February 23, 2015 - California Landscape Conservation Cooperative

CA LCC NEWS ­­ Southern CA Adaptation Workshop, Rangelands' Ecosystem Services, Hydrologic Change in CA, and More!
The California Landscape Conservation Cooperative
February 23, 2015
CA LCC News & Events
The CA LCC's vision
is to support diverse
and thriving
ecosystems through
lasting cooperative
Visit the CA LCC
website Visit the Climate
Webinar ­ Impacts of Climate Change on Waterbirds of the Central Valley
February 25, 2014
11:00 ­ 12:00 PM PST
Speakers Dr. Joe Fleskes and Elliott Matchett, USGS Western
Ecological Research Center, will discuss their CA LCC­supported
project that is investigating the projected impacts of climate,
urbanization, and water supply management on the habitats
and ecology of waterbirds in California's Central Valley.
Click here for more information.
Visit the National
LCC website Upcoming
Webinar ­ Impacts of
Climate Change on
Waterbirds of the
Central Valley
February 25, 2015
11:00­12:00 PM PST
California Land
March 3­4, 2015
Sacramento, CA
CA Climate and
Agriculture Summit
March 24­25, 2015
Davis, CA
Science for Parks,
Parks for Science
Adaptation Planning Workshop for Southern California Habitats
May 20­21, 2015
San Bernardino, CA
The goal of this workshop is to develop climate­smart adaptation
strategies and actions to conserve priority Southern California habitats,
with a specific focus on four National Forests (Angeles, San
Bernardino, Cleveland, and Los Padres).
If you are a land manager, planner, natural resource specialist, science
CA LCC NEWS ­­ Southern CA Adaptation Workshop, Rangelands' Ecosystem Services, Hydrologic Change in CA, and More!
March 25­27, 2015
UC Berkeley
about Climate
Impacts and
Stakeholders in
April 30 ­ May 1,
Tiburon, CA
National Adaptation
May 12­14, 2015
St. Louis, MO
Open Space
May 14, 2015
Richmond, CA
Spatial Data Science
May 20­23, 2015
UC Berkeley
Understanding the
Ecological Value of
June 8­10, 2015
Arcadia, CA
American Water
Specialty Conference
"Climate Change
June 15­17, 2015
New Orleans, LA
or community partner, or
conservation practitioner working
in this geography, please consider
Click here for more information.
New on the Climate Commons:
Rangelands and Climate Change
Climate change and rangeland scientists, ranchers, and land managers
have developed scenarios to address a primary management question:
How can we maintain viable ranchland and their ecosystem services in
light of future integrated threats? The scenarios represent alternative
futures of climate/land use/hydrological change for the Central Valley,
surrounding foothills, and most of the southern Inner Coast Range.
The project scientists have developed a new article to facilitate use of
these rangeland scenarios "How to Use the Threat Assessments on
California Rangelands Maps to Inform Land Use Decisions" President's Budget Increases LCC Support
Good news! ­­ The President's budget request for
fiscal year 2016 includes important increases for
LCCs to continue our unique work with the
conservation community.
This summary, provides a quick look at the
President's request compared to past LCC
budgets and the justification behind this request.
Other Events
Webinar ­ Updates to the PAD­US (CBI Edition):
Establishment Dates for Temporal Analysis
February 26, 2015
10:00 ­ 11:00 AM PST
CA LCC NEWS ­­ Southern CA Adaptation Workshop, Rangelands' Ecosystem Services, Hydrologic Change in CA, and More!
Kai Foster, manager of PAD­
US (CBI Edition) a national
database of protected lands in
the United States, will present
the newly added attribution on
protected area establishment
date. The database portrays the
nation's protected areas with
standardized spatial geometry
and numerous valuable
attributes on land ownership,
management designations, conservation status and now
establishment dates.
Click here for more information.
16th Bay Area Conservation Biology Symposium
May 2, 2015; UC Berkeley
The Berkeley Chapter of the Society for
Conservation Biology will host Bridging Boundaries
for Effective Conservation a conference for
students, faculty, and professionals to present and
discuss conservation research and policy. Jodi Hilty, the North America Program Director for
the Wildlife Conservation Society, will provide the
keynote speech. Click here for more information or to submit an
Other News
Hydrologic Change in California's Watersheds
A new article "The magnitude and spatial
patterns of historical and future hydrologic
change in California's watersheds," models
climate change impacts on the hydrology of
California watersheds. Authors used
the Basin Characterization Model to project
the magnitude and spatial distribution of
hydrologic changes such as climatic water
deficit, April 1st snowpack, recharge, and
runoff to over 5,000 watersheds. Another new article, "Adapting California's
Ecosystems to a Changing Climate,"
demonstrates how this kind of information is being used across the
state to advance climate change planning.
Good Reads and Listens
CA LCC NEWS ­­ Southern CA Adaptation Workshop, Rangelands' Ecosystem Services, Hydrologic Change in CA, and More!
Adapting California's Ecosystem to a
Changing Climate ­ BioScience
Climate Solutions in California Agriculture ­
California Climate and Agriculture Network
Highlights from the National Workshop on
Large Landscape Conservation Photo of the Week ­ Burrowing Owls!
Credit: Katie McVey, USFWS at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge Forward this email
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California Landscape Conservation Cooperative | CA LCC | 3020 State University Drive East | Modoc Hall, Suite
2007 | Sacramento | CA | 95819