TERMS OF REFERENCE LCRD Job Position: Climate change and regional development specialist Date: 04-15 Content 1. Background ............................................................................................................................... 2 2. Objective .................................................................................................................................... 2 3. Responsibilities ......................................................................................................................... 2 4. Profile ......................................................................................................................................... 3 4.1 Education ........................................................................................................................... 3 4.2 Experience .......................................................................... ¡Error! Marcador no definido. 4.3 Organizational Skills.......................................................... ¡Error! Marcador no definido. 5. Terms and conditions............................................................................................................... 4 6. The selection process .............................................................................................................. 4 7. Deadline for application ........................................................................................................... 5 1 Terms of Reference 1. Background The “Low Carbon Resilient Development” program in Colombia began its work in 2014 supported by USAID and USFS. The program is aimed at supporting the national and local governments in Colombia to improve their resilience to climate change impacts and lower their future greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions while integrating the three levels (national, subnational and local). The program will provide support to national level governmental entities to develop and implement their Sectorial Mitigation Action Plans (SMAPs) and advance in incorporating climate change resilience criteria and considerations in their planning processes. It also aims to help local authorities and organizations in selected cities to implement actions to improve their resilience to climate change impacts and pursue low-carbon development options demonstrating the effects of different implementation options. 2. Objective Support the implementation of the sub national strategy of the Colombian Low Carbon Development Strategy (CLCDS) aligned with the implementation of CONPES 3819 of 2014 to consolidate the system of cities in Colombia for what concerns climate change adaptation and mitigation actions. As well as supporting other climate change activities including National Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) and monitoring and reporting schemes of climate change measures that are related with regional development. 3. Responsibilities Support specific components of the sustainable vision planning of the system of cities. Coordinate with sectorial national entities and CLCDS, enabling environments to implement the SMAPs mentioned in the CONPES 3819 of 2014. Coordinate with the city component of the LCRD program and the subnational strategy of CLCDS, the implementation of the climate change strategies at sub national and regional level, to what is prioritized for the implementation of the CONPES 3819 of 2014, in order to strengthen the decision making process to generate public policy and project implementation. 2 Coordinate with the MRV component of the CLCRD program in alignment with the GOC, the construction of the monitoring and reporting schemes for the climate change related programs and projects related with regional development. Involve relevant public and private stakeholders in the implementation of climate change strategies related with regional development. Support specific NAMAs that are related with regional development. Support specific components of the drafting of the CONPES of sustainable urbanism and construction. Participate in and identify other staff to participate in EC-LEDS1 trainings with inkind resources for other staff participation provided by GOC and other organizations and donors. Facilitate to the National Planning Department the participation in National System of Climate Change and ensure integration of cross-sector CLCDS considerations and awareness of other related program activities. Coordinate on a regular basis with the CLCDS team from the National Government and report on progress under the different stages of CLCDS. Support the analysis, development and/or modification of enabling policies or regulations having direct impacts in low carbon development and climate change adaptation. 4. Profile 4.1 Education Colombian professional with a bachelor title in applied science in economics, architecture, civil or environmental engineering, and MSc. degree in the fields of urban/regional/territorial planning, sustainable territorial development or regional economics. 4.2 Experience 1 Colombian national with a minimum of four (4) years’ experience working on sustainable regional/territorial planning, sustainable urban/territorial development, promoting urban/regional resilience; Knowledge of the Colombian land-use planning sector and regional planning (operation and regulation); Enhancing Capacity for Low Emissions Development Strategies 3 Demonstrated ability to provide technical leadership to effectively work with a broad range of interested parties, across varying capacity levels in order to catalyze improved low carbon development and climate adaptation strategy outcomes; Good command of spoken and written English. Demonstrated skills to hold a technical conversation in this language. 4.3 Organizational Skills Capacity to work well in interdisciplinary groups Ability to establish collaborative relationships and projects Manage time effectively to meet deadlines Capacity to work independently Ability to acquire needed resources 5. Terms and conditions International contract through METI (Management and Enginiering Technologies). Short term contract. Daily rate modality according to planning of activities. Availability to participate in meetings and workshops in Colombia. To apply, please send an email with your CV to mcarter@lcrdcolombia.org; amogollon@lcrdcolombia.org before the deadline. Any application received after that date will not be considered in the process. Only those candidates who provide specific and comprehensive information to support each of the advertised requirements of the vacancy announcement will be considered for interview. The Human Resources Office accepts and considers only applications that are associated with a specific vacancy announcement. 6. The selection process Applications’ screening, testing and interviews are normally completed within three weeks of the vacancy announcement’s closing date. Please assume that you were not selected if you have not heard from us within three weeks of the vacancy announcement’s closing date. 4 7. Deadline for application Deadline for application: April 22th 2015, 17:00 hrs The submission deadline for inclusion within the weekly Climate Change Job Vacancies Update is April 22rd @ 17:00 hrs EST (Eastern Standard Time). A weekly Climate Change Job Vacancies Update regarding new job postings on this page is distributed exclusively through the CLIMATE-L list every Wednesday. read more: http://climate-l.iisd.org/about-climate-change-job-vacancies 5
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