HFC Learning Lab Learning Success Center Room A-200 http://learnlab.hfcc.edu learnlab@hfcc.edu (313)845-9643 HOURS Fall/Winter: 8:00 am – 7:30 pm (M, T, W, TH) 8:00 am – 4:30 pm (F) Spring/Summer: 8:00 am – 6:30 pm (M, T, W, TH) Visit us on the web via our QR Code! QR Code Reader available at Google Play (android) and Apple Store (iTunes) Services · Individual/Group Tutoring · COMPASS Prep Workshops · Study Groups Resources · Computers · Printers · Textbooks · Laptops · Calculators · Headphones COMPASS Exam: Score/Course Placement COMPASS Math Exam COMPASS Score HFC Course English WS 0-17 WS 18-77 WS 78-100 Pre-Algebra 0-38 074/077 RS 0-24 Non Placement Non Placement Non Placement 39-99 080/081/100 RS 25-50 Non Placement Non Placement 081 0-45 080/081/100 RS 51-81 081 081/093 131 46-65 110/131 RS 82-100 Non Placement 093 131 66-99 112/115/121/141/150 COMPASS Exam Prep Open Lab Workshops in Learning Lab College Algebra 0-50 112/115/121/141/150 Dates: May 18th – August 17th from 10am-2pm (Mondays only) in Lab D of the Learning Lab. (functions, inverses, domain, etc.) 51-99 153/175 Practice using MySkillsTutor and get help from HFC faculty and peer tutors as you prepare for the COMPASS Exam. Trigonometry 0-50 175 51-99 180 If you cannot attend a workshop, feel free to come to the Learning Lab any time and work on MySkillsTutor or other COMPASS prep in the Math/English Labs. Tutors are available to assist you. (fractions, proportions, percentages, statistics, etc.) Algebra (factoring, equations, exponents, solving, etc.) (sine, cosine, triangles) ESL R 1-37 R 38-51 R 52-64 R 65-72 R 73-79 R 80-86 G/U 1-41 ELI 101 G/U 42-52 G/U 53-62 G/U 63-73 G/U 74-83 G/U 84-89 G/U 90-93 G/U 94-99 ELI 102 ELI 103 ELI 104 ELI 105 ELI 106 ENG 082 ENG 092 R 87-91 R 92-99 ENG 131 R = Reading Proficiency Score, G/U = Grammar/Usage Score Before taking the Reading COMPASS Placement Exam, study: Vocabulary (practice using words you know to help with a word you don’t know) Identifying topics, main ideas, and supporting ideas Interference (practice with suggested or implied meaning, and identifying assumptions) Conclusions (practice with drawing conclusions from evidence) Tone (objective, neutral, critical, ironic, humorous) Before taking the Writing COMPASS Placement Exam, study: Commonly misspelled words (e.g., their/there/they’re, its/it’s, etc.) Punctuation (e.g., rules for comma use, semicolons, colons, etc.) Verb tense (e.g., past, present, future tense) Subject-verb agreement (e.g., singular noun with singular verb, etc.) Fragments and run-ons Pronoun agreement (e.g., we/our, they/them, everyone…he or she, etc.) Capitalization (e.g., proper nouns, titles, etc.) Phillip charged $400 worth of goods on his credit card. On his first bill, he was not charged any interest, and he made a payment of $20. He then charged another $18 worth of goods. On his second bill a month later, he was charged 2% interest on his entire unpaid balance. How much interest was Phillip charged on his second bill? A. $8.76 B. $7.96 C. $7.60 D. $7.24 E. $6.63 Ben is making wooden toys for the next arts and crafts sale. Each toy costs Ben $1.80 to make. If he sells the toys for $3.00 each, how many will he have to sell to make a profit of exactly $36.00 ? A. 12 B. 20 C. 30 D. 60 E. 108 Before taking the COMPASS Placement Exam: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Visit learnlab.hfcc.edu/placement. Practice using the resources at the website. Participate in the COMPASS Prep workshops at the Learning Lab. Take the COMPASS Placement Exam. Schedule an appointment with an Academic Advisor. Register for classes (or repeat steps #1-#5).
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