O ffice Use WL Date___________ Time Called_____________ Time Called_____________ Time Called_____________ Conf____________________ ASUM Child Care Preschool Center Enrollment Application & Contract Note: Completing this application does not guarantee enrollment Autumn semester enrollment will begin June. Summer Enrollment will begin in April. Spring semester enrollment will begin November. Faculty/Staff: Re-enrollment will occur each Autumn. Students: This Application is for Autumn/Spring/Summer of Year ( Please circle semester above ) Parent___________________________________________________________________________ ID#___________________________________ Local Address __________________________________________________ City _________________ St _________ Zip ___________________ 1st Parent’s Email ____________________________________________________________ Daytime Phone _____________________________ 2nd Parent’s Email ____________________________________________________________ Daytime Phone ____________________________ Child’s Name _____________________________________________________ Age _____________ Birthdate __________________________ General Health ________________________________________________ Adequately Immunized for Age: Yes _________ No _________ Status: Student _______ Faculty________ _____ Yes I am receiving U of M financial aid to assist me with payment of my child care services. _____No Staff _______ (see faculty/staff information on website) _____(initial if above is “Yes”), I understand that the full balance for the semester as contracted will be put on my account at the beginning of the semester and my financial aid will be used to pay my account. _____ Yes _____No I am participating in a State or Agency program that will be assisting me with payment of my child care services. Name of Agency/Program_________________________________________________________ _____(Initial if above is yes), I understand I will be responsible for any balance not paid by the State or Agency Program. st *********************************** rd Indicate 1 , 2nd, 3 Choice if Applicable summer. Centers may combine during breaks, and ___Early Learning I McGill Hall 001A Ages 19 mo.-3 yrs. 2 day enrollment minimum Student Rate--$32 per day Fac/Staff/Com. Rate--$720per mo. Pro-rated on # of days. ___Early Learning II Craighead 111A U. Villages Ages 19 mo.-3 yrs. 2 day enrollment minimum Rate--$32 per day Fac/Staff/Com. Rate--$720 per mo. Pro-rated on # of days ___Children’s Learning I McGill Hall 001 Ages 3-6 yrs. Completely toilet trained 2 day enrollment minimum Rate--$32 per day Fac/Staff/Com. Rate--$720 per mo. Pro-rated on # of days . ___Children’s Learning II Craighead 115A U. Villages Ages 3-6 yrs. Completely toilet trained. 2 day enrollment minimum Rate—Full Day--$32 per day AM (7:30-12:30)--$25 per day Hour-$6 per hr IF using at least 2 Full or AM days. Fac/Staff/Com. Rate--$720 per mo. Pro-rated on # of days Choose a Minimum of 2 Days Choose a Minimum of 2 Days Choose a Minimum of 2 Days M M M Choose a Minimum of 2 Days Write in AM/Full/or the hrs. M T W R F T W R F T W R F T W R F Upon submitting this application/contract you are agreeing to all policies, fees, deadlines etc. as indicated in the Enrollment and Billing Contract posted on the program’s web page at www.umt.edu/childcare. Signature ______________________________________________ Date _____________________ ID#__________________________________ Return this SIGNED Page to ASUM Child Care Preschool and Family Resources UC Room 119, U of M Missoula, MT 59812 Fax (406) 243-2531 Email lauralea.sanks@mso.umt.edu For more information please call (406)243-2542 or go to www.umt.edu/childcare. Thanks!
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