Newsletter Edition 09 16th April 2015 Education is a PARTNERSHIP… Education is a partnership between parents, students and teachers. The stronger the partnership, (the closer families and school work together), the better the student’s results, (Henderson & Mapp 2002, Jaynez 2005, Pomerantz Moorman & Litwack 2007, Raynold & Clements 2005) not just on tests like National Assessment Program in Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN), but students stay in school longer and achieve better career outcomes. The educational partnership is not limited to school hours. The partnership is 24/7 and not just in prep class. The parent, student, teacher partnership can be life-long. There are four types of school partnerships: “Partners, Participants, Delegators or Invisible”. Partners are parents who are involved in the formal and informal school activities. The “Partner” parents volunteer in various school activities; they are part of Home and School or School Council. “Participants” on the other hand are more involved in the voluntary activi- ties of a school. “Delegators” see teachers as “experts” and leave the responsibility of educating a child to the teachers. The “Invisible” partners don’t participate in anything to do with the school. They keep home and school separate. decision-making (i.e., parents participate in formal school structures such as Home and School, or School Council) Parent involvement can take many forms: • Parent Participation Program (PIP) Home discussion • Class Rep Program • Discuss school-related issues with children At Nunawading Christian College we welcome parent involvement and participation. We encourage parent partnerships and participation. Looking at our Nunawading Christian College student results, it is very apparent that where the parent, student and teacher partnership and participation is positive and strong, student results are also positive and strong. If you are a “Delegator” or an “Invisible” partner we would like to encourage you to become a “Participant” or a Nunawading Christian College “Partner” in 2015. • Help with homework (not do their home work) School communication • Converse with teachers outside of formal meetings, •Read school/classroom newsletter, emails, SMS, NCC website •Complete annual school parent surveys •Participate in parent information nights and report nights School participation • Involvement in school governance and Involvement in teaching and learning activities in the classroom • Teacher Aide Peter Michalski Primary Principal ANZAC – Lest we Forget Traditions are important. They help shape our culture and values. Over the last couple of weeks, Prep/1 and Yr 1/2 students have studied the values of courage and mateship as they have remembered the 100th Year anniversary of Gallipoli and spirit of the ANZACS. Stories have been read, diggers’ hats worn and symbols of ANZAC studied. A special visit to ‘The Shrine of Remembrance’ to see the eternal flame and the tomb of the “unknown soldier” was moving and respectful. Mr Jim Marshall from the Blackburn RSL also came to explain the flags and uniforms used during the War. Children also enjoyed making ANZAC biscuits and delivered them to the elderly residents at Advent Care Whitehorse, many of whom remember the details of the war. On Friday afternoon, two beautiful wreaths will be made with flowers the children have gathered from home and taken to the Blackburn Memorial. “LEST WE FORGET” Prep/1 and Yr 1/2 certainly will not forget! A member of Adventist Schools Australia. School Staff Update Farewell Mrs Chadwick Last week Mrs Chadwick retired, sooner than anticipated, due to unforeseen family circumstances. She re-assured us that she would be back in a voluntary capacity as soon as her family circumstances improve. We would like to wish Mrs Chadwick God’s richest blessing as she begins this new chapter in her life journey. Welcome Mrs Ugapo Mrs Ugapo is a well-qualified and experienced teacher who migrated to Melbourne from New Zealand. She is married to a minister who is working on a Master’s Degree in Theology. They have 2 wonderful children. We welcome Mrs Ugapo to Nunawading Christian College Primary as she teaches our Year 2/3 class. Mandarin @ NCCP After an extensive search for a Language other than English teacher we are pleased to inform you that from this week Prep – Year 6 will be learning Mandarin. Regrettably, we were not successful in providing a French teacher to replace Mrs Jigau. Our students will be able to learn French when they move to Year 7 in high school. We have employed Mr David Anderson to teach Mandarin. Mr Anderson taught Mandarin a couple of years ago when our French teacher was on leave. We have also negotiated to provide extension lunchtime classes for students who are native speakers of Mandarin. We look forward to learning Mandarin in 2015. Building Update Now that we have relocated the demountable building, we will be reconstructing the junior play equipment on the demountable site in the next couple of weeks. I am sure that our junior students will enjoy the reinstalled play equipment. Forest Edge Camp Archery was on the first day. The bow was pretty heavy but it was really fun. We had two turns each. You had to wear an arm guard so the string didn’t hit your arm. It was fun aiming at the target. On another day we got to go on the flying fox. The view was great!! When you were on the flying fox you could see trees, a lake and other people walking up to the flying fox. By Cooper Greenwell. River sledding was one of my favourite activities that we did at Forest Edge. River sledding is going down a river on an inflatable raft. There were two stages to river sledding. The first stage was just going down the river calmly then it came to the second stage which was like a little rapid. The water was cold and you got stuck around the rocks a lot because it is hard to control the raft. On Thursday we did mountain boarding. It is like a snow board but with big nobbly tyres. You are clipped in going down a hill with a brake. When you get to the bottom you put the brake on but you do not need to. It was scary for some but for others not so much. It was fun as well. By Stewart Stanton Happy Hands We would like to welcome Robyn Parker and Toni Dearham to our Happy Hands team which is held each Tuesday during school terms at NCC. We would also like to wish Natalie Tzanatos all the best as she awaits the birth of the newest member of their family. We hope to see you back at Happy Hands soon. Exciting news from the NCC Primary tuckshop Mothers Dinner Tuesday 12th May, 7pm, Back by popular demand Venue: 72 Tunstall Square Donvale Homemade Choc Chip Muffin Potato & Pumpkin Pie La Porchetta RSVP: to Sonia Brown – by email phone (9877 3555) or pop into the office to tell her. All Primary and Secondary Mums and Carers welcome. Fried Rice New on the Menu Don’t forget to place your orders in by Friday so you don’t miss out! NUNAWADING CHRISTIAN COLLEGE PRODUCTION Thursday, 30th of April, 7pm TICKETS: 9877 3555, 161 Central Rd, Nunawading. Upcoming Events All Primary and Secondary students and families are invited to a special worship service combined with the Nunawading Adventist Church, in the College Gym April Saturday, May 23rd 11:15am-12:30pm 24th - ANZAC Day Chapel 30th - School Musical – The Sound of Music Followed by a light fellowship luncheon May Our theme is: 1st - Mother’s Day Chapel (9:15-10:15am) & Morning Tea (10:30-11:30am) 4-8 - Canberra Tour Grade 6 What does it mean to be someone “after God’s Own Heart” 18-22 - Primary Festival of Faith Speaker: Josh Wood Intern Pastor, Nunawading Adventist Church 23 - Church Service (P-12) in Gym (Combined with Nunawading Adventist Church) Special items from primary and secondary students Praise & Worship led by secondary school students Plan to be there now!
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