSanta
Regina Wahl
Ann Morlando
Mike Munao
Respect Life Coordinator
Rosary Maker Ministry
Sacristan Coordinator
Stewardship Committee
Tai Chi Classes
Thanksgiving Food Drive
Traveling Chalice
Ushers Coordinator
St. John Neumann is committed to providing a safe environment for all members of our faith community, especially
children and vulnerable adults. Please visit the diocesan
website at www.charlottediocese.org click the
Safe Environment link for additional information for
volunteers, training, as well as reporting ministry-related
abuse of a minor.
Dementia support group—A new Early Onset Dementia Support Group begins on Oct. 21 for both caregivers and
care receivers. The group meets from 1-3 p.m. on the third
Tuesday monthly, in Room 215 at Sardis Presbyterian Church,
6100 Sardis Road. Details: contact SJN's Maria
Romeo, 704-258-1299, or Suzanne Bach, 704-335-0253.
It’s that time of year again…..
All ministries and groups using the church facilities
need to submit a request for space for the 2015-16
scheduling year by June 30, 2015.
The “Application for Use of Facilities” forms are
available in the Parish Office, and on the
SJN Website, www. 4sjnc.org. You can link to an
online form by selecting the “Calendar” web tab
located on the SJN Website.
Call Regina Wahl, 704-535-4197 with any questions.
Did you know that SJN
offers Holy Yoga on
Thursdays at 10:00 am in the
Mini Hall? And recently, Chair
Holy Yoga, for those who
cannot get on the floor to exercise, was added, on Thursday at 11:45, also in the Mini Hall. Holy Yoga incorporates
gentle stretching and strengthening poses with Scripture,
reflections and Christian music.
All are welcome.
No charge, but a donation is accepted.
For questions, call Kristi at 980-245-8844.
Elsewhere in the Diocese...
Crusader Tennis Camps at Belmont Abbey College
Players of all levels, ages 6-18 are invited to are invited
to take part in fun, affordable and virtue-building tennis
camps this summer at Belmont Abbey College.
Please visit www.CrusaderTennisCamps.com for more
information and to register for the camps or contact Head
Coach Mike Salomon
at crusadertenniscamp@gmail.com or
call 202-460-0031.
For details about other sport camps taking place this
summer at Belmont Abbey, visit
4th Sunday of Easter
April 26th, 2015
Business Manager Needed:
St. John Neumann Catholic Church, is seeking
a Business Manager.
Applicant must be knowledgeable in
Accounting & Payroll, self-motivated, familiar
with Human Resources, and operate in a
position of management.
If interested, please email your resume to
To read more about the
position, please visit our
website at www.4sjnc.org and
click on “Employment
Opportunities” on the left.
Elsewhere in the Diocese . . .
FIAT Discernment Day with the PCPAs---All high
school and college-age young women interested in learning
more about our life as Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration are
invited. The event will be held Saturday, May 16 at St. Ann
Catholic Church in Charlotte from 8 am to 12 noon. The day
will include Adoration, Confessions, Holy Mass, breakfast,
talks with the Sisters and Q&A time. The event is free, but
those attending are asked to RSVP to
vocations@stjosephmonastery.com by May 4.