4/28/15 E-News - La Costa Canyon High School

 April 28, 2015 Volume #13 April 28, 2015 Dear Mavericks, Please be mindful when parking on the streets around the LCC campus. We have had complaints from our neighbors about students and parents blocking driveways during drop­off, pick­up and during extra­curricular activities. We appreciate your cooperation. This week, Mrs. Garman, Mr. Van Over and I will be presenting in all senior classes. We will be going over end of the year activities and expectations. Please take a moment to review the following link for more information: ​
Senior End of Year Information Please reference the AP testing schedule Mon, May 4​
: Chemistry, Environmental Science, Psychology Tues, May 5​
: Calculus AB, Calculus BC Wed,May 6​
: English Literature & Composition, Physics 1 Thurs, May 7​
: Computer Science A, Spanish Language, Art History, Physics 2 Fri, May 8​
: US History, European History, Studio Art Mon, May 11​
: Biology, Music Theory, Physics C Tues, May 12​
: US Government & Politics, French Language, Spanish Literature Wed, May 13​
: English Language & Composition, Statistics Thurs, May 14​
: Comparative Government & Politics, World History For more information about these and other AP exams, follow the link:​
AP Exams Thank you, Bryan Marcus Upcoming Events Wed, 4/29 ASB Event: Everyone’s Birthday, 11:55am SBAC Performance Task Testing Thurs, 4/30 Graduation Speeches ​
due in writing ​
to Mrs. Sorensen (Admin Bldg) Thespian Showcase, 6­9pm, Performing Arts Center Grad Night Fundraiser at Pandora’s Pizza SBAC Performance Task Testing Fri, 5/1 College Declaration Day Intent to Perform at Graduation forms due to Mrs. Sorensen (Admin Bldg) Spirit of Mav Luncheon, 12­12:30 CA Physical Fitness Test, 3­4:30, LCC Home Bleachers (also, Fri, May 8) Sat, 5/2 LCC Padres Night & Maverick Brigade at Petco
Park, 5:40pm, Padres vs Rockies, SAT Subject Tests (must be pre­registered) Mon, 5/4 AP Testing Begins (through Fri, May 15) Teacher Appreciation Week Weds, 5/6 Town Hall Meeting on Underage Drinking, Theater, 6:00­7:30 PM. Many teachers are giving extra credit. Thurs, 5/7 Bike to School Day (all bikers get a treat!) Comedy Sportz, 7:30pm Fri, 5/8 CA Physical Fitness Test, 3­4:30, LCC Home Bleachers American Sign Language Show , 6:30pm, Theater, Free, Come support LCC! Tues, 5/12 CAHSEE Make­Up Exam ­ ELA Wed, 5/13 Mornings with Principal Marcus, 8am CAHSEE Make­Up Exam ­ Math Sat, 5/16 LCC Prom at House of Blues (8­11pm), tickets on sale at finance office $50 w/ ASB, $55 w/o Principal GO MAVS!! Grad Night Fundraiser at Pandora’s Pizza Thurs, April 30​
, 11am­9pm. Mention MAVS and 20% of your dine­in or take­out proceeds to go to LCC Grad Night. Thank you to Pandora’s Pizza, on the 101! ​
(9th­12th) California Physical Fitness Test Fri, May 1 & 8​
. Mandatory for all 9th Grade students enrolled in Independent Study Physical Education (ISPE) & any 10th
or 11th Grade student who has not passed the PFT and is wants to earn Athletic PE credit next year. Click ​
to sign up
and for more info. ​
(9th­12th) Teacher Appreciation Donations & Events Week Sign Up Today​
to help our awesome teachers replenish their supplies to make it through the end of the year. Bring classroom supplies or food items during Teacher Appreciation Week, ​
May 4­8​
. Help is also needed with the special events below. Mon, May 4​
: Breakfast Coffee and Bagels Tues, May 5​
: Lunch Wed, May 6​
: Collect donations at drop­off and pick­up AND drop off donations (see list in Sign­Up Genius) Thurs, May 7​
: Organize supplies for distribution by ASB Fri, May 8​
: Lunchtime Dessert To sign up, go to: ​
Sign­Up Genius​
(9th­12th) Graduation 2015 Record your ​
Senior Message​
in Mrs. Sorensen’s office (Admin Bldg), by appointment only, before or after school, at lunch
or with your Government/Econ Class. Didn’t get a form? Get one in Mrs. Sorensen's office. Don’t miss this opportunity! Thurs, April 30:​
Graduation speeches ​
due in writing to Mrs. Sorensen Fri, May 1:​
Intent to Perform at Graduation ​
forms due to Mrs. Sorensen Fri, May 1​
: ​
Grad Night Tickets​
go on sale every ​
Friday at lunch starting​
May 1​
. Bring your release forms (parent signature required) and a check written out to “LCC Foundation ­ Grad Night” for $110.00. Wed, May 6​
: ​
Graduation Performance Tryouts​
, 2:45­4:15, Black Box Theater For more information, see ​
Graduation Information​
(12th) Counseling Corner Counseling Corner​
­ ​
Third Quarter grades are posted on Aeries. Walk Around Progress Report​
If you would like to monitor your student's grades on a weekly or bi­weekly basis, you may
pick up a weekly progress report in the Counseling Office or print it from the link.
SAT Subject Tests Last test date of the school year: ​
Sat, June 6 ​
(registration deadline May 8). ​
(9th­12th) Subject Tests​
are hour­long, content­based tests that allow you to showcase achievement in subject areas where you excel. ​
FAQs for SAT Subject Tests For a complete list of tests your student may want or need to take, see ​
Academic Testing * * * * * * * *
LCC Night At The Padres Game Sat, May 2, 5:40pm The MAVERICK BRIGADE is performing The National Anthem! American Sign Language Annual Show (ASL) The ASL Show is ​
Friday, May 8​
, 6:30­7:30 pm, in the Theater, and it is for free!! Come support LCC! American Sign Language (ASL) The American Sign Language class has a fundraiser on Wednesday, May 13th from 11am ­ 9pm at Brett's BBQ in Encinitas. If you mention LCC, a portion of your payment will come back to LCC's ASL program. No flyer is required! * * * * * * * * Independent Study Physical Education The 2015­16 ISPE application window for Fall & Spring will open ​
May 23​
­ ​
August 12.​
You must apply online by the deadline to be eligible. ​
Independent PE​
(9th­11th) * * * * * * * Town Hall Meeting on Underage Drinking Parents and Students Please Join! Wednesday, May 6th at 6:00 in the LCC Gym. The purpose of Town Hall Meetings is to increase the understanding of underage drinking and its consequences, and to encourage students, parents and communities to address the problem. *Spanish interpretation provided. Smart Start Wed,​
June 10​
, 6:30­8:15pm, in the LCC Theater. To reserve a seat at the last LCC Smart Start session of the school year,
contact Nancy Logan at ​
or 760.310.5310. ​
Smart Start​
(10th­11th) Must Read ­ If You Are College­Bound! Where You Go Is Not Who You’ll Be: An Antidote to the College Admissions Mania​
, by Frank Bruni. ​
Over the last few decades, Americans have turned college admissions into a terrifying and occasionally devastating process, preceded by test prep, tutors, all sorts of stratagems, all kinds of rankings, and a conviction among too many young people that their futures will be determined and their worth established by which schools say yes and which say no.That belief is wrong. It's
cruel. And in WHERE YOU GO IS NOT WHO YOU'LL BE, Frank Bruni explains why, giving students and their parents a new perspective on this brutal, deeply flawed competition and a path out of the anxiety that it provokes.​
Available at the public library. (9th­12th) Contributing to the eNews Do you have information you want to share with the LCC community? Contact Sara Smith, ​
sara.smith@sduhsd.net The deadline for eNews submissions is Thursday at 2:30 PM for inclusion in the following week’s publication. In order to be
approved, your contribution should be related to the LCC school and community and include your name, phone number, email address, and web address if you have one. Approval of external links does not constitute an endorsement or approval of any products, services or opinions contained in the external websites. RESOURCES
Helpful Links http://lc.sduhsd.net/Counseling/index.html https://www.facebook.com/LCCMavs https://twitter.com/LCCMavs http://lcchsfoundation.org http://lccmab.org La Costa Canyon High School 1 Maverick Way Carlsbad, CA 92009 Website: ​
lc.sduhsd.net Phone: 760.436.6136 Fax: 760.943.3539 BRAG BANNERS As the 2014­2015 school year comes to a close and LCC seniors are committing to colleges, MavLife News is offering parents the opportunity to purchase a Brag Banner for their student. Brag Banners have the student’s name, the logo of the college they will attend, and the official Maverick logo. They are a great way to advertise where your child is heading off to in the Fall while also supporting La Costa Canyon's Journalism program. Brag Banners will be hung in the Media Center ­ the hub of our campus ­ for all students to view. At the graduation ceremony, each senior will be presented with their banner along with their diploma. Brag Banners are $40 until Friday, when the price goes up $5; place your order via the Mavericks webstore ​
. Thank you for your support! Go Mavs! RESTAURANT NIGHT Pandora’s Pizza ​
is hosting another restaurant night ​
this Thursday, April 30 ​
to benefit Grad Night… come on out and support LCC’s graduating seniors while enjoying a delicious meal! STAFF APPRECIATION WEEK is next week! Our awesome teachers need to replenish their supplies; please check out the ​
Sign­Up Genius​
to see how you can participate, either by donating items or helping with the following special events: Mon, May 4​
: Breakfast Coffee and Bagels Tues, May 5​
: Lunch Wed, May 6​
: Collect donations at drop­off and pick­up Thurs, May 7​
: Organize supplies for distribution by ASB Fri, May 8​
: Lunchtime Dessert HELP NEEDED Brooke O’Neill is teaching one section of ​
Costume & Fashion Design​
next year. She will need a few sewing machines and related supplies. If you have a working sewing machine in good condition and/or sewing supplies, please email her at brooke.​
. The ​
Grad Night​
committee still needs parents from the classes of 2016, 2017 and 2018 to help plan and carry off this year's Grad Night. It takes a village to plan a safe, fun night for our graduating seniors, and we welcome all willing hands. Please contact Heidi Shobe at hshobe@hotmail.com​
to volunteer your services. Remember, others will be take care of these tasks when your child is a senior… Pay it forward! YOUR LCC FOUNDATION NEEDS YOU! We need enthusiastic parents to help organize the ​
Barn Bash​
this Fall! Some elements are in the planning stages, but the bulk of the work will be done over the summer. Volunteers are needed ASAP, especially a fearless leader (or two or three co­chairs). If you’ve attended this event, you know how much fun it is; and it’s a tremendous fundraiser for your LCC Foundation. Talk to your friends and consider how you can help; email ​
to express your interest and find out more! Please consider becoming a ​
Foundation board​
member at LCC. We have monthly meetings from Sept through June that last 60­90 minutes. Whether you are interested in special events, fundraising, marketing, photography, development ­ or if you just want to be involved ­ let us know. Our Foundation is no different than your PTA/PSTA from elementary or middle school; we are a fun bunch and love our mission at LCCHS. Please e­mail ​
with any questions or to express your interest.