Ohio Valley Group of Technical Services Librarians Natalie

Ohio Valley Group of Technical Services Librarians
Natalie Bulick, 2015 Conference Chair
510 North 6 ½ Street
Terre Haute, IN 47809
March 16, 2015
Dear Ms. Bulick,
Thank you for applying to provide Library Education Units for Indiana library professionals. So long as the agenda, objectives,
content, course length, and instructors remain the same as submitted, your event is approved for LEUs from 1/1/2015 – 3/31/2017.
A change to even one of these aspects requires re-submission for approval.
The following are approved for Library Education Unit(s):
 KEYNOTE (Victoria Mueller) 1 LEU
 KEYNOTE (Annette Bailey) 1 LEU
 A New Look at Cataloging ETDs in RDA (Andrea Morrison) 1 LEU
 A Library’s Journey from Journal Subscriptions to Articles on Demand (Tina Baich) 1 LEU)
 Getting Started with Library Assessment (Marna Hostetler) 1 LEU
 From RDA to RFD (Joan Milligan) 1 LEU
 Taking a Wider View of Collection Management, or How I Learned to Weed with Confidence (Kitty Marschall) 1 LEU
 Creating New Work Relationships with a WMS Environment (Susan Leach-Murray) 1 LEU
o Identifying Print/Microfiche Holdings for Online Resources (Lorna Newman) 1 TLEU
 The Power of Description: Unique Subject Headings and the Evolving Catalog (Bill Schultz, Jr.) 1 LEU
 Taking it to the Streets: Current Practices in Outstanding and Imaginative Outreach Services (Marilyn Zielinski) 1 LEU
 What’s Next, You Ask: How Public Library Catalogers Create Series Authority Records as a Public Service (Eddie Clem) 1 LEU
 Reinventing Institutional Repositories with Cross-Campus Collaboration (Kayla Siddell) 1 LEU
 Doing Even More with Less: Exploring Automation, Batch Processing and Outsourcing in Academic Libraries (Patrick Roth) 1 LEU
Indiana public library professionals require verification of LEUs following participation in continuing education events. LEUs are
awarded on an hour-for-hour basis and round up at the 30-minute mark. Certificates including a signature from a trainer or other
organization official are acceptable verification of participation. LEU certificates must include the following details:
Name of the organization providing the training
Event name, date and # of LEUs/TLEUs
Participant’s name
Signature of the workshop trainer or other organization official
Individuals are responsible for keeping accurate records of their own LEU certificates. The Indiana State Library recommends each
individual keep a file of his or her LEU certificates through the five-year period for the Librarian/Specialist Certificate to provide in
the event that he or she is audited.
All the best,
Emily Schaber • Certification & Events • Desk 317-234-6217 • FAX 317-232-0002 • EmSchaber@library.IN.gov