:' ¢" .... / News Release GRADUATE RESEARCH CENTER OF THE SOUTHWEST SOUTHWEST CENTER FOR ADVANCED STUDIES RELEASE I~ DllBDIAftLy Box 8478 Dallas, Texas 75205 Dial %3.5211 Area Code 214 AI M.itchell nir.'ctor oj TnjormarioTi . . . LUORA'J.'ORY BXBCVl'nB OPJPICZR I'OR 80U'J.'BWBSIJ' CBNBR !'OR ADVAlICBD 8'1'UDUS Appoint.ant of 1Ir. D.via 11. C.Dh_, Jr., .s .xecutiv. offieu: of the 8arth .nd Pl.net.ry Sci.nc•• labor.tory of seAS, r ••••rch ara of ~ Gradu.te Rese.rch Center of the Southwest, h.. been .nnounced by Dr. Lloycl B.rkDer, the Dall•• Center's ~e.ident. Retiring froa • c.r.er in the U. S•••VY on March 31, 1964, wi~ the r.nk of c....nder, Mr. C.nham brings to the Center. v.ried b.ckground of experience th.t r.ng.. from service in the Antarctic to work in Dav.l per.onn.l .nd budg.t.ry pl.nning in the P.nt.gon. Bi. responsibiliti.s .t seAS will be the h.ndling of .4ainiatr.tive matt.r. of the differ.nt divisions of the labor.tory, •• well •• their budgetary planning. , Working closely with the .cientist., .c.de.tc .taff, .nd clivision he.ds, he will .s.ist with the work involved in ••curing r ••••rch .upport. Be t will also be involved in instrument.tion of ov.r.ll r ••••rch plans, r.gular r.view of laboratory progr.... .nd pcogr••• of r ••••rch effort•• Born in Weis.r, Idaho, IIZ'. Canhul obtained hi. high .chool ed.cation in Righl.nd Park, ~chigan. Be .tt.nded the University of Michigan, Obt.inecl the B.S. degree in . .th...tic8 fro. Wayne St.te Univ.r.ity. ae .1.0 .ttea4e• • ort~at.rn Univ.rsity .nd George •••hington Univeraity, wh.re h. received the BoA. in Bnglish liter.ture and 4i4. sa.. work tow.rd the ...ter'. in th.t subject. " :ai'" .;.J-I' j ~;,.",,, " " .(f. News Release GRADUATE RESEARCH CENTER O.F THE SOUTHWEST Uox 8178 DaHas, Texas 75205 SOUTHWEST CENTER }l'OR ADVANCED STUDIES I~I RELEASE - Dial 363-5211 Area Code 214 AI Mitchell Director of 1nformatioll At tile beginning' of World War II • .Mr. Canh. . was an in.tructor in _the_tic. at Ford Bngineering in Dearborn, Kichigan. 1942, he entered the U. S. Bavy air ara. In October of Be served on aircraft carrier. in the .acific and land-based boBbers in the Marianas. AttaChed to the naval air station at Corpus Christi near the .ad of the War, he served aa instructor in . .the..tics for a tt.e at Univer.ity of ~exas. Pro. 1946 to 1957 c~nd ~e he had various toura of overse.s duty, including of a group responsible fo~ the building and operation of naval air facilities at McMUrdo Sound and other Antarctic atationa in .upport of U. 8. efforst during the International Geophysical Year. Bi8 Antarctic service, extenaive .entagon duty, and hi. meeting ~ith Dr • •aul Siple and Dr. LIO¥d Berkner, eventually led to his a.sociation with the Center. ~ •• CaDhaa i8 the for. .r Betty Jane Savoie, a Michigan girl, "hOll Mr .. Canham _rried in Dalla. during the war. '!'bey are parents of 17-y.ar old ....la Lee, Susan Lynn, 11 years, and David III, 9 year. of age. --ai;--Al--4-21- J , ;
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