MODERNISE YOUR DOMINO DATA Do you need to access your Domino data without locking it away? Do you need a familiar security model? LDC Via lets you make the most of your organisation’s built-up knowledge, with cloud integration for maximum flexibility. Friendly web interface Application layer Once your data has been imported with our easy-to-use tools, it’s available immediately for searching and reviewing with our custom web interface. A modern, comprehensive application programming interface means that your developers and service providers can easily integrate with your data as you see fit. We have plenty of documentation to help you. Security Performance LDC Via incorporates a security layer familiar to anyone used to Domino: create and update user records, map log-in credentials to “legacy” Domino addresses if required. LDC Via is built from the bottom-up using bestof-breed web technologies, on top of an established document store which is extremely performant and relied-upon by major organisations all over the world. Who? We are all veteran developers, each with a grounding in the venerable Notes and Domino platform. Who better to realise the best way to migrate your data? There is a world outside the NSF, and we understand that your data needs to be accessible, secure (to call us obsessive about that would be an understatement) and genuinely useful. Come and talk to us @ldcvia
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