For each full or half page you obtain for
the sponsor section in the yearbook, you
can include one photo which will be
judged for the prestigious Cover Girl
Contest! One Cover Girl winner will be
chosen from each Cinderella age
division and will win an official
Cinderella State round crown and satin
embroidered banner!
Enter for FREE!!!
For each ad you acquire, 50% of the
advertising fee will go toward your State
Pageant entry fee. If you gather enough
ads to cover your entry fee (or if your
entry fee is already paid in full), any
additional monies earned are credited
towards your trip with us to the Worldwide Cinderella Pageant in Las Vegas or
may be issued as a Cindy Gift Shop gift
Support Award
The contestant who sells the most full
page ads (minimum 5) will win the
Community Support Award and be
featured in a special section of the Cindy
Yearbook. In addition, she’ll receive an
official Cinderella round crown and satin
embroidered banner on stage!
Cover your competition fees, earn Cindy Gift
Shop gift cards and be a part of our photo
contest by asking friends, family and/or
businesses to sponsor an ad page featuring their
business or best wishes note, along with your
photo, in the 2015 yearbook! (Examples pictured
above and on opposite pg.)
The Cover Girl contest is an OPTIONAL contest,
created to give participants an opportunity to
earn money towards their entry fee and an extra
chance to win a state-level crown and banner. !
What to do… !
State Pageant contestants wishing to take part in this contest
and appear as a model in the souvenir Cinderella Yearbook
will seek to acquire customers to purchase space, known as
“ad space”, in the yearbook. Your customers can be
companies or individuals wishing to promote their business
or product to hundreds of families in Pennsylvania or you
may find friends & family wanting to tell you “Good Luck!”,
“We love you!” and “Best Wishes!” in the form of a nice big
page in the yearbook featuring your beautiful face.
How to do it… !
So you have sponsors for your pages in the book. Now what? !
The advertiser can design their own page or you can create the
page for them. If promoting a business, you can use their business
card, website or any promotional materials they may have to create
the ad. Don’t forget to include your picture!
Tips for finding
• Give the enclosed letter to potential
sponsors. Whether mailing or handdelivering, always include a picture of
yourself and a short hand-written note
from you, thanking them in advance.
• Think about people you do business with
on a regular basis or family that may
want to help you meet your goal. Write
them down and set aside a date to visit
• Visit them in person! It will show that you
are motivated and truly a dedicated
person. Be sure to dress within the
Cinderella standards of modesty and
• Don’t forget your manners. Always follow
up with a thank you note. Whether you
are thanking them for supporting you or
just for their time, we always want to
remember to send a thank you note!!!
Sometimes they’ll order an ad AFTER
receiving your thank you note because
they are impressed by your manners!
• Use the enclosed Record Sheet to keep
track of your sales. (This sheet is for your
use only and should be sent in only once,
including all ads you have acquired.
Please do not send a record sheet with
individual submissions.)
Pages that are completely designed and ready to go are
considered “print ready”. You’ll email these print ready pages
as .jpeg files to
Don’t worry, there is also an option to have our printer design the
pages for you at a cost of $10 each. All you’ll need to do is email
the content to us as .jpeg attachments. (This .jpeg thing is very
important, by the way.) Don’t forget to include your photo and any
other text, info and images you’ll want on the page. We’ll take it
from there!
When sending your pages, please include participant’s full name
and the size of the ad enclosed (full or half).
Payments should be made out to PA Cinderella and mailed, along
with the order form, to: PA State Cinderella Office, ATTN: Tanya
Rice - 244 Molly Drive - Canonsburg, PA 15317.
More Ad Page Examples: