LexTrack Features Overview

LexTrack is a law firm directories and awards management platform.
It enables users to create, track, manage, analyze and collaborate on award submissions. All in one place.
Dashboard. See a snapshot and
status of all on-going directories at
a glance with the LexTrack
Track Referees. Stop worrying
about repeatedly submitting the
same clients as referees. Track
which clients were submitted and
when – across the entire firm.
Manage Matters. Create, update,
re-use matters easily. LexTrack
tracks every version of every matter
you've submitted. Never have to
search old emails or documents
again for a well-written matter.
Search. Use our powerful search
functionality to find anything:
lawyers, matters, referees, clients.
Find anything used in submissions.
Generate Submissions. Press a
button to get ready-to-submit
editable Word and Excel documents.
Reports. Run reports and generate
graphs dynamically with the
LexTrack reporting engine. Use
current and past data to identify
trends and improve your
Reminders. No more stickies.
Remind yourself and others with
directory submission-specific email
and meeting reminders using email
and Outlook calendars.
Track Results. Capture your
rankings and awards performance to
see how well you are doing.
Visualize the results with graphs
over time.
Multi-user Platform. Collaborate,
coordinate, review, edit and track
surveys on a multi-user, secure
Bank-grade Security. LexTrack uses Constant Updates. We stay on top
Anywhere, any device. It doesn't
state-of-the-art security protocols
of updates to forms, practice areas matter where you are: at the office,
for data security. We use strong SSL and anything else that changes with at home, on vacation, by the pool –
encryption to ensure security and directory submissions. Get the latest you can access survey data securely
immunity to eavesdropping.
software release with the press of a from any desktop, tablet, laptop or
button. No down-time. No help from
your IT staff needed.
Be more effective. Stop struggling to simply meet deadlines. Spend your time creating quality survey
submissions that get better results for the firm.
Be strategic (finally!). Leverage past directory performance data to set the firm's strategy. With
LexTrack, you can decide which surveys are worth submitting – and you will have data to prove it.