Mandarin Class – Mr. Kang

Mandarin Class – Mr. Kang
I. Course Objective
The goal of the Mandarin Program is to promote the understanding of the Chinese culture and
to instruct students in the speaking, reading, listening and writing skills of the Mandarin
A. Standard Score Scale to determine grades: A 90-100; B 80-89; C 70-79; D 60-69; F 0-59
B. Homework Policy - Homework is an important component of the learning process. My
expectation is that my students will complete all homework assignments carefully and
thoroughly and come to class prepared to actively participate in the daily activities that
incorporate these concepts. For homework assignment that was turned in late, 20% of the
score will be deducted per school day.
C. The term grade categories are as follows: Tests 50%, Quizzes 20%, Homework 20% and
participation 10%. The term grade accounts for 85% of final grade and final exam accounts
for 15%. The period grades will be submitted to homelogic weekly.
II. Class attendance, Materials and Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism Policy
A. Please be on time to class. If you are absent, please see your teacher for makeup work, quiz
or test.
B. Please bring your text, workbooks, notebooks and other materials as needed to each class.
C. If you are found cheating or plagiarizing, you may receive a 0 on you test, quiz, project or
paper. See standard consequences on page 14 of academic handbook.
III. Assistance
For additional help, please see me. You may reach me through e-mail: or voice mail: 847-718-5928.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- cut -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I have read the above document with my daughter/son and understand the policies of
Mandarin class for the school year 2013 - 2014.
Student name & signature:___________________________________/_____________________________________
Parent/guardian name & signature:_______________________________/_______________________________