You are cordially invited to the LEONE EQUESTRIANS INC. HORSE SHOW SERIES Enter online at April 25 - 26, 2015 JUDGES Connie Buckley Ann Ruffner START TIME: Breeding classes - 7:30am Jumpers - 8:00am Hunter ring - 8:00am SAHJA Approved “Big Show” Amenities…Small Show Atmosphere It is hard to imagine that we’ve reached the third show of our 2015 show season! For April, we reintroduce the Hunter Breeding and Pony Hunter Breeding and we are again planning a two ring format. There is the possibility of going to three rings if entries warrant, but it won’t be a last minute decision. Please continue to let us know that you plan to attend, it makes planning an easier task and assures that everyone has a good day. Remember, dropping a note about attendance does not commit you to anything if your plans change. Stalls are available for the April show, reservations must be received by April 17. Make sure you check out the high point standings through the first two shows and don’t forget we will be presenting the high point awards at our final show in August, the SAHJA Championship/ Tie-Breaker show As always, please email Anne Polli,, with any questions. See you at the end of the month! It’s never too early to mark your calendar for the 2015 HORSE S HOW August 22-23, 2015 Special awards and ribbons are presented to high scoring SAHJA members and horses in 18 divisions and points earned serve to break any ties in the yearend SAHJA division standings Leone Equestrians will also present their 2015 high point series awards at this show. Special classes and lots of fun planned so wrap up your summer showing at Leone Equestrians. We’ll see you there! LEONE EQUESTRIANS INC. One horse per entry form please April 25-26, 2015 # Horse Name Age Trainer Home # ( ) Address Barn # ( ) Owner Email Rider A Height Barn Name City/StZIP E-Mail Address Home # ( ) Rider B Sex City/StZIP Address Home # ( ) Color City/St ZIP Date of Birth City/St ZIP Date of Birth E-Mail Address Home # ( ) E-Mail Classes for Rider A Classes for Rider B R I D E R S N UM BERS WIL L NOT BE REL EASED WITH OU T A N OP E N C H EC K ON FILE IN TH E H OR S E SH OW OFF IC E I, the undersigned, assume full risk and responsibility and agree to indemnify and save harmless LEONE EQUESTRIANS, INC and SAHJA, it’s owners, empoyees, agents, and director’s thereof, all and singular from and against any and all liability for injury, loss, costs or expenses or any claims thereof of whatever nature arising or to arise for or on account, or by reason of the entry or entries hereby made by or for myself, person(s) handling or riding my entry, my family or guests. I hereby represent that entry/entries made on behalf of exhibitors under the age of 18, that I am one of the parents or a duly appointed legal guardian, and as such am entitled to make this entry for or on behalf of such minor exhibitor. Signature of Rider A (Must be 18 or over, otherwise signature of Parent/Guardian Rider’s Age Signature of Rider B (Must be 18 or over, otherwise signature of Parent/Guardian Rider’s Age MUST BE 18 OR OVER TO SIGN!!! MINORS MUST HAVE PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE PRIOR TO RELEASE OF ENTRY NUMBER. Pre-entries for stalls are due April 17. Entry Fees Classes ____ @ $20 _______ Stalls # ___ @ $50/per day _______ Drug Fee SAHJA Fee Fri Schooling @ $25 RV’s @ $25/day Other $5 _______ $2 _______ _______ _______ _______ (with payment before April 17) Paid: Cash Ck# Balance Due ____________ ____________ ____________ Make checks payable to “Leone Equestrians” and mail to Anne Polli, PO Box 681, Wilton, CA 95693 NOW ACCEPTING CREDIT CARDS Name on card ___________________ Card number____________________ Expiration date __________________ Signature_______________________ FOR OFFICE USE Show Schedule SATURDAY Ring 1 – 8:00 AM – Lower Sand Ring 1.Warm-Up Equitation – X-bars open 2. Mini-Stirrup Equitation – Jr/Am – x-bars 3. Warm-Up Equitation 2’ 4. Long Stirrup Equitation O/F 2’ 5. Short Stirrup Equitation O/F 2’ 6. Warm-Up Hunters 2’3” 7. Pony Hunters 2’3” 8. Pony Hunters U/S 9. Pleasure - Pony 10. Warm-Up Hunters 2’6” 11. Low Open Hunters 2’6” 12. Low Child/Adult Hunters 2’6” 13. SAHJA Mini Medal 2’6” 14. Low Open Hunters U/S 15. Low Child/Adult Hunters U/S 16. Jr/Am Flat Equitation 17. Almaden Farms Jr/Am Medal 2’9” 18. Jr/Am Equitation Over Fences 2’9”-3’ 19. Child/Adult Hunters 2’9”-3’ 20. Child/Adult Hunters U/S 21. Modified Hunters 3’ 22. Modified Hunters 3’ 23. Modified Hunters Under Saddle Ring 2 – 7:30 AM – Hedge Ring 100. Pony Hunter Breeding – Yearlings 101. Pony Hunter Breeding – Two Year Olds 102. Pony Hunter Breeding – Three Year Olds 103. Best Young Pony (no charge for class) 104. Hunter Breeding – Yearlings 105. Hunter Breeding – Two Year Olds 106. Hunter Breeding – Three Year Olds 107. Best Young Horse (no charge for class) 24. Beginning Jumpers IIc 2’ 25. Hopeful Jumpers IIc 2’3” 26. Warm-Up Jumpers IIc 2’6” 27. Low Child/Adult Jumpers IIc 2’6” 28. Kindergarten Jumpers IIc 2’9”-3’ 29. Kindergarten Jumpers IIc 3’ – 3’3” 30. Child/Adult Jumpers IIc 3’ – 3’3” 31. Training Jumpers IIc 3’3” 32. Training Jumpers IIc 3’6” Ring 3 - Indoor Ring at the conclusion of Ring 2 33. Long Stirrup Equitation – Flat 34. Long Stirrup Pleasure 35. Short Stirrup Equitation – Flat 36. Short Stirrup Pleasure 37. Mini Stirrup Equitation – Flat 38. Mini Stirrup Pleasure 39. Jr/Sr Pleasure 40. Pleasure - Horse 90. Leadline – 7 & under 41. Walk-Trot Pleasure – 8 & under 42. Walk-Trot Equitation – 8 & under 43. Walk-Trot Equitation – Open 44. Walk-Trot Pleasure – Open 45. Walk-Trot Rookie Rider SUNDAY Ring 1 – 8:00 AM – Lower Sand 50. Warm-Up Hunters 2’6” 88. Low Open Hunters 2’6” 89. Low Child/Adult Handy Hunters 2’6” 51. Low Open Handy Hunters 2’6” 52. Low Child/Adult Handy Hunters 2’6” 53. Jr/Am Eq Over Fences 2’9” 54. Child/Adult Hunters 3’ 55. Child/Adult Handy Hunters 3’ 56 SAHJA Child/Adult Medal 3’ 57. Open Hunters 3’ 58. Modified Handy Hunters 3’ 59. Warm-Up Hunters – X-bars open 60. Mini Stirrup Hunters – Jr/Am – x-bars 61. Warm-Up Hunters 2’ 62. Short Stirrup Hunters 2’ 63. Long Stirrup Hunters 2’ 64. Warm-Up Hunters 2’3” 65. Pony Hunters Handy 2’3” 66. Pony Equitation Over Fences 2’3” 67. SAHJA Pony Medal 2’3” Ring 3 – 8:30 AM – Indoor Ring 68. Open Pleasure 69. Jr/Sr Pleasure 70. Walk-Trot U/S – 8 & under 71. Walk-Trot Equitation – 8 & under 72. Walk-Trot Equitation – Open 73. Walk-Trot Pleasure – Open 74. Walk-Trot Rookie Rider 91. Leadline – 7 & under 75. Mini Stirrup Hunter U/S 76. Short Stirrup Hunter U/S 77. Long Stirrup Hunter U/S Ring 2 – Hedge Ring not before 10:30 AM 78. Beginning Jumpers IIc 79. Hopeful Jumpers IIc 80. Warm-Up Jumpers IIc 81. Low Child/Adult Jumpers IIc 82. Kindergarten Jumpers IIc 83. Cloverleaf Medal 84. Kindergarten Jumpers IIc 85. Child/Adult Jumpers IIc 86. Training Jumpers IIc 87. Training Jumpers IIc 2’ 2’3” 2’6” 2’6” 2’9” 3’ 3’ 3’3” 3’3” 3’6” Rules And Specifications RULES: US Equestrian Federation and SAHJA guidelines will be followed. The decision of the management and judges are final. ENTRY FEES: All regular classes are $20.00. Leadline is $10.00. Stalls are available with pre-payment for $50/ night, after April 17th, the cost goes to $60. Friday schooling available at $25.00/horse if you are entered in the show, $35 if you are not showing. BILLING: There will be a $25 charge on all returned checks. No numbers will be issued without an open check on file in the office. A $25 charge will be assessed to any accounts that must be billed after the show’s conclusion. AWARDS:Awards to first, ribbons to sixth. ATTIRE: Boots, collared shirts, approved helmets and britches are required. DOGS: All dogs must be leashed and the leash must be in control of a responsible human handler. Those in non-compliance may be fined an additional $25 which will be added to the owner’s bill, fine is at management’s discretion. CLASS SIZE: classes with 4 entries or less may be combined or canceled. If entries warrant, large classes will be split. ROOKIE RIDER CLASS: open to riders in their first year of showing. MINI STIRRUP: open to junior or amateur riders who have never shown over fences 2’ or higher. SHORT STIRRUP: open to riders 11 and under that are not competing in any class at this show with fences 3’0” or higher or have never shown in previous years over fences 3’0” or higher. LONG STIRRUP: open to riders 12 & over that have never shown over fences 3’0” or higher. PONY HUNTERS: open to ponies 14.2 hands and under ridden by a junior. SAHJA QUALIFYING MEDAL CLASSES: Riders need not be SAHJA members. Points are awarded based on number staring the class. Five points qualifies for the Finals. ALMADEN FARMS/CHRISTENSEN’S JR/AM MEDAL: Open to Junior and Amateur riders. This class may be held over hunter or jumper type fences, 2’9” in height. Three riders must enter for the class to count. Any rider showing in classes with fences over 3’3” in height at this show may not show in the medal. The course must include a combination, two changes of direction and two tests built into the course, i.e. halt, back, etc. Additional testing is at the judge’s discretion. CLOVERLEAF EQUITATION CLASS: Open to Jr. and Amateur riders not showing in any classes over 3’6” in height. To be judged over a jumper course of not less than 9 fences at 3’ in height. To be judged on hands, seat, guidance and control of the horse on a jumper-type of ride. There will NOT be a time allowed and a tone WILL be used to signal the rider to begin the course. Any jumper type bit or equipment is allowed. Jumping penalties will be considered in accordance with USEF Equitation rules. Additional workoffs, after the initial round will be at the judge’s discretion and any number of riders may be asked for additional work. At least three riders must complete the course for the class to count. First and second place in the class qualify for the finals. HIGH POINT LOW CHILD/ADULT HUNTERS PLEASURE EQUITATION SHORT STIRRUP Feb Mar Total Tribal Warrior/C. Thomas 12.5 8.5 21 Snicker Doodle/ S. Kregoski 20 20 Amore Cabo/ M. Clark 19 19 Let’s Rock/M. Peterson 12 2 14 Chiccobello/A. Leong 0.5 10 10.5 Lactic/M. Drescher 1010 Salto/ L. Lafferty 7 7 Candy Crush/A. Leong 6 6 Dahlia MB/C. Brousseau 6 6 Count On Me/M. Biglow 6 6 Rebellious/ S. Allen 6 6 Buckswashler/ C. Clarkson 6 6 Peace Accord/ R. Crooks 5 5 Check List/ N. Harris 5 5 Sir Lance A lot/ S. Kregoski 4 4 Mulligan/K. Wall 44 Ella Enchanted/J. Wright 44 Reggie Robinson/G. Robinson 4 4 Coralana/K. Shapses 33 Palisades/A. Rivera 11 Storm/H. Duecker 11 Booker/ J. Ellis 0.5 0.5 sponsored by AHIMSA Animal Chiropractic Feb MarTotal Eva Nybo 20828 Jody Randolph 111627 Courtney Thomas 101222 Stephanie Sarver 14.5 14.5 Meagan Drescher 11 11 Maddie Biglow 1010 Clea Caddell 1010 Sophia Silveira 99 Katie Munson 88 Julie Ellis 6 6 Alexa Leong 44 Lynnda Ose 44 Lauren Lafferty 22 Dana Clarke 22 Toni Skates 1.5 1.5 Christa Brousseau 11 Brittany Rogers 0.50.5 Meghan Clark 0.50.5 Nadine Meyer 0.50.5 sponsored by Applehead Design Pop The Top/ J. Perez 10 28 38 Booker/ J. Ellis 30 30 Sierra Breeze/M. Byrd 8 4 12 Shiny Red Benze/ H. Garland 12 12 Secret Snowflake/I. Mackani 10 10 Storm/H. Duecker 1010 Rosie/ Y. Vera 10 10 Diamonds Delight/ A. Manzano 10 10 Coralana/ L Lafferty 8 8 Posh My Cherie Amour/ N. Nakamura 7 7 King Tut/ K. Rollison 6.5 6.5 Angus/S. Silveira 66 White Out/ O. Stephens 6 6 Imagine That/ T. Tucker 4 4 Faunti/ I. Mackani 4 4 Synchro Swim/ H. Greene 2.5 2.5 Scarlet Rose/M. Horrigan 2 2 Tye Dye/ A. Summers 2 2 For Pete’s Sake/ H. Adcock 2 2 Smoke & Mirrors/ H. Alechko 1 1 Rebellious/ S. Allen 0.5 0.5 Feb MarTotal White Out/ O. Stephens 34 31 65 Pop the Top/ J. Perez 26 30 56 Posh My Cherie Amour/ N. Nakamura 11.5 20 31.5 Secret Snowflake/ I. Mackani 15 14 29 Tiny Dancer/ L. Ferencz 8 8 Angus/ P. Cliff 8 8 Razzle Dazzle/ M. Tibbits 7 7 Amore Kabo/ H. Lee 6 6 Tye Dye/ A. Summers 2 2 Tigger/ N. Gai 1.5 1.5 LONG STIRRUP Feb Mar Total Beam Me Up Scotty/ K. Kohl 38 31 69 Imagine That/ T. Tucker 22 22 Scarlet Rose/ T. Duecker 17 17 Charlie Tango/B. Rogers 1616 Dahlia MB/ C. Brousseau 16 16 HIGH POINT Countin Secret Cash/L. Burham 8 6 14 Parker/ A. Cossentine 12 12 Secret Royalty/ H. Kenny 11 11 Reggie Robinson/ G. Robinson 10 10 Mulligan/K. Wall 66 Coralana/ L. Lafferty 6 6 For Pete’s Sake/ H. Adcock 6 6 Formal Attire/ M. Petrenko 4 4 Ella Enchanted/ J. Wright 2 2 Kindred/ A. Mangino 16 16 Henderson/R. Lozada 10414 Chapulin/E. Pinedo 10111 Tiki Car/ H. Fox 11 11 Nimbus 2000/ A. Leong 11 11 La Tazerine/J. Merager 0.5 10 10.5 Ligero/R. Lozada 1010 Marley/ C. Landrum 10 10 Lena/ K. Langsdale 10 10 San Rafello/ K. Hay 9 9 Boleybawn Andy/T. Richardson 8 8 Halladio/ A. Barbee 6.5 6.5 King Arthur/ M. Cryder 6.5 6.5 Global Children/S. Zeier 6 6 Pik Con/ P. Bakman 6 6 Tyson/ M. Reynolds 5 5 Azavache/ R. Herrera 4.5 4.5 Hanna/J. Biglow 4.54.5 Oriah/S. Saldo 44 Andino/ G. Lozada 4 4 Puma/K. Hebertson 1 1.5 2.5 Happy/ C. Hirst 2 2 Talavera/ E. Pinedo 2 2 JUMPERS Feb MarTotal Drambuie/ R. Beggs 30 30 Phantasia/ S. Zakskorn 26 26 I Adore Fadora/C. Adamick 24 24 Cesar/K. Munson 2020 Raider/K. Shapses 2020 Lederhosen/K. Hebertson 14418 Zalute/M. Horrigan 6 12 18 DVF Caliente Creek/ W. Tompkins 16 16 Flash Gordon/ H. Fox 16 16 Serving Yolo, Sacramento, Solano Counties and surrounding areas 707-344-7134 /LEONEEQUESTRIANS FOLLOW US! Enter online at 6213 Excelsior Road Sacramento, CA 95829
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