Steve Weiss, AICP Planning Director LAND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING & COMMENT AGENDA 4080 Lemon Street, 12th Floor Conference Room A Riverside, CA 92502-1409 (951) 955-3200 April 9, 2015 8:30 A.M. Applicants/Representatives: Please be prepared to discuss the following land development applications listed below, at the above referenced PAR/LDC meeting date. LDC Members: Please have your department’s or agency’s requests for additional information or corrections and/or recommended conditions in the County’s Land Management System (LMS) on or before the LDC date. Items on the Meeting agenda will be discussed between the applicant and/or any representatives and the LDC members. The intent of the meeting is to discuss the project with the LDC members, hear their concerns and outstanding issues, if any; and to ask questions. Items on the Comment agenda, generally speaking, are amended projects that have previously been on a Meeting agenda, or are minor permit applications. Items that are on the Comment agenda are there for the purpose of providing a deadline in which the LDC members are to complete their review of the latest map or exhibit(s), identify any outstanding issues, and/or complete their signoffs and, if applicable, recommended conditions of approval. No meeting will occur on any items on the Comment agenda. An action will be taken on each agenda item to either “Clear” or “Continue” each project. A project will be continued if there are issues of concern and/or maps/exhibits are missing important information or are otherwise unacceptable. A project can be cleared if there are no significant issues of concern and all maps/exhibits are complete and satisfactory. If a project reaches a point where the applicant cannot or will not make the necessary changes to the project in order to bring the project into conformance with the General Plan, make it consistent with the subject property’s zoning, and/or protect the public’s health, safety and welfare, the project will be removed from the LDC process and scheduled for a public hearing before the appropriate decision making body with a recommendation of Denial. If an applicant chooses to withdraw project while in the development review process, a written request shall be submitted to the project planner. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you require reasonable accommodations, please contact Desiree Bowie at (951) 955-8254 or e-mail at Requests should be made at least 72 hours in advance or as soon as possible prior to the scheduled meeting. Alternative formats are available upon request. Requests should be made at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. All LDC agendas are available at the Planning Department’s website: LDC Meeting Agenda 1. 8:30am P. Lange 9:00am Transition 2. 9:05am P. Lange PLOT PLAN NO. 25768 – EA42775 – Applicant: Paul Cramer – Engineer/Representative: Robert Wittler – First Supervisorial District – North Perris Zoning Area – Mead Valley Area Plan – Community Development: Light Industrial (CD:LI) (0.25-0.60 Floor Area Ratio) - Location: Westerly of Highway 215, easterly of Harvill Avenue, and northerly of Rider Street - 13.27 Gross Acres - Zoning: Manufacturing - Heavy (M-H) – REQUEST: A plot plan application to construct a new 52,450 square foot animal food production facility on an existing feed mill site. The project proposal includes utilizing a portion of the existing milling operation located on the southern section of the project site. Existing grain storage bins located in the northern and southern portion of the project site will be removed. The project proposal also includes proposed signage for the production facility. – APNs: 317-170-023 and 317-170-020 BBID: 065-914-747 5 min. Break PLOT PLAN NO. 25774 – EA42776 – Engineer/Representative: Psomas, Andrew Walker – First Supervisorial District – Temescal Zoning Area - Elsinore Area Plan: Community Development: Light Industrial (CD: LI) (0.25-0.60 Floor Area Ratio) - Location: Northerly of Highway 15, southerly of Temescal Canyon Road, easterly of Indian Truck Trail, and westerly of Horsethief Canyon Road -12.48 Gross Acres – Zoning: Manufacturing-Service Commercial (M-SC) - REQUEST: A plot plan application to establish a permanent contractor storage yard with a portable office trailer. – APN: 391-070-046 BBID: 926-478-098 Page 1 of 3 Land Development Committee Meeting & Comment Agenda April 9, 2015 LDC Meeting Agenda 9:35am Transition 3. 9:40am P. Lange 10:10am Transition 4. 10:25am Phayvanh N. 5 min. Break PLOT PLAN NO. 25764 – EA42771 – Applicant: Ernesto Sanchez – Engineer/Representative: Joseph Zink– First Supervisorial District – Lakeland Village Zoning District – Elsinore Area Plan: Community Development: Commercial Retail (CD:CR) (0.20-0.35 Floor Area Ratio) - Location: Northerly of Brightman Avenue, easterly of Dowman Street, and westerly of Wood Street – 8,000 Sq. Ft. - Zoning: General Commercial (C-1/C-P) - REQUEST: A plot plan application for an existing automotive body shop which includes a 348 square foot office/administration building and a garage that encompasses 246 square feet. In addition, the application proposes two (2) handicapped parking spaces and modifications to the garage structure which include new flooring and a new garage door. - APNs: 381-223-003 and 381-223-004 Related Cases: CV1400222 BBID: N/A 15 min. Break PRE-APPLICATION REVIEW NO. 1436 - Applicant: Koll Custom Homes – Engineer/Representative: Love Engineering - Third Supervisorial District - Rancho California Zoning Area - Southwest Area Plan: Agriculture - Temecula Valley Wine Country Policy Area (20 Acre Minimum) – Location: Northerly of the Los Nogales Road and Calle Toledo intersection, westerly of Camino Del Vino - 51.54 Gross Acres Zoning: Citrus/Vineyard (C/V) - REQUEST: The pre-application review is for a Schedule D subdivision of 51.54 acres into 5 residential lots that are 5 acres each and 1 open space/vineyard lot of 26.54 acres. APN: 927-450-002 BBID: 096-817-569 LDC Comment Agenda 1. B. Boothe 2. B. Boothe 3. M. Corcoran LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 5506 – Applicant: Lee Arnson – Owner: Francis Gorzny – Third Supervisorial District – Idyllwild Zoning District – REMAP Area Plan: Community Development: Medium Density Residential (CD: MDR) (2-5 D.U./Ac.) – Zoning: One-Family Dwellings - Mountain Resort (R-1A9000) – Location: Northerly of Montgomery Street and westerly of Hill Street – 1.41 Acres – REQUEST: Adjust property lines for encroachment issues and privacy. – APNs: 563-212-022, 563-212-024, 563-212007 and 563-212-027 BBID: N/A PLOT PLAN NO. 14866, SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE NO. 1 – CEQA Exempt – Applicant: Arthur Barber – Engineer/Representative: Daniel Gomez - First Supervisorial District – Mead Valley Zoning District – Mead Valley Area Plan: Community Development: Commercial Retail (CD:CR) (0.20-0.35 Floor Area Ratio) – Location: Northerly Elmwood Street, southerly of Cajalco Road, easterly of Clark Street, and westerly of Carroll Street – 3.2 Acres - Zoning: Scenic Highway Commercial (C-P-S) – REQUEST: The Substantial Conformance proposes to construct a 1,600 square foot office/storage building, relocate 2 hay covers, add a 1,152 sq. ft. mobile home caretaker’s quarters and 400 amp service and signage. – APN: 318-130-012 – Related case: PP14866 BBID: 099-660-026 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 5516 – Applicant/Owner: Michael Jagels, Woodside Homes – Engineer Representative: Jason Ardery, Webb and Associates – First Supervisorial District – Temescal Zoning Area – Temescal Canyon Area Plan: Community Development: Medium High Density Residential (CD: MHDR) (5 – 8 D.U./Ac.) and Open Space Recreation (OS-R) – Location: Southerly of DePalma Road, westerly and northerly of Santiago Canyon Road, and easterly of Indian Truck Trail – Zoning: Sycamore Creek Specific Plan (SP 256) Planning Area 20B (PA 20B) and Planning Area 28 (PA 28) – REQUEST: Lot line adjustment to two existing parcels. - APNs: 290-690-013 and 290-690-014 BBID: N/A Page 2 of 3 Land Development Committee Meeting & Comment Agenda April 9, 2015 LDC Comment Agenda 4. D. Abraham TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 33688, REVISED MAP NO. 1, AMENDED NO. 1 – EA42722 – Applicant: James Rapp/Ron Waleki – Engineer/Representative: David Jeffers Consulting – First Supervisorial District – Glen Ivy Zoning Area – Temescal Canyon Area Plan: Rural Community: Low Density Residential (RC:LDR) (½ Acre Minimum) – Location: Northerly of Hunt Road, southerly of Stone Canyon Road, easterly of Triology Parkway, and westerly of I-15 Freeway – 42.9 Gross Acres - Zoning: One-Family Dwellings – 12,000 Sq. Ft. Minimum (R-1-12000) - REQUEST: The Revised Tentative Tract Map proposes to eliminate the westerly extension of “A” Street to Triology Parkway and provide access easement to Hunt Road. – APNs: 283-140-004, 006, 007, 008, 009, and 010 – Related Case: TR33688 BBID: 713-079-377 5. B. Boothe CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2884, SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE NO. A – Applicant: Glen Eden Corporation – Engineer: K & A Engineering - First Supervisorial District - Alberhill and Temescal Zoning Areas – Elsinore and Temescal Canyon Area Plans: Rural Mountainous (RR), Open Space: Conservation Habitat (OS-CH), Community Development: Commercial Tourist (CT) - Location: Northerly Beardsly, southerly of De Palma, easterly of Indian Truck Trail, and westerly of Glen Eden Road - 154 Acres – Zoning: R-R, R-A-5, R-5 and N/A - REQUEST: Proposal to relocate pool/spa, upgrade café prep room, add 900 sq. ft. awning to maintenance building, all pool equipment building & solar heat. – APNs: 391-070-052, 051, 391-080-009, 391-080-010, 011, 012, and 391-080-004 BBID: 028-078-635 Page 3 of 3 LAND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE INITIAL CASE TRANSMITTAL RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT - RIVERSIDE P.O. Box 1409 Riverside, CA 92502-1409 DATE: March 20, 2015 TO: Riv. Co. Transportation Dept. Riv. Co. Environmental Health Dept. Riv. Co. Flood Control Riv. Co. Fire Department Riv. Co. Building & Safety – Grading Riv. Co. Building & Safety – Plan Check Riv. Co. Environmental Programs Dept. P.D. Geology Section-D. Jones P.D. Landscaping Section-M. Hughes P.D. Archaeology – H. Thomson Riv. Co. Waste Management Dept. Eastern Municipal Water Dist. Southern California Edison Air Qlty. Mgt. South Coast PLOT PLAN APPLICATION NO. 25768 – EA: 42775 – Applicant: Paul Cramer – Engineer/Representative: Robert Wittler – First Supervisorial District – North Perris Zoning Area – Mead Valley Area Plan – Community Development: Light Industrial (CD:LI)- Location: West of Highway 215, east of Harvill Avenue, and north of Rider Street- 13.27 gross acres- Zoning: Manufacturing-Heavy (M-H). REQUEST: A plot plan application to construct a new 52,450 square foot animal food production facility on an existing feed mill site. The project proposal includes utilizing a portion of the existing milling operation located on the southern section of the project site. Existing grain storage bins located in the northern and southern portion of the project site will be removed. The project proposal also includes proposed signage for the production facility. APN-317-170-023 and 317-170-020- Concurrent Cases: CFG06159. Please review the attached map(s) and/or exhibit(s) for the above-described project. This case is scheduled for a LDC meeting on April 9, 2015. All LDC Members please have draft conditions in the Land Management System on or before the above date. If it is determined that the attached map(s) and/or exhibit(s) are not acceptable, please have corrections in the system and DENY the routing on or before the above date. Once the route is complete, and the approval screen is approved with or without corrections, the case can be scheduled for a public hearing. All other transmitted entities, please have your comments, questions and recommendations to the Planning Department on or before the above date. Your comments/recommendations/conditions are requested so that they may be incorporated in the staff report for this particular case. Should you have any questions regarding this project, please do not hesitate to contact Peter Lange, Contract Planner, at email / MAILSTOP# 1070. COMMENTS: DATE: SIGNATURE: PLEASE PRINT NAME AND TITLE: TELEPHONE: If you do not include this transmittal in your response, please include a reference to the case number and project planner’s name. Thank you. Y:\Planning Case Files-Riverside office\PP25768\Admin Docs\LDC Transmittal Forms\PP25768_LDC Initial Transmital Form.docx ARCHI and meridian, in the county of Riverside, State of California, according to the official plat thereof, described as follows: % Rob Mierau 2436 North 48th Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68504 ph: 402 464 6600 fx: 402 464 6810 2436 North 48th Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68504 ph: 402 435 8600 fx: 402 464 6810 Also except that portion of railroad right of way; also excepting therefrom that portion as conveyed to the county of Riverside by deed recorded August 4, 1992 as instrument No. 287672 of official records of Riverside County, California; % Robert Wittler ZONE: M-H LAND USE: LI ARCHITECTURE ETCETERA Except that portion lying northerly of the southerly line of the parcel described by deed to metropolitan water district executed by Anna Pirch, a widow, under date of June 1, 1933 and recorded June 15, 1933 in book 125 page 487 of official records of Riverside County, California; A R C H of beginning; Ayars & Ayars, Inc. Exhibit Prepared By: the southwest corner of said quarter section; thence east on the north line of the tract of land conveyed by Charles B. Bullock and wife to John B. Conrad and George C. Kennard, by deed recorded in book 4 page 104 of deeds, records of Riverside County, California, 1,807.96 feet more or less to the centerline of the California Southern railway right of way; thence northwesterly on the I T E C T Parcel 1: ARCHITECTURE ETCETERA ETC.LLC E R U LEGAL DISCRIPTION That portion of the southeast quarter of section 12, township 4 south, Range 4 west, San Bernardino base and meridian, in the County of Riverside, State of California, according to the official plat thereof, described as follows: section 12; thence easterly, on the southerly line of said section 12, to the southeasterly prolongation of the northeasterly line of said land described to the Sunny Cal Ranch Corporation, to the point of beginning; NEW CHAIN LINK FENCE E ZONE: M-H LAND USE: LI NEW DECORATIVE FENCE NEW DECORATIVE FENCE NEW MONUMENT SIGN PROPOSED NEW BUILDING 52,450 SF N School District Val Verde USD EXISTING FENCE TO BE REMOVED 414.0' E B + TRASH ZONE: M-SC LAND USE: LI AY D .0' " -0 18' SW ROA 439 " Low Low/Moderate 9'-0 VE LA VIL HAR ZONE: I-P LAND USE: BP EXISTING PRE-ENGINEERED STORAGE BUILDING TO REMAIN RES EXP AIL FR 5 "A" Street, Plan #100 Adapted 06-05-1979 IDO OND 29 Specific Plan Liquefaction Potential BNS Riverside County Flood Control district GATE Thomas Bros. Map ('83) Page 99, K4 NEW CHAIN LINK FENCE Major Contours (4'-0" Intervals) ESC EXISTING GRAIN BINS TO BE REMOVED 14 23840 Rider Street Perris, California 92570 Source Of Topography Project: New Pet Food Facility I 362.0' 242.0' Star Milling Co. R I P ADDITION S Water : Eastern Municipal Water District Sewer : Eastern Municipal Water District Gas : Sempra Energy Electricity : South California Edison Company Telephone : AT&T Cable TV : Time Warner FUTURE MASONRY SCREEN WALL Utility Purveyors .0' 0' 662 ZONE: M-SC LAND USE: BP . 664 Also excepting therefrom that portion thereof lying within Rider Street. Land Owner: Perris Valley Properties, LLC % William Cramer 24067 Water Street Perris, CA 92570 (P) 951-657-3143 (F) 951-943-2400 APN: 317-170-023 & 317-170-020 B Corporation, recorded August 20, 1965 as instrument No. 96612 of official records of Riverside County, California, and the southwesterly corner of the Atcheson, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad right of way; Thence westerly, on the northerly line of said land, described to the Sunny Cal Ranch Excepting therefrom that portion thereof as conveyed to the County of Riverside by deed recorded August 4, 1992 as instrument No. 287672 of official records of Riverside County, California; D 604.0' Applicant's Rep: R U Parcel 2: Y Also excepting therefrom that portion described in a deed recorded June 27, 2001 as instrument No. 2001-293960 of official records, in the County of Riverside, State of California. O Also excepting therefrom that portion thereof as conveyed to the metropolitan water district of southern California, a public corp., by deed recorded May 2, 1994 as instrument No. 181561 of official records of Riverside County, California. EXISTING SEPTIC SYSTEM Susceptible GATE GATE R A Subsidence Date Started: E 494.0' RIDER STREET 12-22-14 EXISTING FENCE TO REMAIN T Plot Plan Application 2-26-15 C E EXISTING FEED MILL FACILITIES TO REMAIN ZONE: M-H LAND USE: LI R ZONE: M-SC LAND USE: BP E O U Preliminary not for construction C 14-090 I Archi+etc. L.L.C. T O N 2/25/2015 2:07:13 PM S:\projects\14-090 - Star Milling - New Building\Preliminary\A1.01-1-7-15.dwg E T MONUMENT SIGN 6'-0" HIGH X 12'-0" WIDE CASE: PP25768 EXHIBIT: A DATE: 3/20/15 PLANNER: P. Lange N A 1 A1.01 SITE PLAN SCALE: 1"=100'-0" This drawing and associated specifications is copyright as dated and shall remain in the property of the Architect. No part of these documents shall be reproduced in any form or by any means without written permission from the Architect. A1.01 ARCHI C % Rob Mierau 2436 North 48th Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68504 ph: 402 464 6600 fx: 402 464 6810 2436 North 48th Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68504 ph: 402 435 8600 fx: 402 464 6810 NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16"=1'-0" EXHAUST FAN Y EAVE 141'-0" Applicant's Rep: O U R A 4 A3.01 % Robert Wittler C A R FIN FLOOR 100'-0" ARCHITECTURE ETCETERA Exhibit Prepared By: T EAVE 117'-1 1/2" H I Type Of Construction: Pre-engineered metal building system with Texturewall cladding & MR-22 standing seam roof Ayars & Ayars, Inc. E EAVE 128'-0" EXHAUST FAN ARCHITECTURE ETCETERA ETC.LLC E R EAVE 141'-0" T U Exterior Building Materials: Texturewall IMP B RTU P I FIN FLOOR 100'-0" SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16"=1'-0" A + EAVE 128'-0" ELEVATIONS Thomas Bros. Map ('83) Page 99, K4 B EAVE 141'-0" 23840 Rider Street Perris, California 92570 EXHAUST FAN Star Milling Co. EXHAUST FAN E EXHAUST FAN Project: New Pet Food Facility I N S A 3 A3.01 Land Owner: Perris Valley Properties, LLC % William Cramer 24067 Water Street Perris, CA 92570 (P) 951-657-3143 (F) 951-943-2400 APN: 317-170-023 & 317-170-020 R E D RTU R FIN FLOOR 100'-0" Date Started: T E 12-22-14 EAST ELEVATION Plot Plan Application 2-26-15 SCALE: 1/16"=1'-0" EXHAUST FAN EXHAUST FAN EXHAUST FAN R EAVE 141'-0" RTU RTU RTU EAVE 128'-0" O U TRANSFER FAN Preliminary not for construction E EAVE 118'-0" C FIN FLOOR 100'-0" 14-090 I Archi+etc. L.L.C. T O N 2/25/2015 2:06:43 PM S:\projects\14-090 - Star Milling - New Building\Preliminary\A2.01-1-7-15.dwg E T C E A 2 A3.01 CASE: PP25768 EXHIBIT: B DATE: 3/20/15 PLANNER: P. Lange A 1 A3.01 WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16"=1'-0" This drawing and associated specifications is copyright as dated and shall remain in the property of the Architect. No part of these documents shall be reproduced in any form or by any means without written permission from the Architect. A3.01 ARCHI ARCHITECTURE ETCETERA % Rob Mierau 2436 North 48th Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68504 ph: 402 464 6600 fx: 402 464 6810 % Robert Wittler 2436 North 48th Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68504 ph: 402 435 8600 fx: 402 464 6810 Exhibit Prepared By: Ayars & Ayars, Inc. ARCHITECTURE ETCETERA ETC.LLC E R U T C E T I H C R A R Applicant's Rep: 25'-0" 25'-0" 25'-0" 25'-0" 20'-0" 24'-0" 24'-0" 24'-0" 24'-0" 24'-0" 24'-0" 24'-0" 24'-0" 24'-0" Land Owner: Perris Valley Properties, LLC % William Cramer 24067 Water Street Perris, CA 92570 (P) 951-657-3143 (F) 951-943-2400 APN: 317-170-023 & 317-170-020 25'-0" 17'-0" B 16'-0" D E WAREHOUSE 17'-0" FIN PRODUCT BINS COATING & COOLING DRYER EXTRUDER 100 100 100 100 100 PACKAGING 25'-0" 25'-0" B E 100 HALL + 100 LAB STORAGE 25'-0" BREAK REST REST 100 100 100 REST REST 100 100 PROCESS BREAK PARTS MAINT SHOP COLOR DRY POWDER FRESH MEAT 100 100 100 100 100 100 25'-0" 100 100 125'-0" WAREHOUSE 25'-0" 25'-0" 125'-0" I N S P I 25'-0" R 100 FLOOR PLANPage 99, K4 Thomas Bros. Map ('83) 25'-0" Y 25'-0" 236'-0" 23840 Rider Street Perris, California 92570 150'-0" Star Milling Co. O 386'-0" Project: New Pet Food Facility U TOTAL FLOOR SQUARE FOOTAGE: 52,450 SF A SAMPLE 100 COPY MECH OPEN OFFICE OFFICE 100 E REST Plot Plan Application 2-26-15 REST OFFICE E RECEPTION 100 CONF 100 OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE 100 100 100 100 100 100 22'-0" C 100 T 12-22-14 42'-0" T 100 100 VEST E 100 100'-0" 118'-0" O U R 168'-0" A 1 A2.01 FLOOR PLAN Preliminary not for construction SCALE: 1/16"=1'-0" E N C 14-090 Archi+etc. L.L.C. I T O N 2/25/2015 2:06:23 PM S:\projects\14-090 - Star Milling - New Building\Preliminary\A2.01-1-7-15.dwg Date Started: 100 100 20'-0" R 100 CASE: PP25768 EXHIBIT: C DATE: 3/20/15 PLANNER: P. Lange This drawing and associated specifications is copyright as dated and shall remain in the property of the Architect. No part of these documents shall be reproduced in any form or by any means without written permission from the Architect. A2.01 CASE: PP25768 EXHIBIT: L DATE: 3/20/15 PLANNER: P. Lange LAND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE INITIAL CASE TRANSMITTAL RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT - RIVERSIDE P.O. Box 1409 Riverside, CA 92502-1409 DATE: March 20, 2015 TO: Riv. Co. Transportation Dept. Riv. Co. Environmental Health Dept. Riv. Co. Flood Control Riv. Co. Fire Department Riv. Co. Building & Safety – Grading Riv. Co. Environmental Programs Dept. P.D. Geology Section-D. Jones P.D. Landscaping Section-M. Hughes P.D. Archaeology – H. Thomson Riverside Transit Agency Riv. Co. Sheriff’s Dept. Riv. Co. Waste Management Dept. Temescal Canyon Municipal Advisory City of Lake Elsinore PLOT PLAN APPLICATION NO. 25774 – EA- 42776 – Engineer/Representative: Psomas, Andrew Walker – First Supervisorial District – Temescal Zoning Area- Elsinore Area Plan- Community Development-Light Industrial (CDLI)- Location: North of Highway 15, south of Temescal Canyon Road, East of Indian Truck Trail, and west of Horsethief Canyon -12.48 gross acres – Zoning: Manufacturing-Service Commercial (M-SC)- REQUEST: A plot plan application to establish a permanent contractor storage yard with a portable office trailer.-APN-391-070-046. – Concurrent Cases: CFG 06160. Please review the attached map(s) and/or exhibit(s) for the above-described project. This case is scheduled for a LDC meeting on April 9, 2015. All LDC Members please have draft conditions in the Land Management System on or before the above date. If it is determined that the attached map(s) and/or exhibit(s) are not acceptable, please have corrections in the system and DENY the routing on or before the above date. Once the route is complete, and the approval screen is approved with or without corrections, the case can be scheduled for a public hearing. All other transmitted entities, please have your comments, questions and recommendations to the Planning Department on or before the above date. Your comments/recommendations/conditions are requested so that they may be incorporated in the staff report for this particular case. Should you have any questions regarding this project, please do not hesitate to contact Peter Lange, Contract Planner, email at / MAILSTOP# 1070. COMMENTS: DATE: SIGNATURE: PLEASE PRINT NAME AND TITLE: TELEPHONE: If you do not include this transmittal in your response, please include a reference to the case number and project planner’s name. Thank you. Y:\Planning Case Files-Riverside office\PP25774\Admin Docs\LDC Transmittal Forms\PP25774_LDC Initial Transmital Form.docx CASE: PP25774 EXHIBIT: A DATE: 3/20/15 PLANNER: P. Lange LAND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE INITIAL CASE TRANSMITTAL RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT - RIVERSIDE P.O. Box 1409 Riverside, CA 92502-1409 DATE: March 23, 2015 TO: Riv. Co. Transportation Dept. Riv. Co. Environmental Health Dept. Riv. Co. Flood Control Riv. Co. Public Health Industrial Hygiene Riv. Co. Fire Department Riv. Co. Building & Safety – Grading Riv. Co. Building & Safety – Plan Check Riv. Co. Environmental Programs Dept. P.D. Geology Section-D. Jones P.D. Archaeology – H. Thomson P.D. Landscaping Section-M. Hughes Riv. Co. Waste Management Dept. 1st District Supervisor 1st District Planning Commissioner City of Lake Elsinore PLOT PLAN NO. 25764 – EA42771 – Applicant: Ernesto Sanchez – Engineer/Representative: Joseph Zink– First Supervisorial District – Mead Valley Zoning District – Mead Valley Area Plan- Rural Community: Very Low Density Residential (RC-VLDR)- Location: North of Brightman Avenue, east of Dowman Street, and west of Wood Street8,000 square feet- Zoning: Rural Residential ½ Acre Minimum (R-R-1/2)- REQUEST: A plot plan application for an existing automotive body shop which includes a 348 square foot office/administration building and a garage that encompasses 246 square feet. In addition, the application proposes two (2) handicapped parking spaces and modifications to the garage structure which include new flooring and a new garage door.-APN- 381-223-003 and 381-223-004. Related Cases: CV1400222- Concurrent Cases: CFG06155. Please review the attached map(s) and/or exhibit(s) for the above-described project. This case is scheduled for a LDC meeting on April 9, 2015. All LDC Members please have draft conditions in the Land Management System on or before the above date. If it is determined that the attached map(s) and/or exhibit(s) are not acceptable, please have corrections in the system and DENY the routing on or before the above date. Once the route is complete, and the approval screen is approved with or without corrections, the case can be scheduled for a public hearing. All other transmitted entities, please have your comments, questions and recommendations to the Planning Department on or before the above date. Your comments/recommendations/conditions are requested so that they may be incorporated in the staff report for this particular case. Should you have any questions regarding this project, please do not hesitate to contact Peter Lange, contract Planner, email at / MAILSTOP# 1070. COMMENTS: DATE: SIGNATURE: PLEASE PRINT NAME AND TITLE: TELEPHONE: If you do not include this transmittal in your response, please include a reference to the case number and project planner’s name. Thank you. Y:\Planning Case Files-Riverside office\PP25764\Admin Docs\LDC Transmittal Forms\PP25764_LDC Initial Transmital Form.docx LAND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE INITIAL CASE TRANSMITTAL RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT - RIVERSIDE P.O. Box 1409 Riverside, CA 92502-1409 DATE: March 23, 2015 TO: Riv. Co. Transportation Dept. Riv. Co. Environmental Health Dept. Riv. Co. Flood Control Riv. Co. Fire Department Riv. Co. Building & Safety – Grading Riv. Co. Building & Safety – Plan Check Regional Parks & Open Space District. Riv. Co. Environmental Programs Dept. P.D. Geology Section-D. Jones P.D. Archaeology – H. Thomson PRE-APPLICATION REVIEW NO. 1436 - Applicant: Koll Custom Homes – Engineer/Representative: Love Engineering - Third Supervisorial District - Rancho California Zoning Area - Southwest Area Plan: Agriculture Temecula Valley Wine Country Policy Area (20 Acre Minimum) – Location: North of the Los Nogales Rd. and Calle Toledo intersection, west of Camino Del Vino - 51.54 Gross Acres - Zoning: Citrus/Vineyard (C/V) Zone REQUEST: Schedule D subdivision of 51.54 acres into 5 residential lots that are 5 acres each and 1 open space/vineyard lot of 26.54 acres - APN: 927-450-002 Please review the attached map(s) and/or exhibit(s) for the above-described project. This case is scheduled for a LDC meeting on April 9, 2015. All LDC Members please have draft conditions in the Land Management System on or before the above date. If it is determined that the attached map(s) and/or exhibit(s) are not acceptable, please have corrections in the system and DENY the routing on or before the above date. Once the route is complete, and the approval screen is approved with or without corrections, the case can be scheduled for a public hearing. All other transmitted entities, please have your comments, questions and recommendations to the Planning Department on or before the above date. Your comments/recommendations/conditions are requested so that they may be incorporated in the staff report for this particular case. Should you have any questions regarding this project, please do not hesitate to contact Phayvanh Nanthavongdouangsy, Project Planner, at (951) 955-6573 or email at / MAILSTOP# 1070. COMMENTS: DATE: SIGNATURE: PLEASE PRINT NAME AND TITLE: TELEPHONE: If you do not include this transmittal in your response, please include a reference to the case number and project planner’s name. Thank you. Y:\Planning Case Files-Riverside office\PAR01436\PAR01436_LDC Initial Transmital Form.docx CASE: PAR01436 EXHIBIT: A DATE: 3/10/15 PLANNER: P. Nanthavongdouangsy
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