Order your copy of the WMS 2014-2015 Yearbook Teen, Food and Fitness Newsletter WCS Successory Nomination Form WMS Veteran’s Day Ceremony Invitation Woodland Middle School Announcements Monday, October 27, 2014 Ravenwood High School Announcements Centennial High School Announcements Today’s Happenings…. Congratulations to our October Students of the Month: Cherokee – Jasper Vasilevskis Choctaw – Ava Lavigne Shawnee – Reece Curling Chickasaw – Min Kalasikam Iroquois – Andrew Kiepek Eighth Grade – Kailee Lingelbach Eighth Grade – Cameron Allen *Parents please do not pick up your students in the Somerset neighborhood at the end of the day* We need your help at the intersection of Crockett Road and Volunteer Parkway. Apparently there have been several close calls while students are crossing the road in the crosswalk. We are concerned for the safety of all our students so please be aware when proceeding through this intersection that children are present. Thank you for your help. Early Dismissal Process Parents, If your child is going to be dismissed early, please have them bring a note to the office in the morning so that they can get a blue slip. It is the student’s responsibility to leave class at the time on their blue slip. Schedules change and students are not always in the class indicated on the computer. We understand that sometimes appointments are made after the student has come to school. In that case, please call the school in advance of you coming to the school. Students are not permitted to leave their class to wait for you, without a blue slip. Thanks for your cooperation! UPCOMING: Red Ribbon Week This year Red Ribbon Week is October 27th-31st! This year's dress up days are: Tuesday-"Dynamic Duos defeat Drugs", dynamic duo/twin day Wednesday-"Don't go Wacky on Drugs", dress in your wackiest wear (no pajamas) Thursday-"We have the Power to be Drug Free", superhero day Friday-"Show your Character, say no to Drugs", Disney day This week is going to be a blast! Don't forget to dress up, bring money for the bake sale Friday October 31st, and be drug free! YEARBOOK SALE UPDATE **The price goes up November 1! This is the last week of the lowest price ($40) for the yearbook. On Saturday, November 1, the price goes up to $45. Thank you to the 430 families who’ve already purchased a copy of the yearbook! JOB #: 2516 Order online: www.yearbookordercenter.com Over the phone: 1.866.287.3096 Via mail: An order form has been mailed to your home, or you can print the one attached. Fill it out and return it with a check. Do not send cash in the mail. *All ordering is done directly through Herff Jones Yearbook Company. Do not send any orders to school. Power Mondays for remainder of the first semester: November 10th and 17th December 8th **8th grade play practice is cancelled for today. Please be there on THURSDAY** All Dancers please pick up your team picture order form if you haven’t already. Pictures will be after school on Wednesday starting at 3:30 p.m. **Parents please plan to attend a very important meeting with a Homeland Security agent on November 13th at 6:00 p.m. in the RHS RPAC** The presentation will provide you with invaluable information about the threat of online predators, cyberbullying and more. Most importantly, you will leave with action steps and strategies to protect your children in the digital age. This is for PARENTS ONLY. Don’t forget to make plans to attend Woodland’s Veteran’s Day Program on Tuesday, November 11, 2014. Program will be held in the gymnasium and begin at 8:30 a.m. All veterans and active duty service personnel are invited. **Reminder for Dress Code – If you are wearing leggings make sure your top is fingertip length.** SPORTS: Wrestling Cheerleading– Mat girls are reminded of the first match on Tuesday October 28th at Freedom Middle School. Be there by 3:45 p.m. Swim - Woodland Middle's swim team competed against 28 area middle schools on Saturday in Lebanon and in a close ending, they finished 2nd place overall! The Girl's team came in 2nd as well, and our boys’ team came in 1st! Congratulations on a terrific meet with several of our students placing first and scoring in the top 16. Way to go Warriors! CLUB NEWS: Newspaper – Newspaper will meet this Wednesday after school until 3:30 p.m. OTHER: Drive Away Hunger Challenge The Drive Away Hunger Challenge has begun and goes through Oct. 31st. Instead of taking family-sized items (cans of green beans and boxes of mac-and-cheese) we will be collecting single-serve items for the Fuel Bag Program at GraceWorks. Credit will only be given for these single-serve items. Examples are available on the posters, and sample items are on display outside the office. As well as collecting these single- serve items, money is accepted. $1 = 3 items. *For parents who want to get a head start on information gathering, Ray Scheetz and Karen Mauldin will be presenting an IB Program overview on Thursday, November 6, at 6:30 pm in the FHS library* See attachment for Gifted and SPED parents. Williamson County Schools is committed in its fight against bullying. Earlier this year the district unveiled a new anti-bullying hotline. Parents and students are encouraged to call the hotline if they have witnessed or know of instances of bullying. The toll free number is 1-855-284-0669. Incidents can also be reported via email at bullying@wcs.edu
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