PAYMENT INFORMATION Cash Total STRAWBERRY CREST HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOK $ _________ SENIOR DEDICATION ADS + BUSINESS AD SALES Check Total $ _________ Check # _________ Make out checks to Strawberry Crest High School | No PO boxes please Please write “yearbook” on the memo line Include the student name + student number if applicable Money Order $ _________ Mo # __________________ Payable to SCHS The Tradition Continues... Now is the time to purchase your personal or business ad for the 2015 SCHS Yearbook. Please see the inside of this form for pricing and ordering instructions. Your purchase of an ad not only shows pride in your student, it also helps us to produce a nationally recognized book that shows pride in our school and community. You will receive your receipt through the mail. Thank you for your support! YBK STAFF USE Payment received | Receipt # _______ Option #1 Art Received Option #2 Pictures + Text received Senior ads designed by yearbook staff Please see art option #2 for details Ad design will vary Morgan Miltner | Yearbook Adviser Deadline for payment, artwork, and/or pictures is Friday, October 17, 2014. Sumbit payment as early as possible to reserve your spot as space is limited. Ad sheets and payment submission ATTN: Morgan Miltner, Room 125 4691 Gallagher Road Dover, Fl 33527 STRAWBERRY CREST HIGH SCHOOL YBK AD ORDER FORM SIZES AND ART OPTIONS Please complete and return this advertising contract (or a copy). Full Page $400 dimensions 8 1/2˝ wide x 11˝ high Contact Name ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Half Page $275 dimensions 8 1/2˝ wide x 5˝ high Quarter Page $170 dimensions 4˝ wide x 5˝ high Eighth Page $80 dimensions 4˝ wide x 2 1/2˝ high Business Name (If business ad) _______________________________________________________________________________________ Student Name (If personal ad) _____________________________________ Student Number ___________________________________ Is this ad to be kept a secret from the student? yes no E-mail Address __________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is how you will receive your ad proof and is our primary way of communication. Street Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is how you will receive your receipt. City / State / Zip Code _____________________________________________ Daytime Phone _________________________________ WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO? I would like to purchase an ad! [see next page to select size and art option] I would like to make a donation in the amount of $________. I would like to buy an angel book in the amount of $60 for a student in need. No, thank you. [please sign and attach business card | counts as 50 points for yearbook staffer] Signature _________________________ Business name ________________________________________________ Art Option #1 You submit your own ad design ready to print in the yearbook Please supply a JPG or PDF in actual size. 300 DPI or greater. You may send in disc format, on a flash drive, or through email to Hard copies are only accepted for business cards to be scanned in. Art is due by Friday, October 17, 2014. Art Option #2 The yearbook staff creates your ad from digital pictures and text See examples of back of order form Submit your digital photos to and supply the text for your ad in the body of the email. Then, sit back and let the YBK Staffers work their magic! You will receive a proof of the ad for your approval through email before the ad is submitted to be printed. Pictures and text are due by Friday, October 17, 2014. Full Page 15 picture maximum Half Page 10 picture maximum Quarter Page 5 picture maximum Eighth Page 2 picture maximum DON’T FORGET TO BUY A YEARBOOK! [You get the lowest price of the year] Yearbook $60 Yearbook + Autograph supplement $65 Yearbook + Name stamp $70 Yearbook + Name stamp + Autograph supplement $75 Yearbook staff member name ___________________________________________________________________________ Yearbook students receive credit towards their grade for attempting to sell ads Getting rejection signatures from businesses provides proof. _______________________________________________ Name stamp - please print - 23 characters max
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