This application is for prospectus yearbook staff members for the 2015-2016 school year at LCMA. Yearbook is a full-year elective for 8th grade students. The yearbook is a challenging but rewarding production. This production takes a lot of time and money. As a member of the staff, you will accept the rights and responsibilities attached to the production of our yearbook. Understand that the yearbook is something that people pay for so it must not only be completed but it must also be of high quality. The DEADLINE for this Application is Wednesday, May 13, 2015. Submit to Ms. Clark on or before this day. You may submit your application via email to or in person. As you compile your information required, please remember to think about how you plan to present it. The yearbook is a visual presentation; therefore, I am looking for creativity. You may use any software program such as PowerPoint or Microsoft Word, cut and paste, scrapbooking techniques, etc. Be creative and have fun! The following contents must be placed in your application/portfolio to be considered for yearbook: Basic Information needed: -Name -E-mail address that will be used for yearbook class -Schedule of this year’s classes: class period, subject and teacher School Status: -School activities/clubs that you are involved in -Average minor infractions per six weeks and why they were given -Your last report card grades-List each subject and grade or provide a copy of report card Minimum Requirements for a yearbook student: -Maintain a 3.0 overall GPA -Devote extra time before and after school to yearbook. Not all work can be done during class. You will have to attend any event scheduled for your assignment. -Sell a minimum of one advertisement. This is a mandatory part of your grade. -Complete each section deadline on or before due date. Failure to meet a deadline will result in a failing grade for the assignment. Do you and your parents/guardians agree to the above requirements? Being creative is extremely important when it comes to creating a yearbook. It needs to be as interesting and as exciting as possible! What are some creative ideas you have for the yearbook? Explain the strengths you would contribute to the yearbook. For example, you are a creative writer or good at grammar; you have computer software experience in Adobe Photoshop; you have great leadership skills; you are extremely organized or that you turn everything in on or before the due date, etc. Cite an example from past experiences that demonstrate these strengths. Why are you applying for yearbook? What experience do you have with a digital camera? What do you think makes a good photo? Do you have any experience with digital photography and the computer? If so, what? Do you like to take photos? Please consider the following requirements for all yearbook students: *Students must sell at least one advertisement. This is a mandatory part of your grade. *Students must participate in fundraisers. *Students need to have a digital camera. A flash drive just for yearbook to store required photos and other information is also needed. *Students must research, interview, take photos and write articles. This will include being able to stay after school on occasion for after school activities. *Students must meet deadlines; turning in late work is not an option. *Students must be able to spend time in a productive manner. *Students must be able to work independently as students will be working on different things. *Students must be able to handle multi-tasking. *Students must be very responsible. *It is recommended that students have excellent organizational skills and are able to keep up with paperwork Please read the following statement. I realize that should I be accepted as a member of the yearbook staff for next school year, I am accepting the responsibility for raising money by selling ads, interviewing teachers and students, taking good quality photos, writing page layouts, and meeting deadlines. In order to do this I am required to do work outside of class time that will be based on carrying out these responsibilities. In addition, I have shared this information with my parents and they are in agreement. Student Signature _____________________Date______ Parent/Guardian Signature____________________________ Date______
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